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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lovekin




lovekin........ I'm also with you on this. I am still not ready with their wedding photoshoot (don't be mad at me guys sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif )........ just like you said, the PDs are maybe still waiting for the right time for them to have a wedding photoshoot. I have my reason but I don't know how to say it...... maybe lovekin can say the reason, coz I think your reason is going to be the same like me






haha.  actually, i'm not sure what you're reasoning might be, but it seems that those of us who wish the wedding photoshoot be pushed back only want that because we believe that it isn't their time ... yet.*




i wanted to add an annotation to my last comment on the previous page by stating that my wanting the shoot postponed is not because i fear their end on WGM; in fact, i think it would pose a new step in their relationship, and i think a lot of us would want to see how that might affect them as the show progresses in the aftermath of such a shoot.  obviously, the wedding shoot is meant to be nothing more than pure fun and a reflection of the show's name, but there is this inherent message that when you step into a tuxedo and white dress, you are as close to your "partner" as a husband and wife.




so to elaborate, while i do feel that yong and seo are close now, i think they need more time spent learning more about each other and how to work with each other.






the reason i feel that the adam couple got their photoshoot around this time was because they achieved that closeness.  as is the adam couple's way, they sort of jumped straight into things and tackled issues head-on.  




the yong/seo couple, on the other hand, has spent the majority of their episodes tip-toeing around each other like some weird mating call (i know, the image is curiously laughable), and they've had to make an effort, reminiscent of true trials of an actual relationship, to get where they are now.





i think it's that difference that convinces me they're not ready.  not that they couldn't just jump into it, but it wouldn't be reflective of the yongseo we know, in my opinion.






* so ... the following spoiler are my true feelings on the whole wedding photoshoot.  don't proceed if you want to keep your bubble intact.sweatingbullets.gif  my opinion here isn't a slight against yongseo, but when i'm not fangirling over gogumas, i like to look at this from my rational standpoint.






if you were to ask me if i want a yongseo photoshoot, i'd actually say no.  at all.  and yeah, it's almost blasphemous to say that.  what's the point of being on WGM if you can't even have a pretend wedding, right?  but i do have a reason for this.




my take on it is that yong and seo don't strike me as that type.  throughout their episodes that have currently aired, they've always struck me as having a "youthful" relationship, something between boyfriends and girlfriends.  and even then, it's not even a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but rather one that is based on mutual understanding and affection where both parties are aware of what's going on but refuse to label what they have because it's beyond labeling.




does that make sense?




and moreover, i feel like that once they have that photoshoot, it'd just remind me that at the most basic level, this is ultimately a show.  i was always amused with adam and khuntoria in this way because they seemed to be natural at this; thus, the concept of a wedding for either of them is almost fitting.  i can't attest to their "realness" because i don't keep up with them as much, but sometimes i do feel they have a sense of self-awareness that yong and seo lack because of their innocence and willingness to just take matters into their own hands and go with the flow.




what yongseo has done for WGM that the other couples have failed to do, in my opinion, is suspend the notion that what we're watching is scripted television.  their missions don't even feel like missions half the time, which is what i like, and i'd like to keep that sense of realism going (even though, ironically, i'm well-aware that this is a show ... but it's the thought that matters most to me).





so that's why.  again, it doesn't mean i can't go crazy with the rest of you, should the photoshoot occur sooner than my expectations, but that's just my two cents.  smile.gif


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lovekindefinitely a different perspective from your side but as always a great one. i for one am indifferent to whether or not they are gonna do their wedding photoshoot. i rather spazz on whatever they are doing now. but i have to say that i agree with your take in the spoiler, the taking wedding photos somehow doesn't suit them because they look more like first loves. (i like!)








it does seem like it is not so important for the couples to take wedding photos anymore because i remember that in season 1, the format was when a couple reach their 100th day then they take their wedding photos (which i have to say koreans are quite creative) but i just started watching WGM again for this season, seems like the format is different now.








so for me....wedding photos or not, no biggie as long as they continue on with WGM and shower us with their sweet moments.









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















lovekin......... yep that's exactly what I'm thinking. I just don't know how to put it into words, but you managed to do it sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif














anyways in a few minutes THE GOLDEN DISK AWARDS will be broadcasted............. happy watching and make sure to find any yongseo interaction :wub: :wub::wub:
















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yonghwa at golden disk award red carped (dunno if he wear a ring)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































snsd (without tiffany)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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btw here maknae at 2007 gda (3 years ago)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she is so cute with bangs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Revelmonk


@lovekin  You make a very interesting point that alot of us has missed in the euphoria of wanting them to have a photoshoot comparable to the adam couple. We watch yongseo because they are not the average wgm couple, they are able to suspend our belief that what we are watching is a show because they invest so much of themselves into their relationship with each other.

I would love love love for them to have a photoshoot just based off the innocence and sexually they exude individually and towards each other. However, at the end of it you would be reminded that this is all done for the show. I would love to have that happy feeling of seeing those pictures but it would come with a tinge of pain in my heart, if anyone knows what I mean.


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Guest miel_1301
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First Capture of Seobaby with her Unnies on Red Carpet at Golden Disk Award 09 December 2010.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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GDA has started. If anyone wishes to stream/watch live it's at soshified.com Channel ITNW.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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yup seohyun wearing a wgm ring in gda 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Guest lee_ryana
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma's Anyongggg!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I really miss our Yongseo...can't wait until this saturday!































































































































































































































































I've just read about this article and got quote :































































































































































































































































"The ardent YongSeo fans on Soompi have earned the recognition in the Korean media!  Various newspapers, including Korea Times, Hankyung, Sports Korea, and News Korea, have directed readers to Soompi as one of the best places to converse about the Yong Hwa-Seohyun segment of the reality show "We Got Married".































































































































































































































































OMO, this is Daebakkkk!!! You guys are awesome!!































































































































































































































































About wedding photoshoot, I hope they'll never quit the show after that, coz It will break my heart :(































































































































































































































































Because of Yongseo, my saturday was never being a SADurday! ^^































































































































































































































































Yong and Hyun are the best on WGM 2 :wub:, their sweetness made me overflowing ^^































































































































































































































































I just love this couple so bad!!!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And this is I made for Yongseo300, I'm sorry for late post but I hope you'll be happy after you see it :D



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun

seating arrangements..not that far away <3


c: dc

my heart went degeun degeun like crazy thinking of how Yong seobang have felt seeing his buin like this tonight..



btw my deepest thanks to all the gogumas who have made our couple's 300th day extra special. hats off to you guys!

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Guest moloboco
































































































































































































SNSD won the Digital Bonsang award with Oh!,Taeyeon & Jessica spoke during the winning speech and mentioned something about Tiffany... :w00t:
































































gosh ...so happy for them...
































































I'm excited to watch their performance....
































































I hope to see yongseo couple interaction :wub:

































































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woweee!!! CN Blue & SNSD won an award!!

ack!! yongseo look good in black!

fellow photoshopped experts gogumas, pls make one pic of yongseo at the red carpet pls..

waiting eagerly for fancams...

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During the 300th day of our YongSeo I’m already thinking of writing about how this couple has brought joy to us goguma fans. Lots of gogumas have been saying that they overcome their depression or sadness because of YongSeo. The irony of this is, a lot of Korean artists are vulnerable to depression because of the state of their career, and some even resorted to suicides. Fans draw strength from their idols (that’s why they are called as such) and conversely, the idols from their adoring fans. But then, it was the 300th day and it seemed inappropriate to write such serious thoughts.
































































































































And then came this news of bashing Yong and his being a nampyeon. And I cannot hold it much longer. Much has been said already in this forum, and they are all fitting and great, but still I want to add my piece.
































































































































A true fan believes in his/her idol. I may not be a super fan of CN Blue like other Boices who are also members of this forum, but I respect Jung YongHwa as an artist and as a person. As an artist, he truly loves music. That’s what separates him from other idols. He writes lyrics, composes melodies, plays instruments, sings the songs. He does the whole process of making music. In his interviews, he is consistent in saying that he will continue to do music; that he hopes that CN Blue would create music until they are grandfathers. That’s a true artist, a true disciple of the arts.
































































































































As a person, we came to know that he is cheerful, smart, witty, has a capacity to be both confident and shy, protective of people close to him, persevering, and has a playfulness side of him ~ okay, if you want to call it “choding” so be it. And we knew these different facets of his personality because of the different tv programs he has been involved him. Yes, FNC might be overworking him, exposing him a lot but I think YongHwa is also gaining a lot of experience and skills that would support him to gain solid success in the future and not just a fleeting one. He is not only being introduced to viewers but also people in the entertainment industry: music idols, actors, producers, station biggies. That is networking, building solid ground, investing. Yes, this 21 year old has been given responsibility by FNC to popularize CN Blue. So, please to all so-called fans and antis give Jung Yong Hwa a break.
































































































































As my fascination with YongSeo grew, I visited Soompi’s SeoHyun and CN Blue fora. And it seems that I recognized some names. fallen*angel, jnj, _d3seohyun, miel_1301, s0leill123, lenovo in SeoHyun’s forum; crystal_malfoy, my.yonghwa.baby, bonbon31, tecle, panGG in CN Blue forum. I almost got goosebumps, I got this overwhelming feeling of admiration of what the YongSeo couple has brought. Fans of two different idol groups came together in one forum and shared information, pictures, opinions, consoled each other. Boices, Sones from different parts of the world spazz together. Virtual friendships are made.
































































































































So, I think, it is about time we pay it forward to our couple. The 300th day gave us a chance to show our support to the couple. Goguma fans all over Asia caught the attention of Korean Media. And through this, I hope, FNC, SM, WGM, especially Yong and Hyun will feel very much appreciated.
































































































































Lastly, IMO, I think it is just appropriate that we write a press statement on how we fans appreciate Yong as an artist and as a person. There are so many good writers here ~ goguma1207, soshimunky, mrsjoker, luvtokki, j2dlee, redtulip and a lot more others. We could ask mountainmadman or j2dlee to translate our statement in Hanggul and maybe ask our Korean Boices to send it to Korean Media. This would be a good release on CNBlue’s 1st anniversary in January or YongSeo’s in February 2011.
































































































































Maybe this is too much. I don’t know if the Yong nampyeon bashing is detrimental to Yong and CNBlue’s popularity and of course to Yong’s esteem. I hope Korean Boices or kay77 give us news from the ground. Anyway, it’s just a thought that passes me by every time our Yong and his participation to WGM is bashed.
































































































































Forgive me for my ramblings.































































































































































































































































On a lighter note, congrats to CN Blue and SNSD for winning awards tonight at the Golden Disk!!!!

































































































































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Guest SophiaPia










jnj i'm streaming it now, but same it's lag. Brunei is not included in that 6 asian countries so that link i give to you guys useless to me kekeke! Yeah ur right hubby Yong and wife Hyun looks stunning in black.


















geumjandi, miel, d3SeoHyun all i can say is wife SeoHyun so so lovely indeed. yes! she is HOT, GORGEOUS, SEXY, STUNNING, GODDESS tonight GDA awardsNo need to show too much skin she done it again. She nailed it again. What ever she wears she looks gorgeous. She is lovely indeed. I also saw the last yr red carpet she is so lovely even last yr w/ white dress. yes! Ring is on kekeke!






And yes! wife seobabe and unnies , hubby Yong and bro in laws won awards. At the moment GDA still on. So i don't know if they will win some more awards.






edit: another award for wife Seobaby and her unnies






Catch u all later









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I totally got confused and thought that the GDA was on Thursday night, California time! So here I am at work, periodically checking this thread & etc. so I can know what's going on. I also searched Twitter for GDA and someone tweeted some of the acceptance speeches. I saw that SNSD won (yaaaahhhooooo!!! :w00t: ). So here I am, watching on my little iPhone (my work computer blocked youtube)and I watched CNBLUE stand when SNSD stood to go to the stage. But now, I want to know where Hyun is sitting and where Yong is sitting and I'm rewinding and pausing and rewinding and pausing and rewinding and pausing... and now my EYES are :blink: !!!
































































































































































I hope some kind soul will put me out of my misery and post screen caps! hehehehe... thank you in advance... :wub:

































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Got some scaps to share

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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First, linh80 & _Ada_ thanks so much for provide me the links of Yongseo episodes! n_n
















































Im so happy to start writing in this thread...I watched all the Yongseo episodes a couple of days ago, and now im in love with them! I start my day watching them and also finished like that hehehe
























Gahh...Im so happy WGM paired this couple...they fit so well. Anyway...I dont know what to say haha but Im going to spazz together with you! hehehe
























In other side...Im curious about how WGM work. Do they only give them missions...but the places they go and the events they made, are planned by the couples? Just wondering that n_n
























Can´t wait for Saturday...in the mean time Im going to watch everything i can! hoho =D
















































i have a doubt. I found this calendar of the activities of CN BLUE (credits to jovenaloon from CN BLUE thread) and according to it, WGM will not be aired on Sat 18th & sat 25th. I wonder why is that? =/
























thu 12/02 KBS 11th Korea China Music Festival 5.10 pm
























fri 12/03 SBS Night After Night (?) Recording (Yong Hwa)
























fri 12/03 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Recording (Min Hyuk)
























sat 12/04 MBC We Got Married 5.00 pm (Yong Hwa)
























sat 12/04 SBS Star King 6.30 pm (Jung Shin)
























sun 12/05 SBS Inkigayo 4.10 pm (Yong Hwa MC)
























mon 12/06 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























mon 12/06 SBS Night After Night Broadcast 11.05 pm (Yong Hwa)
























mon 12/06 SBS Star King Recording (Jung Shin)
























tue 12/07 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























tue 12/07 SBS Strong Heart 11.15 pm (Min Hyuk)
























sat 12/11 MBC We Got Married 5.00 pm (Yong Hwa)
























sat 12/11 SBS Star King 6.30 pm (Jung Shin)
























sun 12/12 SBS Inkigayo 4.10 pm (Yong Hwa MC)
























mon 12/13 SBS Star King Recording (Jung Shin)
























mon 12/13 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























mon 12/13 SBS Night After Night Broadcast 11.05 pm (Yong Hwa)
























tue 12/14 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























sat 12/18 CNBLUE 2nd Korean Seoul Concert 6.00 pm
























sun 12/19 SBS Inkigayo 4.10 pm (Yong Hwa MC)
























tue 12/20 SBS Star King Recording (Jung Shin)
























mon 12/20 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























tue 12/20 SBS Night After Night Broadcast 11.05 pm (Yong Hwa)
























tue 12/21 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























fri 12/24 CNBLUE 2nd Korean Busan Concert 8.00 pm
























sun 12/26 SBS Inkigayo 4.10 pm (Yong Hwa MC)
























tue 12/27 SBS Star King Recording (Jung Shin)
























mon 12/27 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)
























tue 12/27 SBS Night After Night Broadcast 11.05 pm (Yong Hwa)
























tue 12/28 SBS It's Alright Daddy's Daughter Broadcast 8.50 pm (Min Hyuk)





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hyun buin looking so young and fresh in this outfit,


yes hacker, Sones & Boice come together in this thread because of our love of Yongseo.

u know what, only today did i learn what Boice stands for..

i thought Boice stands for boys

(as in plural form and that they changed the spelling to make it look cool) :sweatingbullets:

sophia chingu, streaming really really lagged. i'v stop watching it already.

i think i was going to have a heart attack when CN Blue has not won anything..

but at last, they did! i'm elated!

i see so many cursing going on when it lagged and i wanted so much to join u guys there.. :lol:

i was follwing u guys convo, so at least i know what is happening at the award show tonite..

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Guest glennpaulo




I totally got confused and thought that the GDA was on Thursday night, California time!  So here I am at work, periodically checking this thread & etc. so I can know what's going on.  I also searched Twitter for GDA and someone tweeted some of the acceptance speeches.  I saw that SNSD won (yaaaahhhooooo!!!   :w00t:  ).  So here I am, watching on my little iPhone (my work computer blocked youtube)and I watched CNBLUE stand when SNSD stood to go to the stage.  But now, I want to know where Hyun is sitting and where Yong is sitting and I'm rewinding and pausing and rewinding and pausing and rewinding and pausing... and now my EYES are   :blink:   !!!  


I hope some kind soul will put me out of my misery and post screen caps! hehehehe... thank you in advance...  :wub:



I think d3seohyun post some caps you will see it in this page also. hyun place has a circle while you can see all the Cnblue infront of the camera.


I hope someone will UPLOAD the performance of SNSD and CNBLUE in GDA. They are awesome. Its worth to watch. 





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Guest SophiaPia










kenjisam thanks for sharing the screencaps.






jnj yes! it's so so lag, most lag when snsd and cnblue coz i guess lots of people watching the stream that's why so so lag kekeke! imagine when snsd and cnblue the viewers 2000 kekekeke! anyway, when hubby yong and bro in law won wife seobaby and sis in law are happy clapping.






Then re: RING both wear it only hubby Yong can't see much coz he put other BIG ring. I'll catch u all later



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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong everyone...












Sorry if it's has been shared before...^_^

















SNSD Wins Award




CN BLUE Wins award







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