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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I didn't remember that Yong gave her 5 gogumas as the point. It looks like (to me) that he gave her 5 gogumas so that she could give the points to him with these. Maybe, he thought that he was only able to get 5 :))








just assuming they were only using the 6 goguma packets meaning 6 as the max or total number of gogumas they can give. so technically yonghwa gave her just 5 goguma points and hyun gave him all the goguma points..








and hyun told him her points first before he did, so it shouldnt be the case of him thinking that he was only able to get 5.








I actually think the reason behind it was because he wanted to be cheest and lol act cool by twisting it into giving all but the one packet.








anyway best to wait for a full translation of the whole episode. 





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Guest sun_sun
































































































































































































































This Ep really cute...I just watched them talk and didnt understand but I smiled all Ep. ^^...really cute and here link to watch this ep. (sorry for low quality)  >>>
































































































































































Ep. 33-1
































































































































































Ep. 33-2

































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I was able to catch most of it, too bad I didn't understand what they were saying.




Seohyun and Yonghwa use some sort of sweets to show the amount of goguma points they have. Seohyun, I think, gave them all! They were so cute, and I'm glad that I at least got to see the eyeships between these two. They handwrestle and Yonghwa lets her win. Somewhere after, I think, he holds her hand.




They were laughing and jokey, it was really cute. Then it's time to go to sleep, so Yonghwa helps set up Seohyun's bed/comforter. At first I was like OMO! but they didn't sleep in the same room (LOL... obviously). It's cute that he helped her get ready for bed, though. As he was leaving they were saying their Goodnights adorably and Seohyun was really loud. It must have been really late.




Then the next cut is Yonghwa at their house waiting for Hyun, who's driving this truck because they're going to harvest gogumas. LOL, he keeps on calling her every few minutes and she's busy driving and fixing her hair. LMAO, these two are soo transparent.




They look really happy (Seohyung looks ecstatic), but I think the interview and the editing hints (maybe it's just how i interpreted it) that Yonghwa doesn't have his license, but hadn't there been fan accounts about his getting a license and also driving on that Harvesting trip? I also wonder whether Yuri will in fact be in this episode and if they're going to pick her up. Because if they do, it'll be a snug ride... hmm skinship. Also, likely teasing. And he gets to bond (IDK, maybe, he always gets intimidated by the unnies) with another sister-in-law. If Yuri isn't in it, then they they get to be blissful and alone. We shall see.




OK. Going to sleep now. It is LATE here.





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moooooorning gogumas x) 




watching this episode really gave me a mix feeling ...even though there wasn't much lovey-dovey action we could see i could still feel the "energy" between these two!!! sooo jjaang keke ~




also very happy that today's streaming for YongSeo couple was longer than expect ^^




and for whom who didn't saw the livestreaming i found the rawcuts on YT :P




if it hasn't shared yet then here it is..   whooooow  guys how fast are u xD this proves once more that we all are real gogumas!!! hehee






















PV 34



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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































*waves waves* i'm back, for a short while hahahaha. can't believe i manage to watch uri yongseo while studying for exams keke^^
































































anyway this episode is the kind that we will enjoy most when the translations are out. if mountainmadman said it is a daebak episode, then we shall wait and spazz more afterwards.
































































just some fast caps for spazzing cuz i have to continue with studying, sob T_T
































































































































and part 2
































































































































I still can't believe hyun was the one driving the truck. kudos to her though, first SNSD member to drive such vehicle~

































































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I find it cute and cheezy and I love it.LOL.. giving 1 pack and saying I gave all gogumas except that 1.. so out of 10 Seohyun got 9... Sooo romantic that the MCs toes curled.... :w00t::wub:
































































































































































































































































Thank u for the fast upload!!!!
































































































































































































































































now rewatching the ep :ph34r:

































































































































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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
















This Ep really cute...I just watched them talk and didnt understand but I smiled all Ep. ^^...really cute and here link to watch this ep. (sorry for low quality)  >>>












Ep. 33-1












Part 2 uploading...























Thank you for the vid...



































As for Yong not driving...






































My guess is he all got his license, he was just probably pretending to surprise Hyun or something...blush.gif






































I'm positive that he got his licence already, he mentioned that in one of his interviews...






































Maybe, he'll be the one to drive them back to Seoul.... ^_^





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Guest archiehon




























Thanx sun_sun and zealous for the part 1 raw video! am watching it now. have I told u guys lately that I LOVE THIS THREAD! Muah! off to watch 1st part.  Oops part 2 already out. I heard the preview were also awesome another hand holdong moment!





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Guest lunasol


Just saw the preview!! A guy is driving, Hyun is in the middle and Yong in the window. They also gabbed hands for a second in the truck. They are having a really good time in the Goguma field!! w00t.gif


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Guest missmoomin101


Next week's preview:


Just saw next week's preview!  Hyun didn't drive but what they were doing in the car was interesting!! hand-holding skinship with a lot of teasing going on hee hee.  They're having fun harvesting gogumas.  Next week will be extremely amazing^^




I loved this episode, so much talking and laughing and sweetness!!


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LQ screencaps




yong Choding.. re-enactment..








so sweet...eyeship... maybe they already understand each others feelings..















hyun is giving it all to yong already...


























even the mc's cannot take yong's cheesiness..
















hyun so cute...drinking the can








some touch2x








yong telling seo hyun that he is monitoring her....and hyun said "me too"







even the mc commented "they like each other: (something not sure)












happy expression..?












breaking the invisble wall...































is this just a hand wrestle or a way to touch each other>.. :wub:








look at mc kim's reaction while saying they are holding hands...such a yongseo fan..












and when yong release hyun's hand..it was like a false alarm that he just said like to all yongseo fan "ya they are just ordinarily holding hand"












though i don't entirely understand what they are talking.. but i can sense their what they are feeling... what they felt for each other is just so true..and just shy to express or say it since they are cameras and both are type A's..





















oh the preview!..it will be fun.... holding / touching hands inside the truck... :wub:











video credit:keoconvoinewseason's





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Soooo Happppyyyy, I was able to livestream and thank God the connection did not lag.  This episode is full of conversations and I just love it even if I don't understand a thing hehehehe.  Thank you to one goguma who was kind enough to sum up the conversations from time to time, I at least have a little understanding of what they were talking about.... I can't wait for the translations from our ever reliable lovable goguma's here....toto  you j2dlee, sun_sun, redtulip & mountainmadman, thank you in advance:wub:



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Guest ikekeyou












































i too just saw the interview and a guy was driving




































hyun in the middle and yong. there hand also touched (i dont know why but it did)!!








































































didnt see yuri but looks like they are having fun harvesting those potatoes!




































another hard working episode for our couple next week ahahahh :)





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Guest slylychee

Although there wasn't much skinship in this episode, there was TONS of GOOGLY-EYE-SHIP. *squeee* They made soooo much eye contact and every expression had some obvious back meaning to it. It was more than I could hope for. 

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Guest baby_bo








waaaaaaaah screencapture




hello everyone!




this is for next week!




See link :)




dc gall




Am i seeing what im seeing? holding hands?/ waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!



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for sure the closeness between the yongseo couple is not to be questioned




here's our proof:








if that guy is her manager....and that's how far she sits from him as opposed to how close she sits with yong...




her body language tells me she prefers her yong choding so much more!








i apolgize for my hasty paintshop skills...i get so happy on saturdays! you all understand! right?





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wonder who is this guy? a driver or hyun's manager oppa (he enjoy the scene in front of him as same as goguma villager)
































this ep is a lot of convo and I don't get anything about it but it still sweet from their body language

















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This is goguma time....



Thanks for sun_sun for the fast upload. it's okay if the quality is not so goodbiggrin.gif



Thanks for the caps _hachimitsuwub.gif



In this episode, Hyun has a blackroom interview, but why in last week episode, the PD not showing Hyun part??? the PD show hyun's blackroom interview at episode 31 and 33, but not 32. *sigh



I just read a tweet from Keoconvoi. It said that SNSD's manager will appear next week. 


what will happen next?! curious



EDIT : some gogumas already post the picture yongseo with SNSD's manager. They looks so close in that caps. wub.gif



back to loading episode 33 and wait the translation ph34r.gif






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I can't wait for the translations! Mountainmadman, J2dlee, redtulip ~ thank you in advance!








Seems they've talked quite a lot. And the goguma points, Yonghwa so cheesy. :PP








Yonghwa poking his face at the door when he was supposed to leave already. I'm sure he didn't want to leave. And his Good night, good night and another good night. Gaah.








Yonghwa calling Hyun many times. Hahaha! And Hyun's driving the truck. And she even makes sure she looks pretty before husband sees her. Aigooo~ ♥








And I've been replaying the preview all over again. They look so happy, gaah. And little skinships here and there~ And I love how Hyun sits closer to Yong. (Poor manager! Being ignored by the couple! Oh yeah, the one who's driving is SNSD's manager. xD)








I laughed at MC Kim. Aigoo, his expression was daebak. And Yong's "I am not Yong choding." In which the MC's replied: YOU ARE YONG CHODING. LMAO. ♥








Thank you in advance to all those who'd share pictures, videos, links, fic, translations, artworks. Gogumas jjang! Can't wait for next episode. <3



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I'm so glad that I was able to live stream this week..wasn't able to last week due to me forgetting about daylight savings time :P This episode was definitely great, even if I could only understand bits and pieces due to my limited Korean, just seeing the interactions between the two was awesome.




Their backroom interviews at the end of the Japan trip part of the episode seemed quite heartfelt, honest and touching, but I guess I will have to wait till the translations come out to fully understand what they said. Thanks in advance to all the wonderful translators! btw, did anyone else see that Hyun wore the butterfly necklace when she picked up Yong at the house? hehe. :w00t:




Also, MC Kim was definitely DAEBAK when he saw Yong grab Hyun's hand. The preview was also great, omg they held hands!?! I can't wait to see next week's episode now. Plus, is Hyun's manager also a fellow goguma villager?? awesome.



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