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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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Just seen this on twitter, it's a brief translation of the interview with KHJ's lawyer. 

Credit - 
MichLui @Princessmich123 · 

[Eng translation based on the Chinese translation by @倪嘉路Karenkim13 & @Miyokolovekhj 's tweet on Mbn video report]

Choibitch, accompanied by HJ & HJ's parents, went to the hospital as selected by Choibitch, for check-up. But Choibitch did not allow HJ's mom to go into the ultrascan room with her. Choibitch went in alone and later provided them with the pregnancy report after the check-up. As of now, it is confirmed that she is pregnant but there is no confirmation on the paternity of the baby and that the baby is really HJ's. This is still a contentious point on both sides.

HJ's lawyer said that HJ had indicated that after the baby is born, it must undergo paternity test to confirm that baby is indeed his first. Upon such confirmation then he will bear the responsibility of raising the child, etc. 

But as of now, baby is not even born yet but Choibitch has hurriedly filed a lawsuit of 1.6 Billion won for compensation. From a legal point of view, this is unduly excessive because even in any normal situation such as a traffic accident which resulted in death, the compensation for any psychological suffering (arising from death of person) would not exceed 100 million won! Although in different situations, the compensation figure could be negotiated by both parties but in this case, Choibitch's demand is obviously way out of any negotiable parameters. Hence, they will prepare to go through the legal proceedings in respond to the lawsuit from Choibitch.

So she wouldn't even allow HJ or his Mother to go in the room with her for the ultrascan?! Wow, What the hell is going on here?! So it's confirmed she IS pregnant.... *sigh*

Just read another tweet saying that his lawyer has nearly finished gathering evidence and the trial is set for June 3rd,.... 

Edited by Lyana87
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Just seen this on twitter, it's a brief translation of the interview with KHJ's lawyer. 

Credit - 
MichLui @Princessmich123 · 

[Eng translation based on the Chinese translation by @倪嘉路Karenkim13 & @Miyokolovekhj 's tweet on Mbn video report]

Choibitch, accompanied by HJ & HJ's parents, went to the hospital as selected by Choibitch, for check-up. But Choibitch did not allow HJ's mom to go into the ultrascan room with her. Choibitch went in alone and later provided them with the pregnancy report after the check-up. As of now, it is confirmed that she is pregnant but there is no confirmation on the paternity of the baby and that the baby is really HJ's. This is still a contentious point on both sides.

HJ's lawyer said that HJ had indicated that after the baby is born, it must undergo paternity test to confirm that baby is indeed his first. Upon such confirmation then he will bear the responsibility of raising the child, etc. 

But as of now, baby is not even born yet but Choibitch has hurriedly filed a lawsuit of 1.6 Billion won for compensation. From a legal point of view, this is unduly excessive because even in any normal situation such as a traffic accident which resulted in death, the compensation for any psychological suffering (arising from death of person) would not exceed 100 million won! Although in different situations, the compensation figure could be negotiated by both parties but in this case, Choibitch's demand is obviously way out of any negotiable parameters. Hence, they will prepare to go through the legal proceedings in respond to the lawsuit from Choibitch.

So she wouldn't even allow HJ or his Mother to go in the room with her for the ultrascan?! Wow, What the hell is going on here?! So it's confirmed she IS pregnant.... *sigh*

Just read another tweet saying that his lawyer has nearly finished gathering evidence and the trial is set for June 3rd,.... 

​-wow - thank you for the update! Fighting KHJ!

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What I don't get is why sue him for money. if she is so sure HJ is the father doesn't she know that she and  her child are set for life. HJ is an upstanding kinda guy he will make sure regardless of her actions "his child" is taken care of. And another thing I think she is trying to prove to the world that she bagged HJ she wanted all the perks of being HJs woman but he is not letting that happen. she wanted and prolly still wants to have him anyway she can by having some kind of connection with him good or bad. shes trying to wear him down. she knows he is a private person if she woulda just shut her mouth maybe she would have gotten what she wanted he prolly would have married her {please don't marry her HJ} she could of been anybody that HJ fell in love with after bcuz we don't know who she really is but the fact that she keeps running her mouth we know she is the woman that's wants to be #1 in his life at all cost .. How can he be proud to have someone like her on his arm . All we can do is sit back watch and accept whats going on til he speaks. he made his bed and might have to lay in it.. unfortantely she wants to be laying right beside him {push her off the bed HJ but gently} #supportKHJ

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I'm loving his lawyer....finally Choi's bullshit is being exposed. I think it's gonna be a shocker to the public when more is revealed. 

I worry for HJ, imagine how he feels knowing he's enlisting in a few days and has this hovering over him.  His lawyer said he is having a hard time in another interview. Just waiting for the full translation...

Poor guy :( He doesn't deserve this. What the hell is Choi trying to do to him? 

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Guest shariman66


She's a gold digger & mentally unstable ~ imo ~

Probably trying her darndest to force him to marry her so she could always keep her claws in him.

I'm praying hard that this lawyer of his will be able to help him get rid of this mental-case female once & for all.

As for the baby, if there's really one, then I hope our boy'll get custody of him/her.


At the moment my only concern is his mental, emotional & physical health.

I hope he'll stay strong ~ especially when he's doing his MS.

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Thank you so much @Lyana87 for the KHJ's lawyer interview. I am positively surprised with the new attitude of Hyun Joong. Finally he decided to say it clearly. His side wants a paternity test *BRAVO*

I can't with all the mystery of this woman. She sue him after he told her he will wait to the child born for the DNA test. Ok Mrs. Choi, it seems herself is afraid the baby not to be really of him. The haters only will say he doesn't want the responsability of the baby, but it's normal he has doubts because he is a star and since the fans said she got another boyfriend after they broke up after August scandal... Well... we will wait to see what will happen in June. 





I am sorry I can't help but laughing at choibitch* lol



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^ Yeah I wonder if the info is legit (regarding Choi and other men)... fans in SK seem to be in the know, whereas us international fans can only speculate. Though, wasn't that written in the petition to expose Choi (which I honestly disagreed with at first...not so sure now, though) and that person could have been making things up. Though, I did wonder if the info was passed to her from someone in SK. 
Anyway, as bad as it may sound, I really hope this isn't his baby.... if so, this woman is gonna cause him hell for the rest of her life. Unless she gets what she wants, I.e. He marries her. But I honestly think she has hurt him and his family way too much for him to even consider that,... he seems to have finally reached his limit, thank God! 

My wish would be for him to get the answers now, and peacefully enlist, It's going to be so hard for him. I am glad to hear fans will be there to send him off. At least he will realize that nobody will abandon him, no matter what she says! 
It's crazy that this is happening to him. But...it seems the more she talks, the more people feel bad for Hyun Joong. While he remains dignified, she is digging her own grave. 
Can't wait for his lawyer to bring her down!!

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HJ is Such a warm-hearted guy. It seems he funded the cost of surgery of Siamese twins (date unknown), he told not to announce publicly
cr: @khjbelinda
I heard that he funded the cost of surgery Siamese twins. The hospital wanted to send news, several times to convince him, but he said absolutely not open to the public, he refused. Grounds quietly done so much good come out of it is not reported as he wished, and this funding events, he strongly opposed. He hopes the issue can be properly resolved currently facing a good result now.
fr:DC via @倪嘉路Karenkim13


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Korean fans are asking to the fans to go there.

Tweet Updates [5.6.2015]
1) Seems HJ's army enlistment date (12 May Tues) is confirmed.
cr: @4everhyun
2) 5月12日 directions to HJ's MS camp: (((attached map)))
cr: @hibito860606
3) Location for HJ's enlistment
cr: @Beinghappykhj · 


Tweet Updates [5.6.2015]
1) Please come to Korea on 12th on May...and please protect our star from masscom..The date and place are opened from masscom.
2) Masscom will go there. If the fans won't go cause of hj's mind, the news will spread the head copy like this.."There is no fans anymore!!!"
3) So...please come to korea and let's send HJ off to army together!!!
cr: @only_hyunjoong via @4everhyun


​I only say again it's sad it revealed the date. Although it was almost impossible he going to there without anyone noticing. They would find the date at any cost anyway.

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HJ is Such a warm-hearted guy. It seems he funded the cost of surgery of Siamese twins (date unknown), he told not to announce publicly
cr: @khjbelinda
I heard that he funded the cost of surgery Siamese twins. The hospital wanted to send news, several times to convince him, but he said absolutely not open to the public, he refused. Grounds quietly done so much good come out of it is not reported as he wished, and this funding events, he strongly opposed. He hopes the issue can be properly resolved currently facing a good result now.
fr:DC via @倪嘉路Karenkim13

Bless him... it makes this entire situation even more heartbreaking. 
This proves why his fans will never leave him. He is genuine, how many celebrities do such things without waving a flag and begging for recognition?  
We hear about the donations from most celebs and admire them.... but he doesn't even want acknowledgment. He is too good. It's so sad that his kindness has been abused. 

Can't say I hate Choi, (she is not worthy of such emotions, I think fans feelings of absolute indifference is more suitable) I just hate what she is doing to him. 
Those 'fans' that left are fools! 

Edited by Lyana87
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Hi lkh2,

Thank you so much for your long and sincere response. 

I will try to share my thought here please bare with me as English is not my language..


Thank you for your response – I think you represent a lot of international fans viewpoint on the whole issue…

I agree with you to a point, but want to point out some positive glaring aspects of Korean "justice"... For example, I think – in my opinion - that the Prosecuting office handled KHJ's case very well – when it could have gone totally totally crazy…..........


I totally agree with you here. I think they did a good job too and I have no problem with the"  self-reflection " as a way of punishment if the person is really guilty as charged..  When I talked about " justice " in my previous comment I was not thinking about the official trial system. I was thinking about public trial..How come people just ready to believe whatever they read from medias and willing to judged and condemn a person without a second thought. Public have no problem with one side story reported by medias. They also ignored the police 's opinion and KHJ's honesty in his testimony. They do not have any question toward many loop holes in Choi 's story and her suspicious behavior . No one seem to care about her motive.They were willing to jump into a conclusion that he is a woman beater.  It made me feel being a successful celebrity in SK is like a sin because people want to see you make a mistake rather than to see you being success.  In KHJ 's case with the support from medias he was judged even before the investigation was started. Through the proper investigation system he is innocent from the assault charged but the public did not care and still mistreated him. Therefore in my opinion honesty and fairness seem not mean that's much to their concern. If there is no fairness it's difficult to ask for justice from a society. For me with this kind of ignorance will make it too easy to destroy a person and encourage more wrong doing in a society. What can the Korean do with the woman like choi.I truly believe there will be a lot of young Korean woman who find choi is smart and cleaver and want to do the same as her.


I don’t think Koreans  - with their entrenched Confucian morality and Christian morality standards - saw him as their treasure AFTER the spurious tabloid releases by Choi….therefore – they went ballistic with this – and I believe Korea is having an incipient start of feminism – so this added more fuel to the fire….and then there was that period of media silence from when he first walked into the Prosecutors office in September and the final review that was completed in January. 


I agree with you if they did they probably not mistreated him from the start and will listen more to his side of the story. At the least they can  pressure the medias to do their works with responsibility and more respectful to their professional ethic. I do think KHJ has done a lot of good thing, valuable thing  for Korea and the Korean much more than many other people in Korea have ever done. .I believe the Korean knew KHJ much more than they knew choi but sadly  they are willing to believe in Choi without doubt beside her suspicious behavior just because she is a woman and he is a famous celebrity.That's my problem. I do think Choi made Korean women down and the medias made Korean man even worst in the international public eyes. I think i understood about feminism movement I was there before .In my opinion it is important to encourage woman to believe in herself but to support choi from what she has been doing is not the way to strenthen women . Using woman status to manipulated public and destroy a man life and career just showed how desperate a woman is. I think we a woman can do much better than that. At the least we as a  woman must learn to respect ourselves.


Oh my goodness – when you think about it  –the Korean Henecians - they were right in there with KHJ. If we feel this way and we are thousands of miles away and if what happens to him, we take it personally, can you imagine how Korean Henecia must have felt? They had, like many of us fans internationally, not only had to go through the enforced shame, put-down, bewilderment and confusion after the initial August onslaught, but they were in the same unforgiving country….Bless those Korean Henecia who stuck by him!.


I have a lot of respect for those Korean fans who has stuck by his side for the last 8 or 9 months.I 'm sure they are in pain and suffer much more than us.They probably witness injustice and mistreat all around them. I really feel thankful for their patient and endless support for KHJ  .For me They are wise and unbeatable.


It does come across that way doesn't it? However, please don’t put all Koreans in this statement….

and if I – as an American Korean feel bad hearing this – I wonder how KHJ feels when he hears this too? After all he is also South Korean; he has a Korean mother and father who have taught him nothing but being honorable and humble in so many ways…..


I totally agree with all your words above.

I'm so sorry if I made you feel bad.Please don't be upset.  I will never never put that statement for every single Korean. It is just a broad picture  how I as a non Korean see & feel from situation we have experienced about SK. HJ might hurt to hear it but it 's a reflection from what is actually happen in Korean society.This statement is not static it can change with new practice.  In my opinion KHJ is different from most Korean I knew and I always feel grateful to his parents. They have raised a decent beautiful man for many to like. I have never been a fan of any stars before . In my opinion the most charming about him is his personality and his attitude. I  often feel proud for the Korean to have him there.


Miss his happy smile

credit as tagged




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Lyana87,  Thanks for the update.  What depressing news to learn.  I was hoping she was not pregnant.  It must be is child either wise she would not be making such a stink over this.  What does life have in store for this man and his child?  I wonder if he can get custody of the child since Korean law seems to favor men getting custody of children over women.  


Is everyone keep up on this Korean drama?  Someone needs to write a drama about this and get it filmed because this real life stuff is way better than the dramas that are created.  This is so crazy, you can't make this stuff up!!!   

What's next? I wonder.



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Lyana87,  Thanks for the update.  What depressing news to learn.  I was hoping she was not pregnant.  It must be is child either wise she would not be making such a stink over this.  What does life have in store for this man and his child?  I wonder if he can get custody of the child since Korean law seems to favor men getting custody of children over women.  


Is everyone keep up on this Korean drama?  Someone needs to write a drama about this and get it filmed because this real life stuff is way better than the dramas that are created.  This is so crazy, you can't make this stuff up!!!   

What's next? I wonder.



​Well, the lawyers second interview, (though there is no English translation yet) sounds like Hyun Joong and his family are doubting things, since neither him or his Mother were allowed in the room during the ultrasound. So it was yet again just documents thrown in their faces.Since the lawyer stated it was the hospital of HER choice...so,who knows? Or is she doing this so she will be seen as a victim, come Sep...if the baby is proven to be Hyun Joong's? God knows,,,, it's horrendous. 

HJ is supposedly requesting a paternity test once the baby is born. 

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@Lyanna87 Thanks for your clarification.  

Below is a comment that was left by a someone name KRELL at one of the websites.  I couldn't understand why Ms. Choi would do this but the guy writing the comment below (who I think has a legal background) actually makes a valid point that I did not think about.  She is doing this right now for future court proceedings.


KRELL's comment.

I am going to *guess* here that Ms. CHOI does want (Court Ruling) *SOLE CUSTODY* of her 'soon to be born' child.  And a *good* way to get *SOLE CUSTODY* would be to have *SWORN TESTIMONY* and *evidence* be introduced in an S.K. Court of Law.  You want the TESTIMONY to be in a 'Court of Record' such that the testimony can be *RE-INTRODUCED* in *any* FUTURE 'other' Court proceeding.  Ms. CHOI is *smart* to be getting COURT TESTIMONY NOW.  Over time, witnesses and even evidence can 'disappear.'  Or, the memory recall of people about events becomes *less certain* over time.  Consequently, Ms. CHOI should want to *document* that Kim Hyun Joong is 'not a nice man' exactly; assuming that is true.  And that Ms. CHOI is going to S.K. Court in this manner, would suggest that she thinks that she has more to gain, than to lose.  Sure, Ms. CHOI would like to get as much MONEY out of him as she can do it.  But also, and maybe even *MORE IMPORTANT* to Ms. CHOI, would be *documentation* that helps *her* to get *SOLE CUSTODY* of her child. It is *unfortunate* that Kim Hyun Joong will *not* be able to be present at the TRIAL proceedings. BUT, I can see why Ms. CHOI wants to move ahead *now* and get testimony as *soon* as possible. That way, the people involved are *better* able to recall what happened. I will assume that Kim Hyun Joong is *not* the first person to be in this 'Military Service' conflicting with ability to be present at a Court Trial. So, the S.Korean Courts *should* have 'in place' already a *reasonable* manner of dealing with this situation. If Kim Hyun Joong has hired decent quality lawyers, then he should be okay in this. HIS 'version of the story' is likely to be presented in a *credible* manner (my view). I am *not* clear that Ms. CHOI has gained anything *significant* from HIM *not* being present at the TRIAL, is what I mean to say it.

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[No2 Eng Translation for the chinese translation posted by @KHJBelinda based on HJ lawyer's interview on K-Star News]

On 3 January, HJ was notified of the pregnancy. His response to the news then was to go to the hospital for confirmation. But after 2 months there was still no confirmation on the pregnancy. Then, on 12 March, Choibitch finally asked HJ to go to the hospital for a baby ultrasound scan. However when they arrived at the hospital, he was not allowed to go in to the consultation room with her. Only a pregnancy report was given after that. Therefore, till now, the Kim family has no direct confirmation of the pregnancy at all! And 12 March was the last time HJ and Choibitch met each other.

Towards end-March/early April, Choibitch messaged HJ rushing him to make his decision as the father of the child, and if he did not decide then she would use legal means to settle matter. On 7 April, notice of the 1.6 billion won lawsuit was served.

Looking at the whole situation so when Choibitch asked HJ, as the father of the child, to make decision, what she really wanted from him was to give money to resolve the matter, in exchange for a peace of mind!!

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Brief translation for OBS video:
Choi didn't let HJ's mum get into the room where she did the ultrasound check so they cannot confirm whether Choi is really pregnant or not.
Choi was trying to make her relationship with HJ's side look good by saying that they went to the hospital together.
Choi kept on asking HJ how he would take up the responsibility as the father of the baby.
HJ said he'd take up the responsibility when they have the DNA test done (after baby's birth).
But after that Choi sued HJ and asked for 1.6 billion won.
Two other lawyers were interviewed. They said 1.6 billion is too much. Even for cases involving deaths, the compensation will not exceed 100 million.
HJ's lawyer said even HJ will soon be in the army, the lawsuit will not be affected.
What HJ wants is the fact.He wants to confirm whether Choi is really pregnant and after doing the DNA test he can take up the responsibility.
He wanted to wait quietly until the baby is born but Choi kept on creating confusing news.
As a result, Hyun Joong is now having a very hard time. -END-
cr:@Keiranai via @st01love
2015.05.05 OBS KHJ's lawyer's interview

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Hi lkh2,

In my opinion KHJ is different from most Korean I knew and I always feel grateful to his parents


Sigh - Vivian - not sure I know what you mean - I do know one thing though - you love KHJ -

For all of us - Let's try and keep this forum as a unified one for all of its international fans -

do you recall how sweet the Korean fans thought the Japanese fans were when they were trying to write out Hangul signs saying they loved KHJ?

Or how the Japanese fans thanked the Peru fans for loving him when he went there on youtube vids comments?)

Or how All of us adored the fans in Bangkok for loving him so well the week after that nonsense in August? 

or how the biggest and most fact-filled KHJ site is run by those glorious Filipinas on Hyunnies Pexars?

or how some of the best Youtube defense on KHJ were by a group of Persians?

Not to forget all the UK,American, Irish/Keltic fans who have such a gift to be able to speak in his defense on other sites....

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Interview From www.kpopstarz.com.  this seems not real to me.


Kim Hyun Joong's Child To Be Born In September, Reveals Mother In Recent Interview

By Michael Jamias | May 04, 2015 09:26 AM EDT


Kim Hyun Joong will officially become a father in September, according to the actor-idol's ex-girlfriend who is bearing his child.

The ex-girlfriend revealed the due date for Kim Hyun Joong's child in an exclusive interview by South Korean 'K-Star' reporters, according to Netizenbuzz.

She also said Kim Hyun Joong accompanies her to OB-GYN appointments.

"I went to the hospitalicon1.png with him. The baby is growing fine. The baby will be born in September," the ex-girlfriend reportedly said.

She also stirred hope that the couple would be able to work out their issues.

In recent months, the couple has been hounded with controversy as a series of text messagesexposing their personal issues were revealed to the public. While Kim Hyun Joongicon1.png has confirmed the pregnancy and was engaged in mapping a future of the child, the ex-girlfriend has confirmed that she has no plans to marry Kim.

While the fate of the couple is still up in the airicon1.png, the ex-girlfriend suggested that she and Kim Hyun Joong will likely retain some form of connection because of the soon-to-born baby.

"As for now, Hyun Joong and I aren't in a situation where we can stay together or break up. We have a baby now so even if we do end things, it won't completely be the end."

Kim Hyun Joong decided to postpone his enlistment despite having received a notice in March, but despite not pinpointing the reasons outside of "personal circumstances", sources close to the actor have suggested that it was because of his ex-girlfriend's pregnancy.

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Poor KHJ, to be going into the military w/this hanging over his head!  I'm sure his family have retained extremely competent legal counsel, tho.  It's good in a lot of ways that KHJ won't be able to hear much of the reaction to all this.
I hope his fans make a strong showing at his enlistment, to muffle any hatefulness.  He's got many uber-loyal Henecians who love & support him, & he needs to see that as a farewell gift as he enlists.

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