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Edison Chen : Repairing My Computer Was My Biggest Regret, Forever Friends With Nicholas Tse


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Edison Chen accepted an interview with "GQ" magazine and mentioned about the sex scandal again.


Edison Chen who has not made a public appearance for a longtime accepted an interview with "GQ" magazine and mentioned about the sex scandal again.

He personally revealed his feelings towards the incident. He said "Taking my computer for repair is the biggest regret of my life. The scandal taught me a lesson but I will always have a question unanswered as to why I am the bad guy? I still don't understand, even holding a press conference and apologizing. The incident needed someone to calm it down and I was willing to be that bad guy. Am I really the bad guy? No, the incident needed a scapegoat and I didn't do anything bad". He also had some anger "I lost a lot of earnings last year. I even had to leave my home because I am that bad guy".

When mentioning the sex scandal, Edison refered it to "that incident". He said "That incident isn't about sex. It was a private matter. It was theft. To others it might be a sex scandal but to me it's invading my privacy".

How does he rank sex, love, money and family? "Love and family are similar. Next comes money and last sex. I am a man and men in this world like sex and need love. Nowaday I believe in love."


Didn't Turn Crazy or Commit Suicide

Thinking about the past, Edison found Valentines day in 2008 the most difficult time to deal with. "I was afraid to go out, I was afraid to eat. I didn't dare to do anything. I didn't leave my house for 2-3 weeks". He didn't know how the incident would turn out. "I feel I am very fortunate that I didn't turn crazy or commit suicide. I saw things through, has my life ended? No! I am still living".

Leaving Hong Kong and the entertainment field, Edison soon returned to normal life. He stated that he learned a lot about leading a normal lifestyle. He learned to iron his clothes as in the past he would command his maid to do it for him, which would take 3 minutes. But now when he irons himself he discovered that he couldn't do it in 3 minutes.

He stressed that since the scandal brokeout his girlfriend has always been by his side. "I think she is Superwoman. She has always been supportive. If I didn't have her support I wouldn't dare to hold a press conference in Hong Kong".


Forever Friends with Nicholas Tse

Due to Cecilia in the scandal, Nicholas and Edison's friendship became awkward. But Edison stressed that they will be friends forever. "When we studied in Hong Kong International School we were very close pals. If he needed help I would definitely help him. Even till the last day of my life he will always be my friend".



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Guest Dorkiilove

I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

Repairing My Computer Was My Biggest Regret

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


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I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


exactly what I was thinking.

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Guest xtrammieex

how is it bad that he took pictures? they were his personal pics, how does no one find it wrong that someone else who he paid to repair something took the liberty to copy the photos and expose them? what lesson does he need to learn? he isnt the only guy that takes pics liek that. im sure he didnt think that someone would steal them

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Guest Tonyc402

I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


Well it kinda was ,was it not? If it wasnt for him getting his computer repaired then this whole fiasco wouldnt have happened in the first place. He thought it was deleted and carelessly not thinking that since hes a celebrity that the repair man would likely try to recover some kinda private info. So of course this would be his biggest regret. Do you not find it wrong for someone to go into your computer and try to fish out private things from it? What he did with those girls was their own business so its not like he raped them, it was all mutual.. Im 100% sure he isnt the only celebrity that does this kinda stuff, hes just stupid cuz he got caught for it and didnt think of the consequences.

Im sure hes learned his lesson since most of HK doesnt really like him. Gillian and Cecilia acted like they were "victims" at their conferences when they were voluntarily part of this. Its both their faults as well.

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Guest Dorkiilove

how is it bad that he took pictures? they were his personal pics, how does no one find it wrong that someone else who he paid to repair something took the liberty to copy the photos and expose them? what lesson does he need to learn? he isnt the only guy that takes pics liek that. im sure he didnt think that someone would steal them

Personal pictures my richard simmons. One of his close friend said that liked to take photographs during intimate moments with his sexual partners and then privately show them to a select group of close friends.

WITHOUT the other partner's permission.

What a bubble gum.

Well it kinda was ,was it not? If it wasnt for him getting his computer repaired then this whole fiasco wouldnt have happened in the first place. He thought it was deleted and carelessly not thinking that since hes a celebrity that the repair man would likely try to recover some kinda private info. So of course this would be his biggest regret.

Im sure hes learned his lesson since most of HK doesnt really like him. Gillian and Cecilia acted like they were "victims" at their conferenceswhen they were voluntarily part of this. Its both their faults.

Yeah, and if he wasn't such a idiot and taken these photos and uploaded them

to his computer, none of this would have happened either.

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Guest 0oyokisuo0

I can't believe Edison Chen still hasn't learned his lesson yet.

So let me get this clear. After all this crap, he thinks his biggest mistake

was REPAIRING his computer?

and TAKING the pictures in the first place?


because if he didnt repair his computer. the pictures that he deleted wouldnt have been found. its dumb people blame him for everything, i honestly think he pretty much did nothing wrong other than being ignorant about technology (im sure plenty of people are now more careful since they know things deleted are not actually deleted) and not apologizing and explaining to the ladies personally afterwards. he and the girls just have their erotic hobby of taking pictures (or recording) of themselves - it may be disgusting or weird to many people, especially the youngins on soompi, lots of people do that. at least he deleted the pictures and didnt keep them; whether or not he showed others. it was just for the moment fun. people give him so much crap because he had multiple partners, now if they were all at the same time, then he's just a playboy (his fault).

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Guest Tonyc402

Personal pictures my richard simmons. One of his close friend said that liked to take photographs during intimate moments with his sexual partners and then privately show them to a select group of close friends.

WITHOUT the other partner's permission.

What a bubble gum.

Yeah, and if he wasn't such a idiot and taken these photos and uploaded them

to his computer, none of this would have happened either.

So therefore he LEARNED HIS LESSON for what he did. jeezus. He also deleted them afterwards. Not many people are that technologically knowledgeable to realize that even though you delete files , they can still be retrieved. People do stupid things , nobody is perfect. And btw , he did take those photos WITH consent to those girls. The fact that he gets so much of the blame is BS, when those girls were part of it as well.

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Guest angelixers

Yeah, and if he wasn't such a idiot and taken these photos and uploaded them

to his computer, none of this would have happened either.

And if these girls hadn't given him the green light, they wouldn't be crying crocodile tears either.

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Guest NEYUGN93

Personal pictures my richard simmons. One of his close friend said that liked to take photographs during intimate moments with his sexual partners and then privately show them to a select group of close friends.

WITHOUT the other partner's permission.

What a bubble gum.

Yeah, and if he wasn't such a idiot and taken these photos and uploaded them

to his computer, none of this would have happened either.

'Without the other partner's permission" ? No, he DID get consent from all of them. Have you seen the photos ? They looked like they knew what they were doing when posing for the camera.

The whole "bad guy" s.hit is utter BS. I'm was never a fan of Edison Chen or the chicks involved but what annoys me about this whole incident is that he is getting the blame for everything.

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Oh, Ed Ed Ed.. when will you learn? You are the bad guy in this whole situation. Now let's all move on, I don't think he really learned his lesson yet.

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Im sure hes learned his lesson since most of HK doesnt really like him. Gillian and Cecilia acted like they were "victims" at their conferences when they were voluntarily part of this. Its both their faults as well.

I totally agree. Edison shouldn't always take the blame and be called, "the bad guy". It's true that what he did was wrong but all the female celebs that were involve, they're all adults too.. so it's definitely everyone's fault that were involved.

Btw, he looks really good in those pics.. he should smile more often it really brings out color to his face.

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I don't understand how people still view him as the bad guy, he's learned his lesson.

The only bad guy is the person who was unprofessional and leaked the pictures to the public.

So what, the guy had sex with girls and took pictures of them naked. The girls weren't forced into taking those


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taking the pictures at the time... both of them consent to taking those pictures because they were dating and they were in love at the time... so taking those pictures while having sex with the man/woman you love was fine with the two.

it was the fixing the computer part that turn their lives around... I agree those pictures were personal items to Eddie and it was a invasion of privacy... I don't know why half of china made him the bad guy... he didn't leak the photos, it was taken with out his permission...

I still love and support him... Like he said... He's a man and Men like Women love sex...

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Guest MangoStar

the fact that he still doesnt understand why he is the bad guy.....

Kudos to you boy.

He isn't the bad guy. I know plenty of average joes and joettes who like photographing and video taping their sexual adventures. He happens to be one of them. I'm pretty sure these women knew they were being taped. Hell, I watched it and one of them was looking dead at the camera, so why in the world is he being blamed for it? The chicks need to get some of the crap too.

I'm pretty sure he didn't think the files would've been retrived however he should've been a bit more careful since he was a high profile guy.

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Guest Vagabond.

Oh, Ed Ed Ed.. when will you learn? You are the bad guy in this whole situation. Now let's all move on, I don't think he really learned his lesson yet.

So he's the bad guy because his computer repairer managed to retrieve his files and released his privacy to the public, hmm?

Geez, some of the replies here.


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Guest SleepiiDreamer

he has his faults & so did the girls (aka victims)

but the thing is... when was taking photos during sex illegal?

it was such a shame it came out the way it did .__.;

and all the crying from gillian wasnt helping either.

it's really unfair that edison took all the blame. he did apologize.

i think his girlfriend (vincy, is it still vincy?) is incredibly strong for sticking with him.

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Guest o1honey

no one ever said that it was illegal to take these pictures. He didn't not break laws, he did not intentionally leak these photos to the public. Intimate photos are a taboo in the society thus we view it as being "bad"

Was it really his fault that the photos (that were deleted) were leaked out?

Is it really his fault for being male and thinking with his d*ck before his brain?

Is it really his fault that his partner gave consent (if they know the camera is there, it's consent right there) to take photos, and having a chance for them to be leaked out?

I guess his biggest fault was being a high profile star. Everyone watches celebrity lives.

I don't agree with taking intimate photos, but w/e it's his life, we all know how common taking photos now adays anyways...

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