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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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@rachel, thank you thank you for the wonderful happy picts.. i feel much comforted.

Now watching PM&I rom-com... suppose to feel fluffy & floating... but it makes me feel exactly like Mr Kang...lonely & longing... 

and reading tat thread, all attention goes to the main OTP...now i understand how JinRak felt at the FBND thread. 

But even if it's just a minute with the main lead, i still can feel that strong kkae chemistry with Yoona... esp when he helped to adjust her veil... those eyes can melt the hearts ... did u watch that preview when he hug her again with that comforting voice? ....did u guys squeeeeee like me???

I'm secretly wishing that writer would create more moments like that to a point when the reporter will find a hard time choosing between the 2 guys... even if they don't end up tgr, i will be fine... it would be a waste if to let our talented Mr Kang to be just a watching guardian.

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@eniya I feel the same, it's so sad to see him :'(  even though we already  know Da Jung is going to end up with Kwon Yul, I want some flirt scenes, and a passionate kiss!! it would be great, and yes! I don't care if she's a married woman! (hahahaha but please don't tell this to our "friends" from PMAI thread, I know their reaction well =)))

BTS from Allure.11444046145_8998dc8487_b.jpg
I'll be waiting for this one, I need a new desktop wallpaper! :D11444135306_1a9eb6562b_b.jpg
cr. bbcholic

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rachel said: @eniya I feel the same, it's so sad to see him :'(  even though we already  know Da Jung is going to end up with Kwon Yul, I want some flirt scenes, and a passionate kiss!! it would be great, and yes! I don't care if she's a married woman! (hahahaha but please don't tell this to our "friends" from PMAI thread, I know their reaction well =)))

cr. bbcholic

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said: @eniya I feel the same, it's so sad to see him :'(  even though we already  know Da Jung is going to end up with Kwon Yul, I want some flirt scenes, and a passionate kiss!! it would be great, and yes! I don't care if she's a married woman! (hahahaha but please don't tell this to our "friends" from PMAI thread, I know their reaction well =)))

cr. bbcholic

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Nooo! Don't stop; if we can't post our thoughts freely here, then where?

Let's cheer up, Yoonies! Remember he said this is a role he really wanted to play for a long time! I think he sees this role as if he was going to class, in order to learn from a very experienced and talented sombae-nnim (LBS) and also because it is his time playing such an ambiguous character.

I do think he is super happy and not concerned with being first, second or third lead... or even if his character gets the girl at the end or not.

Of course like @eniya says, I also feel the Yoon-Yoona chemistry (or is it that they look so beautiful together? Aish!!) and his puppy eyes make tug at the heart... Like Rachel and many of us here, I secretly wish for the PM&I writers to come up with a true, passionate illicit romance à la Lancelot and Guinevere! - now that would be interesting and kind of twisted in a "bite your lower lip" way... LOL... But I doubt it will happen. :P and I think Shi Yoon signed up on the role knowing that. :)

But at the end, the positive side of it and I'm sure big part of the reason why he signed up for this role, is that since our Shi Yoon is not part of that OTP, it frees him from the weight of being the lead, and it gives him the chance to concentrate in honing his skills and immersing himself in the character.

About the PM&I forum, I think that the people posting most enthusiastically there will be naturally those who love seeing the OTP.

I can understand their passion for their OTP, because I have felt the same way before (KkaeMi, anyone?), but I can also see Rachel's point of view. That's why I posted there that I think a forum is not owned by anyone and it should be a diverse and democratic place.

Having said that, I confess that most times than not, I feel that in that forum I am a guest of sorts; since Yoonie is there as a secondary character, I feel it's their party, not mine. So I don't want to spoil their fun with my crazy ideas. (You know me... I can get pretty lunatic at times, hehe).

So I have decided to go with the flow, and watch Yoonie grow as an actor. I think and I'm sure Shi Yoon's turn will come again to be the main hugger, kisser and lover! :\">

Plus he looks so adorable and happy in his BTS and his FM pictures! The guy is glowing with happiness and excitement... so YSY happy, me happy. :x

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@coastalbreeze oh no, I won't stop to post here (and there)! I just was saying to not make my comment longer :P
I'm happy with his role and I like this drama; he's doing great, even if he only appears few minutes his performance is awesome! I mean you can feel Kang In Ho's emotions , that's why we feel sad when we see  him suffering.
Of course as YSY fan I would like more  but as you said it's "time to learn", and Lee Bum Soo is a great teacher (I only have watched him in another drama but he's a very good actor IMO). Also I love he's trying new things, I bet there are a lot of actors who would not dare to take second roles if they have played as first lead before. The most I think he's admirable  :\">
My only wish is they won't waste his character, I recently watched another drama where a good actor was pushed aside, so frustrating. I know it's still too soon to think that, and the drama is doing well, there is hope! his character has potential.
Regarding to the drama thread I understand they love the OTP I love them too!! but they should recognize In Ho's existence as possible lover and rival hahahaha... their girl is not untouchable!
I need to sleep, good night!!

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I just realized YSY must be so incredibly busy this week, shooting for the drama and in rehearsals for his role as an MC in the end of year music festival!! Lucky Shi Yoon... he gets to work simultaneously with two of the most popular actresses in Korea right now, Yoona and Suzy!!! Best of luck to him! And can't wait to see him in action!

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hopefully this movie will touch many hearts with its storyline , and hopefully is a opening door for YSY to more movies in the future. 

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Oh wow... looking at the twitter timeline with the tag "윤시윤", netizens are going crazy with his good genes.

I think some people in Korea still saw him as "Kim Tak Ku"... people! it was time for you to wake up and smell the coffee!!! ~O)  Tak Ku has grown to be an incredibly handsome man!!! :x

So it's proven: good taste is universal. :\">

I know!!! time to join the army, YSY! We'll miss him... I also hope he can sign on to another good project. :)

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