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[Drama 2010] The Good Day When the Wind Blows 바람 불어 좋은날

Guest yeohweping

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Guest sema608

Wow. I knew OB wouldn't stand for it. At least she's not insisting DH reunite with MR. I love that Choi Gicheol is back. He'll definitely be HanBok's supporter. As for DH, he should have told OB the truth. It's hurting her so much more now. I still believe HanBok are endgame and honestly this is the first K-Drama that doesn't have me worried. In fact, I think it's the perfect drama.

So...with the success of the show, did the network extended the series? How many episodes is it supposed to be?

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So...with the success of the show, did the network extended the series? How many episodes is it supposed to be?

I think I remember hearing 150-155 eps, but tiki_sg is probably more knowledgeable on that type of info.

I also think it's a great drama. To me a perfect drama was Pasta but this is right up there, it has it's problems but nothing too detrimental. I agree with everything else you've said.

YES, he did . . . everything . . ).

Very good. I love the way this show moves. They don't linger too long on too many things which make a show draggy. The story keeps progressing as the characters develop and adapt to the situations. It's good stuff. Plus this is good because when OB forgives DH they can start afresh with no lies between them, which makes for a healthy/healthier relationship. Her dad is a Prince next to MR's dad. <_<

I understand a little bit of what was said between DH and OB.

Thanks scarecrow. That's what I thought and picked up on. Now DH needs to work on telling or trying to explain this to DN. Another hurdle which will cause problems between father and son and definitely between DN and MR...leaving OB to pick up the pieces.

I can't get into MS. That's exactly what I thought MS was doing too. IQ didn't even care about her, but the company. -_- I was really liking her progression, I was hoping that she would hook up with the guy and then she acts like this. Ugh, thank God the dad did the right thing.

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Episode 103 Preview Translation (Credit Baidu)

OB turned and walked away after firmly telling MR that she couldn't hand DN over to her. Everyone in the family was happy to see OB when she returned but OB couldn't forgive & forget her disappointment in DH. Upon hearing the news of Well-Being, RX (SJun's dad) returned home but was subjected to IQ's scoldings and chased out of the house. The next day, HY came to office and bidded her farewell to IQ and IQ couldn't believe for a moment this could be happening (haha served her right!). MR's dad suffered a severe set back when he found out the reason that MR was urgently looking for DN was because she could no longer conceive. MR came to the kindergarden, hoping to see DN and had a wonderful time with him.

Well I haven't had the time to properly watch the recent episodes so couldn't offer my two cents' worth.

Though I admit the plot is getting slightly more interesting with the DN's issue and the Well-Being getting into trouble, being a DH-OB's supporter, I don't like the direction it is heading. DH-OB seems to me like a couple who been married for years (even though they've been married in the show less than 2 months) with little love left and it seems DN matters more to her than DH.

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Guest minioligo

I completely agree. I wish OB could express her thoughts about DH a little more. Yeah, she's angry and disappointed....but I wish there was more depth to it. I guess I just want more heartache from her XD; Leaving home also seems kind of iffy to me; it's probably not good for a wife to leave home every time they have an argument (though I understand this is a serious one).

Thanks for the translation btw!

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Guest chello

Hi everyone,

Chello here just posting on behalf of our superwoman tiki_sg, who sent me an email today with the following news:

From tiki_sg to me 4:08PM


Just a quick note, my regular PC has konked out on me.

I am using my 8-year old PC running on WinME & IE6 (which keeps shutting me out of Soompi) to try to post this message.

PS - I was able to watch the show but sadly on this antique PC there is no way I can watch and write the recap at the same time (old computer issues). My regular PC is sent for repair for at least 1-2 weeks. Hopefully it won't take longer than that.

My sincere apologies and hope to be back next week.


Autumn_Bliss, thank you for the episode translation ... it's sad to hear HanBok are heading in that direction since I pretty much watch the show for them :lol: but I suppose she's also still mad at him for all the lies ... keeping her in the dark etc. Well I think i'd be giving my significant other the cold shoulder for a bit too, if that had happened to me :lol: I'd come around eventually, but not before having put him through a bit more pain :P I'm just glad she's back with DN, he does need her at a time like this, and I'm glad her motherly instincts are kicking in (possibly for a little bun in the oven maybe?). It's also nice to see her and her mother in law bond. Very tender and precious. Let's hope the HanBok relationship doesn't take too long to recover from this bump in the road.

And Ms. Crystal_eyez, i saw you lurking around ... I thought you couldn't even "digest" 100 episodes so I was surprised to see you still here :P OT:I guess SoEul/BumSso will always be your first love :P

Ta everyone!

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Guest pharry

Why did HArmoni(JN's MOM) make Doklip cry....aw Doklip is so cute, he must be worried about his "omma"

Touching scene in episode 102 with Obok and Doklip.

On another note according to MySoju, Good day for the wind to blow will have 179 episodes that would be so awesome for KSE because this means that the ratings so far has been good.... I am curious to know what new story lines will be interjected...ah I see OB's baby in the horizon....lol :)

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Guest anitath

DH-OB seems to me like a couple who been married for years (even though they've been married in the show less than 2 months) with little love left and it seems DN matters more to her than DH.

Autumn_bliss, i dont think their love weaken because of this problem, OB just need more time to let her self to forgive DH. I am glad there is DN that can bring her home, otherwise she will stay there until she know how to deal with pain because of DH lies. I think YSH will play significant role here to glue them back.

from the scene today where DH keep trying to win OB heart again, i think he understand very well OB situation at the moment. He probably doesnt expect that OB come back that soon. To have OB back at home at the moment will be more than enough for him. Its like repeating scene from old ep (i forgot...), when OB got heartache for the first time because of MR problem and DH said that he loves her and willing to wait until she ready to have his love.

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Guest scarecrow

Just helping out since Tiki_sg's computer is at the service shop...This is my first time doing episode summary and have a little understanding of the Korean language, but still I'm borrowing Tiki_sg's disclaimer notice (thanks Tiki_sg!).

Disclaimer Note - not exactly an accurate account, just my impression, considering I'm not well versed in Korean, just going by actions, body language & my gut feeling.

Summary for ep 102

Sjun was shocked to see the morning paper with his mom’s face on the front page about WB’s new product containing melamine. IQ upon seeing the newspaper collapsed.

DH was too was shocked to see the news about WB. His father apologized upon seeing DH reading the news. Just then MS came out and asked her father how did it go and saw the newspaper. She was upset and told her father – that was bad of him. Everyone in the family was upset – Grandma, MG because of his cleaning business and JN’s wife asked if what will happen to DH now. He said “sorry” to everyone and I think he said something that he didn’t have any choice, but to do it.

After the doctor left IQ’s house, she got up the bed (with Sjun and housekeeper trying to stop her from going out) as she went outside, the press were there waiting and people were protesting. She was hit with an egg by one of the people protesting.

MS is crying and asked her grandmother what will happen to SJun (she’s really annoying, she doesn’t think about her father’s position and how hard it was for him to reach that decision – she’s only thinking of SJun and what this will do to him)

SJun took responsibility and apologized to DH for not listening to his advice at that time.

MR and her father were discussing the news about WB. Then he asked her where she was as he did not see her (I guess yesterday?). She told her father that she went to see DN. Father was not happy upon hearing it and they sort of argued about her wanting to be recognized/accepted as DN’s mother.

OB was looking at DN’s text message “Mom I miss you, where are you.” Just then Gicheol came in and showed the newspaper to OB and she was shocked.

Grandma was watching the news when DH mom came in and both saw IQ on TV. Mom asked the Grandma to turn off the TV. DN came in and told them that he did not see his mom in her room. Great-Grandma said something (jokingly as she was smiling when she said it) and DN started crying. DH mom told DN that Great-Grandma was just joking and was trying to pacify him.

DH mom called DH and asked him where OB is as she wants to meet her. (He didn’t want to tell her, but he didn’t have any choice – she said, “tell me now”).

DH mom went to see OB at Gicheol’s workplace. OB apologized to her MIL for not letting her know that she left the house. MIL then asked if she’s okay and OB said, yes.

MIL told OB that DH told her what she knew and that she got worried. She then said to OB, “its hard isn’t it?” She then told OB how it was for her when she thought her husband had a child from another woman and felt betrayed and how she accepted it. MIL told OB that she is DN’s mother and DN is her child. She’s her daughter –in law, she’s DH’s only one (my translation of “han saram”, although literal translation is “one person”) and DN’s mother.

Solji and MG were worried about their business since WB is in trouble. They also talked about his father’s position, DH and OB not coming home yet. (I’m not really interested in MG, so I’m omitting his scenes from my summary – I just didn’t like the MG-teacher thing and what’s going on between them).

DN doesn’t want to eat. Great-grandma was trying to feed him, but he doesn’t want to. Just then DN grandma came in and Great-grandma asked if she met with OB. DN asked why she met her and not him. He got mad and run back to his room.

DN called OB. He asked her “Mom, where are you,” how come you’re not coming home.” “Where is it, can’t I go there?” OB said no, her friend’s house is far. DN said to hurry back and that he will wait for her at the bus stop. OB said no, she can’t. But, DN insisted that he will wait for her at the bus stop, and then hung up on her. OB tried to call him again, but no answer. She got worried and rushed to leave. OB got off the bus and saw DN waiting. What a sweet (tearful) mother and son scene. OB asked why he’s by himself and if he let grandma know. DN said no. OB reprimanded and reminded him about last time he left without letting anyone know. DN said he wanted to see her. OB apologized to DN and told him that she missed him a lot. DN told OB not to leave anymore.

DH is on the phone and it looks like he was asking the person on the other line another chance for WB, but the other party hung up on him.

IQ asked for HY’s help when the latter came to IQ’s house. (She was looking at IQ with disdain on her face, not her usual…”Mother In-law, I’m here” smiling face).

MS met with Sjun and apologize to him. (I don’t know why she needs to do that – I’m really disappointed with her attitude). She thought her father would help, but she didn’t know it would come to this. She said; she was shocked to see the newspaper in the morning. Sjun said it’s okay and that she doesn’t need to apologize. They were talking when HY came in and asked why MS is there. MS pretended something to do with work and left. HY looked very annoyed.

DH came to see OB, but was told that she wasn’t there and Gicheol doesn’t know where she went.

OB took DN home and told him to go inside. DN asked why don’t they go in together. She said she still needs to go. She told him to listen well to his grandmother and to his father, and to eat well. He said no. OB then said, do what you want, I’m leaving. As she was about to go, DN hugged her from behind and started crying and keeps saying “I was wrong, please don’t go Mom.” OB still was troubled…scene showed OB went back to Gicheol’s place. While sitting and feeling bad towards DN, she remembered what her MIL said to her about her being DN mother. Just then, she got a text message from MR wanting to meet and will wait for her. The two met and they’ve talked about DN issue. MR said something about OB can have her own child, so she should raise DN herself – The episode ended with OB saying that she will raise DN and OB is DN’s mother.


MR/OB battle begins... :unsure:

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Guest chello

Hey Scarecrow,

Just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the recaps; you did them really detailed too! I'm sure everyone reading appreciates your efforts :) The recaps helped so much, since there's only so much I can get with watching the raw episode. It'll be interesting to see how the MR/OB showdown ends. :) Overall a great, heartwarming episode with the meetings between OB and DR and OB her mum-in-law. I do hope she goes home soon though, fighting MR on her own without the support of her family will be very difficult. She needs them behind her, and KH needs to up her security at the kindergarten! And DH misses her terribly too. I'm so greedy, I just want my HanBok scenes STAT! :lol: Hopefully there'll be some tonight *fingers, toes and eyes crossed*

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Guest scarecrow

You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.

I thought OB would come home when DN was crying and pleading for her not go, she was heartbroken, but I guess she wasn't ready yet.

I like the scene between OB and her MIL...from one mother's experience/view (about raising someone else's son) to another. Her MIL's words keeps coming back to her that she is "DN's mother and DN is her child." I think with those words, it gave OB courage to face MR and told her off firmly that "she will raise DN and that she is his mother."

I too hope that there will be DH/OB "together" scenes tonight. ;)

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Guest anitath

thanks scarecrow for the recap, really appreciate it. last nite ep mainly focus on OB and DN, its so sweet and intense...and like chello said i want HanBok sweet scene come back soon, slightly impossible tonite coz according to the preview OB still cant forgive DH. anyway, i still hope DH does something sweet and romantic to win OB's heart again tonite. after one or two ep more i am sure OB's heart will melt.

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Guest sema608

Okay so I was rewatching episodes 1-30 and I'm trying to figure out why the father would go through so much trouble breaking up DH and MR. Weren't they married with child? I just don't get why he would do it.

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Guest cinjin

@sema608 They weren't married. That ring they had was just a couple ring that MR gave to DH. The father was always against it so when MR got pregnant that was the last straw for him hence why he made sure they were broken up.

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I like the happiness that showed in DH's face when he saw OB home. And the scene in the bedroom when they were both lying in bed. Still with watching pajamas! OB's PJs got pink hearts, DH has got blue ones. I do not know what happened in the interchange but it seems that DH is finally opening up to OB more. DH has a difficult role in that family. He was a student who has to accept tutoring jobs to earn money for school expenses. He met MR who seduced him before he fell in love with her (if ever) or was forced into the situation because she got pregnant. He decided to take care of his child which gave his family great burden (hopefully no scandal). So he does not want to give them any more reasons that will sadden them. Then he found out he was adopted. So again, he's forever grateful to his family for taking him in and considering him as their first born. DH is a very good team leader, a proactive boss, a constructive thinker and decisive. It is only where his family is concerned that he is getting reticent. I do hope that he and OB will form a great team against the opposition. OB's reactions right now may be due to hormonal changes (tee hee, hoping she'll be on the family way soon).

DR on the other hand needs some serious disciplining. His attitude is really like that of MG's. With all those adults around him he has not been taught the proper behavior that should be exhibited by a child his age. He always want to get his own way, pouting when he's received a denial. Seriously, he does not even get his elders' permission to go out on his own. I remember OB giving him some whacks when he first disappeared, taking the folder to OB's office. It was the first time he received some minor beating. OB did that again when DR went to the bus station to wait for her. But it did not have the desired effect. I think OB will be able to instill discipline on this kid when she finds him later. He does not even have the instinct to let his elders know his whereabouts. Granted he called OB to say that he's going with Hyori to her house to play but going out with another person in a different scenario. He told Hyori but did not remember to call OB.

KH is totally clueless which is weird. She had been given so many clues before about the ill deeds on his in-laws. Oh well, she'll find out in time. MG is a lost cause. He is so self-centered. SolJi should hook up with Gicheol. They look good together and that would give MG a reason to notice SolJi. MS is weak where SJun is concerned. I was beginning to like her when she was standing up to SJun, IQ and the plastic girlfriend. Then she reverts back to being the weak person that she is. UGH! As if her dad will get a job or IQ will be willing to give her dad a job if he loses his current one just to help Well Being.

Retributions seems to be coming one after the other now. IQ does not have the backing she was hoping for from the future in-laws. KH's in-laws are also feeling the pinch. It's about time. They have had their heyday. Now for OB's dad and MR's dad...and MR herself. For two episodes we did not hear IQ screeching but she was back to her arrogant self for part of episode 103. Sheeesh, doesn't she get tired of doing that? I don't even like her other clothes, like the black tight blouse and the long skirt...hello Elvira!!!

Jeez, it's a long post. Sorry about this. Hope to see more HanBok scenes next week as they join forces to "rescue" DR.

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Okay so I was rewatching episodes 1-30 and I'm trying to figure out why the father would go through so much trouble breaking up DH and MR. Weren't they married with child? I just don't get why he would do it.

Class Difference!

DH & MR were not married... DR was conceived & born out of wedlock.

K-Dramas tend to emphasize class difference and family/financial conditions as the prime importance in Chaebol marriages.

Objection to DH-MR is the same as IQ's objection to SJ-MS marriage.

I dropped in to see what's going on on the thread.

I'm gladddd to see Autumn_Bliss, chello, tiki_SG, and others are as active as ever.

Sorry to hear about tiki_SG's computer problems.

... and thanks to scarecrow for all the detailed recaps. :)

I'm sure tiki_SG will keep everyone up-to-date as soon as her computer problem get resolved. :)

Recent plot developments seems to be interesting... though a little out-of-sync with the plots as already developed.

MR's loss of ability to conceive must be a very recent decision from the production team.

This is making her and her family looking worse and worse... and stupid to boot...

If the decision to make her barren had been made earlier... she could have told her father upon learning that DR is her son.

That would have made her father and entire family fall in line to support her... and help her "get" the only possibility to carry on the family bloodline (DR).

Anyways... I'm with you guys in missing the "cute" period of the HanBok relationship.:)

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Guest sema608

Thanks Cinjin and Ahoxan. I went back to watch the flashbacks. Took some time because I couldn't remember which episodes had the lawyer seeing DH. So that explains a lot. I think DH fell in love with MR but finally got over her when Obok came into his life. He's moved on and so should MR.

Ahoxan, I think the writers are emphasizing that DH/MR miss their chance in so many ways. They made MR miss DH in physical contact consistently while Obok found herself in the center of DH's world. She couldn't hide. IA that this could be a recent decision about MR's inability to conceive. I just wonder how aggressive she will become knowing this piece of information. Hmm.

After watching EP 103, I'm so happy Obok came home. Seems to me that she will fight by DH's side to keep the son with them. Now I just have to see how Doklip will react to the news of his mother being MR. I hope he doesn't disown OB.

Now, when the heck was it stated DH is adopted? Holy crap. I didn't see that one coming. Does anyone think Choi Gicheol and MR might pair up by the end?

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Guest anitath

part of DH reveal about his adoption was on ep 73 to ep 78 (before DH proposed OB). Now i understand why writer put DH adoption in the story line, it will be the based of YSH close bond with OB that was very useful in ep 102 (i think it was YSH who success to bring OB home).

Anyway, i dying to know what DH said to OB in their bed scene. why OB teared? that scene was so lovely and i hope it will be the turning point for OB to forgive DH.

Same as other missing HanBok cute scene alot... i hope next week PD will give us tons of fan service on behalf of our HanBok couple. PD please......

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Guest pharry

I simply love this Drama KSE aka Obok is such a great actress, JYH is so handsome gosh..... anyhow I can't wait to see what happens in episode 104, I hope MR did not run away with Doklip.

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Guest prettypat

I feel sorry for MR and her son. If I recall, her father told her that her baby had died. That type of betrayal is difficult to forgive and I think this must be very painful for her. The child has a right to know his birth mother and even if he lives with OB/DH he should have a close relationship with her. This will avoid emotional problems for him in the future. This should be more about what's best for the child and not what's best for OB/DH. Let's see where the writers go with this.

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Just helping out since Tiki_sg's computer is at the service shop...This is my first time doing episode summary and have a little understanding of the Korean language, but still I'm borrowing Tiki_sg's disclaimer notice (thanks Tiki_sg!).

Thanks ScareCrow for helping out, does it mean I can finally retire . . . :w00t:

I dropped in to see what's going on on the thread.

I'm gladddd to see Autumn_Bliss, chello, tiki_SG, and others are as active as ever.

Sorry to hear about tiki_SG's computer problems.

I'm sure tiki_SG will keep everyone up-to-date as soon as her computer problem get resolved. :)

Afraid it won't be so soon, my postings henceforth will be very limited. Am using my brother's netbook and it is so slow and on top of that, all my Favourites links are stuck in the other PC.

MR's loss of ability to conceive must be a very recent decision from the production team.

This is making her and her family looking worse and worse... and stupid to boot...

If the decision to make her barren had been made earlier... she could have told her father upon learning that DR is her son.

That would have made her father and entire family fall in line to support her... and help her "get" the only possibility to carry on the family bloodline (DR).

Not really, in end-Ep 88, the scene where MR was at the OB-GYN clinic/hospital for her first appt, she had mentioned that she had been undergoing fertility treatment when she was in USA and she decided on this clinic since she visited them when she was pregnant 7 years ago, so she thot it would be better to continue treatment with the same clinic. She only started her suspicions about her first-born when the doctor mentioned that according to her old medical records with the clinic/hospital, her child was a son and was not dead . . different from what was conveyed to MR by Mr Choi.

Now, when the heck was it stated DH is adopted? Holy crap. I didn't see that one coming. Does anyone think Choi Gicheol and MR might pair up by the end?

part of DH reveal about his adoption was on ep 73 to ep 78 (before DH proposed OB). Now i understand why writer put DH adoption in the story line, it will be the based of YSH close bond with OB that was very useful in ep 102 (i think it was YSH who success to bring OB home).

Actually, it was from Eps 71-74, with the start of the proposal scene at the end of Ep 74. All sub-plots have a reason for being there except for Mr & Mrs Seo (kekeke)

Anyway, i dying to know what DH said to OB in their bed scene. why OB teared? that scene was so lovely and i hope it will be the turning point for OB to forgive DH.

In the earlier exchange, DH was worried that OB had suffered whilst she was away. He thanked OB for coming back. OB said she had no other reason to stay away and the only reason she is back is bcos of DN.

DH - I know, it doesn't matter what the reason is, as long as you are back, I am grateful.

OB - Today I met MR

DH - What! MR mentioned to you about her wanting to take DN away?

OB nodded

DH - OB, regarding this matter, we need to re-discuss.

OB - Re-discuss? DH, you want to let her have DN?

DH - No, I won't but I first want to hear your opinion on the matter.

(That shows that he now wants OB to be part of his decision-making where DN (their family unit) is concerned.)

OB - I also told her (MR) that I will never give DN to her.

DH - OB. . . .

OB - To tell you the truth, I cannot forgive you for lying to me about this matter. But I know now, DN is my son and I won't let anyone else takeover(?)

DH - OB . . . I will never do anything to burden you . . (I am not proficient enough to translate the next sentence, am guessing that he will eternally ____ (protect? cherish? her)

DN enters the room saying he is hungry . . .

Second exchange

Basically, DH tried to convey to OB to give him one last chance, to forgive him for not telling her the truth. He says that without her he is not able to function as a human being . . .

DH - OB, are you asleep?

OB doesn't respond, nor react (I don't know if DH realises that OB heard every word that he said but he continues his heartfelt confession . . )

DH - I'm sorry, OB, to surprise you with so many things. I am a detestable husband. I did it for you (with the intention of sparing her the painful truth), but instead this has caused you more pain. I should have told you the truth from the beginning, but I was too careful in my thinking. With the thot that you might leave me forever, I have not been doing anything well . . I can't breathe, can't eat, my heart is empty. I know you have not completely forgiven me. But OB, before you became my wife, you were my everything (the reason for his whole existence). No matter what you say or how resent me, I am willing to accept. So, please do not leave me. Please forgive me, one more time.

OB tears upon hearing his heartfelt confession.

(of course, OB is a "goner" by now. In her heart, she has already forgiven him but mentally she is still resisting . . probably DH has to make one more attempt/plea before OB openly forgives him . . . *throws confetti when that happens*)

I hope MR did not run away with Doklip.

It looks very much like it . . according to her "last-minute" brainwave (or rather hare-brain, maybe I shouldn't insult the rabbit as well . . bird-brain then) decision.

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