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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Just watched 'Come To Play' from 01/03/2011 with Seohyun and her unnies, all 5 parts, in Korean unfortunately.   Also, Na Young from WGM is MC.  Seohyun looks very pretty and talks about a lot of things, and the unnies talk about her.   There are a couple times whe they mention WGM + Yongseo.   Can anybody do English Translations of the Seohyun/WGM/Yongseo parts - please!?   All the unnies look like they have a really good time.   Seohyun even seems to talk/laugh & enjoy herself more than her usual  self.  She is becoming more confident, easy-going and relaxed on these shows!   She pairs up with, I think it's Leuteuk (sp.)?  They seem like friends, I don't know who he is - can anybody tell me?   Thanks much!

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Guest sweet_spy



Just watched 'Come To Play' from 01/03/2011 with Seohyun and her unnies, all 5 parts, in Korean unfortunately.   Also, Na Young from WGM is MC.  Seohyun looks very pretty and talks about a lot of things, and the unnies talk about her.   There are a couple times whe they mention WGM + Yongseo.   Can anybody do English Translations of the Seohyun/WGM/Yongseo parts - please!?   All the unnies look like they have a really good time.   Seohyun even seems to talk/laugh & enjoy herself more than her usual  self.  She is becoming more confident, easy-going and relaxed on these shows!   She pairs up with, I think it's Leuteuk (sp.)?  They seem like friends, I don't know who he is - can anybody tell me?   Thanks much!








If you ask who LeeTeuk is, he is Super Junior's leader so he's in the same agency as SNSD and i believe he's close to all 9 girls. He's one of Huyn's fanboy too i think; i've heard he adores SNSD maknae a lot (as an oppa and a fanboy of course) form a radio show months ago :D:D:D








And yeah, is there any kind soul who can translate the bits of CTP that mentions YongSeo? It came up rather often, didnt it? And the part when Huyn talked about boyfriends and stuff... blush.gif



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Guest justbulan









Just watched 'Come To Play' from 01/03/2011 with Seohyun and her unnies, all 5 parts, in Korean unfortunately.   Also, Na Young from WGM is MC.  Seohyun looks very pretty and talks about a lot of things, and the unnies talk about her.   There are a couple times whe they mention WGM + Yongseo.   Can anybody do English Translations of the Seohyun/WGM/Yongseo parts - please!?   All the unnies look like they have a really good time.   Seohyun even seems to talk/laugh & enjoy herself more than her usual  self.  She is becoming more confident, easy-going and relaxed on these shows!   She pairs up with, I think it's Leuteuk (sp.)?  They seem like friends, I don't know who he is - can anybody tell me?   Thanks much!








































here you go http://kissmez.tumblr.com/ 








































still not complete tough :P 

 She pairs up with, I think it's Leuteuk (sp.)?  They seem like friends, I don't know who he is - can anybody tell me?   Thanks much!








































basicly he is a leader of super junior and one of seohyun fan boy if i'm not wrong... he cares a lot for seohyun.. and mentioned her (along with yoona and taeyeon) as one of his ideal type.  In sukira he often get teased by eunhyuk and snsd because he oftenly shows an affection towards seohyun..  








































if i'm not wrong during the couple game.. they named their couple teukseo because of in WGM there's YongSeo :P









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Guest lunasol


Hi th smile.gif


Thank you for commenting on my post. As we both have discussed, there are many factors, pros and cons on wether Yongseo should announce that they are real or if their is possibility that their companies will accept them. The only thing we can be 100% sure is that it is going to be a blissful nightmare. Yes, blissful to Yongseo fans and maybe for them if they are tired of hiding, of not being able to talk or even look directly in the eyes when they are in public etc etc. At the same time Nightmare, because of the potential problems cause by jealous crazy fans. Lets just hope that if it happens the Blissful side will overcome the Nightmare and I know all of us will help win against it.




I loved listening to the  Idols comments on wether celebrities should announce they are dating. Everyone should watch it! (Cable_153_20101221_1549 chunk 4) In my opinion, both sides of the debate gave some pretty strong and valid reasons supporting either against or in favor. However, I disagree with Supreme Team manager's comment. According to the subs, he didn't say that album sales dropped because Simon D announce he had a gf, although at first it seemed like it. Instead, when he elaborated, the manager said and I quote the sub: "If he hadn't, I think 5,000 more albums would have been sold". If you notice, Hongki was in shock saying how could he be saying that because Supreme Team was on top of online charts and Simon D said their price for live performances even went up. I disagree with the managers comments because it seemed like a subjective opinion based on traditional/stereotypical beliefs that if you don't sell or you will sell less because the artist have a gf/bf. His claims should be supported by:




* Sales record previously were #@##@ and now they are ######, so there is a decrease of 5,000 compare the previous album. See the difference compared to the manager's speculative statement? But then again, who is saying the decrease in sales is because of the love relationship? Did they asked fans why they did not buy the new CD? Is it possible that the new CD was not sufficiently interesting to people compare to the previous ones? Every artist in the world do not have a constant increase in album sales numbers. Does that mean that all of them have a decrease or lack of increase because they are in a love relationship?




Don't get me wrong, I know that albums sales may decrease because of a love relationship, and probably would in the case of Korea, but should that always be accounted as the exclusive factor?




Also, Eunhyuk was saying that as stars, it is their obligation to keep selling the idea that they love the fans exclusively. As much as I love Eunhyuk, and I know it is something that must have been grilled to him as part of his job, I disagree. I think partly this is the root of the problem in Korean entertainment. The artists and agencies create some expectations, continuously encourage them and build the ideas and illusions to heightened proportions, and then when something appears that goes against these illusions (ex artist X is in love with Y), it is no surprising that some fans will feel in a way cheated.




So I disagree with Eunhyuk because his job is to perform and fans should admire and love his talent (in his case, his and his group dancing, his music, his rapping, radio host and MC skills) and not if he is single. Hongki clearly said something like this in the show when he was explaining his position of not against announcing he is dating by saying that he hopes that the fans are there for his music. Its like if you enter a relationship with someone, you expect that the person likes you for yourself and not because of your looks. Because I bet if you find out someone just want to date you because you are attractive you will feel in a way cheated and would not like that person with you, right? Besides, as Hongki said, how can fans expect/want him to sing about love if he does not experience it. In other words, fans should expect that celebrities are humans and may fall in love.




I also want to say that from personal/family experience, a highly successful career, fame, wealth, comfort does not bring real happiness. Believe me. Only love, being with your loved ones, is what matters in the end.




With Yongseo, I just hope that if they become real they will keep it to themselves and then announce it when THEY FEEL they are ready to let the World know, because IT IS THEIR PERSONAL LIFE. What I just don't want from them is that they will reject being together because they are scared of fans. As I said before, fans have the right to buy their albums, watch their movies/dramas, buy concert tickets, but they don't have the right to your heart. So please Yongseo, just love each other, either privately o publicly, if that is what it is in your hearts.




In the end, if one day comes that they are for real, lets just hope that the blissfulness surpasses the nightmare..... I know I will be there trying to shine a light when some may try to bring darkness.


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Guest lovekin


a dream song for sparrows


sigh. oh boy. okay, my belated new year's present to all of you. although, okay, just a warning for you underaged folks. i can't stop you and, well, it's not explicit at all. i promise you that, but there are suggestive themes. i'm not the type to write anything graphic, so you don't have to worry about that but, again, you never know. sweatingbullets.gif i'm honestly embarrassed to have written this. it's not the first time i've done it, but i've done it with fictional characters so i kind of had to write this as though i were writing about original characters. lame~




anyway, kind of dedicated to quisty86 because she suggested the song that inspired this (bloodstream by stateless).





I think I might have inhaled you. Yonghwa, Seohyun, and their world above all the rest.



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Guest MountainMadman

Hi everyone. It's been a while since I've checked.

About the DCMarried posting that everyone's been worried about...relax, it's nothing major. Just a poster that was very very sad because his good friend who he thought was a YongSeo fan turned out to be an anti, or something like that. Fully comprehending Korean internet slang is yet out of my reach, so not 100% guaranteed that they're right, but it's the general gist.

Anyways, I have a new fanfiction posted at Gogumafics. Since I can't update Love Story for a while (since I left my notes back in my dorm room), I sat down and wrote up a quick oneshot. Hope you like.


EDIT: Lovekin: love your story, although it wasn't as half as steamy as you made it out to be...you got me all excited. ;)

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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































I'm going crazy:wub:I've found this article in DCmarried. Pls translate to us!!!!
















































































































































소녀시대 서현이 시어머니와 첫 대면을 하게 됐다.














































































































서현은 최근 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결) 촬영에서 씨엔블루 정용화의 고향인 부산을 방문하게 됐다. 서현은 부산역으로 마중 나온 정용화의 어머니와 함께 해운대일식집에서 식사를 하게 됐다.






























































































































상도동 새댁 서현은 시어머니와의 첫 만남에 잔뜩 긴장했다. 서현은 시어머니에게 친근하게 다가가기 위해 부산 억양과 제스처를 연마하고 평소와 다른 식성을 보였다.






























































































































서현은 과연 며느리로 합격점을 받을 수 있을까?






























































































































8일 오후 5시 10분 방송.






























































































































[뉴스엔 엔터테인먼트부]





























































































































































































기사제보 및 보도자료 무단전재 & 재배포 금지
































































































































































































































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Guest lovekin


OMFG, THAT PICTURE, YOU GUYS. SOMEONE SPAZZ WITH ME, QUICK. i'm sorry, no offense meant, but since this has been a long time coming, this was so much more satisfying that KT leaning on each other and sleeping and omg, stop it. sorry, engaging in delusional stan moment here, but THEY ARE OMG CUTE and dating. yes, they're dating. i know this is something i would pooh-pooh at, but forget it, forget it, this is ridiculous. they are such an awesome pair. this soompi thread is going to explode and die. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif but it's okay, i will pick up the pieces and fit you guys together!




also, clarification please! was the banmal song episode recorded before or after busan? if it was before, that was some wicked foreshadowing on seo's part!




mountainmadman: lmao, sorry, it was to be on the safe side! sweatingbullets.gifi'm not really the type to make it hot and steamy, good sir. tongue.gif


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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to CheriMerci for the tip.

SNSD's Seohyun met her mother-in-law for the first time.

She recently visited Yonghwa's hometown, Busan, during filming for 'We Got Married' (WGM). She had dinner at a Japanese restaurant in Haewoondae with Jung Yonghwa's mother, who met her at the train station.

The Sangdo-dong wife Seohyun displayed nervousness at their first meeting. In order to get closer to her mother-in-law, she showed interest in Busan accent and customs and showed a different eating habit than normal.

Will she able to receive a passing grade as a housewife?

Broadcast on the 8th, 5:10 PM.

소녀시대 서현이 시어머니와 첫 대면을 하게 됐다. 

서현은 최근 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결) 촬영에서 씨엔블루 정용화의 고향인 부산을 방문하게 됐다. 서현은 부산역으로 마중 나온 정용화의 어머니와 함께 해운대 한 일식집에서 식사를 하게 됐다. 

상도동 새댁 서현은 시어머니와의 첫 만남에 잔뜩 긴장했다. 서현은 시어머니에게 친근하게 다가가기 위해 부산 억양과 제스처를 연마하고 평소와 다른 식성을 보였다. 

서현은 과연 며느리로 합격점을 받을 수 있을까?

8일 오후 5시 10분 방송. 

That picture...KYAAAAAAAAAA w00t.gif

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[b]CheriMerci U're so quick! I just saw that at Goguma Baidu Bar.

using google translate, it seemed to be talking about their Busan Trip. They went to a Sushi Bar with Yong's mother and either Yong or Hyun was so nervous?!...

Most importantly, it will be aired this Sat (8 Jan 2011)

edit: thanks Mountainmadman, I wish that today was 8 Jan

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@CheriMerci OMG!!!! I'm crazy toooo :D thank youuu  for sharing :)















































































you know?? My heart is dugeun dugeun right now!!! Oh my... oh my... speechless...















































































what a beautiful couple are they??? :wub:






























































































































huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. I'm in GOCHUN right now!!






























































































































@MountainMadMan thank you so much for the translate :) 









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OMG! That picture! Omg I'm dying of too much sweetness here! YongSeo couple is super duper adorable! They're sleeping with their specs on! and wth? How can two people look so beautiful when they're sleeping? YongSeo couple, I order you to date and marry for real! 


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Guest uh-ohxev
































































I am so unbelievably happy and excited for Saturday! How I pray that our couple will get additional airtime for this special episode! I wouldn't mind if they extend the busan trip to 3 episodes if needed.. I want to see everything! Now the wait for Saturday is killing me more than usual!

















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Guest sweet_spy












OMG!!!!!!!!I cant contain after seeing that picture
























The news already make me squeal in joy for i've been waiting for this busan trip since forever; and they had to include that picture of them sleeping-while-leaning-on-each-other..gawhhhhhhhhh...can they get any cuter than this??? Aigoo, what did YongSeo do to me??? I see a picture of them and my heart seems to burst out of happiness! XDXDXDXD
























Now i know why Yong did not seem surprised when Huyn put her head on his shoulder in the last episode. Well, because he is so used to it by now =^____________^=
























Kekekeke, both of them were sleeping with glasses on? Couple much? :wub::wub::wub:















And they were sharing the same jacket to cover themselves...awww...who knows they might be holding hands underneath... :w00t:















ok ill stop now before my imagination runs too far...



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Guest lunasol


CheriMerci!!! OMG




OR shoould I say like Lovekin OMFG!!!!!  OH, WOW!!!




Ok, now..need to answer lovekin




Lovekin, they filmed Busan awhile ago and the Banmal youtube video just recently on Dec 26.




Going back to spazz again!!








So the photo was taken on the way to Busan? Was it taken while recording for the show or just somebody took it? 






CheriMerci!! Seriously, how could you do this to me! I was going to sleep because it is almost 3:00 am and you posted that photo! I am still speechless with just a huge smile on my face just watching and re-watching the pic hahaha


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Guest chilipadi_22

just saw that article on baidu goguma forum on my itouch and wanted to share it immediately so i went to switch on my com.

but when i came to this thread, it seems that someone was faster then me!!

oh, even the translations are out!!! OMG!!!!

yongseo leaning on each other and sleeping!!

is is just me, why do i think that yong moved towards hyun in order for her to lie on his shoulder??

as we can see from the picture, yong is seating halfway onto hyun's side???

OMG!!! its gonna air this saturday???

this is so exciting!

i cant wait any longer!

saturday palli come!! :)

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Guest teuksunghae



wait wait wait

I came home and then BAM !!

THAT PICTURE IS JUST WOW ! sorry for the caps... but HAPPY SPAZZING!!!sweatingbullets.gif


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Guest toomuchsmiling












were they really sleeping or just faking it so they could LEAN ON EACH OTHER????? :lol:




MountainMadMan- as always, MANY THANKS!!!!!! :w00t: FINALLY, i could cry tears of joy but i'm too happy to cry so right now i'm smiling 'til it HURTS. hahahaha!!! THE BUSAN EP. AT LAAAAAAAAAAAAST!! it looks every bit as PROMISING AS I IMAGINED IT WOULD BE!




Looking forward to it IMMENSELY. let's spazz the way only we gogumas can!!!! :D


lol, i am NOT EVEN KIDDING wen i say i could stare at that photo all week long until the episode airs. :blink:


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Guest omgirly






OMG!!!  *spazz, spazz, spazz!*




I've been lurking the thread here these past weeks and absolutely had to come out of hiding to comment on this awesome tip and pic from CheriMerci. Thank you so much for posting it here! And thanks to Mountainmadman for the quick translation of the article.  The PDs are totally having their way with us. I mean, everytime I think things can't get any more awesome, stuff like this gets released.  Seriously... This. Is. Awesome. Totally made my day. 







btw, wasn't there something swirling around about yuri filming with them before the busan filming? maybe just a rumor? like the aquarium? ah, you know what? forget it. i don't need to know... 












nothing else matters right now. wub.gif


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Guest crushh_11

OMO! that picture!!! i nearly faint...they totally look like a couple now! now my imagination won't stop!LOL.. now i want to fast forward the days, to be saturday... can't wait till the 8th of January!!!!  thank you CherciMerci!!! you are now my favorite person here in Soompi!LOL...Thank YOu!

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