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Kim Hyun Joong 김현중/金賢重/ キム・ヒョンジュン

Guest coreana

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in the translation, it's not clear if he'll perform, just that ss501 will perform, not sure then :unsure::unsure:

Oh well...we'll just have to wait and see. I'm still happy though. Are you watching it online?

Gosh, I feel like a paparazzi today...hehehe...

hi again quynhn! honestly, i just finished listening to this. i wasn't able to listen earlier because of firewall. again thank you so much for sharing with us this link. i enjoyed listening to it. if only there's a camera where hyun joong and the boys are, i would love to see their expression while doing that interview. that singing in the toilet is a classic. thanks again!

quynhn thanks again for the articles.

whoa! another date to look forward too. can't wait to see them together again.

You're welcome, dear. Kekeke. Me too. If only there is a camera to show us their expressions... :D

***WOW 25 USERS!!!***

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BOOO! wahh so many new posts ^^

msau99: me too! i was reminded of vic's personality.. spazz at all the 'rui's'.. they're all such cuties

i'm on the same boat as ya.. the more i know about him, the more i like him <3

lovewls: =D i wuv ya too ^^ glad you like it... yes.. i miss the cheerful and funny HJ ^^

ahhh his fanfic.. i luved it... it was hilarious... thxs for the link though.. nvr read the radio show/ss501's reaction to the story... hilarious JM.. LOL

hahaha... oh the a'st1 challenge... omo.. i cracked up so badly watching that!! i soo want that gifs from that show.. ROFL!! thxs for the link!!

deeta: lol... me too i luv the soju part too ^^

thxs a mill for the trans.. i was just listening to the radio recording too... although i don't understand anything.. it's good to just hear his voice ^^

korean_aein: LOL tsk tsk... ye welcome.. just wanna give ppl their daily dose of laughters ^^ but i had fun hunting for those gifs in my harddrive...

jessicakth: lol... nah.. me gifs are nothing... just one of the times when my insanity took the better hold of me.. LOL

awww don't i feel sooo loved by you gals.. -blushes- *runs and hugs ye all*

black-wings: hehe glad you like 'em ^^ awwww thxs for the KHJ anime sock pic!!! spazzzz i want one... although i'll feel awkward wearing them on me feet... i'll hang them on me wall.. LOL... *parents come into, looks at the wall said, "why are your socks hangin on the wall"* LOL

oc-ca: hehe oh the memories of WGM... totally luv HJ in that show.. the departing was extremely sad though -tears-

by the way.. if you lookin for more shows of HJ in it.. check out this post... Clickie

it'll be on the alternative post once it's updated ^^

andie39martinez: spazz the 3rd part is out.. -tears at HJ's past- oh the more i know about him... the deeper i fall... i think outta all my fav artists... HJ takes #1.. he's soo human-like.... not saying that the other artists aren't, just that he's been through a lot that a typical teenager would go through.. dunno how to explain it... also he's very truthful about himself... <3 oh the list can go on forever about HJ's charms

hehe.. thxs for the article + pics.. he's looks sooo cute and nerdy as you said ^^ true say... he seems like a typical 'plain' kid... look at how he's grown up to be -dies-

siticantik3011: :o stalker pics of BOF! thxs for sharing em! spazz... oh how i wish i could stalk him... LOL.. jks.. that'll be creepy -shivers-

Mariposa28: *high five* glad you liked the plan.. it all started out from the first gif.. from there my imagination just went wild with images from my collection of gifs ^^ LMAO... upcoming 6 months... LOL that's a bit too much.. as quynhn said.. it's tomorrow ^^ can't wait.. i think i wanna watch the award ceremony live... and i'll spam like crazy here when i see HJ on the screen.. LOL

omo... spazz at the scenes you uploaded.. -dls and watch- ROFL thxs for sharing!!!

ahh i saw that necklace just yesterday.. and i was like... I WANT.. it's sooo cute and pretty looking! such creative design ^^

OMG at the huge caps... -faints- thxs for sharing 'em!

:o he's performing at the awards tooo!!! O.O -SPAZZZ like crazy-

quynhn: :o am i reading properly.... OMG!! ss501 is united to perform dejavu!!!! one of me fav songs!! OGMOGMOMGOMGOGOGM... -dies from hyperness-

spazzz i will DEFINITELY be watchign that live when it airs.. and stalking YT for fancams... LOL

oh i'm glad HJ is gonna be going next yr... sound MUCH better then having him runnning back and forth from US and Korea.. which is definitely not a short distance ^^

thxs a mill for the lovely articles!! <3

and it's a date tomorrow! ^^ glad my gifs make ya happy.. that's one of me purpose... since i'm suffering from the amount of assignments/midterms coming up -sigh- anywho.. no need to talk about those depressing stuff.. =P but it was fun putting together the plan ^^ i have soo many other gifs to share ^^ LOL @ illustrated story writer... i don't think i'm pro enough for that... lol... but interesting.. nvr actually thought about that job.. ^^

thxs for the times of the shows! are those korea time?

ehh i was hoping i could purchase something HJ designed.. :/ darn it

huangsy: ohhhh more BOF cuts ^^ thxs for the link!

thxs for the love and applauses -bows- hope it gave ya ye daily dose of laughters ^^

and since i wuv ye all.. PIC SPAM!!!

20090103kbsavi000200834oc8.th.jpg 20090103kbsavi000202602cn9.th.jpg 20090103kbsavi000210410bl5.th.jpg 522557e862c4d720b90e2d7xy6.th.jpeg






last but not least


^ ROFL!!! hilarious HJ!! does anybody knwo where this scene's from.. i wanna watch ^

Credit: as tagged + Baidu

//edit.... WAHHHHH 28 users... should i be evil and post their names up LOL... jks..

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Guest Mariposa28

Oh well...we'll just have to wait and see. I'm still happy though. Are you watching it online?

Gosh, I feel like a paparazzi today...hehehe...

yee right, im not known for my patience, hehe i m happy too, we'll see him tomorow, in two places, ahh can't wait, yee i watch online, using tvants, hope it works well tomorow, KBS wasnt collaborating before couldn't watch BOF, but i watched a drama on SBS today, so it works fine. *cross fingers*

i feel like a paparazzi too, lol


berrie dear, you're welcome ^^* high five back*

deja vu is my favorite song too, looooove it, thanks a loooot for the pics and gifs, *faint*collapse*die* loooove the gif with his hair flotting *drool*faint*

i want that necklace too, have to find out first if they sell it somewhere*pray to find it*

im soo happy we'll see HJ tomorow, faints before even know what he"ll be wearing, *drool*

i think the time is korean time, i have a website that gave me the exact time in Korea so i wont have to think about what time is it in here, hehe , here the link:



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BOOO! wahh so many new posts ^^

quynhn: :o am i reading properly.... OMG!! ss501 is united to perform dejavu!!!! one of me fav songs!! OGMOGMOMGOMGOGOGM... -dies from hyperness-

spazzz i will DEFINITELY be watchign that live when it airs.. and stalking YT for fancams... LOL

oh i'm glad HJ is gonna be going next yr... sound MUCH better then having him runnning back and forth from US and Korea.. which is definitely not a short distance ^^

thxs a mill for the lovely articles!! <3

and it's a date tomorrow! ^^ glad my gifs make ya happy.. that's one of me purpose... since i'm suffering from the amount of assignments/midterms coming up -sigh- anywho.. no need to talk about those depressing stuff.. =P but it was fun putting together the plan ^^ i have soo many other gifs to share ^^ LOL @ illustrated story writer... i don't think i'm pro enough for that... lol... but interesting.. nvr actually thought about that job.. ^^

thxs for the times of the shows! are those korea time?

ehh i was hoping i could purchase something HJ designed.. :/ darn it

and since i wuv ye all.. PIC SPAM!!!



last but not least


^ ROFL!!! hilarious HJ!! does anybody knwo where this scene's from.. i wanna watch ^

Credit: as tagged + Baidu

Nope! Your eyes did not play trick on you. I was like that too when I first saw the post about the reunion. I had to go to 3 different sites to verify. I'm so excited to see what surprise SS501 have for us.

Yes, those are korea time. Don't forget to set your alarm. :)


^Aww...this remind me of ssangchu couple...miss them...


^That's pretty good. I can't even do that. I tried a few times and it did not flip like that. Huh!


^Such a dork. Kekeke.

yee right, im not known for my patience, hehe i m happy too, we'll see him tomorow, in two places, ahh can't wait, yee i watch online, using tvants, hope it works well tomorow, KBS wasnt collaborating before couldn't watch BOF, but i watched a drama on SBS today, so it works fine. *cross fingers*

i feel like a paparazzi too, lol

Please post caps after you watch the shows. I might not able to watch the shows until Sat. :(


Happy Together - Kim Hyun Joong, Kim Kyu Jong, Kim Joon, & Goo Hye Sun

part1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hW9nLAaNdgc

part2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfzss1kx3DA

part3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYpBP07XoQc

part4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kUtWQ5nR28

part5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivuq0punAss

part6: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBTnLgtFoCA

Credits: YT Haruekorea

EDIT: ahh berrie...you beat me to the videos. :)




Credits: ss601

^They talk about his nickname, 김개나소나, on the show.

deeta - Could you tell us what these articles say? Thanks!

berrie - Sorry I don't know which site has good quality. Hopefully someone will let us know soon. :)

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hehe quynhn and Mariposa28... a paparazzi.. LOL... i feel like that too ^^

thxs Mariposa28 for the time converter site ^^

this means if i wanna watch the award.. gotta wake up tomorrow at 6:45 AM -9:00 AM.. it's all good.. just perfect... get to watch it before class starts ^^

oh i wonder what he'll wear too... -imagines-

and yes... quynhn.. gotta set me alarm clock :/ i'll try me best to make caps... nvr made it with a show airing live though... same process though i assume...

in the beginning i was just cruising through the article, i thought ss501 were singing together 'because i'm stupid'.. i was shocked and went hyper.. but then i read again.. it was deja vu... i went beyond the insanity border... LOL

by the way is there any good quality sites to watch the award ceremony live?


OMG IT"S OUT! happy together... -goes off and hunts for vids- thxs quynhn for the caps!!


IT"S uploaded!!

090226 Happy Together [YT 1/6] [YT 2/6] [YT 3/6] [YT 4/6] [YT 5/6] [YT 6/6]

gonna go watch ^^


LMAO at HJ playing the violin.. spazzz.. he's good for a beginner

he showed his unique way of holding chopsticks.. SOO CUTE!

hahaha @ the horse-riding BTS

:o KJ!!! he's here!

ROFL @ KJ violin-ing and KJ's wonderful singing <3

SPAZZ @ KJ's cuteness and imitation of GJD!

oh i luv HJ's way of playing rock paper scissors

spazzzz i can't wait til the next eppie airs! would be superb if this eppie is subbed.. ^^

quynhn: LOL... i probly was a couple seconds faster than ya LOL... got soo excited when seeing those caps.. thxs for ye help ^^

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Happy Together - Kim Hyun Joong

Credits: ss601

d005024649a6e62a8f30emz1.th.jpg d005024649a6e62bc88b5pv2.th.jpg d005024649a6e62ca35e8ts7.th.jpg d005024649a6e62cf2386zl8.th.jpg d005024649a6e62f2dd64kb4.th.jpg d005024649a6e62f00587ui1.th.jpg d005024649a6e63be2b1efd3.th.jpg d005024649a6e63c90ac7tb0.th.jpg d005024649a6e630adc9cjy8.th.jpg d005024649a6e639a7db7pa6.th.jpg d005024649a6e63151ad2lg4.th.jpg d005024649a6e63093216yn9.th.jpg


KyuJong sings "Because I'm Stupid" While Hyun Joong plays the violin:


Credits: 501dong

^^Kekeke...HJ is so off key...He's so funny.



^No megaupload or sendspace links yet. This is the only one I could find so far.




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quynhn: spazzz at the caps... HJ's soooo cute in HT!!!! luving the caps... *saves*

thxs for the BOF pics too! can't wait til next eppie comes out ^^

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quynhn, sorry, I can't read hanggeul very well, lol, my eyes just glazed over after reading the first two sentences.

HEEEEEEEE, THANK YOU FOR HAPPY TOGETHER!!!! Even Kyu was there too, so glad to see him. I can't understand most of what was said, only very little bits and pieces. I think Kyujong said that in Japan HJ used to cry alone, and HJ said that was because it was so hard in Japan, he had no friend there and his members sleep too early, lol, so he got pissed alone when he wanted to play. Hyesun said HJ could impersonate Andre Kim's voice and HJ did, lol, that was so hilarious, Dropsleeve, Bluedragon, haha.. Kyujong did Kim Jong Kook, and holy, that was really similar. And they did rock paper scissor betting the gifts, but man, you could totally see HJ's desire to win, he assumed his usual hands to the face position when he lost, lols. HJ's complex is his lips, dunno why, those looks delicious, man. Oh, and those socks he was wearing apparently had his cartoon face on it, puahahah, I'd been wondering what was that on his socks, apparently it was his cartoon..

My favourite laugh again:


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quynhn, sorry, I can't read hanggeul very well, lol, my eyes just glazed over after reading the first two sentences.

HEEEEEEEE, THANK YOU FOR HAPPY TOGETHER!!!! Even Kyu was there too, so glad to see him. I can't understand most of what was said, only very little bits and pieces. I think Kyujong said that in Japan HJ used to cry alone, and HJ said that was because it was so hard in Japan, he had no friend there and his members sleep too early, lol, so he got pissed alone when he wanted to play. Hyesun said HJ could impersonate Andre Kim's voice and HJ did, lol, that was so hilarious, Dropsleeve, Bluedragon, haha.. Kyujong did Kim Jong Kook, and holy, that was really similar. And they did rock paper scissor betting the gifts, but man, you could totally see HJ's desire to win, he assumed his usual hands to the face position when he lost, lols. HJ's complex is his lips, dunno why, those looks delicious, man. Oh, and those socks he was wearing apparently had his cartoon face on it, puahahah, I'd been wondering what was that on his socks, apparently it was his cartoon..

Thanks deeta for the summary. I just finish watching HT. It was so funny. Even though I don't understand what they were saying, I was laughing along with them. Poor HJ, he cried when he was in Japan. The violin scene is hilarious. KJ impersonation of KJK is unbelievable...I can't even tell the different. Kekeke. I notice the socks too. Cute. Btw, HJ scribbled his sign board...he can't leave anything white alone. Hehe. I wonder if they're going to do the karaoke thing in the next episode (it's my favorite part of the show).

Here's an additional summary of the show that found at BOF thread:

Some summary of the show for those of you that cannot speak Korean

GHS talked about an incident that happened between her and the fans

"Since I wear a uniform when I'm shooting, when I'm amongst students I tend to blend in. So after the shooting, we're(LMH and GHS) supposed to go our separate ways. But since GJP is so tall, all the students can see him and migrate towards him. And I'm in the crowd getting pushed around, 'Move, move!' And then they see my face and go, 'huh? It's GHS! ahhh'"

And she said that she got injured at the diving scene because she hurt her back once while she was diving. She said when she tried to dive another way, so that her back won't hurt anymore, she hit her head on the floor.

GHS is not actually the oldest, Kim Joon is the same age as GHS. But he said he just follows the other guys and calls her noona while GHS calls her oppa, while KHJ just wishes they would just be friends

KHJ said aside from learning the violin, he had to learn to use chopsticks the right way. I guess it wasn't really the right way before, but because his character is the president's grandson, they thought the character wouldn't be right without it

And I felt bad for them when they said they sometimes had to reshoot the scenes inside if they could see vapor come out of their mouth. GHS said they would reshoot it with ice cubes in their mouth

When asked who is most like their character, KHJ said KB because KB is so much more mature even though he is the youngest. Sometimes KHJ thinks of him as older than he really is. Kim Joon said that GHS is the most like her character, because she has such a bright personality and eats a lot.

KHJ and KB expressed how hard and tiring the schedule is. They joked around by saying that they wished someone would get sick so that they could have some time off. They made fun of GHS saying that you would think GHS would be the one to faint or get sick because she has it the hardest, but actually she is the healthiest and strongest.

Helicopter scene in New Caledonia: they did really go on a helicopter, but the scene was actually shot in a Korean airport. They wore the clothes they wore in New Caledonia (even though it was winter in korea) and they put ice cubes in their mouth(so that there would be no vapor). The only part of that that was shot in New Caledonia was the island view

The horse riding scene: KHJ and LMH shot it differently. KHJ went first, and he had to actually ride the horse because he said they couldn't imitate the speed of it or something. So they tied the horse of a leash with KHJ on it, and let it run in circles while the camera man stood in the middle turning with them. They couldn't film LMH's till the next day because it already got dark. But the next day, he didn't have to ride the horse, they found another way to imitate it.

Motor Cycle Scenes: Because of the cold weather, the battery died really easily. So they had to find a way around that, and we saw this in one of the NGs where KHJ pretends he was riding one :)

JD's kicking scene: GHS did everything until the part where JD kicks him. But it was hard to match the motions of the stunt actress and GHS, so after she yells at him, she just spins around. And while she was spinning, they switched the scene to the stunt actress

When asked what character they would want to play if they were recasted, KJ said it would be great to play a charismatic character like JP who can order people around. But KHJ said he would always pick JH.

GHS once wrote a letter to the president. Back then in Korean schools, typically the one she went to, they wouldn't let the girls have hair longer than 1cm below their ear. Then her friend got in trouble because I guess it was longer, so the teacher took scissors and cut it off. And GHS seeing her friend so unhappy, decided something had to be done, and wrote a letter to the president. She never knew the real adress.. and she never knew if it got there or not. But she really is like JD!

Kim Joon's school picture: some people said he looked like Jang Dong Gun(an actor) while other said he looked like Mr. Bean

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quynhn, sorry, I can't read hanggeul very well, lol, my eyes just glazed over after reading the first two sentences.

HEEEEEEEE, THANK YOU FOR HAPPY TOGETHER!!!! Even Kyu was there too, so glad to see him. I can't understand most of what was said, only very little bits and pieces. I think Kyujong said that in Japan HJ used to cry alone, and HJ said that was because it was so hard in Japan, he had no friend there and his members sleep too early, lol, so he got pissed alone when he wanted to play. Hyesun said HJ could impersonate Andre Kim's voice and HJ did, lol, that was so hilarious, Dropsleeve, Bluedragon, haha.. Kyujong did Kim Jong Kook, and holy, that was really similar. And they did rock paper scissor betting the gifts, but man, you could totally see HJ's desire to win, he assumed his usual hands to the face position when he lost, lols. HJ's complex is his lips, dunno why, those looks delicious, man. Oh, and those socks he was wearing apparently had his cartoon face on it, puahahah, I'd been wondering what was that on his socks, apparently it was his cartoon..

My favourite laugh again:

wahhh hthxs for the semi-trans!! hehe... awww at HJ crying.... *hugs* he's not alone.. we always there for him... spiritually and mentally.. lol... HJ is soo playful and his members sleep early ^^ i will play with ya!

i really luv KJ's impersonation of KJK... i find that they sound sooo alike... he did an awesome job.. <3 KJ's voice ^^

hehe.. i always thought HJ's lips looks delicious... yummm LOL

ehh i nvr noticed his socks.. gotta go back and watch.... only noticed that he's the only one wearing track pants

he's soo cute in HT.. <3 luv those caps of his laugh -giggles- thxs for the trans!

Thanks deeta for the summary. I just finish watching HT. It was so funny. Even though I don't understand what they were saying, I was laughing along with them. Poor HJ, he cried when he was in Japan. The violin scene is hilarious. KJ impersonation of KJK is unbelievable...I can't even tell the different. Kekeke. I notice the socks too. Cute. Btw, HJ scribbled his sign board...he can't leave anything white alone. Hehe. I wonder if they're going to do the karaoke thing in the next episode (it's my favorite part of the show).

Here's an additional summary of the show that found at BOF thread:

LOL at HJ signing LOL.. cutenesss.. yes i'm waiting for the karoke part too! hehe.. wonder what's in store for 'em ^^

thxs for the additional trans!! wahh.. reshootign with icecubes in their mouths... not plesant.. esp when it's cold and you have something even colder in ye mouth... not fun.. lol... hehe.. thxs again!

tra la la... can't wait til tomorrow's award ceremony ^^ and our lovely date =P

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Guest nousasamechie

Aigooo. I have so much catching up to do on this thread. Thank you to those who posted screencaps! They are great.

Your .gif and captions are hilarious! Where you do you find those?! They are so random and cute! I enjoyed reading and oogling them very much. Thank you for the YB links well!

deeta & dunlop09:
You are so lucky you know some Korean! Reading your summary was great! Thank you for providing that. It made much more sense when I watch the Happy Together episode.

In case people missed KHJ's socks on "Happy Together" here's a shot of it:


He looked so adorable and its so cute that he wore "Ji Hoo" socks to the show. When he played rock, paper, scissors, it brought back Joongbo memories. He's forever the competitive KHJ "little groom." Cute! When he lost he looked so devastated.

Also! The
I've been working on is 90% complete. YAY! I'll hopefully open it this weekend. Its super exciting. Please visit and join and lets make KHJ forums something big. He deserves all the love as KHJ and Yoon Ji Hoo. Thanks for everyone supporting and PMing me willing to help! If anyone wants to make some graphics for advertisements it would be awesome too!

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quynhn THANK you so much for the hAppy Together!!!!

I am sorry that I can't thank each and every of you, but , but, THANK YOU!

I am at work and had to contain my squeal at all the goodies here!!!

I am so looking forward to tonight's award, especially SS501 performance too!!! I hope Hj can dance with them as the group! I watched their Music Bank peformance repeatedly on youtube last night (well it's ard 914am here now for me) , HJ is just so incredibly hot!.

He is really such an endearing and hardworking little younger brother to me, and really hope he will go far!

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Guest tinenapay

In case people missed KHJ's socks on "Happy Together" here's a shot of it:


Oh gosh, that is so cute. i wanna have a pair of that too. i guess there F4 mania is indeed escalating in Koreaa right now.

Keep us posted re- the international forum. Will register right away...heheehee. :)

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I am translating this portion of Happy Together because I am so happy about it!

Credits to - SS601 for the Korean article, 墨墨@金賢重中文網(http://www.hyunjoongchina.com) for the chinese translation

Chinese trans - 金贤重的爱情观---现实中,我会为了金丝草和具俊表打一架

Kim Hyun Joong's Perspective on Love Relationships - In Reality, I would have fought with GJP for GJD's sake!


MC asked him what he would have done if same situation (about ji-hoo having to hide his love for JD because of JP) happened in reality. Without missing a beat, Hyun Joong immediately answered - If I am Yoon Ji Hoo, I would have chosen GJD! Apparently everyone on scene was taken aback by his quick and straightforward reply


He said - If it's for real, I would have tried all ways and means to win JD's heart. Nothing despicable, I would have a fight with JP to settle it once and for all!


He also maintained that he would have chosen the same role again


Yoon Ji Hoo is portrayed in the drama as one who's all gentleman and romantic. Hyun Joong said this is very diffferent from his real-life personality. He said that his good friends even called him up to joke that they really couldn't stand watching him in the drama anymore.

I really enjoyed the Happy Tog show!! I find HJ really very real, sincere. I like that he doesn't pause to try to think of the 'perfect/apropriate' answers. He has a genuine sense of humour too!

Ahh......several more hours to tonight!

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Guest black-wings

In case people missed KHJ's socks on "Happy Together" here's a shot of it:

He looked so adorable and its so cute that he wore "Ji Hoo" socks to the show. When he played rock, paper, scissors, it brought back Joongbo memories. He's forever the competitive KHJ "little groom." Cute! When he lost he looked so devastated.

I saw those socks selling too but I got the other ones, lol! I've been gone for 1 day and it's already add to 2-3 pages here already!! yeah!! spread the love for him!!!

Thanks everyone for all those infos and pics!! i'm so glad that KHJ oppa's fandom is spreading!! Why can't his necklace be also sold in Korea!!! I WANT ONE TOOO!!!!

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dunlop09 thans for giving

quite a detailed summary of Happy Together.

HJ is really hilarious and those big smiles

of his is simply irrestible.

and HJ will be forever JH in BOF because

it is just meant to be this way.


That is totaly great news since

I have been going around for

his forum or any blog specially

for him.

I cannot wait for his to attend the award show

and also to perform together once again

with the rest of his boyband mates.


So HJ will be only going off to US for his

studies only next year.

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I saw those socks selling too but I got the other ones, lol! I've been gone for 1 day and it's already add to 2-3 pages here already!! yeah!! spread the love for him!!!

Thanks everyone for all those infos and pics!! i'm so glad that KHJ oppa's fandom is spreading!! Why can't his necklace be also sold in Korea!!! I WANT ONE TOOO!!!!

At least you got his socks!!!! LOL!

I hope SS501 will make Singapore one of their stops for their Asia Concert Tour!

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msau99 - thank you for the additional translation of Happy Together. :)


090226 Happy Together Gifs

Credits: ss601


^HJie...always be like this...


^Trying to play Happy Birthday.




^After. Oh boy, it's amazing how he's able to grab anything with his old way of hold the pair of chopstick.


^Kekeke...poor HJ, he was so off key but at least he tried.

8. 5pj0r6.gif

9. 2vnkqyb.gif

10. 16aqmv9.gif

^The wa..ve..s..


^Aww...why so shy?


^Aww...the winning expression. Look how excited he is.




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quynhn THANK YOU so much for the gifs!!!!! LOL!! I keep refreshing this page for MORE goodies!!!

And I have the Happy Tog youtube running in my background so I can listen in with my headset, whilst working through some excel data on pc (yes I am at work!!! faintz)

I can't wait for some kind soul to either chinese-subbed or eng-subbed the show, so we can really enjoy the show!

Thus far, whatever show HJ has appeared in, he's always so lively and playful and funny!

I am really glad to see that he is such an happy, well-adjusted person!

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