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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest eishazumi

this recognition given to Yongseo fans proves the continuous rise of Yongseo couples popularity around the world. it's daebak! CONGRATS everyone. Continue to spread YONGSEO LOVE

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Hello Fellow Gogumas!
















I'm sorry I'm so late! I'm swamped with work and real life :(, but it's the thought that counts, right? :sweatingbullets:
















Happy 300th day Anniversary to Yong and Hyun!
















To Yong & Hyun:
















































How far both of you have come to the stage of being comfortable with each other. You have both earned my respect in how you portrayed the progress of your relationship in WGM. You are both mature beyond your years. Thank you very much for the privilege of watching your interactions for 20 minutes every Saturday. I hope that both of you will have many many many (to infinity) days ahead together!




















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Guest glennpaulo






I can't wait for the GDA broadcast after few hours, Let's support our dearest YONGSEO together with Brother-in-Law and Sister-In-Law.



Goodluck SNSD and CNBLUE...





EDIT: Where can i watch live streaming of GDA here in the Philippines??



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Hi Hi Gogumas,



I am back here to "HUNT" you again for the YongSeo Ist Anniversary Project. Hee hee.



I know we just passed the 300th day (Thanks everybody for their contribution) but their first year is around the corner.



Currently, we have only about 10% of the materials (pictures & video) required to work on the project. Hence, Gogumas artists, please give us a hand!!! Lets aim to have everything in by end Dec 2010. Here are the instructions again. Feel free to share your artwork here too!.



Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall



Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^



1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo. Click here for the Hi-res logo



2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.



3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).



4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.



5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 4th Project – Video.



NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.



To start the ball rolling, here is a picture that the Singapore Gogumas (9 of us here) took with the project logo at one of our gatherings. Yes, we have met a few times to watch the live stream together. It was fun. However, I did not checked with them whether they are comfortable to appear online so I am adding happy stars.





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Guest Crystal392










Awww I am glad we Gogumas from Go-Chun/Goguma Planet are getting recognition from Korean Media ^^ I'm proud to live on this awesome world. hihihihihi :w00t:






I've invested so much time here.... So many life-changing things have happened to me on 2010, some good and some bad; and this thread has helped so much, has cheered me up countless times. Thanks to all Gogumas and let's keep spreading Goguma love!! :D






I am wishing Hyun~ and Yong~ good luck @ GDA's today, in just a few hours. ^_^Btw does anyone have a link to stream that channel (Y-star)? I can't watch it on GDA webpage :( It's only available for some countries..



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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















we will be strong all right, despite all these controversies........ anyways, regarding the contract Yongseo signed in WGM. since there is a rumour about their contract whatsoever, I just want to ask you guys, especially those who have been following WGM since season 1.














aren't couples usually only LEAVE WGM after there is a wedding photoshoot??
















so far as we all know, Yongseo haven't had any wedding photoshoot whatsoever. since WGM itself stands for "WE GOT MARRIED", there mmust be a wedding photoshoot right? so I assume they will not quit WGM, at least for a long time until the wedding photoshoot. This is only my assumption though, so WGM followers since season 1, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong....
















anyway, there's just one thing to say...... K-Yongseo fans, International Yongseo fans, YOU ARE ALL AWESOME......... being famous means there will be antis, just like someone said before...... soo, CHEER UP GUYS! don't let antis ruin our happiness

















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I am wishing Hyun~ and Yong~ good luck @ GDA's today, in just a few hours. ^_^Btw does anyone have a link to stream that channel (Y-star)? I can't watch it on GDA webpage :( It's only available for some countries..
















i know that kpopflash & soshified will be streaming it
















































even at dry rehearsal Yong wears his couple ring!
















how much more devoted can YongSeo couple be?!
















for sure YongSeo couple represent the most committed couple (committed to each other that is!)
















Yong @ GDA dry rehearsal

































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Guest blueshoes




YONGHWA at BUSAN ???????


"용서횽들.. 용화 부산직찍 이거 올라온거야??"


dunno but he is so CUTE !!!








credit 갈뽕양★ @ DC married gall+ yongseofacts



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Guest CallMeDayDreamer



























aren't couples usually only LEAVE WGM after there is a wedding photoshoot??























Sorry to cut your post... :sweatingbullets:






































Adam couple already had their wedding photoshoot months ago, and i don't think they're leaving WGM anytime soon... ^_^






































I got the feeling though that Yongseo will be having their own wedding photoshoot soon since the're already approaching their one year anniversay... ;)






































As for the controversies, i don't care about those stuff, being a choding is one of Yong's charms and i certainly wouldn't want him to change because his fans disapprove of it.












































































And oh, i found this video of Yong dancing when he was young...






































I don't know why he keep on saying he doesn't how to dance, coz after seeing this video, the guy can surely groove....












































































I wonder what will Hyun think when sees this... ^_^





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Guest lovekin




we will be strong all right, despite all these controversies........ anyways, regarding the contract Yongseo signed in WGM. since there is a rumour about their contract whatsoever, I just want to ask you guys, especially those who have been following WGM since season 1.

aren't couples usually only LEAVE WGM after there is a wedding photoshoot??




so far as we all know, Yongseo haven't had any wedding photoshoot whatsoever. since WGM itself stands for "WE GOT MARRIED", there mmust be a wedding photoshoot right? so I assume they will not quit WGM, at least for a long time until the wedding photoshoot. This is only my assumption though, so WGM followers since season 1, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong....




anyway, there's just one thing to say...... K-Yongseo fans, International Yongseo fans, YOU ARE ALL AWESOME......... being famous means there will be antis, just like someone said before...... soo, CHEER UP GUYS! don't let antis ruin our happiness








i didn't really start paying attention to WGM until the second season started (which is when the adam couple began, i believe), so i can't say if there's a distinct pattern. that might have been how it was set up in the first season, but it seems to be a totally new thing for a second season.






that being said, i hate to use the adam couple as some sort of reference because while they did continue on past their wedding photoshoot, it was only because they became a permanent fixture on the show. so for all we know, WGM might be following the same formula in their first season regarding wedding photoshoots.





am i proposing this as fact? nope, because i don't know. however, it's something i did notice.




i'm in the minority when i say this, but i'm actually hoping that yongseo's wedding photoshoot is pushed back. i mean, i guess it'd be nice to see them on such a set, but this whole feeling of wanting to rush them into it makes me a little uncomfortable because it's so unnatural. i think the PDs have enough good sense to know when yongseo is ready. they've proven to be the couple that takes things in stride and accepts whatever mission is given to them at their pace, and it'd be nice to know that whenever their photoshoot comes, that the PDs decision to do that wasn't influenced by external sources but because they, as direct observers of yong and seo, know it's the right time.




that's how i feel, anyway. i know a lot of members here are excited at the prospect of seeing yong and seo dressed as a bride and groom while i'm not really at that point yet, so to each their own.


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Guest hihi_hehe




































Season 1, all the couple got to have their weeding photoshoot when they reached 100th day




























There ain't rule that says that after wedding photoshoot, you will have to leave <_<




























I don't know what you guys are thinking, but hey! Come to the real world, they will leave someday. Enjoy their journey guys, don't think about the end, surely it will have to end, but what is the point of talking "the ending" right here? :blink:




























Push aside all the things, we've been through more than that!




























We love YongSeo, that's all! We may have different ways to love, but love is love!




























300th day of YongSeo, 300th days of smiles and tears, HEAD UP! and ready to another awesome ep!




























Don't think too much, it's not gonna work everything out!





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Guest quisty86
















Is that really him?!?!? He can dance! Maybe he's not as confident when he was younger and lacks practice but wow he has groove! I'm spazzing like mad right now. Hyun should see this! Wait is this really him?!?! Haha I can't...
















This morning when I woke up I saw the posts about the antis. Not a good way to start the day and what timing...just after we were spazzing and celebrating. But well it's jealousy like what lunasol said. We can just keep hoping and praying and sending our support to our couple. I don't get how choding can affect his image. Isn't it cuter? He's a rocker but if you're fan isn't it nice to see a different side to your idol? You see the real them. I'm pretty sure Yonghwa would rather be liked for who he is :) 








Now time to devour my goguma chips :) 








edit: crap I topped the page must find something to share (more like re share)








 YongSeo - What I Want to Do Once I Have a Lover - my favorite FMV bec. the scenes and the lyrics match so well. Made by Pridesters!  





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Lovekin have to admit I'm with you on this one. Not ready for a yongseo wedding shoot yet! Not that I wouldn't spazz like mad if there was one, have loved all the photoshopped pics I've seen so far. But, so far, I'm loving their slow pace and am quite happy to meander along for a long long way before we reach the wedding.
















































lunasol loved your analysis of jealous antis (oh, several pages back) and I agree 210% with you!
















































Wasn't able to wish Yongseo on their 300th day so here's wishing them many many more celebrations - reel and real :)
















































They've given all of us a lot of joy in the last 300 odd days and for that I'm grateful. Somehow, somewhere, they've helped me reconnect with a younger, more idealistic and far more innocent version of myself, and for that, I thank them. This could turn seriously mushy so will stop now before I embarrass myself.
















































Also agree with all the defense of yonghwa on WGM. I think being on the show is a win-win for him, personally and professionally. And I love his choding side!!

I've been married for a pretty long time to a very intelligent, very successful man, who also loves to play around. I find the word choding a bit strange so I won't use that. But suffice to say my husband can be really playful, and quite a tease. He makes me laugh a lot! And that only adds to his attraction. I personally would rather be with a guy who can make me laugh than one who is emo and serious all the time. And yes, he reserves that side of himself only for the people closest to him, family and very close friends.
















































From what I can see Yonghwa's playfulness comes out with people he's close to, like his band members, and yes, Seohyun. WHen he's MCing or performing with his band, he's very focused and charismatic. I don't see him behaving like a choding then. So what's the issue here? Like many of the people on this thread, I became a fan of Yonghwa through You're Beautiful, then discovered CN Blue and WGM at around the same time. I really really like CN Blue's music, and WGM actually helped me appreciate them even more as a band. The jam session in one of the early episodes, when they played Love Revolution for Seohyun, to this day that's one of my favourite episodes. And as many people have said before, CN Blue has gained a lot of international fans thanks to WGM. A true fan would be happy that their band gets this kind of recognition and exposure....
















































Frankly I'd never listened to SNSD (other than Gee) before WGM either, but thanks to WGM I've become a fan!
















































Finally, as always, thanks to all the amazing gogumas, crystal_malfoy, lovekin, mrsjoker, mountainmadman, j2dlee, sun_sun, lunasol, jnj, aisuo415, dreamyboo, qwenli, ichigo_kawai, caliope, redtulip, bee_ichigo, trent, yongseo_forever, kerube_chan, linh80, and so many more who've made this thread the most talked about thread in soompi. Plus all the gogumas around the world! Go-chan is truly an amazing place.
















































Special thanks to the Yongseo project team, bezbezbez and others for all your hard work. You are totally Daebak!
















































Here's wishing CN Blue and SNSD luck at the GDAs tonite!
















































Looking forward to some spazz worthy moments, as fans of CN Blue, fans of SNSD, and (if we're lucky!) fans of Yongseo.
















































But even if I don't get the last, I will still be happy.
















































Cheers all!

















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Guest jitluvyongseo


soshisoshisoshi- I'm agree with you... yongseo couple should take wedding photoshoot. And one more thing there no rules that after wedding photoshop they must leave the show. ADAM couple wedding photoshop in episode 36. Yongseo couple nearly arrive episode 35 this saturday... So, a really need to watch they wearing wedding dress.

hihi_hehe- You right...WGM season 1 all the couple take wedding photoshoot when they arrive 100th days. But season 2 they drag too long...

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















lovekin........ I'm also with you on this. I am still not ready with their wedding photoshoot (don't be mad at me guys sweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gifsweatingbullets.gif )........ just like you said, the PDs are maybe still waiting for the right time for them to have a wedding photoshoot. I have my reason but I don't know how to say it...... maybe lovekin can say the reason, coz I think your reason is going to be the same like me














well, with that being said, I don't want to speculate anything since it could create a rumour (rumours spread very fast in the world of K-POP :blink: :blink:)














just 2 hours before GDA... yay!!! hoping the live stream is friendly today..... once we notice interactions between our yongseo couple, even just a slight moment, this thread will be flooded with comments w00t.gifw00t.gif... I'm proud of you all!














EDIT : jitluvyongseo..... oops, don't misunderstand with me.... I want them to have their wedding photoshoot, but not now, maybe a little bit later..........
















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:wub:Lovekin im with you too. i am not ready to let them with wedding photos yet. ofcourse i like it alot. but because i always see them as bf and gf. so i want to let their feeling ready to see them in wedding dress. i will be real for them too:-).




I think he PDs also have this feeling, i can see that they didnt rush our couple even so many people complaining about their slow progess, hope that they know something too and try to get our couple together in a good way. thats what i really hope. they (pds) are aldults and try to help 2 young people love and overcome their difficulties. yesh, Yongseo love everywhere.


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Guest jitluvyongseo

It's ok if u guys didn't ready yet for wedding photoshoot. Maybe u guys want them to be more brave about skinship before they take wedding photoshoot. 

I also want them to take a real look alike wedding photoshoot. Doesn't have embarrassing anymore when they hug. get more chemistry...

Anyway....lets watch uri yongseo episode this saturday...

really excited....

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Guest SophiaPia










soshisoshisoshi in season 1 even though they had their wedding photoshoot the style is the couple will decide if they want to continue. In darkroom interview couple will say I LOVE U if they want to stay married. I only watched in season 1 is lettuce couple. They say I love u in darkroom interview to continue married. Only because Kim Hyun Joon casted in Boys over flowers so lettuce couple separated. And in season 1 couple are all in studios to watch themselves kekeke! I'm not so sure now in this season 2 how they will decide if they want to continue or not. But looks like YongSeo couple are so popular and i guess YongSeo couple are now comfortable. I'm wishing they will stay longer. Like Adam couple still in wgm even though they have another show/ or drama. And yeah they had their wedding photo shoot already. We all hope for the best. And wish that YongSeo couple will stay longer as long as they want . Looks like YongSeo couple are enjoying them selves and happy to be together. And what ever they have now w/ each other we will be happy for both of them :)






rxp thanks for that photo of hubby Yong, yes! he is so sweet so so proud to show to the world that he is married to "she is popular" i don't know why i love u baby wife Hyun kekeke! i hope we have pix also of wife Hyun.






Good luck to hubby Yong and wife Hyun tonight GDA.






blueshoes thanks for that bts photos of hubby Yong in Busan. He really looks so so happy. Of course together w/ his wife, old friends, and family. Advance gift he ever receive this coming holiday season kekeke!






Every one thanks as always. Cheers



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i'm in the minority when i say this, but i'm actually hoping that yongseo's wedding photoshoot is pushed back.














that's how i feel, anyway. i know a lot of members here are excited at the prospect of seeing yong and seo dressed as a bride and groom while i'm not really at that point yet, so to each their own.



























Hi Lovekin, I'm sorry... had to cut your post short. I'm also in the minority. I'm positively 1000% sure that YongSeo's wedding photoshoot would produce beautiful (of the mouth watering variety) images. However, I feel that YongSeo are not ready for a wedding photoshoot yet. Although they're both comfortable with each other now, they are still not up to that stage of being "Married", if you know what I mean. Since they are the most "real" couple, let them date first. Let's give Yong the chance to court Hyun and let's give Hyun to chance to enjoy the chase. blush.gif (That's the delusional me talking, heh!)














Fellow Gogumas, I'm so proud and thrilled that the 300th day project got off successfully. Congratulations and thank you very very much to the Project Committee. You guys/gals are DAEBAK! Additionally, I'm proud to be a Goguma in Go-chun. I guess all the positive energy of this Village has garnered positive energy in return. Keep it up, fellow Gogumas and let us be a shining example of Gogumas around the world and make YongSeo proud!

































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