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Yoon Si Yoon – ARENA HOMME+ July 2016 Interview

July 20, 2016 by muchadoboutlove 4 Comments

After a long wait, Yoon Si-yoon’s interview for ARENA is out, at last! Too bad the magazine only shared small-sized images for the pictorial online, and I bet that there are lots of B-cuts they did not release :3 I guess we should be thankful that even with Mirror of the Witch coming to an end last week, we still get to see him every Sunday on 2 Days 1 Night. Enjoy the interview!


Yoon Si-yoon, No Matter What They Say

31-year old Yoon Si-yoon’s dream is, as always, an icon of hope.


The time gap between your discharge from army and your comeback was very short.

I really wanted to work. I was impatient. It was through working nonstop from my debut that I found myself and my own worth. It was like losing myself when I couldn’t work while I was doing my service in the military.

It must have been an unfamiliar time for you.

Yes, that’s right. I am a person who will feel comfortable planning things in advance; someone who will think and ask questions, putting effort instead of lazing around. Army service seemed to have suppressed that side of me.

Still, it feels that the person Yoon Si-yoon is even more apparent than before: someone who is intensely doing his own soul-searching. 

That’s what I feel too. I’ve become clearer, in the sense that I try to thoroughly eliminate the parts that are not like myself and show the real me. It is easier to abandon and adopt them compared to before.

yoonsiyoon+arena+july16_3We would not ask what were the things you abandoned. What were the things you have adopted?

In the past, I would try to cover my flaws. But then, after getting into the professional world, I come to realize that it’s more important to turn those flaws into merits. Covering our flaws will actually make them even more glaring. Hence, my thoughts have changed. I adopted and fully embraced my flaws. I’d rather show different sides of me, including those I have never shown before.

2 Days 1 Night is a program with being tricky and stretched fun as its core. Now, you have created a rhythm that is totally different compared to the first time Yoon Si-yoon appeared on the show. The members even commented that you are a strange kid. 

Haha. Am I really strange? Those unique people are actually saying that I am the strange one..

If we are to talk about Yoon Si-yoon’s attitude in variety program, it is kind of strange. Your usual kind of fun is different and rough, plus your funny parts do not feel ordinary. It has been a while since the last time we saw a healthy and positive character who throws in a few laughs on a variety program. 

I don’t really know if I’m really a healthy and positive person. I think that the word that describes me the best is ‘analog’. I’m simple like an old machine. My objective is simple and I really can’t be excessive. It’s also like that when it comes to romantic relationship and dating. I’m someone who can’t do sophisticated pickup lines. (HAHAHAHA!)

You always say that you are not a refined person. You even mentioned in one interview that you are not someone who is fit to act out a refined character. 

I certainly want to become an actor who can act well one day. But now, I think that saying I want to act well is an arrogant statement for myself. The best thing I can do at the moment is to show an acting without any lies. Only through that, people should get to know me, and I should try to find myself by brushing up the ‘me’ inside myself. That’s why, after brushing up myself, I find out what kind of person I really am. I’m still far from being a refined person.

yoonsiyoon+arena+july16_2Suddenly, words from High Kick Through the Roof‘s PD Kim Byung-wook come to our mind, “Yoon Si-yoon carried the gaze of a 1980s boy who falls in a one-sided love”.

Yes. If I am to fall in love again now, I will fall into that kind of feeling. Heo Joon’s character I portrayed in the drama Mirror of the Witch was exactly like that. He went back and forth even when he liked someone, and he didn’t really know what he should really do to make that person he liked happy. (Like…a clueless boyfriend type?)

Heo Joon became a wild playboy for a short moment in Mirror of the Witch. Is that image far from your real image?

Wah, no. Why did you think like that? Do you think I only play Korean shuttlecock game (jegichagi) to pass time? (LOL)

Well, you do seem like you will pass time healthily.

To tell you the truth, that’s exactly what I do; each time I’m stressed out, I will go to comic store to read lots of comic books, watch movies, or visit art galleries to release my stress. That’s why I enjoyed acting out the wild Heo Joon. He was surrounded by and even buried under the ladies…haha! (I’m dying at his cheekiness kekekeke)

Heo Joon is this kind of person who will throw himself out to be sacrificed for the sake of the person he loved. Is this close to your real self?

It’s close. I mean the point of loving someone wholeheartedly. But then, someone who loves like this is, in the end, longing to receive that kind of love from the person he loves. I’m neither a very selfless nor pure man; I’m just a lacking man. (Awwww) I wanted to convey Heo Joon’s shortcomings and his way of loving someone with sincerity. Giving his all, wishing that the person he loved would never leave his side; that kind of love. (Now I’m sad thinking of Joon and his bittersweet love with Yeon-hee ㅜㅜ)

Isn’t that the most basic form of love?

You’re right. That’s the form of love that I do. Hence, I wanted to express that image through Mirror of the Witch.

yoonsiyoon+arena+july16_5Your drama comeback through Mirror of the Witch as Heo Joon is like having you stand up and declare that you are acting as your own self.

I didn’t view Mirror of the Witch as a historical drama. To me, it was just a fantasy drama. Fantasy is a fiction with the freedom to tell any kind of story. There is no restriction on how the story will go on. It is a good place for an actor to find answers by himself and having faith in the story as he goes on.

Although it was a fantasy drama, the viewers acquired a sense of reality from the drama through the characters portrayed by Yoon Si-yoon and Kim Sae-ron. 

Both (Kim) Sae-ron and I are gifted with brightness to our image. Conversely, no matter how heavy and dark it was; no matter how hard it was to save the characters in the story…either way, we both carried unique colours thanks to that brightness. Mirror of the Witch‘s story line was sad and dark. Even when the characters were driven deep into the darkness, our brightness and the light through our characters’ relationship in the drama made the drama more vivid. That seemed to be the roles entrusted to me and Sae-ron in the drama. The director said that he fully entrusted the role to me, believing that I would be able to express my real feelings through the drama. ‘Do it just like what you’re thinking. Your words are right.’ That was what he said. Those words gave me great strength.

Do you still think that a project that is warm in people’s eyes suit you the best? Could it be that the reason for it was because of the image public associates you with?

I want to live as someone who is seen as and associated with warmth. Hence, I’m putting more effort to become a warm person. The inclination to do projects seen as warm is actually the dream of human Yoon Si-yoon as an actor. Human is the most interesting thing in the world to me, and human is the warmest thing in the whole world.

That is something we have not heard for a long while. No, I think it is the first time we heard something like that – human is the warmest thing.

Human can be the seeds of conflict too. But then, I believe that the answer and solution to the conflict is within the human too.

yoonsiyoon+arena+july16_4In the past, there was this dream which you had as an actor. You wanted to become the keyword for hope. We want to ask: do you think that having such a positive and healthy outlook will enable you to conquer the world? Do you truly believe that?

Hope is, in my opinion, when we have our respective roles in our own lives but we still live with beautiful minds. Even when life doesn’t go well, I wish that with significant thoughts, it will be a source of hope to conquer the world. Have you seen the movie Inside Out? Isn’t it the most beautiful thing to see different emotions – happiness, anger, sadness – all mixed up in one’s life? I wish I could express it again and again that all lives matter and equally beautiful, especially through dramas.

Since when you changed into this firm person you are today?

Only my words are firm; I am still very green, full of anxiety, terror, sadness, fear, and dread. I worry for my next project and then worry about saying wrong things. Nowadays, I’ve come to realize some things, little by little. At one point, when you start to act according to what you’re aware of, isn’t that the moment you will become a real adult?

Where do you think you are at this point in the whole life as Yoon Si-yoon?

Right now..just like I’m done with warming up? At the moment of yelling out ‘Okay, good. Now, let’s go!’ I’m at the point where I have stretched my body to find out exactly what I can and cannot do. For instance, these days, I have decided to show properly the countrified side of me. I’m really a countrified person. I’m unnecessarily serious and I would be serious like that even when I’m meeting women. I wish I can be smooth at making jokes. (Just like someone I know…)

Credit to ARENA HOMME+ Korea

cr. https://thetalkingcupboard.com/2016/07/20/yoon-si-yoon-arena-homme-july-2016-interview/#more-27139

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16 hours ago, imano_kazu said:

Thriller is good, a really good production is needed for thriller drama. The marine boy is ready!!! Not ajumma or someone's ex-wife with blow up scandal...definitely not second lead male..

I think of the same thing, that he looks like a doll :wub: He can be the mannequin :lol: Park Bo Young is pretty, right? And young too.. He will make a good villain, may be a villain that viewer can sympathized or just vicious cold villain. May be for a movie role.. 

Not a villain, not yet in his career but I can see him playing the somewhat cold/cruel hero with a dark secret.

I could also see him doing something a long the lines of Matt Damon's role in the Bourne series....

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Some video cuts of "Rookie", he can be seen briefly but even so, I totally can imagine his gestures and facial expressions :) Hopefully viewers liked his voice too!







Sorry, I don't know why the videos can't be embed here....


Btw I heard Park Bo Young is starring in a new drama, there's no leading man yet and we know who is avalaible!!! hahaha no worries he still have to rest since it starts filming in October, well, I can dream, right?! :P

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Guest araratr
On 19/7/2016 at 9:35 PM, imano_kazu said:

I have questions for fellow YSY's fans. Who do you as YSY's heroine and what genre do you prefer?

I don't have any specific name, but I wish it was someone whose age is between 20 and 40. As for the genre, I'd like to see a more serious genre than rom-com. Thriller, mystery, or melodrama is okay. 

And yes for the villain role! Other than villain role, I also thought it would be nice if he acted as mature man who'd wear suit in most of the scenes, like.. prosecutor maybe? :D Any kind of role is okay actually, but I wish his character wasn't illegitimate son. :P


On 20/7/2016 at 0:23 PM, Jacquelyn Allen said:

He has been adamant that he is 29 going on 30

He is indeed 29 years old.. if they weren't using Korean age. :D

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Hello Yoonies!

I can't help but laugh-out-loud whenever I watch this episode/part of 2D1N!! :D:lol:

Looks like our lovely YSY is really having a great time with the other members of 2D1N. Even when most of the time they keep targeting YSY to lose the game, he still keeps smiling. hahahaha! :P He's such a 'good sport'. :wub::heart:

I was wondering, does any one of you have any idea of YSY's new address? (the one where we send him gifts and letters.. ;))

I still have the 'Taxi Enterntainment' one, I'm just not sure if it'll reach him. :D


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10 hours ago, LadyJen said:

Looks like our lovely YSY is really having a great time with the other members of 2D1N. Even when most of the time they keep targeting YSY to lose the game, he still keeps smiling. hahahaha! :P He's such a 'good sport'

During one the bed time chats,he said that he saw this show as his time to relax and let got of the stress from filming. He does not feel like he has to excel at all of the games but only give it his best.  His run during the "cut the jump rope" bit was  fantastic and his actions during the eating lunch challenge was not only smart but funny and I think caught the others by surprise. I had to capture a screen shot of his outfit along with the one of him from kindergarten as it was just too cute. Screenshot%2B%252815%2529.png

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When I knew they were filming in Suncheon I was hoping but I didn't expect this, they visited his granparents! Kyaaaa! He must have been so happy, since he has no time lately I bet he wanted to visit them! So happy for them, looking forward to this episode, I hope they tell us some stories about his chilhood :heart:


cr. 1N2D

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“2 Days & 1 Night” Meet Yoon Shi Yoon’s Grandmother

“2 Days & 1 Night” Meet Yoon Shi Yoon’s Grandmother

On the July 24 episode of “2 Days & 1 Night,” the cast continued their summer vacation special in a particularly meaningful way.

After playing an intense game of water gun tag, the producing director (PD) informed the cast that the village they were playing in was Yoon Shi Yoon’s childhood home.

Yoon Shi Yoon revealed that he was raised by his maternal grandparents in Suncheon, a city in South Jeolla Province, up until he entered middle school.

2 Days & 1 Night Yoon Shi Yoon

His grandmother described him as a polite and sociable child, and her neighbors added, “He’s still like that.” The neighbors also said that if he saw someone ten times, he would greet them politely ten times.

Yoon Shi Yoon 2

Family photo (Yoon Shi Yoon’s mother highlighted)

The cast also look through old photos to see a close resemblance between the actor and his grandmother.


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decided to delurk in YSY thread :)

*waves to all. first time posting here.

that scene in 1N2D where they are saying goodbyes

to his grandparents choked me to tears awww...YSY's tears

was beyond genuine i say ....now im mumbling... anyways , hi to all!

and Donggu-ya, fighting!



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Yoon Shi-yoon shares childhood memory

Updated : July 25 2016

Actor Yoon Shi-yoon shared a childhood memory involving his grandmother in Sunday‘s episode of “1 Night and 2 Days,” a reality-variety show on KBS. 


Yoon and the cast visited a neighborhood in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province, where Yoon‘s maternal grandparents raised him until he completed sixth grade. Yoon’s grandparents welcomed him and the other members of the TV program when they came to visit. 

“My grandparents raised me until I graduated from elementary school. Then I moved to Seoul to live with my mother,” Yoon said. 

He then recalled a time when he was elected as class president. “You know, it‘s typical for kids to buy and distribute hamburgers or pizza to their classmates once they are elected as class president or vice-president. My grandmother made and distributed fermented rice cakes.


fermented rice cake made by Yoon's grandmother (KBS)


“It was very immature of me, but at the time, I was embarrassed about my grandmother giving out rice cakes instead of something like pizza or hamburgers. But I was happy to see my classmates truly enjoying the rice cakes.” 

Yoon’s grandparents showed the cast some photos of the actor when he was a child. Yoon‘s grandmother also made some food for the crew, including fermented rice cakes. 

Yoon with his grandmother when Yoon was little (KBS)
Yoon with his grandmother when Yoon was little (KBS)

Yoon Shi-yoon is widely known for having played the role of Kim Tak-gu in ”King of Baking, Kim Takgu,“ which aired on KBS in 2010.

By Lee Ji-hae (jihlee@heraldcorp.com)

cr. http://kpopherald.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=201607251253065123965_2





news 1 - Naver: '1N2D', Yoon Shi Yoon visits grandparents' house... warm and tearful moment 

1. [+7,819, -242] Yoon Shi Yoon's so down to earth the more you see him

2. [+6,155, -120] It would've been nice if they got to eat the food that were painstakingly prepared for them.. But looking forward to next week's Gokseong~

3. [+5,936, -161] The members are such saints. The PD's terrible for not letting them eat

4. [+5,127, -128] I cried when Donggu cried seeing his grandmaㅠㅠ We should treat our grandparents well

5. [+3,461, -106] I miss my grandma ㅠ

6. [+1,949, -60] That is not how food should be treated. Stop giving them such a hard time. And staff, sit down properly and eat the whole thing if you want. You're ignoring the sincerity of the person who cooked standing and picking out food like that. The grandma is thoughtful of the show, that's why she didn't pressure them to eat it all. I'd be so upset if that was me

7. [+1,880, -57] Grandma prepared food, no one would say anything if they let them eat after filming. The new PD is rather rigid

8. [+1,807, -55] The PD has no sense. It would've been nice if let them sit down and enjoy the food that the grandparents prepared. I bet they didn't eat before because they were preparing and waiting for the members. If it was Na Young Suk, I'm sure he'd let them eat





tv Report - Naver: '1N2D', Summer vacation, longing for the smell of our grandparents' food

1. [+170, -6] I choked up when Donggu's grandpa told Defconn "I'm sorry you couldn't eat the rice cake because of me" ㅠㅠㅠ

2. [+124, -10] I cried today. It seems like Donggu-ssi receives lots of love from his grandma and aunts. I didn't know there's a heartbreaking story of him without his dad. But he's such a bright and happy person

3. [+78, -2] So touching. Grandpa and grandma, stay healthy~~

4. [+66, -4] I'm supporting you~ You're really cool ♡

5. [+49, -1] I looked forward to Gokseong.. but another week of wait ㅠㅠㅠThis episode reminded of of last year's 'Going to your House' special ㅠㅠ

news 1 - Naver: '1N2D', Yoon Shi Yoon now the nation's grandson 'Donggu' 

1. [+318, -30] To be honest, I had no idea about him before but the more I watch 1N2D, the more I feel that he's a decent person!! Donggu's down to earth~~

2. [+290, -30] Joining 1N2D was god's work. His likability and popularity have gone up

3. [+234, -25] Yoo Shi Yoon-nim is good-natured and polite ♡ Even though he chose the path that's not on the navigation, he is receiving recognition and doing really well. Hwaiting!!♡

4. [+210, -12] It tugged at my heart seeing him cry. Looking forward to next week's Gokseong

5. [+217, -27] He grew up well! Donggu is cool! His grandparents are amazing too!


cr. http://kkuljaem.blogspot.com/2016/07/1n2d-infinity-challenge-masked-singer_24.html



[240716] 1 Night 2 Days 


  • [+8012, -251] The more I see Yoon Shiyoon, the better of a person he seems
  • [+6292, -123] It would have been great if they could have all ate the food that was prepared with difficulty.. Even so, I’m looking forward to Goksung next week~
  • [+5332, -134] When Donggu teared up looking at his grandma, I teared up too ㅠㅠ
  • [+3547, -109] I miss my grandma ㅠ
  • [+1923, -59] It’s the food that his grandma prepared though. Even if they aired them eating the food after the filming ended, no one would have said anything
  • [+1616, -35] Rules are rules, but if the concept is a grandchild going to their grandma’s place during summer break, then shouldn’t they eat until they’re full.. So unrelenting ㅠㅠ
  • [+1607, -37] It seems like his grandma worked hard cooking to feed Donggu ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I wish they could have eaten all together
  • [+1029, -51] When Yoon Shiyoon had to part with his grandma and his eyes were tearing up, I unknowingly teared up too ㅜㅜ The upright and kind Yoon Shiyoon - Fighting^^
  • [+831, -26] Wah, since he grew up at his grandma’s, it seems like there’s some sort of story behind it all. It was sad seeing our Donggu cry because he had to part with his grandma ㅠㅠ
  • [+703, -14] I totally choked up when Donggu’s grandpa said he was sorry to Defconn ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+702, -14] They should have eaten together. The PD is so inflexible
  • [+633, -10] From now on, I hope that when they go to a member’s house, they can all eat together
  • [+355, -19] I liked how his grandma and grandpa’s face instantly brightened when Donggu started eating
  • [+263, -14] It was really funny when they were eating secretly ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


  • [+710, -11] The more I see Donggu, the more charming he is. I’ve been liking him more since he started appearing on 1N2D ♥
  • [+596, -8] Why did I also cry when Donggu was tearing up in the car ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+512, -5] I went to my grandma’s a lot.. I miss it
  • [+388, -7] Donggu is working hard. He’s strong too ㅋㅋㅋ
  • [+379, -0] He’s a cool youth
  • [+269, -6] When I’d go to the bath with my grandma, she’d wash my hair at least two times ㅎㅎ She’d get her money’s worth and then say let’s goㅎㅎㅎ I miss it
  • [+196, -5] I choked up too when Yoon Shiyoon cried in the car ㅠㅠㅠ
  • [+124, -3] While watching, it made me miss my grandma who passed away


  • [+750, -48] Honestly, I didn’t know in the past, but I realized that he’s a upright person watching 1N2D!!
  • [+690, -52] Casting Yoon Shiyoon was the work of god
  • [+559, -38] The kind and well-mannered Yoon Shiyoon-nim ♡ Even though you’re going on a road with no navigation, you’re getting plenty of acknowledgement and doing well. Fighting!! ♡
  • [+518, -35] When Yoon Shiyoon cried, I got said too. I’m looking forward to next week’s Goksung Trip
  • [+508, -39] He really grew up well! Donggu is cool!! His grandma and grandpa are cool too!
  • [+114, -18] Seeing as how he was patting his grandma’s back from start to finish, it made me think that they really have a special relationship. It seems like he grew up well because of his grandparent’s love!
  • [+94, -15] Yesterday made me think that he’s a good grandchild a lot. He looked after his grandma and grandpa through the very end and teared up when they parted…^^ His grandma and grandpa seemed really happy

cr. http://goonggeumhani.tumblr.com/post/147930638642/240716-1-night-2-days-hongcha-on-immortal


Now he's the nation's grandson! :heart:

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16 hours ago, rachelyun said:

] Grandma prepared food, no one would say anything if they let them eat after filming. The new PD is rather rigid

YSY was given the challenge of getting three of the targets and then getting to the cafe. There was nothing said about having to be seated to complete the mission so he was hit after he had been successful and should have been allowed to eat. His grandmother was more understanding than his grandfather as you could see by his face that he did not like the fact that his grandson was not eating.

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It's so good we could see lovely Siyoon in other projects after ending MOW ... It's like a need to see him and to know about him frequently ... Like an addiction ... Yoonie addiction ... ;)

I hope he will start a new project soon  ... I appreciate his acting and all the different characters he brought to the screens  so gorgeous... And especiall all those happy times when he appears in the variety shows with his real character who is so adorable , funny, deligjhtful and lovely ... :heart:

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Kim Sae Ron Denies Responsibility For Yoon Shi Yoon’s Failed “Boyfriend Look”

Kim Sae Ron Denies Responsibility For Yoon Shi Yoon’s Failed “Boyfriend Look”

On July 28, actress Kim Sae Ron gave an interview in which she talked about her “Mirror of the Witch” co-star, Yoon Shi Yoon, and his program “2 Days & 1 Night.”

“If he asked me to appear, I would,” she said. “But he probably doesn’t have any thoughts about it.”

During “2 Days & 1 Night’s” Ewha University special, the cast was asked to dress up in a “boyfriend look.” Yoon Shi Yoon shocked the members by showing up in jean shorts and a hot pink shirt and claimed that Kim Sae Ron had been his stylist.

2 days & 1 night

Kim Sae Ron protested, “I never recommended those clothes. I wanted to see him dress nicely on TV for once so I sent him photos of various styles. I told him to copy the picture exactly and not to mention me if he wore something else. But he went on broadcast and said I recommended it… I never told him to wear jeans and a hot pink shirt!”

cr. http://www.soompi.com/2016/07/29/kim-sae-ron-denies-responsibility-yoon-shi-yoons-failed-boyfriend-look/

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