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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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panGG! u eagle eye u! haha! tks so much for that redcarpet wallie.

i did mention that someone should do a wallie of yongseo on the redcarpet..

so tks again!

wow! didn't realise hyun's dress has a high slit! sexy buin!

with this pea brain of mine, i am s.l.o.w.l.y trying to absorb everyone's POV,

all i can say is that..thank u!

lots of good pointers there which someone like me fail to see..

wait, not fail to see...but its more like trying to avoid.. :sweatingbullets:

the ring...we shall see if yongseo wears them on the Melon Award this 15th Dec.

degeun degeun..

and then there's the tweeter thing.

when i read the first translated tweet by MC Kim, i thought he was talking

abt yongseo's deleted scenes, and i was thinking..

for him to tweet it, won't it make the pd unhappy with him later?

and now with the 2nd tweet, it turns out that he

was talking abt the 300th day yongseo ann. banner.. :sweatingbullets:

someone needs to tweet to him back and tells him not to quit!

*maybe he's just joking...but still* :rolleyes:

hi hi mrsjoker..

abt your Q..

What is your hunch about YongSeo? are they REEL? or are they REAL?.

for me..of course they are real !! :wub:

i go with my feelings more than my brain..

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OMG!!! I´m spazzing like mad because of the post of mrsjoker and lunasol ^^, you gogumas are so daebak!!!
































































































































mrsjoker!, my answer is REAL REAL REAL :wub:... I´m like you I preffer to forget about mind and just feel them... what amazing feelings I get when I just feel them :rolleyes:.
































































































































lunasol: that fancam!!! OMG, I just read the Jossa latest fanfic and I think she might be using the translation for YongHwa´s speech?, I don´t really know, and by the way, what amazing fic ^^!
































































































































I love Jessica unnie!!!! ... you know, I think unnies are behaving "weird", really "weird":wub:.
































































































































I was spazzing about our YongSeo calendar too, thanks caliope ,I´m dying for Busan trip!.































































































































































































































































genevieveshaun: I really loved your post!! :rolleyes:
































































































































Just a spazzing post, sorry gogumas, thank you for all!! I´m loveing the idol constest! I wish I could sing well -_-...

































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Guest zztingling
































































































Hi..... I found a youtube video on "Sukira with the 91Line Boys" [My link] whereby most of the -91 boys chose Seohyun as their favourite -91 girl. I would like to know what they're saying on the radio program.....Does anyone know of any Eng or chinese subbed versions of the videos?
































Thanks! :P

































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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to lunasol for the fancam:


This was during Yonghwa's acceptance speech for CN BLUE' s award.

From reading Jessica's lips, I would be willing to bet my entire fortune that at around the 0:11 mark, Jessica cried out "What about Seohyun?!!"

Aww...poor Jessica, she was upset that Seohyun didn't get a shout-out. ^_^

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Guest scatterbrain



first of all, we'd like to thank everyone who has supported and loved us since our debut. now we'll put our hearts in order to become a charismatic band. thank you everyone, we'll work hard."

Yonghwa was ending his speech without mentioning seohyun, that's why she teased the couple by saying "How about SeoHyun!!! our Seohyun is here!"

my POV, yonghwa didn't mention specific names in his speech, other members mentioned their fans, parents.their company... whereas yonghwa said "everyone". he purposely avoided mentioning names coz he would want to say seohyun(i strongly believe so, coz she has supported him 100%. remember when yong was diagnosed with vocal nodule, hyun's mp3 player full of CNB songs, books that she gave ) but he couldn't. so he said everyone instead.

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































can anyone confirm this??






























I just saw a post in SNSD thread saying that SNSD might not attend GAYO festivals since they are going to Japan to appear on the 52th Japan Record Award.  Gayo festival is on the 29th or 30th of december?. If it's 30th of december then we won't have any Yongseo moments in the award, and Yong is going to be the MC right?

















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Whether they are real or not, one will never know until one of them come out to the public and declare it so. However at this point, I don't think neither one of them will admit nor deny that fact. At most they'll give the excuse that they are just close friends, in which I'd like to strongly disagree or deny. YongHwa is pouring out his raw feelings to this girl whether conscious or not, he knows what he is doing and risking to have come this far with SeoHyun. Some may argue that he is an actor and therefore he is just acting out of transference (when actors give it their all to act as if he/she is truly in love with his partner), but why in the world would he go an extra mile to buy a plot of goguma land (small or big does not matter) so he will be the first and hopefully last to give her something so memorable. Why would he make a guide book out of the blue during the push-pull situation? At that time, YongHwa was contemplating where the relationship is heading and was curious as to how and what or who SeoHyun is committed to. He wanted to confirm SeoHyun's feelings if she was doing things because of the show since it is her job after all, or was she like that because she has invested her feelings in him as well.


YongHwa who pays so much attention to the little things she say or does, it is hard not to think that the boy still sees her in the friendship zone. Yong, who has composed or written at least two songs for her, "Love Light" and "Banmal," it is hard to be inspired by something unless the feelings are so profound. I am a believer that YongHwa is the type who can express his feelings better in written language than spoken. He sounds rough but he is truly a gentleman and a sensitive romanticist at that. I also believe YongHwa did compose "I Don't Know Why" with thoughts of Hyun.


The lyrics are subtle and seemed like they were put there as if he was just writing whatever he felt like, and at that time, the push-pull season was in session. I've no doubts Yong was feeling a little insecure as to where their relationship stood at that point of time. It may not have been purely about SeoHyun but more of the feelings of insecurity with his relationship with someone and ironically his confidence that his feelings will reach through that person.


As for SeoHyun, I have always been worried to whether this girl might get her heart broken or not when the show is over and I am just so glad that she got paired up with such a thoughtful, mature and father-like man, YongHwa. She is in good hands and I've no doubt she has developed feelings for him as well. It may not be as deep as Yong's but it definitely exists. As I've mentioned before, SeoHyun is a very traditional type of Asian woman compared to those around her. As I am one myself, I do find it hard to just suddenly display or engage intimacy or "skinship" with the opposite sex. That person must either be a part of my family, one of my closest friends or my boyfriend. And for her to suddenly hold Yong during the Japan trip (an armlock at that, very intimate and very much like the one's they do on weddings) is a very bold declaration of her feelings, that yes, she does like him more than just any guy friend she has.


When she thanked him for taking care of her and for letting her open up more, she gritted her teeth for it was that hard for her to sincerely thank him for that. She may have wanted to say something else but she stopped herself.


At the awards night, she could hardly contain herself when she realized CNBLUE won. She looked like one proud girlfriend. Not just any friend.


She bought new rings for them and modeled them after their engagement ring. Now they have wedding rings!! \(^o^)/ W00T!! Anyway, she could have bought new ones and much better looking ones but she chose to keep the original design. It shows just how much of an impact YongHwa left in her, the importance of their first meeting. It shows the world that she is claiming him to be hers. Literally.



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- when Hyun roared at him while playing catch-me

- when Hyun said it's funny to look at people upside down








- Hyun laughing so hard (after looking at him upside down) and told him he looked like an octopus








- Hyun saying "Get lost" with that cool hand gesture








- Hyun telling him he must have composed something weird with something like gogumas








- Hyun thanking him in banmal at the end...he laughed so hard















I watched the episode again last night and spazzed so hard over those scenes. It (and their whole dinner scene) was all so...so...comfortable and carefree. I found Yonghwa to be so sexy in those scenes. I just adore it when guys are laid back and just being in the moment. He was just leaning back in his chair listening and conversing with his girl and ajmelsuoijdk he was soooo sexy. And Hyun could not be anymore adorable even if she tried. Her randomness was so cute and had me laughing along with Yong. I really enjoy the moment she accidently lets out that she doesn't practice the guitar anymore. Yong's reaction was so real and cute and Hyun trying to defend herself and this thing she did in the chair was adorable. I die of grinning happiness every time I think about it.








Someone further up mentioned loving the little things like not the skinmanship but the comfortable silence as they look at the moon; I adore those little things too. When you have reached a level of ease and comfortableness in your relationship where every moment doesn't have to be filled with words and you can walk along the beach holding hands and not say anything because simply doing that is enough. Or you sit in a restaurant and make silly faces at each other (so cute) or that look and slight smile (it's a blink and you'll miss it moment) Yong gets when he and Hyun are talking and she's fixing the mike on her shirt and he allows a small look at what her hands are doing and aklipkglk I just found it to be so real and cute. I don't know I just love it when a guy pays attention to and finds it cuteness in things that other would ignore or not care about.



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XD I've been away over the weekend and Only just watched the episode today...not sure if anyone noticed but..butterfly necklace :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But back to this ep in general....I think this ep is a showcase of why we love YS! If I were seeing someone, I would like to be like them. Always joking, always smiling (even when during the mildang period)...Life is happier like this :). They're so comfortable with each other but yet seem so happy to kid around...If you've ever been like this you'll know what I mean! Being is this state makes a person very happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(Didn't the bro in laws say that YH became much more cheerful since WGM? hehe and I forgot who but YH's songs are getting brighter and brighter...he's a happy man) 

































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you guys are brave, touching on a topic which i so far daren't think too deeply - what if the filming of yongseo ends ? how will yong and hyun be ? how will their relationship be ?




i am a fan of lettuce couple in season 1. they are the most natural couple in that season and until now, i still believe that they did not act in wgm. but somehow because hb is mature enough to control her own feelings, their story ended up as it is now. khj at that time was still young and did not have any acting experience (season 1 was filmed before he filmed his first drama). he was still less experienced in controlling his feelings and expression well. i trust what khj talked about himself for being blunt, not being able to do things people force him to do. he was truely comfortable with the moments with hb. before writing this message, i went to rewatch their last scene - on the hill top, they talked about their own feelings towards each other. khj asked hb not to go to juji island with her future husband because he was sure she would memorize him. how heartbreaking scene it is !... and hb's tears were just falling without stop and khj's teary eyes.... like hb said, if she had a second chance to choose whether to join the program or not, she would choose not to join because it's so hard. i think what she actually meant is that though the idea of the program is good to bring out the happiness of a couple, but when they are "divorced" and everything (including their love to each other) has to start from scratch. it's easier said than done. how come the feelings could start from scratch ? then khj became famous because of his success in his first drama... became busier... that's all within hb's expectation... she knew her little hubby would end up to be a big star... khj knew it too... that's why he gave her a big star at their last night in juji island to accompany her..... after wgm, i could not see the little hubby in khj anymore.




what i mean is .... sometimes not because they want to let things go that way, but the reality changes everything and erodes their feelings. i don't mean that yong and hyun will have a sad ending. honestly, they are a really positive and happy couple and they really receive a lot of love from their team members, their seniors, their companies, their managers. all these make impossible things for idols to be possible. they could wear their couple rings all the times at different programs, even in their own asia tours. they talked about each other when having their own interviews in tv and radio.




if their filming really ends, i would be little worried about hyun. i am afraid that she would get hurt. can she accept the separation with her first "oppa" ? will she go back to be a quiet girl without yong's lead ? will she express her own feelings anymore as what she did to yong ? but when i thought of how she went through the 'push and pull' game, i started to believe that at that moment, she has already realised the pain. it showed that she was strong and brave to face her own true feelings, not hiding away anymore. she knew her wall to love and realised if she did not break it, it hurts her relationship with yong. so she chose to break it for yong. then i realised she might already prepare for the end.




if it ends, for yong, will he be too concentrated on his music and slowly let hyun out of his life ? that's what he wanted to test his own bottom line in the 'push and pull' game, but he said it's hard. he had to control himself well not to call hyun.




....ohhhhh.... i don't want to think about these three letters "e..n..d" anymore. i can't bear three-letter words anymore. "bye" won't be "good". four-letter words are much better - yong, hyun, love


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Guest lunasol






Thank you for the speech translation! I already knew he didn't mention her and is completely understandable. In fact, obsessive irrational fans would also have been angry if he mentioned her name in what they consider a CNBLUE exclusive special moment. It won't matter to them if that person clearly have been an important person in his life throughout this year even as just a friend.




Still, it was funny seeing Jessica's reaction hahahaha  Its like her unnies know he can't mention her but at the same time some part of them wish he did biggrin.gif




In my opinion, he didn't even need to mention her name. Just watching when he walked to the stage he looked for her and at that moment is when he automatically smiled while they said hi to each other. It was a super sweet happy smile (does someone have a good cap?). That personal acknowledgement between each other in a moment were I bet his heart is running 100 miles per hour and feeling a rush of different emotions, from nervousness to euphoria, is what makes it special. I think that if I was in his situation, especially an award winner rookie, I would just be feeling dazed, confused, excited, nervous of what I am going to say in front of all my peers and fans, and I would only really noticed loved ones (family, close friends) if they are near me.


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Since everyone was sharing their favourite moment a few pages back, haha decided to share mine here...AHHH so many to choose from!! But I think the best was when Hyun was expecting Yong to hold her hands again after yong showed her his dance in the CF. Haha i rewatched it thousand of times and some Goguma FBIs have mentioned,revealing how hyun wants to hold yongs hands (lol craving for skinship now huh hyun...in a way) haha I found Hyun's hand a little awkward when i first watched it, adn she was looking down at his hands then the moemnt came when they held hands again. Went AWWW...sweet to the max!! It then struck me, Hyun wants to hold hands with Yong haha it was so in the face...sweet and cute...





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Guest pen(..^^..)




































whoa this thread is moving really really fast xDDD
































hard to catch up but i'm happy as a part of this goguma village :D
































panGG: another great artworks of your..love ittt <3333
































lunasol: thank you for the fancam's link :D
































just watched the fancam, that was cute <333
































never seen sica like that b4 so far LOL! so she has given her permission to yong! :wub:
































what a great family :DDDD
































they both will attend the melon music awards at desember 15th right? so we can anticipate another yongseo moment..i'm super excited :wub:
































and also on friday, their group SNSD & CN Blue are confirmed to perform at the music bank..can't wait for another sweet yongseo moments <333 (based on kbsmusicbank's twitter)



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Guest ninyaah
































































































































































































































































































































































































































crystalblue: I'm a big fan of your posts. You always manage to keep a balance between what's real and what we'd like to be real. I liked your perspective regarding the Adam and Khuntoria couple as written in your spoiler box because the truth is, I feel the same way about them. I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets that vibe from the other couples.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lunasol: Thank you for the fancam! Jessica is one of my biases so I'm super ecstatic to see her reaction towards YongSeo.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Who wouldn't want them to be real? Yonghwa and Seohyun's 'love story' is straight out of a romance novel: the beautiiful bookworm who has her entire life all planned out in her white diary and the charming rocker who attracts all the girls but makes music as if his life depended on it. Two people belonging on oppossite sides of the pole are thrown together by... fate? It was awkward at first, very awkward, but because of time, patience  and a little thing called milddang in the way, they both realized they couldn't live without the other. 
































































































































































































































































































































































If only it was THIS easy for them to have a happily ever after. It's not impossible, but their status as famous idols is only one of the many factors that would prevent them if ever they decided that they like each other for real and would want to continue their relationship off-cam. Regarding what I think about their feelings for each other: I do think they like each other, not as friends, but as something more. As to what extent, that I can't answer.
































































































































































































































































































































































This is why I was spazzing so much when I watched the GDA fancams, because that was one of the rare instances wherein I was able to take a peek at how their relationship is progressing off-cam. I was especially spazzing when Seohyun stood up and clapped when CN Blue won. It's the kind of thing that girlfriends do when their other half has accomplished something significant. The unnies' reactions were also a dead giveaway. I loved how Jessica was mouthing, 'What about Seohyunnie?!' while Yonghwa was giving his speech at the GDA (Thank you lunasol for the fancam!). Jinwoon pushing Yonghwa to SNSD's table after the girls won was also an obvious sign. If there was nothing between them, why would he hesitate to go their table? He looked really shy and vulnerable at that moment. Maybe he was restraining himself because he might just hug her if he approached their table. Just kidding <3
































































































































































































































































































































































What makes them different from the other couples is that despite their young age, they're both very mature and level-headed. Yonghwa might have his choding moments (which I freaking love) from time to time, but that has been nothing but helpful in making Seohyun feel comfortable with his presence. I don't think they'll be like the other couples who acted indifferent after the show, because I trust our couple. 'Expect the unexpected from YongSeo.' That is one of the most memorable lines from this thread and one which applies to my belief that even after the show ends, they'll still be there for each other. Seohyun and Yonghwa strike me as the type of people who value their relationships with other people. They're both thoughtful and care deeply for their loved ones, so it wouldn't make any sense if they stopped communicating after their WGM stint ends.
































































































































































































































































































































































Is it possible for them to date after the show ends? Why not? If they can make it work, I'll be the luckiest shipper alive. Companies can only do so much to restrict idols from dating. It is discouraged, but not prohibited. How can they control hormonally-charged teenagers from exploring the dating scene? That would be futile and a total waste of time. And I do think my favorite idols date behind the cameras. I've watched a lot of SNSD variety shows, and the members talk with so much expertise when it comes to relationships. Haha. Besides, they have their own lives, too. They can only give so much to their fans.
































































































































































































































































































































































If I could sum everything in one word regarding the latest episode: DAEBAK.
































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you to everyone who shared translations, screencaps, pictures, etc. You guys are amazing!

































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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong all goguma shippers...^_^




I'm old spazzers but this is my first time I share my thought since the first time in here....







Thanks everyone for sharing all your thought in here, I really love reading all your post ...







I'm so sorry, since the first time in here I just can share my fmv or fanart, I seldom or never sharing my thought about yongseo in here.







Coz my english is not really good, so I just can show my love and care to yongseo couple and to yongseo shippers through my FMV and Fanart, although I know My creations is not really good as others but I try my best for support yongseo, and all my family in here ( goguma shippers).







So I wanna thanks to everyone... I know most all of you in here are busy people, but in your busy time, you stil support yongseo couple. with Fanfics, Fanart, FMV, Caps, sharing your thought, gifs, and all goodies about yongseo couple. I really really apreciate it....




Maybe sometimes we argue about yongseo, but I know..in the end all of you in here for the same reason...for support yongseo couple. Of course in different ways....




I know Maybe we are not know each other....and maybe we never meet in real life, but................







I always remember all of you in my mind.







In my heart...there are lovely space  "GOGUMA FAMILY" .




I don 't know why, but I'm crying now  :tears:




so K. A. M .S. A .H. A. M. N. I. D. A. everyone (who knows..maybe someday  we can really meet in real life)




I just want yongseo couple and everyone in here find the true happiness.....

























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Guest .:love_ya:.
















































































Good morning guys!
































































Whoever is having their finals this week, GOOD LUCK!! ^^ Don't die (although I am right now) cuz we gotta survive for another DAEBAKK episode this Saturday! ^^ I wanna know WHAT WERE THE LYRICS YONG PURPOSELY MESSED UP ON!!!! kyahhhh
































































so I was rewatching the new episode, aw~~ and I saw this from Hyun that somehow reminds me of what I've seen Yong doing, but then I can't remember in which episode I saw that. You know the one when he closes his eyes and tilt his head back a little.
































































part 2 @ 2:48
































































































































and I also noticed this :D when Yong said saranghae (did he say it only once and they edited it so it looks like he said it twice, or did he say it twice?) Hyun kinda looked away :D they were too shy too look at each other while those sensitive words were being said hehe









































































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Guest Crystal392










Phew! Finally I made some time to read all your posts. Like mrsjoker, I can relate to almost every post. ^^ Thanks for sharing your thoughts Gogumas. I won't say more about it because I feel lots of people have already said what I think so it would be kind of pointless to repeat it hehehe Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts :)


















We may have different opinions but we all love love love YongSeo and we just want them to be happy ^_^


















lunasol: Here you can find a video with eng subs of CNBLUE's speech at GDA. YongHwa begins to talk at 1:15:

























ichigo: *hugs* we are a Goguma family.... :)


















:love_ya:: I think he just said it once, but they repeated the scene so we would see Yong's face when he said it and then Hyun's face when he said it. :P


















Thanks to everyone who has shared info, translations, links, fic, screencaps and lots of things YongSeo related :D

























































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Guest lovekin



Hey...come to think of it... Can i ask you guys something... among us avid lovers of YongSeo, if we put aside our "rational mind" and just go with a hunch, a feeling... What is your hunch about YongSeo? are they REEL? or are they REAL?. Candid feeling...don't even spent 5 seconds to think... Just answer this, after spending more than 8 months on this goguma heaven and have seen their relationship grew, how they interact, etc... Are they REEL? or are they REAL?

My candid answer will be... REAL.

To Lovekin :

Just to clear things up, Did i implicated that wearing the ring = they are dating ? The answer is No. I did not meant my post to have an implication of the ring = they're dating, when i say real, I meant it as a word. as Real. and to that I was referring to a Real Feeling/Emotion invested between them.

I agree that we are in a different set of standpoint when talking about the Ring, and i do appreciate it. I was struck a little by your post, because it comes off as if your saying that my standpoint is "ridiculous" because i was making huge assumption, but i know that's not what you meant. Anyway, I am more of a dreamer as a person so i can't help to view it in a "dreamy" kind of way. For a dreamer kind of person or at least to me, I think the ring was kinda like "a red string" that differs between reel and real with YongSeo. A symbol of romanticism in a way? yes...i think so but i am not "blinded" by the ring per say ^_^ . And although i completely agree with what you said that a relationship isn't always hindered by an object, But it's really a two side mirror because sometimes an object is a symbol of a relationship. (is it not?...could be...).

Ah but Lovekin...really you are right by saying that this ring issue is really like beating a dead horse. LOL. Everyone's POV can be logically and illogically correct depends on again what do we want to believe.

*sigh* sorry if i am being such a "dreamer" but that's just who i am. That being said, the reality of YongSeo, are they dating or not dating in real life is something that i think only time can tell us the answer. And so for now i forego any exccesive "dreamy" thought /interpretation i have about them because to me the definition of reel and real has been blurt out completely by Them to the point I think it will be safer for my heart to just be a good spectator Noona/Unnie and just be grateful of this supposed love story that is uniquely YongSeo. :wub:








Did i implicated that wearing the ring = they are dating?  The answer is No.




hence why i apologized in advance if i misunderstood your message following the sentence in which i presumed you to be doing so.





I agree that we are in a different set of standpoint when talking about the Ring, and i do appreciate it. I was struck a little by your post, because it comes off as if your saying that my standpoint is "ridiculous" because i was making huge assumption, but i know that's not what you meant. Anyway, I am more of a dreamer as a person so i can't help to view it in a "dreamy" kind of way. For a dreamer kind of person or at least to me, I think the ring was kinda like "a red string" that differs between reel and real with YongSeo. A symbol of romanticism in a way? yes...i think so but i am not "blinded" by the ring per say




some of the things i said in my last comment weren't entirely directed at you.  but i do think there is some disingenuousness to pass off our observations as fact, but this is just my personal opinion and is directed to the general audience and not necessarily to you.  i don't think i've ever made my perspective a very big secret.  ironically, because this is a yongseo forum, it should be implicitly understood that when we're being "dreamy," that there is an understanding that we are making comments beyond what we know to be true - because there are things we will never know.




but this doesn't mean i don't have my moments because i do.  i think the only difference is that i like to specifically state that i am posing a theory or assumption (e.g., "yong and seo have potential as a couple) and using keywords like seem, could, possibly, etc.  obviously, not many people like the way i sometimes present my observations/analyses, but i just really don't like to say "they're together" when the reality is that "they have potential [to be together]."  i guess i just don't like providing false hope, even if we all know that yongseo could go two different ways.




by the way, i am not saying that you are being disingenuous.  i understand that you feel strongly about yongseo and like to think they have real feelings, a point that i do agree with.  yong and seo, while stubborn, have come across as being honest about their personas, so there is no denying that the way they interact with each other is real and, conclusively, what they feel for each other in the moment is real as well.  nonetheless, that's just a result of basic human interaction.




what it all comes down to, basically, is that i can be a romanticist and, therefore, i do understand where you're coming from, but i just like to remind others that i'm sharing my opinions from a hypothetical standpoint ... even if they already know this prior to reading anything i've written.  that's just me.





i do respect your opinion, and i'm sure - as many others have proven - that a lot of people here appreciate your perspective.  but, like you said, this is where we differ.  and i know this wasn't directed at me, per se, but never apologize for being a "dreamer."  if you are, then say it with conviction without feeling like you need to stand up for yourself; you don't need to.




*note that some bits of my response weren't entirely related to your initial comment.






as for your question, i do think that they're real in the sense that they haven't been fake on-screen.  and i think that "realness" is a testament to how they approach relationships - honestly and with dedication.


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:DSo we’re all getting worried about THE END, THE RINGS, and REEL VS.  REAL again, huh?

Well, there’s really not much we can do about it, so we just need to sit back, hold tight and enjoy the journey Yong and Hyun are taking us on.  We can analyze, discuss, and read meaning into every one of their looks, expressions, body language, and conversations.   But we’ll never really know what the whole truth is, will we?

My POV – Yong is deeply ‘in love’ with Hyun.  I think he has realized he has found, purely by luck or fate, a rare diamond of a girl who is beautiful, smart, innocent, cute/ sexy, talented, unique, modest yet determined to succeed and with a loving and caring heart.  Yong will do everything in his power to ensure that Hyun’s heart is not damaged by this relationship.  He will protect her from all harm, even if it means he has to take a ‘hit’ against himself to protect her.

My POV – Hyun is (as far as she can tell) ‘in love’ with Yong.  Her innocence and lack of experience in this area means she doesn’t know what love for someone outside of her family and her unnies should feel like, this is a new feeling for her, so she is more cautious in expressing how she feels.  She is taking all of these experiences with Yong into her heart and mind and analyzing them, trying to sort it all out.  I think this is why during filming she often doesn’t show much emotion, but in the backroom interviews, after she has thought out what happened in the episode, she will express how she really felt at the time and even says on occasion ‘I didn’t know how to express myself at that time’.   I think she believes she is really lucky to have gotten Yong as a partner on WGM.  He’s handsome, talented, smart, and funny yet driven to succeed at his dreams.   He also has a loving and caring heart.

My POV - From the actions of her SNSD unnies, the CN Blue bother-in-laws, the MCs on WGM, Hyun’s manager and the fan accounts about the WGM PDs, writers and filming crew being so close, I don’t think there is any way you can say there is nothing going on between Yong and Hyun outside of WGM!  Everyone knows it’s real, and actions speak louder than words.   Latest clue, Hyun and the SNSD unnies reaction to CN Blue winning the award at the Golden Disk Awards.   Actions louder than words.    

My POV - So yeah, I believe it is REAL, and WGM is the only way this relationship could have happened, and they both understand that truth also.   They wouldn’t have had time for each other outside of WGM.  Their schedules wouldn’t allow it.  How much they actually see of each other outside of WGM is anybody’s guess.  They obviously text, maybe even call each other on the phone.  They monitor each other’s activities as much as possible.   They see each other at performances, but if they actually do more than bow, wave or high five/hold hands briefly I can’t say.  I think outside of WGM they have to keep it really low key, especially on rival network’s shows.

My POV - I honestly think they will try to extend their time on WGM as long as possible.   Because they know that once it ends, their available time to be together will be limited by their schedules and they won’t see each other as much as they get to see each other on WGM.  As long as both their management companies see WGM as beneficial to Yong and Hyun’s professional careers they will be allowed to continue.

My POV - When THE END comes, I think they will try to continue their relationship (as boyfriend/girlfriend) but it will be all hush-hush and low key and there will not be much in the media about it.  I don’t think their management companies can stop them from dating, as long as their dating doesn’t gather up too much media attention and then irritate their rabid fans.  If the fans catch wind of it and start a stink – then I think their management company may put pressure on them to end the relationship.  Or choose – your career or your love life, which do you want to keep?  I think it will be very hard on them once WGM ends.  I hope and pray for the best for them!   But then again, these two always seem to amaze me, they might be the first and only couple to openly state they are dating after WGM and get away with it – without doing too much damage to their careers.  They seem to have been accepted as a couple by a lot of people, maybe that will balance out the antis?   We’ll have to wait and see.

My POV - I’m always happy to see THE RINGS whenever Yong or Hyun wears them.  I also watch for the ‘butterfly necklace’ on Hyun.  But if one of them doesn’t wear it for a performance or two – doesn’t bother me.   I think they have to follow the rules of the shows PD, and some PDs might be against the rings, and some might not care.   And I think Yong has a jewelry company as a sponsor, so he has to wear their rings.  Also, I think they have to choose when they want to make a statement about WGM and when they want to avoid that controversy, since the rings have taken on a media presence of their own.  I don’t think their commitment to one another has ended because one of them doesn’t wear the ring for a certain performance.  Now, if they both stop wearing the rings for an extended amount of time – then I would worry!

At any rate, I’m glad to have had the opportunity to watch Yong and Hyun and become close to them through WGM.   I’ve also gotten to learn about the unique personalities of the SNSD sisters, the CN Blue bros and many other interesting K-Pop idols along the way.   I remember when I first started watching SNSD performances, I couldn’t tell one from the other.   Now I know them all like family!  I’ve gotten an inside look at the dynamic and amazing K-pop music industry and a virtual travelogue of South Korea and the wonderful people who live there.   This hasn’t been just a ‘wonderful learning experience’ for Seohyun, but for all of us following this couple on this Soompi site along with the many other sites dedicated to YongSeo.

May YongSeo love continue on in GO-CHUN for a long, long, time!                   


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Ohh, I just watched CN Blue's performance at the Korea China Song festival. I bear no screencaps, my dear fellow Gogumas, however I believe the ring is back. The performance is dated AFTER the award performance, right? And SNSD's performance, as usual, rocked. I'm missing Fany, though.

Sorry, I should check my facts first - as usual, I'm tired. Possibly mixed it all up. Anyway, to make up for it - did you guys already read Jossa noona's fanfiction, Siren Song ? I realize this has been posted before, but everyone who hasn't yet, should comment now.

Best regards,


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