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Yoon Shi Yoon 윤시윤 | [Movie 2023 "When Our Love Remains As Scent"]


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Hmmm! The older ajjussis are not looking bad at all either!!! :P

So I heard that Yoona's group Girls Generation won a YouTube music award or something big, right? They must be in a festive mood, as this helps give an extra push to the drama, right?

@eniya yes, Yoonie in a loose, white sweater -- reminds me of his character in M2F a little bit. :\">

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Guest yoonmie90

Omg this is seriously? The last ep of bff on 17th november?? Huahh.. i cant expected.. why?? I cant open the link about that's news,, maybe siyoon want focus withhis drama and his fm right?? Suprised me.,  ㅠㅠ

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Omg Omg!! A sneak peek of Kang Min (In?) Ho!!!! I love the autumn background!!! 10703778815_3cc0554497_b.jpg
cr. bbcholic.

Video message. 3rd FM in Tokyo

cr.bonnie Z
EDIT: Trans (you already know, it may have mistakes :P):
Hello everybody! This is Yoon Shi Yoon! The 3rd fanmeeting will be hold on December, 7. Please everybody come together with the most important people of you, family, friend, lover. In December let's have fun (or let's be happy).See you at U-port hall! a lot (of people) please come!
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I have a bipolar feelings about canceling the BFF show. In one hand I thought my prince,pretty Yoon Shi Yoon, is wasting his time in the show while has a low air time screen as well as a low rating of the show. So this new project makes me happy why I could see other amazing job of this talented actor.   <:-P \:D/   
On the other hand I'm so sad not to see his realer personality which is just so adorable and respectful indeed. He was mostly silent but just every little of his behaviors were adorable. He was cheerful but in a polite way, he was hard working but without any expectation, he was very clement while even someone had not nice behavior towards him. But do you know? Finally Yoon Shi Yoon proved he is an adorable, respectful, lovely, cheerful, kind, responsible, hard working as well as the sweetest, cutest, the most handsome, so attractive, so charming,the most beautiful smilee in the world, sooooooooooo cooooooooooooool, and most of the bests exist in him in real. Yeah, He could be an adorable prince in our real world.  ^:)^ Love you my greatest darling, Yoon Shi Yoon, and wish the bests in all aspects of your life.  :x   :-bd

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@rachel I could not get to the part where he's singing yet, but just hearing him talk soothes me so much!

He has such a beautiful voice. :x

@Jelve agreed on everything you said. Although I'm happier than sad about the show being cancelled. It got to the point of almost being psychological torture for my fan's heart (the low ratings and all the rest).

Thank the Universe for YSY's infinite kindness and patience, which allowed him to endure all those episodes. I'm happy he lasted until the end, otherwise I would not have seen how brave and kind and wonderful he is in real life. :D

Note: I'm not as kind or patient as he is, it seems :P -- I was ready for him to leave the show once the cooking started LOL

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@rachel thank you gracias merci and kamsahanmida for posting those pictures!!! >:D<

I like your translations... :( how do you know the silent lurker doesn't like them if he/she is silent? :P

I've found that your translations are good, b/c they match what later on I understand from my limited Korean! Unless both of us listen with our shipper ears, LOL!

Please translate again!!! We don't care if they're not perfect... We are not perfect... Even YSY is not perfect (hmmm... Let me think about this last one better... Hehe) pretty please? :bz

dear @silentlurker sir or madam, please join us in the fun and help us advance in our YSY studies with your input...!!! Please? :-) Peace!

EDIT: HE looks divine in that gray jacket. Rawr! :P

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@coastalbreeze, thanks for your words, I really appreciate them! hahaha I discovered that in some site, someone copy and paste my translation saying... well...bad things. I'm just being childish now and having a tantrum, hahaha (just a little one). The good thing (or bad?) they didn't say my name or where they took that. It's not the first time...Fin! no more comments about silent lurker(s)!!! 
Peace, love and YSY ♥!

Edit: Here's a new one, from his jp fansite, the FM's count down.10720338753_44e8b70186_b.jpg
cr. http://www.yoonsiyoon.jp/ you can see it in the main page's background.

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Ok but I insist that majority wins or even if not the majority, the ones who speak up win. :D we need your translations (even if in spoilers, code or with a disclaimer at the bottom) --- otherwise... What will happen to us? How will we know? :( :-S :((

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oh yes @rachel ... i agree with @coastalbreeze, just ignore that silent lurker and continue on with your translations whenever u feel like it. Cos there are MANY MORE silent lurkers out there who appreciate yr effort and time u hv put in.
OMO OMO OMO ... those picts of our MR KANG is looking so great.. his expressive eyebrows... [ squeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....]

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Yes, YSY's eyebrows were a discovery for me. Never thought that cute face with bangs could hide so much oomph. :P

I am still waiting to see him in a saeguk hopefully wearing one of those ancient hats (King or Warrior would be ok) that don't let his hair fall on his face. His eyes and eyebrows would become legendary. :D

I'm so looking forward to see him and his eyebrows in PM&I. He will make a fierce elite government officer.

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@coastalbreeze @eniya it's okay, today is a new day! So... :D
The first image says: 30 days left until FM. "Try to make a wish"  in the middle of recruitment until 11/10.Recruiment? for what? for the wish? or for buy ticket? :?
The second image says: 2013.12.07 at U-port hall. 31 days left until FM.

In other hand...  FBND bts!!!!! 

cr. bonnie Z
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@rachel -- I can't watch the vids here at work... :-( But thank you for posting!!! And for the translations!

So 31 days left until YSY's FM... how many left until PSH's Japan event?

EDIT: Sowy... Wrong thread! :D

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@coastalbreezeYessssh....luv his brows, i was only introduced to them when i watched Me TOo Flower. He knows how to fully utilized them too look angry, sad, frustrated, in deep thoughts and of course sexy when he needs to... on normal days like BFF..he tried to keep them tamed so as not to grab too much attention. 
And his deep masculine voice, i only knew abt it after i was at 27 ep of Baker King. Cos I was watching the Chinese Dubbed version which was aired in my country last yr when i first knew him. I felt cheated becos of that, and rewatch it again. hahaa.. But if u notice in FBND, he actually raised his tone of his voice some pitch higher, so some fans who watched the BTS were surprised by his original deep voice. 
He not just acted with his face, he use his other assets like his brows and his voice to act as well. Even the way he walked/moved is different in all his dramas. He ever mention in M2F interview b4, even though he is not tat heavy but he tried to walked like he looked heavier, has much weight. That's y i see talents in this guy. Sooooo looking forward to his new drama now.... MR KANG... pali pali.

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I'm never bored watching this video. Althoug Yoon Shi Yoon is the prince of all styles, so lovely and charming in all of them, but really the more adorable, melting hearts and taking breath one, which is in fact his real and original one, is as Kim Tak Goo!!!!!   :x
Just look at the moments of 0:30 for his sweet delicious lips and 0:31 for his hot spicy eyebrows + his charismatic eyes!!!!!  :P Yeah, this hot innocent boy could be unintentionaly the killer of pity girls by those charming lips and eyebrows + eyes.   =((
Cr. to Ady4u7za

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