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Black and White . [photography]


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wow, definitely black and white photos ftw! hehe (:

I actually really like the angles which you took the photos in,

with some of the photos, because it is black and white, it gives

a dark kind of feeling - which is cool!

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wow, definitely black and white photos ftw! hehe (:

I actually really like the angles which you took the photos in,

with some of the photos, because it is black and white, it gives

a dark kind of feeling - which is cool!

Thank you :] Yes B&W photos for the win, and I still have to work on taking photos in B&W alot.

Hehe, I showed the photos to my friends, and some of them said some of the photos look too messy (well cuz i was trying to portray a messy room) and that there were no focus and subject in some photos.

I tried to take photos of my art room today, but it was a failure hehe.

Again, thank you for the comment :]

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  • 2 months later...
Guest rinCode

Nice camera great quality most of it is kinda of random but I like it especially the napkin basket

I second the napkin basket ^^ I think its the best one out of the whole set

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know much about photography... but I surely do want to know more about it!!

black and white photographs are usually the ones I like the most cause it really shows an emphasis on several things from the image.

I like the first one, the one with a pile of clothes and I think the jeans really captures the image

also, as what everybody else mentioned, i like the photgraph with the napkins as well cause its so simple but eye-catching

keep up good work! hope you continue posting up good photographs

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dooood, you have an awesome camera ha`. Are you like using DSLR ?

Cause on how the quality and the view of the picture. Kind of reminisce

DSLR that's why. Plus the focusing of a certain item, it is fantastic dear. <3

I wanna steal those haaawt camera of yours. XD Just kiddeengg. Post moar. =)

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Guest _paperstars

whaoh. keep up the good work.

i like the napkin basket, construction workers & your toothbrush holders.

(: i like the black and white feel. update soon!

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Guest itsmememe1125

I really like black and white photos because I think its just more effective in showing the objects, I think your pictures have worked quite well, i think you should try some on nature because nature in black and white are really nice!

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