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[Drama 2010] Dandelion Family / Blossom Sisters 민들레 가족

Guest C51236

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Guest TheLilyhua

Hmm... I might be over-thinking things but it seems like Jay has a weird interest only in HW. But then again, it could be because it was her wedding (which is why he didn't pay much attention to the other sisters, if he were really related to them). And Jay's mom actually appears in the next episode. So more clues will definitely revealed.

What got me sad was HW reading Dad's letter and later apologizing (for the guilt she feels, lying to them about the whole marriage deal) to her parents ... :(

Haha... Am I the only one who thought the wedding scene was too short? :P Also, many funny scenes between the two in the next episode. :D

Thanks for the cute banners zealioner!


Ah... About the paper HW picked up in episode 1. I believe it was JH's overseas study application form. When he said he met Jay in the US, I remembered seeing the application form stating JH was going to study at the "Western Sydney University". I decided to go back to watch the scene in episode 1 where HW and JH bumped into each other again just to confirm. Just thought I would share this MINIOR error. :D

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Guest samasta93

zealioner thanks for those nice banners :lol:

btw, I'm sorry.. but I don't know how to put the banner to my profile~? Shall I put it on signature part or else?

one moment when I saw JH fainted.. I was so worried.. what was going on with him.. but then, --correct me If I'm wrong-- it looked like someone or himself tied his necktie tightly.. at that moment.. the only thing I did is laughing.. and then another funny moment was during "kissing scene" bahahahahaa.. it was just too hilarious :lol:

the preview looks fun :D

well.. I keep asking myself who Jay is.. and I don't think he is a suitable rival for JH just in case if Jay was not SangGil's son.. he looks so old and weird.. sorry.. ehem..

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Guest samasta93

What's going on with second brother in-law? He acted so strange.. was that because he drunk~? :mellow:

oh my... at the moment when our new married couple arrived at their apartment.. and HW hugged JH there.. it was so nice~! I hope I could see them hugging again (more..) hahahaa.. LOL.. :lol::P

it's just.. hmm.. they match each other.. :lol:

and their moment inside hotel room were so funny too.. actually they needed each other instead of being alone.. hahahaa.. :lol:

I don't know why, but this couple makes my heart warm.. :) compare with mostly couples I have ever seen before.. I was excited also with other couples, but they never made my heart feels warm.. hahahaa.. :rolleyes:

I would like to see their progress.. and next preview seems so fun :lol: JH is going to kiss HW again? hahahaa.. :lol:

It's bad that this drama is airing only every weekend.. <_<

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Guest TheLilyhua

And here I was thinking that nothing could top the wedding episode. Many scenes of them together in episode 14. :D

Haha... I wonder why she hugged him though? Was it because he asked for it? :lol:

I loved how they made the scene of them being in their own separate rooms but doing very similar things. And the scene in JH's house in the middle of the night made me laugh so loud my family thought I went mad. :P

Next episode... It seems like the department head is making things difficult for HW??? I hope he doesn't though... And I wonder what will be JH's excuse for kissing her this time? ;)


Ah... and every time Ji Won's husband comes on, the word "psycho" never fails to cross my mind... He's really such a control freak.

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Episode 14 was real good aswell. Lots of JH and HW couple.

Next weeks episode looks good too. We see a kiss again..but not a real one. I think the preview

JH's friend says something like are you falling or don't start falling for HW. I may be totally wrong. I so wish it was easier to watch this drama. Now all the RAW sites are slow streaming. Thanks to TheLilyhua for putting Yoonji parts on YT. It is a lot of work! So I appreciate it :)

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Guest C51236

More Jae Ha--Hye Won moments from EP14




credits nate

Did they go to that museum at Jeju Island? the one with all the bears? wasn't that from Goong?

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Guest zealioner

Episode 13

No-shik runs out after Jung-pil, questioning him why he's returning him 5 million won when it should be 20 million won? Jung-pil tells him to treat the 15 million won as an investment, he will be able to get more in return after two months. Jung-pil feigns disappointment that No-shik is not trusting him enough to invest the remaining 5 million won, if he did, he would be collecting a return of 200 million won. As a parting gift, he gives No-shik a branded gift for Mi-won.

The couple seems destined to be constantly troubled by money woes. At home, Mi-won is offended when Sook-kyung gives her money for Hye-won's wedding gift. She is angry that her mother is interfering and asks her mother if she really thinks that they couldn't even afford a a gift for Hye-won - her mother really knows how to put a person down.

"Mi-won, didn't you say you have used up every penny? I believe No-shik must be vexing about Hye-won's wedding and thinking of getting a loan from somewhere."

"Mom, is it fun to hurt our pride? We'll take care of matters, don't worry about it!"

"I'm doing this because I don't want to hurt your husband's pride. He's still my son-in-law and your husband. I don't want him to be looked down by Hye-won's husband. I want him to be able to speak with his head high. Just tell him that you've been saving up money from his earnings. How happy he will be! It's hurtful to your pride but you save your husband's face in return. Can't you even do this?"

Sook-kyung pushes the money to Mi-won and Mi-won stops being spiteful, definitely angry with herself but she accepts it. Soo-kyung is glad and reminds her to come by the house the next day with No-shik and to give her the money in front of Hye-won.

"Do I need to put up an act?"

"Even if you hate it, you've to do it for your husband and son. You have to do anything, not only act, if that's what it takes. Let's keep this a secret between us, understand?"

Having settled the matter, Sook-kyung gets up to leave. Mi-won tells her to stay for dinner but Sook-kyung doesn't want to run into No-shik, apart from that she has to rush home to cook dinner for her father. She'll take a rain check on that dinner invitation. Before she leaves, she tells Mi-won to have her wedding picture taken again tomorrow, when Hye-won goes for hers but Mi-won tells her to forget about it. After her mother leaves, Mi-won starts to tear up, still frustrated at her predicament but touched by her mother's concern although she never said so.

Much later, she cheers up when No-shik returns home with the Chanel bag from Jung-pil. Hearing that it's from Jung-pil, she gathers it must be a fake then, nevertheless, she couldn't contain her joy that she's holding a bag that looks exactly like the ones Ji-won uses. Maybe she can use it at Hye-won's wedding? Seeing how pleased she is, No-shik intends to further please her by giving her the 5 million won but before he can take it out of his jacket, Mi-won hands him the money for Hye-won's wedding, following through with her mother's script.

As Sook-kyung predicted, No-shik is happy that his wife is resourceful enough to be saving up money. Since they have now tide over the current money problem, he keeps the 5 million won from Mi-won, reconsidering Jung-pil's offer instead...

Back at home, Sang-gil is speaking to Ji-won about Myung-suk. Are they having troubles lately? He tells her to speak with ease. Ji-won doesn't even flinch at the suprise question, she maintains her smile and assures her father that everything is fine. Sang-gil is not convinced though he doesn't press her further.

"Men do foolish things at times and when faced with such a period, you shouldn't give up easily. Talk to him, like he's your youngest brother. Like how your mother talks to me."

"Yes, Father. I'll do just that."

"Are you sure there aren't problems?"

Before Ji-won can reply, Sook-kyung enters the house and apologizes for being late. She's surprised to see Ji-won and tells her that it's a good thing she's here. She has bought some of Myung-suk's favorite food, Ji-won can bring it home to him. Still remained seated, Sang-gil looks pensive.

At Jae-ha's apartment cum studio, Jae-ha is going through the wedding checklist. Wedding venue (Check). Honeymoon (Check). Apartment (Check). Hye-won is tired from the preparations but she remembers something important.

"We need to book two rooms at the hotel."

"Oh that. I'm not sure about it yet."

"Why? No, we need to have two rooms."

"Let's decide when we get there. If Jae-hoon hyung gets wind of it and tells your father about it. That would be bad, right?"

"Oh, right. I get it. By the way, what kind of person is Jae-hoon?"

"A good person. He grew up in a happy family and is an outstanding person. Why?"

"No, nothing. Just so...Ok, what else is there to prepare?"

"Do we want to book that hotel?"

"Don't make a booking first. As for the rest, you handle it. okay? Text me if you need anything. Sheesh. I'm dying here. With all that workload and I still have to go get married."

"Ditto. Why couldn't we just get over it with a simple wedding? Does it need to be so complicated."

"That's what I think too. Those people who get married twice are really something."

"Yeah. it's so difficult that I don't even want to get married twice."

Hye-won packs up to leave, declining the coffee that Jae-ha's partner offers to her. He hands it to Jae-ha.

"Both of you are really a joke. What if they find out about it?"

"Hyung, it will be fine as along as you keep quiet about it." Jae-ha seems pretty confident that NO ONE will know but his partner doesn't look too optimistic about it. Jae-ha doesn't even give much thoughts about it, frantically looking all over the place for his car keys. He needs to go see his father.

Sook-kyung is telling Ji-won about Hye-won's new apartment, which Ji-won thinks is too small for the couple. Hye-won returns home just then and Ji-won asks why Hye-won didn't get a bigger place. Sang-gil thinks it's just nice for the couple. They used to live in a smaller apartment. Sook-kyung remarks that it wouldn't be enough when a baby come along. Hye-won assure them that they will look for a bigger living space when the time arrives. She tells them not to worry about getting her home appliances, she'll be taking care of everything herself. Also, she's just thinking of bringing her current blanket over to her new house. Ji-won chides her for going overboard with that suggestion (meaning she has to respect her new life and get new stuff). Hye-won then tells her parents to keep it a low-key affair and not to send out too many invitations. Sang-gil cannot compromise on that one and Soo-kyung seems annoyed - it's not as if it's a secret wedding that has to be kept from the world. Hye-won is feeling guilty as charged.

After having eavesdropped on Ji-won's conversation with her sisters, Myung-suk is no longer trusting of her. When she tells him that she was at her mother's, he doubts her and asks if she was really there. Ji-won hands him her cellphone and tells him to call her mother to confirm her whereabouts. When asked for the purpose of her visit, she tells him that her father had wanted to see her and he had asked if there was trouble with their marriage? Just so to spite him, Ji-won relates to Myung-suk that she told her father 'yes'.

After Ji-won leaves to go to her room, Sook-kyung calls and tells Myung-suk that she has sent some of his favorite food, she hopes he enjoys it. I guess he's feeling a little bad about doubting her but more frustrated that his life is experiencing more imperfections as of recent because that's what he proceeds to tell her immediately.

Entering the room, Myung-suk grabs Ji-won's wrist in anger and accuses her for ruining his perfect life.

"My life would have been perfect without you! You have ruined everything now! Do you know?"

"What do you want me to do about it then? You want me to laugh and cry as you dictate?"

"Right. That's just what you've to do! Just pretend to be happy!"

"What do I have to do exactly to pretend to be happy?"

"Just believe that you're happy. That will do." He releases her hand, lowers his voice and for a moment, he looks pitiful rather than hateful. "I...that's what I do too." Ji-won's anger vanishes at his last words, holds on to his hand as he turns to leave, and apologizes. Without a word in response, Myung-suk leaves the room.

Hyo-dong is throwing a fit because Jae-ha has came to tell him that he prefers a low-key wedding. The current trend is to hold a house wedding where only very close friends and family gather. He suggests for his father should cut back on the invitations. Hyo-dong tells him to cut the crap with trends and that it cannot be done as he knows too many people during his 30 years of military life. Jae-ha is not compromising either so he tells him that if he insists, then it might be difficult to carry out the wedding because Hye-won's father had requested for things to be simple.

Lucky for him, Jae-kyung and Byung-gu is supporting his request. Whether it's the truth or they are simply playing along to avoid another disagreement, the couple tells their father that their in-laws seem to want to keep matters simple as both the elders in their families have passed on and it just doesn't seem right to be inviting so many guests. At that, Hyo-dong is appeased and agrees. Then, he tells Jae-kyung and Byung-gu to leave the room, having something to say to Jae-ha.

He takes out some bank books and a seal, giving it to Jae-ha, tells him that this is what he has promised him for his business. Use it for the wedding and clear his debts and from now, he expects Jae-ha to do a good job. Jae-ha is surprised and cannot thank his father enough. Hyo-dong seems relieved, he is overcome with sadness as he speaks to his wife's portrait. "You have heard about Jae-ha's marriage, right? His wife is kind and beautiful..." Jae-ha is affected by his father's melancholy and tries to say something but being a man, Hyo-dong masks it and hurries Jae-ha home, reminding him to drive cautiously. After Hyo-dong leaves the room, Jae-ha looks at his mother's portrait, then looks away in guilt. "I'm sorry, Mother. This is not what I intended..."

Reality has finally set in for Sang-gil when he hears his secretary talking behind his back, grumbling about the errands Sang-gil instructs him on everyday. His colleagues laughs, criticising Sang-gil for not knowing where he stands now. Why couldn't he just stop working so hard when he's no longer required to do so? Why not he take over the cleaning jobs instead, they tease among themselves. The final blow comes for Sang-gil when he overhears that the CEO had thrown away his business proposal without taking a look. He walks away and when he approaches the cleaning lady trolley, he removes his tie and throws it in the bin, only to see his business proposal lying above the heap of trash...

Pil-nam is dressed to the nines on this day that she's delivering the dowry to Hyo-dong. Tae-hwan couldn't believe it and asks if she's going on an outing? People may mistake her for being an unsound woman. Pil-nam is offended, isn't delivering the dowry an important task? She worries about how Tae-hwan will behave in front of Hyo-dong and reminds him to put on his best manners. Tae-hwan tells her to look out for herself instead and warns her not to drink even if it's being offered to her.

Having arrived outside Hyo-dong's house, Tae-hwan has to agree with his mother that the house is beautiful. He promises to earn enough money to get a house for his mother. Pil-nam mutters that who knows how long would it take for him to accomplish that, it would be quicker if she just marry into the family.

Jae-kyung is just arriving home and surprised to see that they are early. Pil-nam is excited to see Jae-kyung and forgets her manners with her, slapping her on her arms as she exclaims how much she takes after her father as well as her resemblance to Jae-ha. Tae-hwan alerts his mother to her manners and she quickly excuses herself to enter the house. Jae-kyung remembers that she is the spy from before and hurries in after her.

Pil-nam's behavior when with Hyo-dong is seriously an embarrassing display of teenage flirtation. She pretends to be demure and coy but is really trying to reel in the big fish. Hyo-dong is no fool to her actions, forgets her on purpose and then remembers that she is that 'ajummoni' from before, after being 'reminded' by Byung-gu. Pil-nam is offended but it doesn't stay that way for long, as both elders dance to a silent romantic tune with their forks and dessert, oblivious to the weird stares from Tae-hwan and Jae-kyung's unhappiness.

Back at Sook-kyung's, Pil-nam has yet to cool down from the intense heat that's coming from her lavish attire (That HAT), or is it her meeting with Hyo-dong? Sook-kyung expresses puzzlement over how hot (no pun intended) she is, it's not even that hot a weather. Only Tae-hwan seems to have catch on by now, about what's going on with his mother, but he remains silent.

Tonight is the night that Jae-ha is sending over the wedding gifts to Hye-won's family. He and his hyung (until I know his name, that's what I will address him as) are waiting patiently for his father to finish preparing the wedding gift box before they set off. Jae-ha grumbles that it's such a hassle, why go through the trouble? And that earns him a glare from his father. Jae-kyung chides him for the remark - traditions should be upheld as and when necessary. Byung-gu hurries him off and tells him to call for more friends to join his entourage, just him and his hyung seem to be a little quiet.

Jae-ha is not sure if he can even carry out the traditional ceremony, it's just not his thing. He would have done away with it if not for fearing that it will upset Hye-won's family. His father tells him to cut the grumbles, and reminds him to shout as loud as he can when he arrives at Hye-won's house. He should spare a thought for her parents, how sad they will be, to be marrying off their youngest daughter.

And I thought I've seen enough of such scenes on the eve of the wedding, when the groom and his entourage bring over the wedding gift. Nothing special? OH.MAN. I laughed till I teared. The duo alone is stand-up comedy.

Outside Hye-won's house, Jae-ha hands a piece of dried cuttlefish to his hyung. Hyung takes a sniff and asks if he really needs to put it on? Jae-ha tells him to bear with the smell. So hyung puts the cuttlefish over his face and secures it with his glasses. He asks Jae-ha if he looks okay, he feels weird. Jae-ha shows him a thumbs-up, he's simply dashing. Let's begin then.

Hyung calls out: 함 사세요. (Ham, pronounced harm saseyo!) - Buy the wedding gift. Jae-ha tells him to give his shout more punch. Hyung says he's too nervous and grumbles that Jae-ha should have called his friends along to help. Jae-ha tells him that he'll help. Let's start again. But Jae-ha's earlier worry isn't without cause, this is something that's simply not within his area of expertise. He barely cries.

Mi-won and her family appear at the gate, telling him that they couldn't hear a thing. He should try harder but harder seems to be the loudest already - given Jae-ha and Hyung's performance that seems to be getting weaker with every fresh attempt. Mi-won encourages him further and volunteers to help. Then the rest of the family appears and everyone begins shouting 함 사세요! ! No longer alone to do the embarrassing duty, Jae-ha and Hyung work up their courage and yells at the top of their voice. The neighbors flocks to witness the affair and the groom completes the ceremony and enters the house.

Hye-won shows Jae-ha her room. Then he notices that Hye-won isn't feeling to well.

"Your tummy isn't well? Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

"I'm fine. I get it when I'm tired."

"Me too. It's too hard. There's another day left. Be strong."

"Are we doing the right thing?"

"Destiny. This is destiny. We should not go against it."

"Okay. Let's help each other and live well then." Jae-ha cheers her on. Then Mi-won enters the room to tell them to come down for dinner. She just knew that they are together and teases them about not being able stay away from one another for a moment.

Late into the night, Sang-gil is still in his study, looking at a picture of his three young daughters. He kisses the picture then walks out to slip a letter under Hye-won's door. Hye-won is awake, likely troubled over the marriage deception. She walks to the door when she hears a noise and discovers the letter. What is written in the letter brought tears to Hye-won's eyes.

"My dear youngest daughter Hye-won.

The day has finally arrive. The day when you and I will be separated.

I feel sorry for spending my time with work and was never there to see all you grow up. I'm very sorry.

But Hye-won, although I was never there by your side, I thought of you all every minute.

I prayed for you all to grow up healthy and I'm grateful that you all are healthy.

Just like your mother and I, I hope you assist your husband, love each other and live happily forever.

Being a military man, I'm not good at penning words. I'll end it here today."

Seeing Hye-won about to marry, Sook-kyung couldn't help but feel sorry for not preparing a decent wedding ceremony for Mi-won. Sang-gil agrees but what can they do? Knowing that it's impossible to change Mi-won's thinking, they can only let her marry quietly as that's what she wanted. As they are about to go to sleep, Hye-won enters the room crying, shocking her parents. She goes on her knees and begins apologizing. Of course, her parents are none the wiser about the reason for the apology, they merely think that she's apologetic about leaving the family. Sook-kyung consoles her that she couldn't be happier that she's finally getting married. Sang-gil tells her that she can always come home to visit since they live nearby. Still, the guilt is too great for Hye-won to bear and seeking forgiveness is about the only thing she can do now to alleviate the pain.

Before we go on to the wedding, a short interlude to see what's up between No-shik and Jung-pil. No-shik has already decided to partner up with Jung-pil - for what, he doesn't know and Jung-pil is not letting him know now. Jung-pil tells him that he just needs to help him mail stuff. No-shik is tempted by the lucrative offer but fears if he will be involved in something illegal like drugs. Drugs, no but there's a little risk of it being illegal. However, Jung-pil reassures him that he'll take care of matters and No-shik need not worry. After getting Jung-pil's assurance that he will be held responsible, No-shik leaves for the wedding. (Who thought that No-shik looks just fine in suit and a properly combed hair?)

The day we've been waiting for. THE WEDDING. And doesn't the bride just look lovely in her wedding dress. Not only is the bridal gown so elegantly beautiful, it's just Hye-won's style. As she sits prettily on the couch, the curtain draws open and the groom is staring at her. He's not obviously mesmerized but subtly, as if trying to hide the fact from himself that he actually thinks she's pretty. He doesn't want to show it but it shows. AH. Jae-ha, you're so dead. You didn't even praise her for looking beautiful, you are obviously hiding something in that heart of yours.

Jae-ha hands Hye-won her pills (for her fluttering tummy) and tells her to chew it well, least she chokes on it.

"Are you feeling well? I've been stressed since a couple of days ago. I've been tormented by guilt."

"You are weaker than you look," he teases "since we're already at this point, just move ahead with courage. Victory is ahead, don't back down now."

"I've always live uprightly so the uneasiness is eating me."

"I've been too busy to be thinking of all these." Hye-won smiles as Mi-won enters the room. Seeing them together, Mi-won gently chides them for being together AGAIN. Jae-ha excuses himself, leaving the two sisters together. Mi-won tells Hye-won that she's looking too pretty, is there anything she needs? And it's so sad to see the regrets and envy in Mi-won's eyes as she looks over the bride in her gown.

Jae-ha walks into his changing room, surprised to see his father waiting. Hyo-dong hugs his son and then tells him that he has brought his mother along too - in his coat pocket. He's sure that his mother would want to witness how dashing her son looks on his wedding day (and we learn that Jae-ha's mother had died during childbirth). That anticipation from his father is killing Jae-ha, it seems, as he begins to act like he's at a loss.

Jae-kyung and Byung-gu enter just then, and Jae-kyung ushers her father out to give Jae-ha some space. Worried that Jae-ha might be upset over his father's actions, Byung-gu explains that his father is merely too touched by Jae-ha's marriage and probably sad to see him married too. He comments that Jae-ha looks just dashing in his suit and tells him to come out when he's ready. Jae-ha has by now lost his cheery disposition and struggling to release the tie knot that is suffocating him.

After Byung-gu leaves the room, we see Jae-ha about to lose his footing as he staggers to the couch, then he begins to cough and thump on his chest as if air is fast fizzling out of his lungs. He collapses, shocking Hye-won, who has just entered to hand him something. She calls out to him (it's nice to hear that she's calling him Jae-ha instead of the usual Lee shiljang) but he's unresponsive although conscious. Hye-won yells for help.

Outside the families are still oblivious to the drama happening inside the changing room. Hyo-dong has just invited Sang-gil to meet his relatives when Mi-won's son comes crying that his aunt's husband is dead! Everyone is shocked by his outcry and puzzled, for isn't his aunt's husband (Myung-suk) standing right here? Then he clarifies it's his youngest aunt's husband!

Jae-kyung rushes towards the room followed by the others. By now, Jae-ha is unconscious and Hye-won has relieved him of his tie and coat. Jae-kyung is crying and tries to shake him awake. The two fathers are still busy chatting with their guests until they see No-shik carrying Jae-ha on is back and heading for the exit with the rest following behind. Myung-suk tells Ji-won to stay behind, who relates to the fathers about what has happened - Jae-ha had collapsed suddenly. Hyo-dong looks like he's about to faint too.

It's drama as Jae-ha is being rushed to the hospital, Jae-kyung follows by the side threatening that she'll not let him off easily if he dies on her now. Sook-kyung and her daughters are worried to death. At the hospital, Myung-suk volunteers himself to follow the patient into emergency, telling the others to wait. Jae-kyung wails about Jae-ha dying even before he can get married. Before there's news on Jae-ha, another commotion arises when Hye-won faints.

Moments later, Myung-suk exits the emergency ward, taken aback to see that Hye-won has collapsed too (although she's conscious), he tells the family that Jae-ha has regained consciousness. It's fainting caused by an over-stimulation of the vagus nerve because his tie was knotted too tightly and coupled with the anxiety that he's feeling, which had sent him into shock. Everyone is relieved and Jae-kyung is too upset by the shock that she now dares Jae-ha to come out (implying that she's going to kill him).

At the wedding hall, Hyo-dong is in a daze and Pil-nam is comforting him, patting his hand as she assures him that Jae-ha will be fine. Hyo-dong tells her that he wouldn't want to live if anything should happen to Jae-ha. Does she even how how hard it was bringing the boy up? At a corner, Ji-won and her father have just received news from Myung-suk that Jae-ha is awake now, all is well. Sang-gil hurries to convey the good news to Hyo-dong. They are happy that the wedding will proceed as planned.

The ceremony is finally taking place. Jae-ha is well and walking down the aisle to the cheering of his wife's family. Then, Sang-gil walks Hye-won down the aisle and hands her over to Jae-ha. The couple says their vow, promising to love and respect one another. Then, Hyung, who's the presiding emcee of the event, announces that now's the time for the kiss that everyone's waiting for.

Both Jae-ha and Hye-won look towards him but faced with the cheering crowd, there's not much they can do about it, can they? That's what Jae-ha is telling Hye-won as they faced each other. "Bear with it. It's coming now.." Jae-ha tells Hye-won and he looks ready to kiss her for real. Hye-won hides the kiss with her bouquet to the dismay of the guests and behind the scene, she's pressing Jae-ha's lips closed as he's about to kiss her. "Do you think I'll be falling for the same trick again?"

As the happy scene closes, we see Jae-hoon attending the event from afar, away from familiar faces - with a look that spells trouble...

***End of Episode 13***

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Guest samasta93

ohhh my God... ZEALIONER you are so AWESOME~!!! THANK YOU SO MUCHHHHH~!!! :lol::lol::lol:

thank youuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~~~ :lol::lol::lol:

omo.. I didn't know that Jay actually attend JH-HW wedding ceremony~~ wew.. I have to watch it again then... :huh:

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Guest zealioner

Episode 14

The wedding ceremony is finally over, Sook-kyung heaves a sigh of relief. She tells her husband that her lifespan has just been shortened because of what happened to Jae-ha. Noticing that Sang-gil looks distracted and solemn, she asks him what he was speaking to the VP about earlier on.

Sang-gil reveals that he has resigned from his post. That shocked Soo-kyung - WHY? Why didn't he discuss it with her? Why would he give up something he had invested decades of his years on? Sang-gil refuses to go into details about the kind of treatment he had received at the company. He merely tells her that he needs to take a break. He has given his all to the company all these years, to the extent of neglecting his parents, wife and daughters. He had slogged, he had persevered, he had even went against his principles to fulfill every single duty for the company. Aren't all that enough? He tells Sook-kyung that he had delayed his resignation till now , till Hye-won is married. He has done it all for her sake. Sang-gil is clearly upset that Sook-kyung is not showing him the understanding that he needs right now.

Jae-ha and Hye-won are on their way to their honeymoon, already, Hye-won is calculating how much Jae-ha has owed her in expenses. He tells her that she's such a penny-snitcher, counting it to the last penny. He tells her to hold it till the honeymoon is over, he'll pay her for his share of the total expenses then. She then asks about his fainting spell earlier in the day - is he suffering from an illness? Jae-ha replies that it can be fatal if it was any serious. She looks serious and asks him what is it? Whether he's really sick or just pulling her leg, he doesn't elaborate further, simply reminding her that she has just breached Article 11 Clause 9 of the their contract - No invasive questions.

The newly-wed has arrived at the hotel, Hye-won is amusing herself with a bear-pianist while Jae-ha checks them in at the counter. He approaches her and calls her 'his bride' and waves one card key at her (which means one room), she's anxious - WHY ONE? Then he waves another at her - he has gotten two rooms and he's just teasing her. He then sets off with one luggage, leaving her with the rest - teasing Hye-won seems to be Jae-ha's latest amusement. Hye-won is upset, lugs at the luggage and calls out after him (she calls him the 'new groom'). But that didn't last long, when Jae-ha exits the elevator, he's pulling all the luggage. Hye-won thinks that's the merit of getting married.

"Getting married is nice. There's someone to manage all the luggage. Was it weird [to the counter staff] that a newlywed couple is asking for separate rooms?"

"You don't say." Jae-ha hands her luggage outside her room and takes his leave. The he stops and turns around to ask.

"What do you intend to do during this 3D2N stay?"

"I'm handling a project, I intend to work on it."

"Oh... Much as this is all fake but still, it's the only one time in my lifetime...it's disappointing." He does look disappointed.

"So...?" Hye-won smiles, Jae-ha smiles and they seem to have reached an understanding.

They take a walk outdoors and congratulate each other for being married.

"Finally, I need not be pestered to get married anymore!"

"And I need not be pressured."

"It's really a wonderful feeling! It's all thanks to you, Jae-ha. Thank you."

"No. It's you who saved me."

"Let's be certain that we will not be exposed. Let's live well together."

"Of course. Don't worry. We will not be exposed. Want to make a run for it?"

"Why not?" They make a dash for the beach, enjoying the freedom, and finally feeling free at last - which is an irony considering that they are now bound together.

Later in the evening, the couple shares a meal and is now talking about the loves of their life over drinks. They must have gone on this for a while now because both are tipsy.

"My first love? It's grief. He had an affair with my friend. How about you?"

"Err..my first love...is a tragedy."

"Let's hear about it."

"No, I can't. It still pains me to talk about it."

"Wow. That's so cool...going to this extent for a first love."

"Then what about your last love?"

"That was the year before last. It didn't take me a minute to have that fabulous feeling."

"And then?"

"And then, there's nothing."


"Emmm... Because I didn't want to be hurt by love again."

"That means it's a one-sided love."

"That's right. A one-sided love." Jae-ha signals her to lean closer.

"When the day comes that you meet a guy you really love, tell me. I'll make sure it wouldn't be a one-sided love again."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course."

"OK! OK!" In her semi-tipsy state, Hye-won seems delighted by the idea.

They are done with drinking and returning to their rooms, expressing how relaxed they are feeling now. As Jae-ha bids her farewell at the door, Hye-won tells him to come into her room first. He's shocked and tells her "NO!" but she has already pulled him in. Misinterpreting her intentions, he's feeling uncomfortable yet not unwilling - if it does come to what he thinks Hye-won is suggesting - and tells her that he should go back for a nap first and come accompany her later. But his heart and mind are clearly not communicating on the same line because he starts removing his jacket. until. he sees Hye-won making a call to her mother. Now he gets it.

Sook-kyung asks to speak to Jae-ha and is concerned over his health. Jae-ha assures her that he's well now. She tells him that Sang-gil is already asleep when Jae-ha asks to speak to his father-in-law. She ends the call just as he's about to say something. However, he continues to speak to the disconnected tone, 'complaining' to Sook-kyung how Hye-won had worked him like a dog during the day and he's now aching all over. Hye-won snatches over the phone to clarify and realizes her mother has disconnected the call.

She then hurries him to call his father but Jae-ha tells her that it's not necessary. Just then, his sister calls, chiding him for making his father worry. Hyo-dong asks about his health and quickly requested to speak to his daughter-in-law. (Here, Hyo-dong asks to speak to his 새 아기 se agi which means the new daughter-in-law and Jae-ha still, not accustomed to having a bride, asks his father WHO he wants to speak too?).

After the calls have been made and the room has quieten down after the busyness, awkwardness sets in for the young couple when they ealized they are all alone in the same room. Jae-ha quickly asks if he can go now, grabs his stuff and leaves, leaving Hye-won to enjoy her freedom in comfort. Back in his own room, Jae-ha indulges himself too...(so cute). BUT. after the initial excitement has died down, they are now restless. Seriously tired but simply unable to sleep, they toss and turn about their own beds, clearly affected by their 'spouse' in the other room. They try to entertain themselves but it continues to be a long night. Then Jae-ha calls, asking Hye-won if she wants to join him for beer. She feigns sleepiness and reminds him that it's late. Somehow, hearing each other voices, puts a smile on their faces.

(I really like the little detail about the wedding rings. Hye-won removes hers because it's 'in the way' but Jae-ha leaves his on. Either he doesn't care because it's ONLY a ring or because he CARES as it's a wedding ring. I think that says something about their perspectives on their new relationship.)

The next morning, Hye-won is ready to pamper herself with a hot bath when the doorbell rings. It's room service, the voice calls out. When she opens the door, she sees Jae-ha in his terry robe and holding a camera. She hides behind the door and asks what's he doing here at this hour. Without a word, he barges in and makes a dash for the hot tub. Hye-won reminds him that he's breaching the contract right this instant and he should leave now. But he doesn't. He removes his robe (to which she screams and he chides her - has she never seen a man taking off his clothes?) and hops into the bath. He tells her to join him, they need to produce evidence of their spousal relationship today. Hye-won finally understands what it is all about and joins him to take their first picture at the tub....

Sang-gil is still sore about what happened at the office, his mood is still sombre and Sook-kyung is treading carefully about him. She tells him that she has to make a trip to Hye-won's new apartment later in the day and she will ready his lunch before she leaves. Alone in the kitchen, Sook-kyung is also still sore about the resignation. She mutters that Sang-gil should have hold out for at least another year.

Sook-kyung is at Hye-won's apartment with Pil-nam and Ji-won. Pil-nam couldn't stop expressing her approval of the apartment. She asks Ji-won if Jae-ha is well now? It's the first time she has seen a groom faint on his wedding day. Then Ji-won notices that her mother is unusually quiet, Pil-nam seconds that observation. Sook-kyung reveals Sang-gil's resignation and Pil-nam is shocked, She's sure something had happened at work. Sook-kyung tells them that Sang-gil is refusing to say anything about it. She's extremely upset but couldn't raise an anger at him whenever she's reminded of how hard he had worked for the family. Pil-nam consoles her that Sang-gil should enjoy life now...

At home, Sang-gil is struggling with the rice cooker, somehow he just couldn't get it to open. Just as he seems resigned about having to go hungry, Jae-hoon calls. They meet for lunch and is taking a walk after when Jae-hoon expresses surprise at his resignation. Sang-gil tells him that it seems he's a burden to the office now and that he has always thought that he is of great help to the company but it doesn't seem that way. Sang-gil suggests they go for tea, Jae-hoon offers to treat and recommends a fairly nice tea house that he frequents. Upon arrival, he's disappointed that the lady boss has left and she has not left word as when she will return.

Sang-gil is impressed with the place, it makes him think of the old days. Jae-hoon asks if there's someone he misses? After giving it some thought, he replies that he misses his parents and people whom he has lost touch with. Then he remembers that Jae-hoon is looking for someone in the country, has he found the person? Jae-hoon tells him yes, it's a person who has some sort of destiny with his family. Sang-gil is glad that things has worked out for Jae-hoon. He mentions that he'll have to bring his wife here someday, she's going to love the place. The information doesn't sit well with Jae-hoon.

Likely wanting to share the same interest with Hyo-dong, Pil-nam latest hobby is plants. She comes home with Ji-won, who's helping her bring in the potted plants. Seeing Tae-hwan, Ji-won quickly excuses herself to leave but Pil-nam tells her to stay for a drink.

Pil-nam tells Ji-won to get her father a membership card for the fitness centre since he's no longer working. Tae-hwan doesn't want to have monetary involvement with the Park's considering their close relationship and tells Ji-won to just tell Sang-gil to come over anytime. Later at the centre, Tae-hwan hands Ji-won a membership card to which she insists on paying for the fee. He takes slight offense at her insistence and walks away. Before leaving, Ji-won tells him to take care of her father if he should comes by, and that she'll drop by too but Tae-hwan ignores her. A patron is curious about Ji-won, praises her beauty and asks Tae-hwan if Ji-won is his girlfriend? He raises his voice and asks so what if she is? In actual fact, he's just acting indifferent; like Ji-won, Tae-hwan has too much unspoken feelings buried inside him.

Back home, Myung-suk starts questioning Ji-won about her whereabouts. She tells him she was at Hye-won's apartment with Pil-nam and her mother, but intentionally kept the fact that she was at Tae-hwan's fitness centre too. Thus, she was taken aback when he asks her about 'Hwan Fitness Center'. He had received a text message from the credit card company that there was a transaction made through his credit card. Ji-won then tells him that she had gotten a membership package for her father since he's now retired. Myung-suk tells her to cancel it and that he will get one for him at a hotel fitness club. Ji-won tells him to leave it as it is, her father will not venture further than a place near his home.

The honeymoon is over. Jae-ha has just arrived at his father's home. Hyo-dong doesn't hide the fact that he's waiting for a grandchild. So he asks Hye-won if she has been making auspicious dreams? Jae-ha replies that they have no time for dreams, they are way too tired. Jae-kyung takes that reply as an indication that the couple has been busy in bed, to which her husband quickly stops her from being blunt.

Hyo-dong does not let up and tells them that most couples make a baby during their honeymoon, so is Hye-won bearing good news yet? Jae-ha replies that they want to take it slow, let them enjoy a newly wed life a little longer. Hyo-dong asks Hye-won if she thinks alike Jae-ha? She tells him not to worry, she will have the child if she conceives. Jae-ha is surprised by her reply but Hyo-dong is pleased, adding that it will be easier on them to raise a child when they are still young. Jae-kyung tells Hye-won that most people are against having children, however Hye-won's reply comes as a surprise.

Hyo-dong chides his daughter - what's so wrong with Hye-won's reply. It's natural to leave descendents behind, naturally she should bear children. Jae-ha quickly adds that it's Hye-won's idea to have at least five children or more, which delights Hyo-dong but Hye-won is giving him the stink eye. Byung-gu teases that Jae-ha should work hard at earning money if that's the case. Hyo-dong is on the roll, tells Hye-won that regardless if she has 10 or 20 kids, she should just bear them all. Jae-kyung is worried, is her father intending for her to help raise the kids? She will leave home if that is so. Hyo-dong tells her not to worry. He will care for them, after all he has single-handedly raised Jae-ha. So Hye-won just need to keep bearing children.

However, the trial is yet to be over. Hye-won is just enjoying her sweet potatoes when her husband's family hurries them off to bed. Hyo-dong tells them he has heated their room so that they can have a nice sleep. So early, she's asks with worry. Jae-kyung tells her that villagers sleep early to rise early for work. She then hands her a couple pyjamas set, reminding her to put it on, hinting for them to have a nice rest. Jae-ha and Hye-won leave the room reluctantly, unsure of how to tread the next step. After the couple leaves the room, Hyo-dong urges Jae-kyung and her husband to retire too, he wants a complete lights out. Later, Hyo-dong speaks to his wife's portrait, telling her to bless the couple to have at least a son and a daughter.

Jae-ha and Hye-won are in their pyjamas, looking awkward. Hye-won points out that there's only one blanket so what should they do? Jae-ha offers to go get another but she changes her mind, citing that the heated floor should keep them warm. Taking another blanket might arouse his family's suspicions. Jae-ha agrees, tells her to take the blanket while he takes the mattress. He tells her to bear with it for a night even if it may be uncomfortable.

"Don't come close to me, understand?" Hye-won is nevertheless worried about them sharing quarters.

"I think you, Hye-won, should be careful instead. I don't react to women I'm not interested in. So there's absolutely nothing to worry about. "

Yes. Jae-ha. But when you are sleeping and the heat in the room becomes UNBEARABLE, it's something beyond control. So as the night goes on and the heat turns the room into a furnace (that's what Jae-ha was muttering in his sleep), he begins removing his pyjamas. Beside him, Hye-won is also disturbed by the heat, when she finally opens her eyes and sees Jae-ha right in her face, with his arm over her, she goes berserk. She forgets the situation she's in and instinctively kicks and hits him, creating a ruckus that soon wakes everyone. The rest of the family suspects that they have been burglarized, so they are stunned when they see Hye-won coming after Jae-ha, who's wrapped in his blanket.

Seeing the family, Hye-won realized she has made a mistake. She gives an excuse that Jae-ha was having a nightmare and alerts him to the situation. Still unaware of what has caused this chaos, Jae-ha gets out from his blanket, facing his family in his boxers. His sister asks if he ain't feeling cold, only then did he realized his semi-nudity, screams and dashes into the room.

In the safety of their room, Jae-ha grumbles that Hye-won should not have shouted.

"Why would I not shout when I've awoken to see a man holding me in his arms? You better explain this. You've just breached the contract."

"Breached the contract? I've never been obedient whenever I'm sleeping."

"Then why did you remove your clothes?"

"It must be the heat. I don't take to heat very well."

"Then you should have told me about your weird habits."

"Then you think you're normal?"

"What about me?"

"Don't you know you grind your teeth? Oh my. That sound. My goosebumps were all up."

"Nonsense. I don't grind my teeth."

"Also isn't there some skin problems? You were scratching all over when you were sleeping."

"Stop lying."

"Grinding your teeth and all that scratching. I'll record it for you to listen in the future." He lifts up his head from the pillow and flashes her a victory smile. "Now we're both even." He goes back to sleep, leaving her glaring and embarrassed.

No-shik and Jung-pil are meeting by the river bank. No-shik tells his friend that he has mailed that stuff - so what now? And what's in the package? Jung-pil tells him that he doesn't need to know, also they are not breaking the law. And if that stuff gets confiscated, it's the boss's problem, not theirs. Then Jung-pil hands him his salary. It's a million won. No-shik is surprised - he is getting paid a million won for every courier service? He forgets about being antagonistic and asks if Jung-pil has had his lunch? He should.

Back at home, No-shik and Mi-won are getting ready to go to her mother's house. The newlywed is coming home today. Just because he's being highly paid now, No-shik starts becoming competitive. He asks Mi-won how much Jae-ha is earning every month. Mi-won has no idea. He then tells her to be patient, he'll be giving her a good life soon. Mi-son isn't ambitious, she tells him that she's happy as it is as long as they don't go into an overdraft. With money in his pocket, No-shik suggests they detour to the fishery first.

He buys expensive sashimi for his in-laws and he's so proud of what he has done that he keeps telling Soo-kyung how fresh the fishes look. Sook-kyung tells him to stop poking the fishes or it will turn bad soon. Mi-won comes into the kitchen showing off her Chanel. Ji-won tells her not to carry something like that (she knows it's a fake), she'll give her a better one. Sook-kyung signals Ji-won not to speak like that. Mi-won is disappointed, does it show? She pops something into her mouth, exclaiming how good it is. Sook-kyung tells her not to nibble, it's for Jae-ha. Already offended by what Ji-won had said about Mi-won's bag, No-shik now seems jealous and starts creating trouble.

He overhears Mi-won asking Ji-won if Myung-suk has went for a sperm check. He tells Ji-won that it's impossible her husband would go for one, does she know how much courage is needed to go for that kind of medical check? It's synonymous to a man's pride! Mi-won is upset by his bluntness and pushes him out of the kitchen. Sook-kyung reprimands Mi-won for bringing up the subject. Mi-won explains that she had said it out of interest for her sister. She relates that a neighbor has been trying to conceive unsuccessfully for a decade. It's only recently that they discover it's a medical problem with the husband. She doesn't want Ji-won to go through the futile attempts.

Myung-suk arrives bearing their favorite cake. No-shik tells him that he should have brought stuff like sashimi and not cakes. Myung-suk wonders if he should go get some then. Sook-kyung laughs and tells Myung-suk to ignore No-shik, he's merely showing off because he bought sashimi for the family.

Myung-suk looks for his father-in-law in the study and asks what's he busy with? Sang-gil reveals that he's thinking of starting a business and is conducting a market research. Myung-suk then hands him an envelope of cash, telling him to get something he likes. Sang-gil is not happy about that gesture and returns him the money.

"Myung-suk. You should stop doing this. Ji-won's mother may have been spoilt by you but a son-in-law is not about money, it's about being warm. I'm curious about something though. Are both of you having problems in your marriage?"

"There's absolutely no such thing."

"That's good then, but Myung-suk, the world is a small place, especially around Seoul. It's a very small place. Don't forget that." Myung-suk is puzzled but acknowledges his advice without questions.

Jae-ha and Hye-won have returned to their apartment.

"So this is the place where we begin our new life as a married couple?"

"In the eyes of the others."

"Sheesh. I know. You don't have to keep harping on that for me to know. So as per our agreement, I will sleep at the studio. Unless the situation calls for otherwise."

"Since things have come this way, let's just live well in the future."

"Of course we have to since we even lied to our families. How can we not lead a good life?" Jae-ha holds out his hand for a handshake to seal the deal, then asks, "How about a hug....I think not, right?" But Hye-won hugs him and pats him on the back.

Hye-won moves her stuff to her room, looks at her wedding portrait, then at her new bed. She is troubled, then she talks to herself, "Park Hye-won. I can trust you..." (Ooooh, trust herself not to fall for him? Interesting? If not what?) Later, when she has regained her composure, she shows Jae-ha their honeymoon expenses. Jae-ha tells her he will debit it to her account. Then Hye-won reminds him that it's time to set off for her parents' house.

"Do I have to go?"

"Of course. It's a celebration for us."

"To be honest, maybe it's because I've been living alone for too long, but going to your house drives me crazy. And I really don't like that second brother-in-law of yours."

"Just bear with it for today. I've to bear even more than this in the future. Do you know your sister told me that I've to go meet all your relatives? Let me make this clear. I can't possibly agree to all of that."

"I'll see about that. Just say you are swamped with work."

"And about Father. He's bound to talk about having kids again. What do we do?"

"I'll tell him that I've a problem. Will that do?" Hye-won thinks it's a fine idea.

"OK, let's just work around it then. By the way, how old is your second brother-in-law?"

At the Parks, the women are excited about the honeymoon pictures. No-shik tells Jae-ha to fill up his glass, which Jae-ha does - reluctantly. Myung-suk points out that he has been drinking too much, Sang-gil seconds that and tells No-shik to go slow with it. No shik tells his father-in-law that he's too happy today because they have a new addition to the family (by which he keeps touching Jae-ha's head and we see that Jae-ha is terribly upset by it) and he promises to be a good example to Jae-ha.

No-shik is obviously drunk and Sook-kyung tells him to stop drinking, Mi-won suggests they leave but No-shik maintains he's sober. He continues to touch Jae-ha's head and we see now that Jae-ha is totally offended. He gets up to leave on the pretext of getting a glass of water. Hye-won notices his displeasure and follows him to the kitchen

"Jae-ha, I'm terribly sorry. I think my brother-in-law has a glass too many. I'm sorry, OK?" Jae-ha gives a frustrated sigh but doesn't say anything. However, No-shik has picked up on the conversation and asks Hye-won what's there to be sorry for? Has Jae-ha been saying things? Hye-won says no and No-shik continues to touch Jae-ha's head, advising him to be nice to Hye-won.

Now, Jae-ha is mad, He pushes away No-shik's hand as he says, "Take it away."

No-shik is mad too. "You say: 'take it away?' "

"Yes. I hate it when people start touching my head."

" Get on your knees, Jae-ha."

Jae-ha remains where he is, defiant to No-shik's unreasonable ways.

"Get on your knees. DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME? GET ON YOUR KNEES!"

And a terrible fight seems inevitable as Jae-ha doesn't look like he's backing down. Welcome aboard to the family, Jae-ha. Be it a fake or real son-in-law, you got the entire package now.

***End of Episode 14***

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Guest samasta93

zealioner thank you very much for the nice recaps :lol::lol::lol:

now finally I can understand details about them... :lol:

hmm... I'm really curious.. did something happen before with JH? Seems that his condition is serious.. and I'm thinking that probably his condition somehow related with his first love~? hmm... well, it's just my feeling...

about Jay (I love mentioning him as "Jay"... hahahaa..) maybe he is really Sang Gil's secret son.. :mellow:

after retired, Sang Gil seems that can't enjoy his golden year peacefully..

Mi Won's husband is somehow annoying too.. I just don't like his "bossy" attitude.. but compare with Myung Suk, at least No Shik loves his wife better.. yeah, every human is imperfect..

Who will fall first~ JH or HW? hehehee.. it would be sweet if both of them fell in love at the same time.. :D

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Guest samasta93

And a terrible fight seems inevitable as Jae-ha doesn't look like he's backing down. Welcome aboard to the family, Jae-ha. Be it a fake or real son-in-law, you got the entire package now.

yup.. agree.. congratz to JH for entering a big family with it's entire package.. ;)

seems that JH is really not used to with this kind of big family~~ ;)

** oh my.. I thought this post would be together with my previous post.. :o

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Zealioner thanks so much for the summaries. I love reading them. Afterwards everything makes more sense! I hope in the story that JH and HW fall for each other and their families don't find out that it was a contract marriage all along. But I think that is too much to ask for. Drama must contain some drama:)

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Guest zealioner

Zealioner thanks so much for the summaries. I love reading them. Afterwards everything makes more sense! I hope in the story that JH and HW fall for each other and their families don't find out that it was a contract marriage all along. But I think that is too much to ask for. Drama must contain some drama:)


BUT NO!! They WILL AND HAVE to find out, how else will they be FORCED to consummate the marriage? B) OK, just kidding but the Korean society has its rules, especially about marriage. If word gets out that Jae-ha and Hye-won are living a farce by co-habitating ONLY (although it's in name), there will be no end to the gossips. I still cannot venture a guess how that's going to happen, but I'm certain they will be exposed. Either by courtesy of Jae-hoon or Jae-kyung. These two candidates are most likely to contribute to the next climatic scene. And then, probably Jae-ha's dad will have to threaten to withdraw all financial assistance again - unless he remains truly married. BTW, thanks and you're welcome.

hmm... I'm really curious.. did something happen before with JH? Seems that his condition is serious.. and I'm thinking that probably his condition somehow related with his first love~? hmm... well, it's just my feeling...

about Jay (I love mentioning him as "Jay"... hahahaa..) maybe he is really Sang Gil's secret son.. :mellow:

after retired, Sang Gil seems that can't enjoy his golden year peacefully..

Mi Won's husband is somehow annoying too.. I just don't like his "bossy" attitude.. but compare with Myung Suk, at least No Shik loves his wife better.. yeah, every human is imperfect..

Who will fall first~ JH or HW? hehehee.. it would be sweet if both of them fell in love at the same time.. :D


Thank you.

I've been pondering about Jae-ha's fainting too. At this point, I really don't know if that is a pivotal scene in preparing us for something devastating to come, that is unless Jae-ha faints again. Maybe we can be sure then. What I know about fainting caused by an over-stimulated vagus nerve is that it's largely related to an emotional stress - which makes sense in Jae-ha's case. Other than that, it's something an epilepsy sufferer might experience.

I chanced upon a theory about Jay when I was thinking how most viewers here have pointed out that he seems to have a weird interest towards Hye-won. If we were to believe that he's indeed Sang-gil's son, that would make him and Hye-won siblings so he cannot possibly have an admiration for her. Apart from that, if he's Sang-gil's son, and he's back to cause an upheaval to his family, then it wouldn't make sense that his sole attention is pinned on only Hye-won.

Which leaves the only possibility that HE IS NOT SANG-GIL'S SON. And I want to run with that theory, although it's way too wild. :P I believe though, that his mother must have an emotional affection for Sang-gil though. Whether it's a one-sided affair or there was a really a point in Sang-gil's life that he had over-stepped his boundaries as a married man and father and had a relationship with her. Somehow, the relationship must have caused a strain on Jay's family...on top of that, the new CEO (at Sang-gil's office) happen to be bearing the same surname as Jay....I don't know, it may just be an innocent coincidence. Yeah, I know...I'm waaaayyyyyy out here but that's the evils of having to wait a week before the next episode comes along ;)

As for No-shik, I never thought he's bad at all. He's just suffering from a major self-esteem problem which is understandable. He now has a little brother to boss around, that's why he was flexing his authority with Jae-ha, except that Jae-ha doesn't need to kowtow to him. Like Mi-won, No-shik has always been the black sheep, try as he might want to, but there are certain things about his life that is beyond change. For one, his mindset seriously needs tuning if he wants to be at least on the same seating as his brother-in-laws, in the self-esteem level.

As for Myung-suk, I guess he's a product of genetic malfunction. Either it's a genetic flaw in his family line or something traumatic happened to him when he was a kid. No one is born a control freak and he has proven too many times, that he really needs the acknowledgement from his in-laws that he is befitting as a son-in-law and, more than that, A SON. So, he's got a larger self-esteem problem compared to No-shik.

OK, I want to talk some about Jae-ha and Hye-won, but gotta run down. I'll get back to it a little later.

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Guest TheLilyhua

Thanks for writing up the summaries for the episodes zealioner! Your summaries and speculations are always extremely entertaining to read. :D

One thing is for sure though, Jay's mom and Sang Gil definitely have some sort of history (even if he's not his son) seeing how Jay never seems too happy at the mention/sight of Sook Kyung.

As for Jae Ha and Hye Won... I have to wonder if JH is really that "oblivious (for the lack of a better word :D)" to the fact that he actually likes HW (as in, does he really not realize it himself?)? We have yet to see him telling himself not to fall for her. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure we all know where HW currently stands in their relationship...

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