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[breaking News!] Jaebeom Quits 2pm ! :(

Guest Mimiluvsu

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In exchange for Jaebeom's happiness, perhaps going back to Seattle is the right decision.

I'm hopeful that he'll be happy in whatever he does in the future. I read on twooneday twitter that he feels that he let his brother and mother down. To me, he didn't. He left his family and friends to accomplish his dream to not only become an entertainer, but also be an obedient son. He only wanted to give his mother a better life. Now that's admirable.

But I believe that after he's gone through this stage of sadness, he'll come to realize that he shouldn't back down. And when that time comes, he'll fight. Jaebeom is portrayed as a strong person. He'll be alright.

2PM fighting.

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

@followjyp We want Jay. We love Jay. We need Jay. Jay Park only.

twooneday twitter.

i want him back...

i hope he returns one day

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out of curiosity

who will be the next 2pm leader? who's the 2nd oldest in 2pm

the first question can't be answered at this point, but next oldest is junsu.

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Guest simdaheun

One of my students just ran down to tell me about it. As she put it, "if someone says something bad, Koreans will never forget it. So I'm really, really sad that my country can't just forgive and forget."

DEPRESSING words from a 16 year old.



as a korean i'm so humiliated and upset.

i'm not a hardcore 2PM fan but i thought they were cute and funny on variety shows

but this is just too much. the netizens have gone too far. they're not realizing that their stupid pride and selfishness is killing another human being. they don't realize that they've ruined a person's dreams. they don't realize that they've ruined a person's life. i was shocked and horrified after visiting a korean site. i typed in his name and when i read some of the things people have said it just totally broke my heart. first of all, they've translated jaebum's myspace into a much negative tone. they translated it literally, so if i was an average korean i would've found it offensive. the translations were just bad. so another person who was generous enough who lived in california re-translated it. and what did the netizens do.. they just bashed at her for "protecting" jaebum. how can they be so self-centered. all that matters to them is themselves. koreans take things personally that they don't open their eyes to see the whole picture.

but i'd like to say not everyone was like this. there also were many who were rational and just.. protecting jaebum as a human being not because he was the leader of 2PM.

whatever decision he makes, i hope that he'll be able to find happiness in his life.

personally i think it's best for him to be away from korea.. away from all of these horrible things he has been experiencing..

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Guest tikamicizia

this is so sad..netizens are so harsh, how could they leave out the good comments? jaebum was softening up to korea, it just took a little time..even tried to perm his hair..gosh this is so sad

gosh u're making me cry again.. poor leadja. how can he hate korea? just look how fanboy he is to snsd..

and about all the coincidences I got goosebumps when I remember, yes, the last ep of wild bunny title is changing the leader.. goshhhhhhhh I really hope this is just a publicity stunt,,

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I'm a little disappointed in JYP. He needs to jet his butt back to Korea and handle his business b/c all this is NOT POPPIN'

I remember when 2PM came out, JYP said that these guys and this group are like his pride, because it's been a long time since he's produced a boy group, so he's truly wants them to succeed. But at the first sign of bad winds, this is what he does? I'm a little disappointed.

It's not as if Jaebum hit someone while drunk, or was accused of rape. They dug up something he said when he was a teenager and JYP wasn't even able to stand up for Jaebum? All we needed to put this thing down was JYP to come out and say, "yes, Jaebum was a smarta#@ when he was a kid, but he's grown up now, please look at his progress from now on and stop focusing on past mistakes."

I can't believe the people at JYPE let this happen... the whole thing was dying down and suddenly he quits? It's really weird.

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Guest Imperfxtion

I believe this whole thing is not just the netizens fault. It's also how Korean internet news reporters work. They exaggerated everything and blow everything out of proportion.

These internet reporters don't even understand how most american teens write... They literally translated everything word to word to Korean.

This is how Jaebom's words got translated in Korean.

"I am only staying in Korea to finish some business."

"Korea is disgusting"

"I am getting paid to work in a country that i always made fun of"

"I will pay you 12 dollars to suck my ****"

"I want to quickly return to America"

"I can sacrifice few years of my life(in staying in Korea) for years of happiness"

This is not really what Jaebum meant, but if you just read that, they are pretty offensive. And especially to Korean males who don't know anything about Jaebum or 2pm and just read those sentences (that stupid news reporters feed them with), they will be offended. Cause remember, all Korean males have to serve in the army for 2 years. Anyone who served in a nation's army will come out pretty conscious of their nation and patriotism.

Just imagine a foreigner saying those things to American soldiers about America that USA is disgusting, I am sure they will be offended too. But then news reporters kept feeding the general public more with this whole Jaebum feels "hate and disgust toward Korea" news. And you know all so well about Korean cyberworld antis. They come out and ruin celebrities' lives.

Freedom of speech is great, but i feel like Korean internet should get rid of all the comment sections below the news.

Seriously, anyone can write anything down there. No one knows who u are or ur identity. When you are anonymous behind the computer, you have so much power with words.

Korea also needs to fix how Korean internet news reporters work. Doesn't matter if the story is real or not, these reporters are notorious to just write about anything. Don't mind the facts, they are so busy putting something/anything on webs, that they don't even check for simple grammar or spelling, even names of people. I seriously feel like anyone like ANYONE can be a internet reporter in korea. LIke hello????

Lastly, I wonder who digged up Jaebum's myspace? for a year, nothing happened... but y now?

A freaky stalker fan? crazy reporter looking 4 stories? a jealous friend??? i mean these were written 4 years agoo!!

First before you read this, these are just all my own observations and thoughts.....

I know this may be kind of a weird coincidence...

like something from a Greek tragedy or a novel....

but I found these things to be really strange and eerie....

1. first of all, the whole myspace issue surfaced just as they were celebrating their one year anniversary..

2. comments that were made 4 years ago... in merely 4 days, 4 years of hard work down the drain....

3. this will only make sense to those who watch wild bunny.. but when wild bunny episode 7 aired, I noticed

that he went on his myspace to show pictures of him and his bboy crew in america.. at first when this whole issue

surfaced in Korea, I thought it was because the Korean netizens saw that he had a myspace and decided to do

some digging... (purely my speculations..)

4. Also pertaining to wild bunny, the last episode, which was supposed to air today in Korea was cancelled (I don't know when they are going to ever air it..) The last episode was supposed to be about "changing the leader" (리드자 바꾸기 게임).....

I know I'm probably reading into it.. but it's just so weird that all this happened so quickly

best of luck to 2pm and Jaebum...

I do assume it was Wild Bunny. It was after that episode aired that this started.

I never thought I'd cry over an idol, but I'm sure as heck crying now. Everybody must be in so much pain. I can imagine them sitting next to each other, hugging and crying.

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This is so awful. How can anyone see this and be satisfied? He was just a teenager when he wrote it and now he's having all of his dreams taken away. The netizens were way too harsh.

YES OMG! THEY ARE JUST TOO MUCH! This is no different to cyber bullying! MAKES ME SO FRUSTRATED! Park jaebeom wrote these things 4 years ago! 4 years... and they bring it up and make a big deal of it! HIS GOING TO LOSE HIS HOPES AND DREAMS CAUSE OF THE SELFISH NETIZENS!

Park jaebeom please dont quit !

im feel so frusted and sad for you T_____________T

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Guest carol76


I guess he is very much happier in Seattle, Korea is just too crazy for him.

I don't think he was ever 100% happy in Korea, everyone needs family and friends.

And the song "Incomplete" covered by Jay, just kept going on and on in my head.

I hope he comes back after resting and clearing his thoughts, I hope JYP still a fatherly figure who makes the best decisions.

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