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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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I know i said i wont spoil the behind the scenes special, but so many posts have been shared on IG... maybe some of you here might have seen it and is curious.. hahaha.. or i just need an excuse to consult my honest opinion.. :tongue: so i’ll just share one that’s been on my mind the most:



The scene above between YSY-JSY. Short recap of what happened, in filming the tripping scene, JSY slightly brushed against YSY’s hanbok. Afraid her makeup might leave a stain on the hanbok costume, YSY brushes his hanbok and said to JSY, “I dont mind it really, but just afraid viewers will say something if there’s a stain”. JSY laughed and apologised. Awhile later, JSY softly said to YSY, she hasnt had many experience in filming such scenes and will trust in YSY to lead and she will follow (not sure which scenes she is referring to, whether it is entire drama, or sweet couple scenes with YSY). YSY reply was, ‘oh, me neither.. i mostly do comic scenes..’


well, i duno how ppl see it, but i think YSY was kinda abrupt with her. He is of course always nice and kind mannered, even if he is annoyed. From 1N2D, when the psychiatrist analysed their inner mental age, YSY was said to be always controlling his emotions. Watching the scene, i think he might have felt slightly annoyed and was just controlling himself as usual. Hahahha.. or maybe i feel annoyed. I mean... how can a lead actress blatantly say she dont have much experience and leave the responsibility to a co-actor to lead? It takes 2 to make the scene come alive. Even if no experience or no confidence, one should analyse the scene deeply, do some research by yourself, look at examples online, or consult with acting teacher, etc.. its a basic homework all actors should have! If she said that out of courtesy like a rehearsed comment, that sounds extremely fake too, on top of not doing her homework. I feel annoyed on behalf of YSY... haha. We know how YSY always deeply analysed the character he is portraying and do lots of research beforehand. To be handed such an unprofessional co-actress... :unsure:


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10 hours ago, blackberrypie said:

its dangerous to play around with costars.. never know when the ladies will misunderstand it as sexual harassment... 

now with the #metoo movement, its getting more risky. There could be misunderstandings, we dont know story from both side, but the girls could just post their story on SNS and knets start witch-hunting... no proper investigation at all.. some could be really guilty of course, but who knows what is the truth? Only the parties involved... So far, the ppl accused includes Jo Min Ki, Jo Jae Hyun (Cross ongoing drama), Oh Dal Su (My Ahjussi upcoming drama), director of Heungbu movie (Late Kim Joo Hyuk’s final project). Who knows who else will be exposed/accused...

i prefer YSY to date out of the celebrity world.. hahaha. Just someone simple like CTH and his wife kinda relationship. Better not get involve with any celeb... its a complicated world there. Hahaha. :tongue:


by the way, i just watched the ‘Daegun-prologue’. Article released said it will be ‘Daegun - The Beginning’, talk show with An Mi Na and 2 special guests, and there is even an instg post of the 3, but what was shown is not the talk show! Duno whats happening.. lol. Anyway, what was shown is a lot of behind the scenes, some interviews with the director, casts, and other staffs. Lots of interesting info. Not sure how to share them all... hahaha.. i seem to have written alot of long posts already.. :lol: maybe viki will sub it soon, and we can all enjoy it with subs soon! So i shall not spoil it by talking abt it here...  towards the end of the behind the scenes show, there was a subtitle message that ‘they will return after 60sec advert’. Maybe its the talk show after the behind scenes? Duno... but i didnt watch live, no access to live streaming, so i dont know. :mellow: Behind scenes are great too, although i would like to know abit about the history and background story as well.. haha. Im so greedy...

heheh! thanks for the info... I think He should really careful when dating a celebrity... But whether it is a celebrity or not, I will still support him. But seriously I wish its queen of ice kim yuna... hahahah

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I just watched the special episode, I'm also a bit confused, there's another special?


Hahahah but not only about that scene, I also feel JSY sounds fake in general, like she wants to sound elegant, wise or something? same here I find her annoying, but rememeber "her acting is healing" lol we will be healed at the end!


I actually liked everybody except her. About JSW, I think he's good at acting (just with that few scenes I'm guessing) since his persona and his character seems quite different, I mean he looks approachable (unlike his fans), so I'm expecting good scenes with Lee brothers!

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Indeed! I didnt wana talk about all the parts.. lol.. so i just highlight one that impresses me the most. Even that bday celebration thing... :unsure: then later JSY said to Moon Ji In, she feels very touched, almost to tears, but held back cos dont wana ruin her makeup or something.. err... ok.. whatever u say girl.. im glad YSY called her by her character name, Jahyun-a... it shows he is seeing her as the character Jahyun and not JSY the person. In a way, it is like YSY is keeping her at a professional distance. They are celebrating JSY the actress’ birthday, but he called her by the character name and not the actress itself, nothing personal, everything is just part of work.. haha. :tongue:  that ‘acting is healing’ is such a joke... the way she bite her teeth together when she delivers the speech.. omg.. dont she review her own acting? How come she dont look at herself and look at others and try to analyse? She really seems to dont do her homework as an actress at all.. no wonder her acting is so bad... compared to Sae Ron.. SR is so much younger, and i think SR also doesnt have much experience in acting ‘heart-thumping attraction’ scenes, but i dont think she would say such a thing and would have done her homework to portray the scene well rather than saying she dont have experience.. meh.. looking at behind the scenes for MOTW, YSY is much more happier and closer/friendlier with KSR compared to JSY. He is much more at ease/comfortable and even teases with KSR behind the scenes, when the camera isnt rolling. Here’s a link to one of my fave bts between KSR-YSY. Their interaction is so funny and cute! Cant help smiling and giggling no matter how many times i see it. Not the same with JSY of course...



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Quick Translation for MOTW bts:


YSY: Sae Ron-a, are you ok/fine?

KSR: yes? Just now when you hit me?

YSY: what are you talking abt... im fine as long as SR is fine...

KSR: he hit me earlier then turn around and asked me if im fine..

YSY: no its not

KSR: oppa, you should have a new concept (image)

YSY: what should it be?

KSR: new concept that suits you

YSY: should i go with a ‘bad guy’?

KSR: yeah.. just act like how you are normally will do..

YSY: me? When? When was i (a bad guy)?

YSY: Now slowly, since failed a few times, im trying to lower my speech to SR (be more informal). Because my personality is such that i cant be informal.. Miss SR, can i lower my speech now (be more informal)? (But he speaks in a formal manner)

KSR: Of course (in formal speech response!)

YSY got caught by the ‘making camera’ pulling SR’s arms strongly. :lol: so he ‘pretend’ to be caring to her.. hahaha

(making camera is the extra camera that films the behind scenes footage to compile for bts clips release)

KSR: He is really the opposite of what is shown in the making!

YSY: LOL.. what do you mean opposite!?!? 

KSR: Totally opposite from Heo Jun (YSY’s character). He is Heo Ok!

YSY: you too, you too!

KSR: am i Hong Joo?

YSY: yes, you are Hong Joo!

YSY: hahaha.. that was the best

KSR: did you like it that much, uncle?!

YSY: of course, auntie! Today SR got called an ‘ahjumma’ by a child, (normally refers to older women, like auntie) she always teases me as a ‘samchun’ (samchun is normally referred to older men..hehe)

YSY got caught by making camera filming him tickling SR with a leaf. Haha..

YSY: ahha.. why the camera keeps filming me! Its not me! You should see her! She started it! I was mischievous true, but she started it and i was just paying back!

KSR: me when? I didnt!

YSY: our SR is having a difficult time.. working so hard and doing so well.. me as an older brother (pretending to be touched)..

KSR: please give me some water..

YSY: is this not it? Are you gonna vomit? Because of what i said? Haha.. anyway, thanks for doing well.. what kinda ending is this.. hehe..


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Thank you blackberrypie for that interpretation...I was guessing that it was what happened in that first take from that accidental hug scene.  I am wondering if the problem lies with the fact that with Mirror of the Witch, KSR-YSY started off cutesy and innocent, so the love between them moved from attraction to a shared understanding and the fact that they kept it all very innocent (minimal skinship - this is a new word for me...there is no English equivalent but I get the intent - minimal physical intimacy scenes) teased the whole thing out right to the final end - I love a slow burn...:). This drama on the other hand I feel both characters have less of that comedic effect and teasing...their meetings are intensely 'adult' and serious from the start so the intensity has to be felt from the very beginning...the bandaging scene, the accidental hug because of the clumsy maid, there doesn't seem to be much comedy inherent in the scenes...I think because of that intensity, I expect big fireworks from the get go...especially since it is apparent that he is supposed to be (and she too) be passionately in love.  Maybe it will play out better in the series as it unfolds and their characters are allowed that slow build up.  But it looks like from the teasers anyway that they are supposed to just fall madly in love and sustain it right through the separation and other outside interventions so if that chemistry isn't there, it's going to be hard to believe that he's not better off with someone else as the series unfolds.  I read somewhere that the staff thought YSY-JSY had a lot of chemistry...I hope they are right.  I know in Hollywood pictures (and most pictures in the West), the characters audition and do a 'chemistry' test where they have to read a scene together to see if sparks do fly before they are finally cast - it looks like it doesn't happen in Korean dramas...the actors are just cast and they just have to make it happen? ...which is a tough call sometimes.  It takes 2 to tango. Not long to wait now.  I am really looking forward to the series despite my reservations about JSY though...visually it is looking spectacular...and if the YSY-JSY pairing isn't firing for me, then at least there is still the other drama surrounding it playing out in glorious colours and fine acting to keep me interested...JSW is perfectly cast as the villainous older brother...everything about him oozes sly and devious and I am looking forward to meeting Dog Girl...the poor thing looked like she had her face pushed into icy water in one scene...was that her?  That's dedication for you.  I am liking her character more and more.


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do you have eng sub for the special episode of grandprince last night? thank you ! :)

22 hours ago, blackberrypie said:

I know i said i wont spoil the behind the scenes special, but so many posts have been shared on IG... maybe some of you here might have seen it and is curious.. hahaha.. or i just need an excuse to consult my honest opinion.. :tongue: so i’ll just share one that’s been on my mind the most:



The scene above between YSY-JSY. Short recap of what happened, in filming the tripping scene, JSY slightly brushed against YSY’s hanbok. Afraid her makeup might leave a stain on the hanbok costume, YSY brushes his hanbok and said to JSY, “I dont mind it really, but just afraid viewers will say something if there’s a stain”. JSY laughed and apologised. Awhile later, JSY softly said to YSY, she hasnt had many experience in filming such scenes and will trust in YSY to lead and she will follow (not sure which scenes she is referring to, whether it is entire drama, or sweet couple scenes with YSY). YSY reply was, ‘oh, me neither.. i mostly do comic scenes..’


well, i duno how ppl see it, but i think YSY was kinda abrupt with her. He is of course always nice and kind mannered, even if he is annoyed. From 1N2D, when the psychiatrist analysed their inner mental age, YSY was said to be always controlling his emotions. Watching the scene, i think he might have felt slightly annoyed and was just controlling himself as usual. Hahahha.. or maybe i feel annoyed. I mean... how can a lead actress blatantly say she dont have much experience and leave the responsibility to a co-actor to lead? It takes 2 to make the scene come alive. Even if no experience or no confidence, one should analyse the scene deeply, do some research by yourself, look at examples online, or consult with acting teacher, etc.. its a basic homework all actors should have! If she said that out of courtesy like a rehearsed comment, that sounds extremely fake too, on top of not doing her homework. I feel annoyed on behalf of YSY... haha. We know how YSY always deeply analysed the character he is portraying and do lots of research beforehand. To be handed such an unprofessional co-actress... :unsure:


do you have eng sub of the full episode?

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@87yua . sorry dear.. i dont have eng sub. I watched raw... maybe viki might release eng sub later... so just wait awhile? But if later still dont have, i dont mind summarizing/translating short scenes if you need it. Perhaps just wait awhile to see if it’ll be translated by viki. 


@nrllee MOTW minimal skinship was YSY’s idea and he suggested and discussed it with the director and that was how it came about. That should tell you that YSY thinks deeply about the characters’ personality and how to act them out. He had mentioned several times that the preparation part for drama is what he likes most.

As for Daegun drama, from the special broadcast yesterday, several things were mentioned which gives a deeper insight about how the story would develop actually... since i’ll have to talk about yesterday’s special if i want to go into this topic, better keep it under spoiler tag, for those who prefer to wait for subs...



It was mentioned by JSY in the beginning her character Jahyun dislikes all princes (daegun), including Hwi of course. Jahyun thinks that all royalty are snobs and good for nothing, etc. But as she got to know Hwi more and more, she come to realised Hwi is different from the normal prince, different from what she thought, and that’s why she began to fall in love with Hwi. We are shown scenes of Hwi being injured and Jahyun likely helped to tend to his injuries, Jahyun tripping and fell into Hwi’s embrace, and another scene of Hwi (in green hanbok) talking to Jahyun at the market. Something happened to cause misunderstandings between them and Jahyun called after Hwi, but Hwi said its a small matter and brushes it off as forgotten, ie. he wont hold any grudge. Duno what was it that happened, but It was something that Jahyun grows to be grateful to Hwi for. From the script reading, there are also scenes of them talking about pictures/drawings.


As for the casting in Kdramas.. duno about others, but the director Kim Jung Min talked about why he casted YSY, JSY and JSW in yesterday’s special. For YSY, he said YSY is similar to Hwi character, where he is kind and gentle in the beginning of the story. Also, YSY is seeming more manly/masculine nowadays (recently as he aged, becoming more older and more masculine), and YSY have never had the opportunity to show off that ‘manly’ side of him in acting roles previously.. so through this drama, he hopes to achieve that, showing a new side of YSY that was never shown before as the drama progresses. As for JSY, the main point of casting JSY is because the character is said to be ‘most beautiful girl in Joseon’, and JSY is casted mostly cos she fit the looks part. Chemistry? No... haha. It should be expected and left up to the actors to work out their chemistry themselves.. 


as for dog girl.. yes, that was her face being pushed into water, and not just once. It was extremely cold, in negative deg Cel, but the actors and staff worked really hard despite the freezing cold and SJH did not even complained... YSY said, he heard before winter sageuk filming is really tough and now that he had experienced it, he understood that completely, because the hanboks are really not good in protecting them against the strong cold winter wind.. poor thing...


Upcoming we will be getting the press conference of Daegun! Cant wait! :lol:


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21 hours ago, rachelyun said:


I just watched the special episode, I'm also a bit confused, there's another special?


Hahahah but not only about that scene, I also feel JSY sounds fake in general, like she wants to sound elegant, wise or something? same here I find her annoying, but rememeber "her acting is healing" lol we will be healed at the end!


I actually liked everybody except her. About JSW, I think he's good at acting (just with that few scenes I'm guessing) since his persona and his character seems quite different, I mean he looks approachable (unlike his fans), so I'm expecting good scenes with Lee brothers!






JSY is such a boring actress, I don't even want to talk about her. 


JSW is a good actor. I am looking forward to the interactions of of Lee brothers too.

Also YSY with the other actresses especially that protector wild girl role.:lol:

Even Ryu Hyo Young has a certain aura compare to JSY.





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Our baby face , kind hearted actor is serious and assiduous in his job... he is able to impress the viewers with any character that he plays ... in below clip I got so heart broken with his emotional acting ... yes he is such an incredible artist... :):heart:



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@blackberrypie your dedication is remarkable! Thanks for the videos and translation. Even your analysis of Grand Prince story is so grand. I have never been that enthusiastic of any kind. Or maybe if only I have more access or that I'm not limited on only one gadget and internet access. Thanks anyway for being helpful. Time flies so fast, March is fast approaching. I haven't seen any ongoing dramas after WYWS and now with FFMW being aired here, I'm in a daze on how to schedule my watching time with FFMW and Grand Prince with my limited access.

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I don't know if this is how most people gauge chemistry but generally I gauge my level of interest in pairings in dramas by the number of times I am happy to view those 'shared' moments afterwards to 're-live' the moments. :).  To this day I still cannot hear the word 'persimmons' without my mind flashing back to that scene between KSR-YSY as he grabs her arm and pulls her to him and asks, "It's you isn't it? Persimmons?' And I am more than happy to rewatch all those moments again and again because it just never gets old.  I also really liked YSY and LSY in The Best Hit.  Up until now with these teasers I am sadly not getting that same vibe...maybe I just need to let the character JSY plays to grow on me...so I will give her the benefit of the doubt for now.  But for me...that hug (maybe because it was in slow mo...so the desperation that it called for was somehow lost in the process?) seemed oddly awkward...I felt the same way in Brand Guardians when they kissed in the end (never watched that scene again).  I am really trying VERY hard to stay neutral so I can give JSY the best chance in my mind to succeed as LeeHwi's 'One True Pair'...but it's hard.  I just get the feeling that she's somewhat 'vacant' in the brains department (totally unfair of me because I barely know her but that's just the vibe I get).  I did not get that vibe with LSY in The Best Hit even though I think she is lovely to look at.  The fact that during their interviews her male co-stars commented how they couldn't believe that she thought herself 'not very beautiful' endeared her to me...plus fact that she committed fully to the character and took pains to limit her wardrobe on set (because her role was one of a poor student) just showed me that all she really cared about was to portray the character as authentically as she could and she didn't really care too much about how she 'looked' (the Stylists could manage that on her behalf).  Somehow I feel like JSY worries too much about how she 'looks' so it detracts from her acting.  Then again, maybe that's her character - she is as blackberrypie described supposed to be THE most beautiful woman of that time?  So she wants to stay 'in character' and ensure that in every scene she maintains that image (hence the remark about worrying that her make up will smear? :huh:). I mean which actor with any sense of fully immersing themselves in a scene even goes there?  I mean when I am desperately sad and am going to burst into tears I don't think, "Okay I am gonna need to just squeeze one or two tears out from the corners of my eyes and weep beautifully because if I don't I will have panda eyes or smear my mascara."  Err...hello?  I am sure KSR didn't think like that and just balled her eyes out as she hugged YSY after he rescued her from near death?  And he in turn responded in kind (in tears - Awww) with a promise not to leave her side again. 

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Please do refrain from discussing other actors/actresses in YSY thread, most specially on expanding / related to their OTP 's discussions. We can create thread for the OTP's on the shipper's paradise or the general discussion section if deem appropriate.


sorry LyraYoo - I will cease and desist henceforth. :)


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Anyone already watched the latest ep of 1N2D? I love 1N2D, and the latest ep was great.. but after watching a few times, something did bothered me... the editting. Esp during the building tent mission. :mellow:


I think Donggu was great during the mision, thanks to his marine army training of course. His A-Tent was actually the most appropriate idea. Building smaller tents means it will be sturdier, more resistant to strong winds, not to mention easier to build. It only required 2 piece of wood. For the members who are already tired, it is actually the most feasible, while providing sufficient protection from strong wind/snow/rain. Unconventional tents like CTH & Defconn’s flat top tend to collect rain/snow. That’s why tents have a conical shape. Too big a tent, and it risk getting blown away by strong wind. And the weather that day potentially had strong wind & snow. There is a reason why army built their tents in such a way.... saves time building it, minimal resources, and provide proper protection while being sturdy enough to withstand any harsh weather. 


However, Donggu is an extremely nice person... he dont exert his opinion/ideas... he allow the others to come up with their own ideas and even helped them with their tents. This is after all a ‘variety show’, not the army training, so being extra or unconventional makes for laughs. If you watch properly, Donggu is actually there at the beginning when Junho-JY-Jongmin were planning their larger tent, he was constantly helping Defconn as well... the only person i dont see him with was CTH, but likely CTH was being understanding of others and did not try to take up Donggu’s time too much. Donggu only started working on his own tent after settling the others.


But, the way the editting portrayed Donggu... i get that they probably tried to make Donggu more ‘funnier’ by highlighting his inherent clumsiness, and editting out all the parts where his seriousness in helping the others could be deemed ‘boring’. Yet, i cant help but wonder would it be so bad if they dont purposely portrayed him in that way, and allow for him to shine by showing how he helped the others? Highlighting his clumsiness certainly ensures he keeps in character... but i dont think it would be that bad to show a different side of Donggu, could it?



of course, the ep was great fun overall, but the portrayal of Donggu just lacked the punch... kinda flattened out.. which made me wonder ‘what if?’... 

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@blackberrypie i watched 2d1n and i think they downplayed donggus efforts to make it more fun...although im kinda a sad about it but its ok coz i think they want to help him have a clumsy and not so perfect character to make him funnier. But the way everyone's asking and calling his name signified how helpful he was. If you look closely i think donggu also helped CTH on the background,i think it was during defconns attempt to make his house. Ive noticed that donggu and JJY have been very closed these past few episodes...i just like their bromance even jong min seems to be closer now with him.

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@sophielleann oh i have no doubt Donggu was crucial in that mission. And he definitely helped everyone incl CTH, even if its not shown much bcos of the editting. Like i said, i understand why they edit it so... but just cant help wondering if another way would have been fine as well.. not purposely downplaying donggu’s contribution here and allowing viewers to see that different side of him. They wanted to keep him in character, but i dont think it would be bad to just show everything as it really is... i dont know... thats the dilemma i meant.. i understand the editors wanted to make Donggu funnier by downplaying his efforts, but it might not be that bad not to do that all the time maybe? Oh well.. we dont know... which is the ‘what ifs?’ I meant. Cant help wondering how Hojin would do it. Bcos Hojin’s editing is great imo. 


JJY automatically reaching out for Donggu when Defconn got selected in their rice bowl game of chance shows how close they are, imo. :) actually all 1N2D members are really close with one another. In fact, I feel they’ve all grown even closer since the tragedy of last year. Thats why their chemistry together work so well. Hope they last tgt for a long, long time... i know this is Donggu’s second year, and many are worried he might leave. I really hope he stays, and feel he really might.... ^_^ it’ll break my heart if anyone of this team leaves... 

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