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[Drama 2010] Life is Beautiful 인생은 아름다워

Guest yeohweping

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Guest harumi_chikamatsu

man...that last scene in the preview with the rose....is it the japanese woman and the uncle?? :D excited for tomorrow's episode!

I'm pretty sure that's Tae Sub 'cause earlier in the episode he wears a suit with a lilac shirt and has a watch on his left wrist (just like in that preview).

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Guest hayden

I'm pretty sure that's Tae Sub 'cause earlier in the episode he wears a suit with a lilac shirt and has a watch on his left wrist (just like in that preview).

I think it's tae sub too :)

I'm new in this thread and i really love this drama, the story is great and so are the actors.

I watch it at first because of song chang eui but it seems like the others are great too.

I'm up to episode 7 because of the subs but i always watch raw's even if i don't understand.


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Guest Leeeona

I'm sooooo interested in 16th episode... can't wait)

I think Tae sub's and Kyung Soo's relationship is going a bit slowly

they some shake))

I think it's Tae Sub's hand in preview too. pretty sure)

oh, can't wait, can't wait :rolleyes:

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Guest hayden

I'm sooooo interested in 16th episode... can't wait)

I think Tae sub's and Kyung Soo's relationship is going a bit slowly

they some shake))

I think it's Tae Sub's hand in preview too. pretty sure)

oh, can't wait, can't wait :rolleyes:

I'm waiting for ep 16 too Can't wait!!!

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Guest jobogae

We get to know a little bit about Yeon Joo's past in episode 16! I enjoyed watching Ho Sub getting to know Yeon Joo. You may notice in this episode, he has learned to listen and not butt in to everything she says!

Ho Sub puckers up the courage to ask Yeon Joo to the movies and she texts him back with "Let me think about it." LOL. He childishly talks to himself and his phone, "What's there to think about?!" After much encouragement from her grandmother, Yeon Joo agrees to meet up with Ho Sub. He wants to wear his coat but 3rd uncle borrowed it for his self portrait photo shoot. [i think Ho Sub buys a new coat to impress Yeon Joo =P.] Yeon Joo asks why Ho Sub isn't working and he says he wants to do something different since he does the same routine the past 10 years - home/scuba diving and scuba diving/home. He asks if she would like to see a movie and Yeon Joo is not interested because she finds it boring. She suggests shopping at the department store.

While walking out the department store, she asks him whether she reminded him of a past girlfriend. [i think because he looked dumbfounded the first time they met] She keeps guessing what happened. Did the girlfriend dump him for a richer guy? He is entertained by her curiosity (clearly she has no clue that he is interested in her!). He asks why she should be so curious, she's waiting for someone else. She quiets down and walks away.

Before Yeon Joo goes home, Ho Sub asks her if he has done something wrong. She seems to be upset whenever he brings up that she's waiting for someone. He didn't mean to mention him. She asks him to go out for a drink. She thinks Ho Sub thinks she's weird but it doesn't matter. She confides in Ho Sub that she is no longer waiting (for the guy who studies in France). She didn't send him off at the airport when he left because she was afraid of his family (don't know why). He asked her to wait for him. She believed him. Naively, she waited. She doesn't have his address and phone number. That same year, both her parents past away together. [she was able to use the insurance money to go to college] Two months ago, she decided to move in with her grandmother. When she wakes up sometimes, she still cries.

Hearing all this makes Ho Sub so sad for her. The hyung who works for the family says he should be happy that the France guy is no longer in the picture. Ho Sub wonders what type of guy he is and says he would hit the France guy if he is in the same room. He can sense that she is still very sad so hesitates to pursue her ... "I must really like her" he tells the hyung. OMG!!!!!

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