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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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A Soldier"s Story part 5
April Starr




Summertime and the Living Not Easy


Summertime is supposedly a relaxing period of time ...endless sunshine fill the the surroundings except penetrate the thick layers of leaves on the trees, walks are leisurely made by the beach capped by sipping cool fruit drinks.

Hyun Joong would have preferred fishing , scuba diving, or just lazily being with his friends in Jeju.But he can't do these now not even by next summer.

Instead he would be doing early morning joggings with the boys at Paju's DMZ. Then after breakfast and fulfilling routine chores at the barracks go marching under the scorching sun. Do combat fighting drills on the ground,some days sharpening shooting skills but everyday inspection of perimeter barbed wire fences, lookout tower posts,and seeing to it the enemies are nowhere dangerously near.

Soccer remains the soldiers' pass time. As well as the good old fashioned all-boys fun, impromtu singing and dancing.Reading one's mails can be the best time of the day. Just how does Hyun Joong get to finish going over his fan mails?

Four years ago all of above were far away realities. Hyun Joong did his fan meets in Singapore under the auspices of Face Shop. Summer then was to look pretty, have mini concerts and launched his albums since that time.He was a busybody with all his international commitments as a Hallyu star.

Military service cannot be put aside any longer. The day of enlistment finally arrived. Included in the long haul are the cycles of seasons-Summer, Autumn,Winter and Spring. Hyun Joong as well as all the soldiers must be all climate, all weather ready.

Summertime's hottest days will be approaching soon in Paju and elsewhere. While the soldiers and military administration will be business as usual as no time can they be at ease, the city itself is in a festive mood . The arts festival will be celebrated, the English village becomes alive and the Book city will attract visitors. The parks will be full of families with their grilling meat whose scents will be all over the place later to be eaten with the pungent Kimchi and other side dishes.It is also the time to eat cold fresh fruits in season.The DMZ will continue to bring in tourists.

While Summer is at the extreme spectrum of climate as is Winter, the soldiers will have to learn how to adjust to their vagaries. But what's that to the danger of the soldiers' mission ?

15.07.08 Hyun-Joong Kim, will counterclaim 1.2 billion against the side of Ms. Choi
김현중, 최 씨 측 상대로 12억 반소예정 
https://vimeo.com/132938050?ref=tw-share …




by cozy via SuperfandeKhj Henecia





KIM HYUN JOONG: 10 Years of Excellence

by Sarkissian Seta


This video of four parts reflects the extraordinary career of Kim Hyun Joong, a career which spans 10 years: 2005-2015, a beginning to a promising future of more incredible work. It is a fan- made video, a token of appreciation from his Global Henecia and Triple S, integrating fan viewpoints of his work as they celebrate his great achievement.
"Congratulations, Kim Hyun Joong, on the 10th anniversary of your wonderful career and thank you for enriching our lives in more ways than one!"


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  • Tweet Credit: lovingkimhyunjoong ‏@loving_khj

    Kim Hyun Joong, whose influence extends even in the midst of military service... Oricon weekly top 10

    u-block js-tweet-details-fixer">
    SP @illublue
    김현중, 군복무 중에도 영향력..日오리콘 주간 톱10 (출처 : 스타뉴스 | 네이버 TV연예)http://me2.do/F0bpRlSV


Tweets/Translation Credit:  sunny☀️ ‏@sunsun_sky Jul 7

Atty Lee posted OBS news video in his blog^^ Atty Lee fighting!!! #김현중명예회복#Justice4KH


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  • 스타서울TV 모바일 사이트, ‘한밤의 TV연예’ 김현중 측 “임신 사실 없고 유산 사실도 없어 6억 반소” http://www.starseoultv.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=332004 … 유산시켰다고 6억을 받았다. 작년 5월 임신 사실 없고 유산 사실 없다. 그 점에 대해 반소하는 것”

MidNite Ent KHJ's side: "No pregnancy and no miscarriage. Will countersue 600MW" A got it for miscarriage but NO pregnancy/miscarriage May last yr

Tweet Credit:  매일맑음 ‏@catgojump 

  • 이재만 변호사,"A씨 소장에 김현중의 복부폭행으로 유산치료를 받았다는 내용이 있었는데 확인결과 사실이 아니었다. 내용을 정리해 반소를 제기할 예정",반소 통해 최씨주장이 허위일 경우 무고혐의로 형사재판 가능. pic.twitter.com/XVeAufwJl6

A reporter says if A brought a suit by lying against HJ, she'll be sued on charges of making a false accusation.

Tweet Credit: sunny☀️ ‏@sunsun_sky

★★(Notice)Bank Account for KHJ Support★★-[김현중갤러리] [to support our handsome soldier HJ] http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=khj&no=137542&page=1 …

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Vampire(s) at the DMZ





An unlikely topic in this day and age? But think of mothers, girlfriends, ex girlfriend, fans worrying about their sons and oppas now soldiers who are on night duty patrolling the border. What if they meet someone, something other than what they are told to think about, the protection of their country and destroy their enemy.

Night vision goggled soldiers on a single file started to get out of line. Something is moving in the dead of the night. Though they were told to empty their minds and focus on their mission, still something is moving in the dark.The leader of the team motioned to strategically scattered themselves in formation.

The mosquitoes kept on biting on whatever flesh is exposed. If they are harmless bites, they would just leave raised pelts but the mosquitoes are not patriotic. Imagine them capable of giving the soldiers malarial virus. But who knows maybe they crossed border and their loyalty belonged elsewhere.

The soldiers brushed away the mosquitoes humming incessantly in their ears. Someone said, it's only because it is summer, mosquitoes will go away in the colder months.The noise in the dark canopy provided by the trees didn't go away.

What if they finally encountered spies or some successful defectors from the neighbor across the river . All the practices they have been doing will not go to waste. Finally, the skills they have acquired can be tested. They held tight grip on their weapons. The leader shouted for that someone to stop and surrender, he/they are surrounded.

What if it is not someone they have been trained to subdue. Heaven forbid! What if they encountered a real honest-to-goodness vampire? Can their automatic assault weapon protect them from blood sucking creatures? What if they can't stop him will they turn into blood suckers themselves? Will the military bosses like that? On the other hand, they can be the newest weapon-low tech and low maintenance blood sucking army. Not a bad idea.

Some of them have or at least ONE has met homegrown variety vampires (read: money sucking vampires) anyway back home. Ding ! Ding! Have they followed them at the camp? O my Kimchi!

Someone snickered the biggest vampire is the one that sucks the blood out of the young men for two years. They instinctively looked at their lean bodies and flat stomachs.

"I've lost a lot of weights around here".

Have they been perhaps watching too many ghoulish movies and dramas before their enlistment that every noise made in the night is magnified ten fold?

The leader was about to motion to fire, when a birdlike creature scampered out of the dark. He was earlier caught in the barbed wire fence and freed himself to land at the South border.

"Another defector to put in our report at daybreak."







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OBS Interview with Mr Lee Jae-man, Kim Hyun-joong's lawyer on July 6th, 2015

Reporter: Assault, pregnancy, miscarriage, and 1.6BW damage lawsuit, the complicated relationship between Kim Hyun-joong and his former girlfriend, Choi. As her delivery date was made public recently and Kim Hyun-joong's side decided to countersue for 1.2BW, the case has entered to a new phase. On 3rd, Kim Hyun-joong's former girlfriend's delivery date, Sept 12, was made public through media. Currently Kim Hyun-joong's former girlfriend, Choi, is known to be pregnant with his baby. (Caption Q: How is Choi's condition?)

When we [the two parties] went to Asan Medical Center together, she was confirmed in good health and I know she continues to visit the clinic. As she is pregnant and waiting for the delivery in the near future, she is currently concentrating on prenatal care.

On the first day of hearing, Choi's side stated that she has been focusing on pre- natal care. Sometime after that, Kim Hyun-joong's parents raised questions about the current pregnancy as the ultra sound pictures did not display her name and the time discrepancy between the actual check-up's time and the time of the pictures were taken. 
Hospital staff: 
There's a separate area for ultra sound pictures, where there are many machines. Some are old and some are new. It's different from one machine to another. There are times the names are marked, but other times they are not. Ultra sound pictures are important materials as they show how many weeks the fetus is in and when the delivery will be made. But truth is not known yet and questions are building up.

Attorney Lee: 
When we get the ultra sound pictures, the weeks of pregnancy can be estimated by the size and the shape of the embryo sac. That's why we requested ultra sound pictures. Because they are unmarried, paternity has to be confirmed. Ultra sound pictures are one of many ways to confirm paternity but all we received were questionable ones, not the ones we hoped to receive, so we still have our questions about paternity unresolved.

In this midst, on the 3rd, Choi's delivery date, that can be used to estimate the impregnation time, is made public. It is Sept. 12. Attorney Lee: We have already known the expected delivery date is Sept 12 by medical certificate. When the delivery is made on Sept 12, we can confirm paternity. If the delivery is made long after Sept 12, it's not even necessary to confirm paternity.

Kim Hyun-joong's side stated if Choi's delivery is made on Sept 12, it is more likely that he is the father. But if it is after Sept 12, it is less likely that he is. As the two are not married, when the baby is born, they have to make agreement for child support and the delivery date can be an important evidence to confirm paternity.

Attorney Lee: 
Just because the delivery is made on Sept 12, we cannot say the paternity is confirmed. Once the delivery is made, a DNA test must be done to confirm paternity. Only when paternity is confirmed, the other side can ask for child support. So if the other side wants to ask for child support, the paternity test must be done by the other side. Though Kim Hyun-joong's side requests paternity test, if the other side doesn't comply, there's no way for him to have paternity confirmed.

Kim Hyun-joong's side maintains that he will take responsibility as father, when his paternity is confirmed after the delivery on Sept 12.

Attorney Lee:
Kim Hyun-joong's side has maintained an unchanging position that he will be responsible as a father once paternity is confirmed. It's to support the child, like child support alimony.

The expected delivery date is now known and there's the child support issue. What is Choi's position about them? Our staff tried to reach Choi's legal counsel, but he was unavailable for response. The next day on 4th, Kim Hyun-joong's side announced their determination to countersue Choi. The critical reason for counterclaim is because Choi's claim of miscarriage after pregnancy in the past is proved to be untrue.

Attorney Lee:

With regard to the claim of the 6 week rib fracture injury by Kim Hyun-joong, it is true that the other side had the 6 week injury but the evidences, that it was not inflicted by Kim Hyun-joong, have been being acquired.

During the time that she alleged her pregnancy, there were such circumstantial evidences as she consumed alcohol, rode bike, and took x-ray pictures. But when the statements of fact were returned from the hospitals, it is found that past pregnancy and miscarriage are not actually facts.

Attorney Lee:
According to the retuned statements of fact, we received responses that the claim of pregnancy and miscarriage by assault in May last year was false. It's a fact that she was never pregnant. It is a fact that she did not receive any treatment for miscarriage. Also for the 2 week injury medical certificate, there's no diagnosis of injury by belly assault. So because all these are falsehoods, we will submit the returned statements of fact as evidences.


Kim Hyun-joong gave the 600MW settlement because he was in despair believing Choi's words of miscarriage by assault. But as the claim is found false, the counterclaim is determined. Also the counterclaim will include the minimum of 1.2BW for damages.

Attorney Lee:

As the other side got 600MW by blackmailing with false claims, we will countersue for 600MW. It is the other side that breached non-disclosure of settlement, as they stated they didn't receive the settlement even after they did receive it. So demand will be made for 600MW penalty. Also even though miscarriage by assault is untrue, she received an interview with media this year that claimed she miscarried due to repeated beating on the belly by Kim Hyun-joong during her pregnancy in May last year. So she had been answering the interview with a false claim and defamed Kim Hyun-joong's reputation, so defamation damage will be included. It will be 600MW and 600MW plus defamation damage, which the amount has not decided yet. So the counterclaim will be filed over the amount of 1.2BW.

On the first hearing date, Choi's Attorney Seon expressed his surprise for the possibility of Kim Hyun-joong's counterclaim. (Caption Q: What's your response to the possibility of Kim Hyun-joong's counterclaim?)

Attorney Seon: I was a bit surprised to see the report about it. But we should not close our eyes in front of truth.


After the news of the counterclaim decision, Choi's side maintains that their position will not be made public until the second hearing date. The second hearing is scheduled on July 22nd for the 1.6BW lawsuit against Kim Hyun-joong.In the second round of unending legal dispute, attention is being given to whose hand the court will raise.

Translated by: Sunny

Proofread by: Nikita and Hazell Read more at:

Kim Hyun Joong - Even Now/Imademo parte de『The Best of KIM HYUN JOONG』 - No.1 en Spaceshowertv!!! 





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15.07.10 독특한 연예뉴스 - 김현중측 볍률대리인 인터뷰.jpg
15.07.10 unique entertainment news-Kim Hyun-Joong side 
http://cozygha.com/board_DRUP12/201198 …
cr: cozy via SuperfandeKhj Henecia



21st day at paju 

Sweet dream Hyun Joong and Henecia 

cr @oaewma06 




Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Guest shariman66

Read at twitter that our boy is going to be drowning in letters again from fans ^_^

Care to guess how long it'd take him to read about 600 letters or so? No time to be bored, that's for sure.

I have to say I'm so grateful to every single one of those fans for taking the time to write him one or several during the last 2 months.

I'm sure there's no way he would feel neglected or forgotten by his fans with all these loving missives ~ at least I hope all of them are loving & none from trollish-antis. 

I do wonder though ~ did or do other artistes who underwent MS receive this much amount of letters too?

If they did/do, where in the world did/do they store them? I hope our boy doesn't have to throw them away due to lack of space.

Sorry for the frivolous thought but at the moment I do prefer him having to deal with frivolous stuffs rather than the grim reality.

He has had more than enough of that for the last 9 months & more. 

I hope nowadays he has more reason to smile away from the critical(&hypocritical) public & have a normal everyday life or as normal as it can get while stationed at that place. 

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I know that JJ gets this kind of attention - the Army had to issue a notice to fans to stop posting on his unit's private msg ctr LOL  I do wonder what happens to all the letters - if KHJ only gets a few at the barracks while most are kept at his home (this for any of the guys...) or what.  I do know that getting mail while in bootcamp is ALWAYS a big morale booster, & for KHJ w/this current situation, just knowing that he's got such an active, loyal fan base must keep up his spirits :D

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Guest erminda2671

Its kinda sad to know that some people are capable of destroying others career and life too just to gain attention and earn money, are those people have no shame or morals?

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D-580 KHJ returns from MS
앞으로도 쭉 쭉 사랑해요
cr: @ss501khj860606 




Hyun Joong reads books, works out, & is healthy & getting along well wth other soldiers. 

HJ works out a lot^^

http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=khj&no=137582&page=1 …
cr: @sunsun_sky

Edited by newyorkcitygirl
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Hi newyorkcitygirl, well, that's really the celebrity soldiers are doing there inside the camp - after the drill & assigned task, they read books, watch TV at night & work- out. Not surprising that all of them become hunkier when they get out. But military life isn't that simple, I can say. But, thanks for sharing this updates on him. So nice to know he's doing good in there. :lol:

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Old photo shared by Manager Seung_kyoya in his IG... in the company of good people in month of April

Manager Seo's [@seung kyoya]Instagram update:
"In April... Together with good people" 
(They were having beers & fries in Jeju) 
cr: @AlienPrinceKHJ
HJ with manager at Jeju in April, healing time... 
cr: @loving_khj




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[Jeju bar where HJ & Mgr Seung Kyo went to in April photo] 
It looks like a home~warehouse turned into a small tavern
看起来就像在家里的仓库里开了个小酒馆, 很适合我们家这位的随性 style 
經紀人今天分享照片的평대블루스 不愧是四次元宇宙神,連去的地方,店名也很四次元~~
cr: @金賢重-com

'Pyeong Dae Blues'
[Jeju bar where HJ & Mgr Seung Kyo went to in April photo] 
Korean Address: 제주 특별 자치도 제주시 구좌읍 해맞이 해안 로 1156-5
Sunrise coast in Jeju coast Road 1156-5
cr: NAVER via @爱贤21度C








credit as tagged






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Remember this ? Hyun Joong in Japan during promotion his single " Let's party "

Credit as tagged





The below picture was taking during his first album " Break Down " .I love his look here.

I think he probably looks lust like this now at Paju.

Credit as tagged.


Edited by vivian6686
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