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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

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Thank you so much NYCG @ for all information

I'm speechless knowing what HJ has been through for all these months.

It is proved that the luna is very much hungry for money. She probably not only  a lunatic but a professional blackmailer and gold digger.

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Just want to share my feeling about this ..

I am not sure what to categorize myself .. fan? Half fan? .. All I know I love his works – esp as an actor … been to a few of his showcase/promotion .. manage to get a high five clap from him (He was B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L) …  bought his album (only Solo album) .. BUT .. I never follow him as a person..  you know – like analyzing his emotions.. his life ..  etc etc

Whenever he was out there performing or promoting stuff and if he came to somewhere close to my area I would definitely go .. bought some faceshop stuff  .. I donated (I was not sincere though hihihi.. with ulterior motives ) ..  I watched all of his drama (though I hate one of the lead actress), and of course promoting him to my friend … That’s how I show my ‘love’ to him…  I don’t really discuss him on social media .. 

So when August 14 happened – I was devastated (though not as bad as many of you here :D )   .. I have to admit I was sooo disappointed in  him…  I believed the girl .. I believed everything she said (I am so ashamed now) … but no matter how much I believed the girl .. I never once vent out my anger toward KHJ .. not on my FB wall.. not to my daughter (whom also a fan) .. or to my friend (can be considered as die hard fans – henecian) ..  I refuse to share any negative report about him on my FB wall or anywhere .. and I BELIEVED THAT STUPID BEACH …  I secretly came to this thread and read .. hoping that everything was just a lie .. I didn’t participate in the discussion because truthfully I never followed him as a person .. I don’t know him except for what I saw on stage and in his drama (which was not the ‘real’ him).. and how can I defend or accused him?? .. and at that time I believed that beach more than him.. and the way his agency handle the whole thing made me believe that there was some truth to what that beach claimed ..

I didn’t abandoned him though, I continue watch his drama on an off, watch his show.. .. I continue to hope and pray that all this is not true .. he was such a hardworking man …  and it’s unfair all his work just went down the drain … I continue to read stuff about him .. both negative and positive … watched back his variety show try to ‘see’ him as a person …  continue to dig news about him … and when that beach drop the charges .. I see some light …  frankly speaking I will never understand/believe those that claim to be domestic violent  victim but continue to forgive the abuser … and try to get back with the abuser??  … To me – You brought this to yourself why all the whining? You can get away why still insist to be beat up? Are you for real?

I started to have doubt .. and trust KHJ more and more .. and when the news about the pregnancy came out early this year … I was so angry and relieved at the same time … angry that KHJ was stupid and relieved that finally the Beach showed her true color ..  I don’t have to wait for the court to make the judgement .. :D  … She’s a gold digger … a liar … and if the baby is really his .. that would make her even a bigger liar ..  If KHJ is as bad as she claimed .. why, why, why did she go back to him and have sex with him?

I started to rant here about her … angry, sad, relief .. all mixed up ..  anyway .. I was happy that at least some people will realize that beach is a liar .. and the way she exposed all those text messages between she and KHJ father was the biggest proved of all of how shallow she is as person .. unmoral and unfit to be anyone daughter in law .. 

The suddenly everything sort of died down , I thought somehow they will settle this quietly … and BAMM!!! … She is suing him AGAIN?

and when the news about KHJ’s lawyer suing her for blackmailing .. I literally punch the air and scream yes yes yes …

You know what I think? It’s like god saying – KHJ have had enough … he has been ‘punished’ enough for all his wrong doing .. and this girl never stop .. and now it’s this girl turn …

And to those haters that continue to backup this beach … and continue to ridicule KHJ’s fans …  I wonder if they use their brain? …

Yeah .. karma … believe it ..


I salute those fans that never once waver ... those fans that continue to defend him during his blackest days ... if the beach end up in jail ... that would be the sweetest gift to all his fans .. and I wait patiently for the day...

I believe GOD is fair ... 

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OMG our poor boy!!!!   Thank goodness he's got sooo many loyal, loving fans who KNEW something was off!!!  I'm speechless w/plain RAGE ~grrrrr~

Karma - she's a BYOTCH!!! Do not MESS w/her!!


Edited by Teleri Nyfain
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​Well - lets see  - this is from Sports Dong-A -  He is in the 30th Division of the Infantry in the Armored (Air and land).  The name of that division is "Certain Victory".

Goyang | onecut@donga.com reporter Dong-Won border com


Here is a link to Wikipedia on SK armed forces: 


lkh2, when I read an article about military facing criticism for poor training, firearms management I remember KHJ who is currently on his basic training. This is because of a shooting accident that happened done by a reservist during a drill. I hope he's healthy enough to go through the 4-5 week training. :P


Edited by willenette
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The Private's Letter (Song)

집 떠나와 열차 타고 훈련소로 가는 날

Leaving on a train, reporting for duty

부모님께 큰 절하고 대문 밖을 나설때

As I walk out the door, parting with the parents

가슴 속엔 무엇인가 아쉬움이 남지만

In my heart remains a sentiment I cannot describe

풀한포기, 친구얼굴, 모든것이 새롭다.

A fistful of grass, a friend’s face, everything feels different

이제 다시 시작이다. 젊은 날의 생이여

It’s a new start, the days of my youth

친구들아 군대가면 편지 꼭 해다오

Friends, do write me in the army

그대들과 즐거웠던 날들을 잊지않게

So that I’ll remember our times together

열차시간 다가올때 두손잡던 뜨거움

Warmth, holding hands as the train nears

기적소리 멀어지면 작아지는 모습들

You grow smaller as the whistles fade

이제다시 시작이다 젊은날의 꿈이여

It’s a new start, the dreams of my youth

짧게잘린 내머리가 처음에는 우습다가

My shortened hair, silly at first

거울속에 비친 내모습이 굳어진다 마음까지

My reflection in the mirror, hardens with my mind

뒷동산에 올라서면 우리마을 보일런지

Atop that hill, would I see home

나팔소리 고요하게 밤하늘에 퍼지면

As the horn spreads quietly in the night

이등병의 편지 한장 고의접어 보내오

Writing a private’s letter and sending it

이제다시 시작이다 젊은날의 꿈이여

It’s a new start, the dreams of my youth

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lkh2, when I read an article about military facing criticism for poor training, firearms management I remember KHJ who is currently on his basic training. This is because of a shooting accident that happened done by a reservist during a drill. I hope he's healthy enough to go through the 4-5 week training. :P


​Well - the good thing is - KHJ is NOT a reservist..a reservist who only spends perhaps 2 weeks only in active training/camp...

he will be getting full training daily - also - I am hoping that he is able to breathe a sigh of relief as this Lawyer is (YES!) (YES!) (YES!) (Fist punching in air!) fighting for him while he is in Basic training.

Also, I understand the food is really good - and he is young - so as long as he gets the required sleep and food, I think he will do fine...

Unfortunately...he does seem to be used to privation - remember as a trainee he barely ate - and was working all those jobs, would come home starving..

BUT - in the army - he will get to eat food - and lots of it  - and I am positive all the male camaraderie would boost his spirits - especially now that the Lawyer is making public his situation!



Edited by lkh2
The Lawyer went public on 5/8/15.
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The Private's Letter (Song)

집 떠나와 열차 타고 훈련소로 가는 날

Leaving on a train, reporting for duty

부모님께 큰 절하고 대문 밖을 나설때

As I walk out the door, parting with the parents

가슴 속엔 무엇인가 아쉬움이 남지만

In my heart remains a sentiment I cannot describe

풀한포기, 친구얼굴, 모든것이 새롭다.

A fistful of grass, a friend’s face, everything feels different

이제 다시 시작이다. 젊은 날의 생이여

It’s a new start, the days of my youth

친구들아 군대가면 편지 꼭 해다오

Friends, do write me in the army

그대들과 즐거웠던 날들을 잊지않게

So that I’ll remember our times together

열차시간 다가올때 두손잡던 뜨거움

Warmth, holding hands as the train nears

기적소리 멀어지면 작아지는 모습들

You grow smaller as the whistles fade

이제다시 시작이다 젊은날의 꿈이여

It’s a new start, the dreams of my youth

짧게잘린 내머리가 처음에는 우습다가

My shortened hair, silly at first

거울속에 비친 내모습이 굳어진다 마음까지

My reflection in the mirror, hardens with my mind

뒷동산에 올라서면 우리마을 보일런지

Atop that hill, would I see home

나팔소리 고요하게 밤하늘에 퍼지면

As the horn spreads quietly in the night

이등병의 편지 한장 고의접어 보내오

Writing a private’s letter and sending it

이제다시 시작이다 젊은날의 꿈이여

It’s a new start, the dreams of my youth

Crying buckets for KHJ.. please be STRONG.. May The God of The Universe give him strength, Protect Khj..always

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[Eng Trans] Q2 and HJ lawyer's reply.
In gist, why did HJ paid out such a huge settlement amount of money to Choibitch was because HJ then did not have a lawyer to represent him and he was alone in dealing with her threats. Even without any medical report he thought her pregnancy & miscarriage were true. At last August when HJ was sued for the alleged assault care, Choibitch had threatened him that she will report him for assaulting a pregnant woman. Originally the settlement amount was 300 mil won but it was settled for 600 mil won eventually.
credit translation:@Princessmich123
from: Chinese Trans of Lawyer's Interview (fr weibo)

[Eng Trans for @Miyokolovekhj 's tweet on HJ lawyer's TV interview on OBS News broadcast on 13 May 2015]
In the lodge report filed by Choibitch, she had stated that doctor had clarified that she was not pregnant and advised her to go to the hospital for another check-up. But following that she wrote that it was a miscarriage. But how could one has a miscarriage if one has yet to prove to be pregnant. Her so-called proof of pregnancy was merely those handphone message exchanges.
There is no correlation between the so-called miscarriage and the alleged assault. During the alleged assault case, HJ admitted partially to the charge and paid the settlement money to her as Choibitch had continuously threatened him that she would go public that he was a violent criminal that assaulted pregnant woman as well as when she would go to the media. Under such coercion & threats, HJ was so scared & afraid that if he did not oblige to her demand (for money) she would not let the matter rest at all. Hence, even without any proof of pregnancy, he believed her pretense of miscarriage and hastily gave the 600 million won as settlement.
But after getting the settlement money and then announced to the public that it was due to her love for HJ that she withdrew the charges, her actions had badly damaged HJ's reputation and public image (as it had misled the public to believe that he was a bad man who assaulted a kind woman like her who did not take a single cent of settlement money!) Her actions would tantamount to defamation.
Therefore, upon the completion of evidences gathering and confirmation that Choibitch was not pregnant at all, it would be expected that lawsuit will be filed to sue Choibitch for blackmail as well as civil lawsuit against her for compensation. There is no room for settlement at all!
Like last year's situation, the 1.6 billion won lawsuit came about because Choibitch had used similar threat tactics to extort money from HJ. Again she would send messages to pressurize him. But because she did not succeed in getting any money that she resorted to filing a lawsuit against HJ.
Initially she claimed that due to her pregnancy she needed money to buy a house for the baby, and double the amount to 1.2 billion won. Then she said it was not enough and up the amount to 1.6 billion won! But when her threats did not get her any money she demanded, she then sued under the basis of psychological damage for 1 billion won plus another 600 million won for breach of the earlier settlement contract!
HJ lawyer stated that there is no ground for any settlement at all.
To his fans who have continued to believe in him till the end HJ expressed his deepest gratitude. Lawyer Lee said that this is what HJ has wanted to convey to his fans.
Separately, on questions relating to the baby, it will have to wait till the baby is born and after a firm confirmation from paternity test will assume the responsibility accordingly. 
credit translation: @Princessmich123



​OMG! This is what we have been waiting for! NYCG - Thank you so much  - Thank you so much!

Ever since I got the gist of this a couple of days ago - I have been feeling a sense of vindication - and to see this fully translated...I am so happy!  YES! YES!  YES!

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Here is another clip that is in English - it  is not as good as the one NYCG has but  - it reveals that the Lawyer appeared on National TV on SBS's  TV News At Night - Hey this is NOT a tabloid - this is NATIONAL TV!!

The Youtube link below - not as good at all as NYCG's :

Published on May 8, 2015

Kim Hyun Joong's lawyer appeared on the SBS news program "TV News At Night" to offer more information about the lawsuit filed against the actor-singer by his ex-girlfriend.



Edited by lkh2
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... I can't found the first part of this. I will search it.

Translation of second half of Fan Account

by @谢谢你折磨我-柯柯柯

cr: translation: @illublue

Sorry was a little long so started halfway.

Having successfully entered the venue for the enlistment ceremony, I stood behind the last row of chairs and started to look for him.

The new recruits were sitting, or standing around, listening to the basic instructions for new recruits.

Since he had arrived more than an hours earlier, I thought he’d already be seated.

As I looked around for him, there was a flurry of activity outside.

A group of reporters entered together with him from the side door.

I guess the heavens were looking down on me.

He walked straight to the last row and sat down. A crowd of bodyguards and friends sat on either side of him, or just stood around him.

Refusing to let people shoot, shielding him from the gaze of the cameras.

He sat in front of me, separated by 2 others.

People swarmed forward, hoping to take pictures, but were stopped by the staff.

I stood behind him to one side, and looked quietly upon him.

He wore a cap, with the front tilted low.

A little wan and sallow, I suddenly observed the hair at his temples, unexpectedly showing signs of whitening.

At that moment, my eyes heated; it seemed he had aged so much in just a flash.

Having gone through the instructions for the new recruits, they were required to congregate up front, to begin the ceremony.

He stood up, laughingly saying good bye to his friends, shaking hands, hugging.

Then quickly walking to the front, again shaking hands and hugging friends.

He stood approximately at the second row, close to the stage.

Family members were only permitted to stand at the right side and back, at this point I could no longer see him, despite trying my best.

How I wished at that moment that I were a 190cm giant. Then I’d be able to see him regardless of where I was.

They went through some simple oral exercises, the vow, speech.

Then it was time for the formal farewell to the parents.

It seemed normal practice for the recruits to go row by row up the stage and bow to the parents down below, before exiting toward the back of the stage to the training venue, followed by the training obligations in earnest.

Perhaps it was because his parents were not below the stage, also a private entry.

After the first row had gone up and made their bows, I saw him walk quickly up the stage, but didn’t perform this ritual. Instead, he walked straight towards the exit.

I mustered all my energy and shouted towards his retreating back, “Kim Hyun Joong fighting!” His friends also called out.

I don’t know if he heard me, but it was thus he entered the training camp.

I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer and cried, maybe it was because it had all gone by so quickly, or because I hadn’t had a good look at him.

I can only hope for his well being, fighting.

I was very fortunate to have been a witness to this moment of his enlistment.

Hoping that the chaos outside will come to an end quickly.

A not too distant afterwards

For us to start anew with him.

Something he once quoted, which I have always remembered.

What the eye sees is not always the truth; we need to look diligently.

What I have seen is not the whole, I have no way of seeing the whole, so I will not judge lightly.

I believe in him, in them, always.

I hope everyone will be able to do likewise, to believe in the happiness and yearnings of our youth 



Edited by Marcelita Garces
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Thank you @newyorkcitygirl to share it, now everyone can read what his lawyer said. 

As you say @lkh2 his lawyer gave interviews to National TV that is more important than those sensationalist tabloid that have distorted the truth at will the past months. 

I remember well those who came here to attack and insult us for exposing our point of view on the situation; we all did with solid arguments and now we see that we were not so far from the truth



Edited by angel76
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Even Kim Hyun Joong's wax figure is really relevant.

On Madame Tussauds Seoul's instagram account, a photo of a staff dressing up Kim Hyun Joong's wax figure is uploaded.
The wax figure of the actor/singer who recently entered training camp on May 12th is standing lean and just. However, it appears like even the wax figure must be updated as well. Thus, they dressed it with a military uniform.
Written through the caption is, "Kim Hyun Joong-ssi you have to wear military uniform now. Madame Tussauds Seoul who worries about Kim Hyun Joong who enlisted yesterday put on his military uniform^^; Kim Hyun Joong-ssi please take care of your body's health!"
Under the posts, comments read as "Oppa please take care.","Come back safely oppa!", "We'll wait for you.","Keep healthy." and so on. Moreover, it is also reported that fans in group came to see Kim Hyun Joong's wax figure on the day of his enlistment and paid respect and salute him promising to patiently wait for his return.

KHJ's wax figure also wears a military uniform.. Madame Tussauds Seoul wishes a safe discharge
http://media.daum.net/v/20150514195814143/ … 



Edited by newyorkcitygirl
added photo
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Initially she claimed that due to her pregnancy she needed money to buy a house for the baby, and double the amount to 1.2 billion won. Then she said it was not enough and up the amount to 1.6 billion won! But when her threats did not get her any money she demanded, she then sued under the basis of psychological damage for 1 billion won plus another 600 million won for breach of the earlier settlement contract!
HJ lawyer stated that there is no ground for any settlement at all.
To his fans who have continued to believe in him till the end HJ expressed his deepest gratitude. Lawyer Lee said that this is what HJ has wanted to convey to his fans.
Separately, on questions relating to the baby, it will have to wait till the baby is born and after a firm confirmation from paternity test will assume the responsibility accordingly. 
credit translation: @Princessmich123



​NYCGirl, Thank you for your post bringing more clarification to this mater.  

Telling the truth has been a great tactic of KHJ's lawyer, Mr. Lee.  He is telling everything that has gone on between KHJ and Choi so that Ms. Choi would not be able to hold anything else over KHJ's head.  Now we know, that it was KHJ and not Choi who was the victim here.  I never ever believed he abused her but I never thought anything as bad as this was going on either.  I can not wait until the trial on June 3rd where all the evidence will be presented.  At the beginning of this ordeal, there was a picture (I wish I could find it) that was posted by KHJ's friend.  At one end, it shows a man stabbing a woman. But as you look through the telescope, you actually saw the reverse.  You saw the woman stabbing the man.  That picture told it all.  The public thought it was KHJ doing the attacking and hurting the woman.  When in fact, she has been attacking and hurting him all along.  

Edited by theone4me
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... I can't found the first part of this. I will search it.

Translation of second half of Fan Account

by @谢谢你折磨我-柯柯柯

cr: translation: @illublue

Sorry was a little long so started halfway.

Having successfully entered the venue for the enlistment ceremony, I stood behind the last row of chairs and started to look for him.

The new recruits were sitting, or standing around, listening to the basic instructions for new recruits.

Since he had arrived more than an hours earlier, I thought he’d already be seated.

As I looked around for him, there was a flurry of activity outside.

A group of reporters entered together with him from the side door.

I guess the heavens were looking down on me.

He walked straight to the last row and sat down. A crowd of bodyguards and friends sat on either side of him, or just stood around him.

Refusing to let people shoot, shielding him from the gaze of the cameras.

He sat in front of me, separated by 2 others.

People swarmed forward, hoping to take pictures, but were stopped by the staff.

I stood behind him to one side, and looked quietly upon him.

He wore a cap, with the front tilted low.

A little wan and sallow, I suddenly observed the hair at his temples, unexpectedly showing signs of whitening.

At that moment, my eyes heated; it seemed he had aged so much in just a flash.

Having gone through the instructions for the new recruits, they were required to congregate up front, to begin the ceremony.

He stood up, laughingly saying good bye to his friends, shaking hands, hugging.

Then quickly walking to the front, again shaking hands and hugging friends.

He stood approximately at the second row, close to the stage.

Family members were only permitted to stand at the right side and back, at this point I could no longer see him, despite trying my best.

How I wished at that moment that I were a 190cm giant. Then I’d be able to see him regardless of where I was.

They went through some simple oral exercises, the vow, speech.

Then it was time for the formal farewell to the parents.

It seemed normal practice for the recruits to go row by row up the stage and bow to the parents down below, before exiting toward the back of the stage to the training venue, followed by the training obligations in earnest.

Perhaps it was because his parents were not below the stage, also a private entry.

After the first row had gone up and made their bows, I saw him walk quickly up the stage, but didn’t perform this ritual. Instead, he walked straight towards the exit.

I mustered all my energy and shouted towards his retreating back, “Kim Hyun Joong fighting!” His friends also called out.

I don’t know if he heard me, but it was thus he entered the training camp.

I couldn’t hold back my tears any longer and cried, maybe it was because it had all gone by so quickly, or because I hadn’t had a good look at him.

I can only hope for his well being, fighting.

I was very fortunate to have been a witness to this moment of his enlistment.

Hoping that the chaos outside will come to an end quickly.

A not too distant afterwards

For us to start anew with him.

Something he once quoted, which I have always remembered.

What the eye sees is not always the truth; we need to look diligently.

What I have seen is not the whole, I have no way of seeing the whole, so I will not judge lightly.

I believe in him, in them, always.

I hope everyone will be able to do likewise, to believe in the happiness and yearnings of our youth 



​Hi Marcelita, I found the first part that explains how the writer/fan got in - she asked a soldier's mother to let her come in, and the mother told the security that the fan was family (!) - read the account - I only have it in Chinese - translated with Google - if anyone can find the fabulous first part of the translation in perfect english that would be great - but for now - this version - translated from the Chinese is very very understandable - because it seems that Chinese language structure is very much like English - unlike Korean language which is like German - verb at the end..

.Here it is - in its entirety - part 1 and 2. The part 2 listed by marcelita is so much clearer, you might want to read Marcelita's entry above for part 2.



Part 1 chiense translation:




Postscript yesterday, we are hoping to bring you some comfort. I also have the big hair bar where you can also go there to read. I wish them well.


2015-05-13 Thank you torment me - Keke KeReading 7323


Hello everyone, this is the promise of postscript.


Also we hope to become to the day and night care Katashige fans of a peace of mind medicine.


I ss501 regiment meal, before it was sisters call me Ke Ji.


I am a student.


Prior to remain in private life Katashige neutral attitude that I have no way of knowing beforehand all, so I do not listen to rumors easily judge. But I always believed him.


The decision must go to send him, because a few days ago the army spate of news.


Much more.


I think the mood is depressed young during the low life, they brought me a lot of hope comfort.


Despite the love and hate now.


But at the same time, I also want to let him know us. Even very small.




Yesterday morning I had a post needs to be done, so probably before 11:00 departure from Seoul.


Arrival time is around 12:30.


Training camp entrance has more than 100 fans, and reporters were comparable amount.


Friends know a few lunch just say there are cars nanny car went in, everyone have speculated that he is not already entered the camp.


That's when I heard the next South Korean television reporter said to have went in, I asked whether he has identified.


He told me that the agency has been called to your (company), confirmed Hyun Joong has entered a training camp.


Most of the reporters are also at the door to enter, some reporters because there is no way to even leave.




Of course, want to see him, I wanted to make sure he was okay.


You can try to find ways to make friends in, so we began to think of ways.


Friends tried several times without success, I tried to change, also tried several times.


Finally I met a good mother, a person with his son to the army.


Can I ask my mother to take me in, she looked at me a look of anxious and sincere, that she can not be sure let me behind her to try.


Actually I did not expect the training successfully entered the front door.


When my mother walked into the front door, also asked a today have enlisted Kim Hyun Joong is it?


Next to a soldier brother, loudly he replied yes.


I am weak weak to say the next one, has been entered.


At this time my mother suddenly realized, ah so you are rice ah.




Along the way, chatting with her mother, did not expect the stadium entrance ceremony of the recruits have been many a reporter.


How they will miss him.


To obtain the identification card to enter the venue of access when there is no agreement in the case, the mother told the chief I was their family, to help me get a piece of access card.


Access card to me when I told you can go now, you can go to him.


I really appreciate the mother, really warm. I wish her all the best son in the barracks.


I successfully entered into the camp where recruits ceremony venues, standing behind the last row of chairs began looking for him.


Recruits and family or sitting or standing, listening recruits into the camp of basic education.


Because he more than one hour ahead into, so I think he has to sit down.


But I found out that he found a commotion.


A group of reporters and he entered from a side door.


Also blessed me.


He walked straight up to the last row to sit down. Security group of friends sitting beside him or standing around him.


He refused to shoot, to help him block the lens. 


He sat in front of me, across the two people.


Everyone coming in, and you want to take pictures. Staff was blocked up.


I see him standing on the rear side of Fang Jingjing.


With a hat, cover hat down low.


Some haggard look, I suddenly saw his temples, actually a whitish.


At that time the eyes burst of heat, all of a sudden he seemed much older.


Finished education camp, the recruits to go to the front to set the ceremony.


He stood up, smiled and friends say goodbye to friends shook hands and embraced.


Then quickly went to the front of the venue of the speed again and friends shook hands and embraced good


Probably in the second row position close to the station from the stage down.


Families only allowed to stand on the right side and rear, this time I see him, I did not exhaust all means to see.


This time it is desirable that they are 190cm giant. No matter where you can see him.


I have been to a few simple slogans training, oath, battalion speech later.


Parting salute to the parents of the time.


Habits are rows of barracks soldiers go on to the stage, standing below the parents bowed back of the stage and then through passage into training camp, then began training to fulfill their obligations.


Probably because the parents did not in the audience, but also the reasons for non-public recruitment.


Bow up into the first row, I saw him quickly onto the stage, but did not carry out this part, but straight to the channel.


I've tried my lifetime of effort toward his back, called a refueling Kim Hyun Joong, his friends called the sentence.


I do not know if he has heard, but he was so into the training camp.


After endure for so long that I actually was not disappointing to cry, because it is too fast, there is no good look at him.


Just hope he a good, refueling.




I was lucky to witness this moment he enlisted.


We hope that outside the chaos of it all can quickly end.


Shortly after the


We together with him all over again.




He had a line, I always remember.


Eyes see it is not necessarily true, to look carefully.


I see not all I have no way to see all, so I will not easily to judge.


I believe him, I believe they have been.


I hope you can, like, believe in the beauty and longing own youth when young.




                                                               2015.05.13  Lyne


Fan account of enlistment ceremony.. http://card.weibo.com/article/h5/s#cid=1001603842153729101552&from=1051393010&wm=3333_2001&ip= 

Edited by lkh2
Adding the link....
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Here is KHJ's voice instagram left on the Japanese mobile site - basically he is saying, I am leaving to come back - wait for me....in Japanese.

When he says in Japanese  - Itte kuru yo - it specifically means - I am leaving to come back - what one says before leaving the house for the day and expecting to come back home later in the evening.... This has a slightly different feeling than the translation provided - which is simply  - I'm leaving  - wait for me... I don't know which is more accurate in Korean - but the Japanese phrase is definitely - I am leaving to come back....

He is speaking in informal language..


Courtesy of Twitter 

kim hyun joong voice official Japan mobile site update "I'm going ..wait me

" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"> Edited by lkh2
Better translation
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A journalist wrote that LeeJaeMan (HJ's lawyer) is well-known for helping to enlighten unfair cases in entertainment industry. 
백현주 기자- "이재만 변호사는 연예계에서 억울한 사건 밝혀주는데 일조했던 유명한 변호사이다"

cr translation: @AlienPrinceKHJ

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Apparently- even his parents didn't know he paid out that 6 million won to her - per twitter - but I don't know where they got THAT information...

4ever_HYUN retweeted moonhee 희야

Even HJ's parents didnt know hj has given 600 million won to hr coz hj was in panic. KHJ has a strong will fr sue hr

4ever_HYUN added,

moonhee hee @ Woojusin0606
Kim Hyun Joong side, "parents did not know 600 000 000 ... Sue Kim Hyun Joong strong commitment" http://media.daum.net/v/20150513162014088 
108 retweets35 favorites

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저쪽은 매번 저런식이얌! 협박녀쪽 냄새나.....ㅉㅉ 5/13일 한밤의TV연예~방송중에서~캡쳐!!

Google translation: Tv reporter was trying to interview choi's laywer but couldnt make it...(didnt answer the phone either) Embedded image permalink

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