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Japanese Discussion 日本語の討論会

Guest putasmileon

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Guest orangecake

Hi guys, is ていしんの き correct for "Tree of Spirit"?


・・・・う~ん。 :sweatingbullets: 日本語がよくわからない・・・。 :sweatingbullets:



せいしん の き

もしも、Tree of Spirit を日本語に直すなら、「魂の木(たましい の き)」とかになりそうな気がする。

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Guest smilene

How would you translate these in Japanese...

"Do you have a website?"

"Besides cake, what other foods do you like?"

Thank you very much!!

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Hi guys, is ていしんの き correct for "Tree of Spirit"?

That doesn't really make sense in English or in Japanese...Do you mean spirit of a tree?

If you mean spirit of a tree as in like a physical living soul, that would be 木の魂 ki no tamashii

If you mean like.. the spirit, as in the mental spirit of a tree that would be 木の精神 ki no seishin

But if you do mean tree of spirit then read what orangecake wrote

How would you translate these in Japanese...

"Do you have a website?"

"Besides cake, what other foods do you like?"

Thank you very much!!

"Do you have a website?"


jibun no saito o motteimasu ka?

"Besides cake, what other foods do you like?"


keeki no hoka ni donna tabemono ga suki desu ka?

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Guest GoRgYnA

""Thank you for all your comments

After going back to my country on Wednesday I've been spending my days being flooded with press and media coverage. All of it's a new experience for me and very exciting. By the way, in the comments I read there was a question, about what happened on the stage after the announcement ended.

In the end, there was a scene where the girls were all gathering. All of them gathered around me and told me things like how much they regret everything and congratulated me; it was a very heartwarming scene. My face became blotted with tears because of everyone's kind words. Knowing I couldn't have gone on to receive a prize in that condition I left the stage to go redo my makeup.

However on stage a Puerto Rican girl collapsed and was carried out and I couldn't find the make up artist anywhere, and the backstage was pretty crowded as well, so I decided to return to my dressing room. I know that some media sources are saying that I "walked out". I guess with things the way they were it's possible to take it that way. However I was able to do a performance that was "me", and I was satisfied. When the show was over I was overwhelmed with a sense of fulfillment.

I've often been asked if I have any regrets. I have none. The result of a survey is a result of a survey, nothing more. The most important thing is whether I'm happy or not doing what I want to be doing. That happiness is not something that can be discerned in the result of a survey.

"You've given me bravery"

"You make me proud to be Japanese"

I've received many of those type of comments. For me, this is a dream come true. I also wrote this in my blog before my departure, but the greatest achievement for me is acting as the representative for all Japanese women at the world competition. Therefore, I am now filled with a sense of achievement for having accomplished this.

I have many things on which I must ponder from now on

I plan to take my next big step without losing sight of my own passions, my own likes, and what's most important for me. For everyone who has supported me, thank you so much! It pains me greatly to not be able to respond to each of your messages. It has been my honor to be able to read them all.

With gratitude""

thank you very much for your time tamago86! i really appreciate it soo much!

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@orangecake & Tamago

Thanks you guys! Someone on another forum wanted to know so I offered to reach out help for him. I'll copy&paste what you said. I'm not sure what he meant though.

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Guest putasmileon

i feel like an idiot for asking.. TTOTT

but..hm..does kanji come from chinese characters?? >_____<

That's not a dumb question.

Yes, Kanji is derived from Chinese characters. Many people say that kanji is Chinese characters. Howeveer, "while kanji are essentially Chinese hanzi used to write Japanese, there are now significant differences between kanji and hanzi, including the use of characters created in Japan, characters that have been given different meanings in Japanese, and post WWII simplifications of the kanji" (Wikipedia).

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omg =_= i should have came in here in october when i jsut started to learn Japanese.

everyone here is so O_O goood

can anyone tell me the translation for "what the heck" and "damn it"? i always hear it in jdramas but never really remember it x_x

(no i dont want to swear in Japanese -.-" im just curious)

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Guest krnxdreamer

mm..more about kanji.. heh.. ^-^''

so..when writing kanji..should you learn chinese??? or if you're learning kanji overall??

anndd theen..how would you pronounce kanji? on or kun? or either?? o_O

or is there a certain reason to use each depending on the situation??

ooowaah! its hard.. >_<...''

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Guest putasmileon

mm..more about kanji.. heh.. ^-^''

so..when writing kanji..should you learn chinese??? or if you're learning kanji overall??

anndd theen..how would you pronounce kanji? on or kun? or either?? o_O

or is there a certain reason to use each depending on the situation??

ooowaah! its hard.. >_<...''

As forementioned, Chinese and Kanji have their subtle differences. Therefore, when you learn Chinese, it may or not be applicable for learning Japanese Kanji. If you do learn Chinese, you would be able to write most characters in Kanji (some have different writings, characters just in Japanese, etc.) but usage and pronunciation would be a challenge. If you plan on learning Chinese, then learning Japanese, it may make learning Kanji simpler, but if you want to learn Japanese, learning Chinese wouldn't be a huge priority.

Kanji is pronounced either kun or on. For the most part, when you have two Kanji characters together, they all use the on pronunciation. Sometimes, characters only have an on or kun reading. Then when you use Kanji by itself, (like one character) it uses the kun reading. This is for the MOST part. It'd be extremely awkward if you use the wrong pronunciation and sometimes even incomprehendable.

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omg =_= i should have came in here in october when i jsut started to learn Japanese.

everyone here is so O_O goood

can anyone tell me the translation for "what the heck" and "damn it"? i always hear it in jdramas but never really remember it x_x

(no i dont want to swear in Japanese -.-" im just curious)

what the heck - 何だよ! nan da yo!

damn it! - ちくしょう!・しまった! chikushou / shimatta!

chikushou is harsher than shimatta

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Guest krnxdreamer

mm >_____<

what's the difference between...




and just the name??

mm..i know that ...-san is for respect and older epople and such..but yeeaa..waah! lerning japanese on your own is hard... -__-''

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