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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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[ENGL] A note for a very decent fandom [Part 1]

점잖은 팬덤에게 알리는 글...^^-[김현중갤러리] 
http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=khj&no=164475&page=1 …
Eng trans cr: sunsun_sky







HyunHolic Sanu retweet
your story @yourstory5 
your story 이만
It came from today's court. Choi had texted to her friend "if I have HJ's baby, will his fans leave him?"your story נוסף,
이만 @Henecian_90
@yourstory5 what do u mean by removing Henecia?

your story @yourstory5 
The motivation of Choi's intended pregnancy was removing Henecia from HJ

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[ENGL Main points only] Today in court...1 오늘 재판에서....1-[김현중갤러리]

http://m.dcinside.com/view.php?id=khj&no=164393&page=1 …
Eng trans cr: sunsun_sky






[ENGL] KHJ's case: final defense, AttyLee focus 김현중 vs A 마지막 변론기일
http://m.media.daum.net/m/entert…/newsview/20160720122503319 …
Eng trans cr: sunsun_sky





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10 hours ago, theone4me said:

No. I haven't looked.  


Thanks for letting us know this Willenette.    I wish KHJ's lawyer gave a stronger augment.  I hope he will win this case as he has already lost the previous case against her.   As for her filing lawsuits against his fans, she is just trying to intimidate his fans.  She threatened before to file lawsuits against fans a couple years ago.  This is getting too ridiculous. ^_^


Hi theone4me, I'm hoping that, too.....This time around I hope the luck will be on his side. :(

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If no bribery is taken. After the latest  news of the prosecutor everything is possible in south Korea. They are talking first payment in august I don't say I'm with them but I studied them they are supported behind the scenes by mafia. We have just to be calm and accept what comes his was  It's not our battle but the Lord. Choi is going to pay for mistreating the Kim 's family. 

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 The article  by LAZERKIM

Kim Hyun Joong…[article] CIVIL CASE

Posted on July 21, 2016



By: LazerKim


The July 20th civil court hearing on KHJ vs Choi pertaining to 1.6BW Lawsuit was the final plea for counsels of both parties to present their claims and defense before the judge can make a ruling on this civil case on Aug. 10th at 2pm. Argument and rebuttal from both sides were being heard.

I have been covering KHJ’s case from day one in Aug 2014 to the present and most of my readers have been following this case from this site. From day one that I’ve been writing on this case I believe all I have written were based from facts, on how this case unfolds and so more or less we have seen and equate the truth and the lies.

At this point I will not post any translation from the news articles released yesterday after the court hearing simply because I do not want to confuse any of my readers, since most of the info seem to me was misleading from facts that we already gathered over the years.

I have posted statements from witnesses of both parties, and with no doubts we have seen which of the witness statement is credible. I did not comment on Choi’s witness statement which I posted on my recent article simply because I do not want to be indulged in another set of lies that even I won’t dissect those statements to understand, my readers know very well where the lies fall!



Allow me to review and summarize this case in simple common sense and less complicated way in layman’s term for better understanding of what is going on. From day one I have stated in one of my articles this statement as I address it to Choi and Seon….

“If you are to accuse anyone and bring your case to any court of law, make sure you have substantial evidence to support your accusation and your case.” 

This civil case that Choi filed pertains to damage lawsuit on Miscarriage from alleged assault in 2014, that up until the last hearing Choi failed to present substantial evidence on pregnancy, miscarriage and alleged assault. Take note that these claims are medical issues, from alleged assault, pregnancy and miscarriage.

Here are my questions:  First, was there an assault on Choi? Second, was there pregnancy in 2014? Third was there miscarriage in 2014?

Choi’s camp presented evidence of purely text messages, fake pictures of assault and witness that can only state hearsay statement from Choi and NO specific eye witness that assault was being done to her. She was not able to present any medical records that can prove she was pregnant in 2014 and had miscarriage.

ALLEGED ASSAULT:    Choi failed to present any medical record since alleged assault was a physical harm said to be done to her and from the fake photos she showed those were supposed serious injuries and alleged broken ribs however, since Choi doesn’t have legit medical records, it was Atty Lee who provided it from the hospital where Choi went and proved she had an accident from the gym causing injury and not from alleged asault!

Aside from the fact that there was a police report in 2014 stating that there was no sufficient evidence that assault was done to Choi by KHJ, that I think this police report was totally disregarded for whatever reason no one knows!

PREGNANCY: The only evidence on her pregnancy was a pregnancy test kit which she kept for 2 years and NO medical record from an OB stating she was pregnant in 2014.

MISCARRIAGE:  Choi claimed she had miscarriage. If a woman experienced miscarriage it is necessary that Dilation and Curettage should be performed by a medical expert or OB in a hospital after a miscarriage, otherwise her life is at risk that may cause death. And Choi failed to present any hospital record that stated Dilation and Curettage was performed to her in 2014. Obviously she’s still alive after the alleged miscarriage 2014!

And granting she had miscarriage just for the sake of argument, still it doesn’t prove anything, because the next question would be, who was the father of the said pregnancy in 2014? To prove that KHJ cause her 2014 pregnancy, another set of lie was brought in!

These allegations are medical issues, and ONLY medical experts, valid legit medical records can prove her claims. And NOT the staffs of SK court of law who reads those fabricated test messages as proof of pregnancy and miscarriage not even alleged assault, which I find it stupid, unprofessional and primitive way of thinking!!



May I just point out that, until the very last minute of this civil case court hearing the pig Seon kept insisting that KHJ and Choi lived together in 2014, that he cannot even prove that they were indeed living together. While this is so easy to prove and here is why:

KHJ was living in a luxury service apartment or a condo. What can we find in a condo? A lobby receptionist, security staffs, valet staff, housekeeping staffs, building maintenance staffs CCTV on lobby areas corridors and elevators ect, not to mention the occupants of neighboring units close to KHJ’s unit.

If it’s true that KHJ and Choi were living together, it’s so impossible that none in the building had not seen her or know her even just by her face! I’m wondering why can’t Seon bring anyone from the staffs I mentioned to the court to prove they were indeed living together?Simple, it’s because KHJ and Choi NEVER lived together and I assume she neither was a frequent or regular visitor in KHJ’s apartment otherwise those staffs would recognize her!

Seon was tying to insist on this lie simply because if KHJ and Choi were living together Choi doesn’t need any medical record to prove her pregnancy on KHJ! They brought a witness who can testify on this but all she said were hearsay as Choi told her she’s living with KHJ.

However this best friend of Choi had never seen KHJ in person, his apartment and neither had she seen both being together not even dating! In short Choi’s witness did not prove anything at all except what Choi told her this and that, all Choi’s fantasies! HEARSAY!

Seon claimed that the address stated at Choi’s car registration address was KHJ’s address! Hello counselor, I can state anything in a car registration and those documents can easily be fabricated, knowing what you have in your country, all fake, come on!



In the end I find this civil case a roller coaster set in the playground of SK Court of Law played by Choi and her lawyer Seon! Whether they win this case or not, for them obviously doesn’t matter at all! Since their main goal is to put KHJ in the line of tabloid scandal news and put him to shame that can bring him down in SK!

From day one Aug 2014 nightmare, we knew all along the lies Choi brought the public that caused damage to KHJ’s image to the SK public. Again the entire world is the witness in this case how Choi made SK public seem damn ignorant to read and believe her story filled with lies.

May I just mention, that Seon was intending to sue KHJ’s witness as he stated the witness Lee is a member of KHJ fan club!  Well what’s new? Choi’s camp just love suing people who are telling the truth!  Between her best friend as witness and a KHJ fan, who do you think has a better credibility?

KHJ fan being an eye witness has brought with her in court substantial proof of evidence and smart enough to corroborate in the case. While Choi’s best friend as her witness brought nothing but hearsay and the statement I DON’T KNOW!

The civil court ruling is scheduled on Aug 10th, we can only wait for this day and with hopes to end this roller coaster which has been on going for 2 years now as the first scandal exploded in Aug 2014!



May I just mention, there was a news quite recently that an SK senior prosecutor was arrested by authorities as this senior prosecutor was found guilty of bribery. I just wrote it in my recent article as I speculated Mr Prosecutor handing KHJ’s criminal case was being paid by Choi! Now I can no longer doubt my wild thoughts! If a senior prosecutor can be bribed or paid, what more those prosecutors under the senior??

(Prosecutor News source: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20160717000231)

If there’s smoke there’s fire! I sincerely hope that SK judges in this civil court are better than the SK prosecutors! Then let’s start crossing our fingers and pray! Because for 2 years that KHJ’s case has been on going, it seems to me in SK Lies have better listeners than the Truth and this is just so frustrating in this country South Korea!

After all of these roller coasters and it’s time Hyun Joong can get out from his MS, I sure do hope he would migrate to another country! With the two years he has been suffering, I came to realize his own country cannot protect him as a Korean citizen at all. This is painful for him I know since he loves his country but his country doesn’t love him at all! I’m sorry to say this but reality hurts!

Now I can understand as to why many Koreans migrate to other countries even to countries poorer than their own! SK only grew up by technology and probably country’s economy. But people from SK still in primitive way of thinking that made them the biggest hypocrite in the entire world! I’m simply expressing my thoughts in all honesty on how I see South Korea as a country and people within! Poor KHJ really, I pity him!

However, as the saying states, after a heavy rain comes the sunshine, in every dark tunnel there’s always light ahead, if there’s a beginning then there’s an end to everything…

Oh lastly here’s my message to CHOI….

To: Choi Hye Min

It doesn’t matter how many kids KHJ may have, his fans will stay with him…BUT If you Choi kept hanging on KHJ’s wings, we KHJ fans will always be on guard to make sure you fall down to HELL….see you and your KARMA very soon!!

                                                                                  LazerKim here writing

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Photo credit as tagged, Ms D thanks              MS Fanarts @oaewma06  thanks!bwiwu1hcuae3rku (1)




STATEMENT FROM ATTY SEON     (July 20th court hearing)

Take note on no. 2   




Well, a new person now was being entangled in this case on its last trip, as Seon mentioned KHJ’s brother! LOL  Seon stated KHJ’s brother apologized to Choi on June 6th for the bruises KHJ inflicted on Choi!!  Was Atty Seon drunk during the court hearing in July 20th? I’m just asking! It seems to me Seon wasn’t in his right mind yesterday at the court hearing!

This event in Jeju transpired in June 2014, and this case has been on going for 2 years now and this is the first time he ever revealed such LIE again! If there’s a truth to what he was saying then this should have been brought up in the previous hearings! Why was he saying this on the last day of hearing? It seems to me he had run out of alibi to refute so the best he can do is to include another character from KHJ camp! LOL

Hey counselor Seon , this is not working, no one is buying that statement you made! You even dared change the date of event again! LOL  This lawyer is so inconsistent from the beginning and for the last trip he again proved his inconsistency! Honestly this pig and that snake has  the habitual way of fooling SK public! This Seon and Choi are great liars of the century and criminals by nature!   Such comedy show! LOL







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13 hours ago, ConnieK said:

 Choi is going to pay for mistreating the Kim 's family. 

This is true the sad part is that it might be in the form of her going throw the same things from her own child...  I do not wish this upon her but Karma some times works in funny ways like that.. 

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What do you guys think of the photos and videos from the Gimpo Airport on May 30? There seems to be an old bruise between his neck and shoulder area. In some places his neck around the adams apple are looks badly bruised, some normal, some very white, and some places there's just red spots. Then in one of the photos, one of his hands look red and purple.

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On 7/21/2016 at 10:57 AM, shariman66 said:

Hi @elkie93! Nice meeting you ~

Well, as far as we know it wasn't a 2-year relationship but rather a 2-month dating period after the drama IG ended which he mentioned in his 1st statement after that crazy woman started her evil saga.

I believe our Hyunjoong because if I remember correctly the 1st time that psychoi appeared anywhere near him was at a soccer game in June 2013. It was captured by quite a few fans' videos & as dear vivian stated she was the one who appeared to be the brazen one, blatantly trying to catch his attention ~ flirting openly & definitely showing-off to the fans/onlookers that she's known to him. Not that he wasn't responding but he was rather constrained since they were surrounded not only by his pals but also by his eagle-eyed fans. 

As for injuries, again you could see bruises & scars captured by fans videos at the airport & when he was performing during his World Tour in July 2014. Here's one of them when he was at Haneda airport. Sorry but I'm clueless when it comes to screenshots ^_^

Credit: chamixSS501


Watch at 0:31 - 0:32 min. You could see 2 circular white scars on his left biceps.

At the time we thought he had a cycling accident since he did say he wanted to participate in a triathlon later in the year.

Then a few weeks later an unmistakable bruise showed-up on one of his finger-nails, in fact a week before 'Choi-freak' saga started.

The following video showed clearly the scars on his left shoulder & his left biceps. So, who's the one who bore the physical, mental & emotional scars? Not that crazy creature, for sure ~

Credit: masa06hj

Thank you for the welcome :) It's nice to meet you too! Sorry for my late response!


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I   would like to thanks Rukkubebe8877@ for her wonderful videos above. She has made a lot of nice videos  of HJ which reflects how KHJ really is. He is such a healing spirit.I hope the healing power he has will heal all the pain he might have. I believe  his positive attitude will bring him to unexpected success of GOD's will. 

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Retweeted sunny☀️ (@sunsun_sky):

法 "김현중 前여친, 김현중에 1억원 지급하라" 최종 판결(종합) | Daum 뉴스

Court ruled "Choi to pay 100MW to KHJ for compensation."


Retweeted MichLui (@Princessmich123):

Court sentenceD Choi to compensate KHJ 100mil won. HJ won the case

法 "김현중 전여친, 김현중에 1억원 지급하라" 선고 | 다음 연예




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Justice has finally prevailed ..OMG im so happy. All those haters foots are in their mouths now. After all this we should just spread the articles with positivity. Nothing can ever stop Henecia and Triple S. Now all we have to do help him make the biggest comeback whenever he decides to come back. :)

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Singer-actor Kim Hyun-joong wins compensation suit against ex-girlfriend

2016-08-10 15:39

   A local court on Wednesday ruled in favor of singer-actor Kim Hyun-joong and dismissed a compensation suit filed by his ex-girlfriend after she alleged that she miscarried his son due to physical assault.

   The 30-year-old has been locked in a legal battle as his ex-girlfriend, identified only by her surname Choi, filed a suit with the Seoul Central District Court in April last year, seeking 1.6 billion won (US$1.45 million) in compensation.

   The plaintiff claimed that she miscarried his child in 2014 after being physically abused by the member of K-pop boy band SS501.

   Kim filed a counter suit against Choi, saying she was actually not pregnant and that she spread false rumors about their relationship.

   The court dismissed the suit filed by the woman, citing a lack of evidence while ordering her to pay 100 million won to Kim for defamation. It said there is circumstantial evidence to believe that she was not pregnant.

   In December, Choi said Kim is the biological father of her son who she gave birth to in September, citing a paternity test conducted at Seoul National University College of Medicine. Kim has said he will take full responsibility of the child.

   He has been serving in the military since May last year to fulfill the requirements of all able-bodied South Korean man.



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