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Having A Bad Day? Wanna Rant? Right This Way!


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I still check your facebook and cyworld. It is like I am waiting for your world to fall apart. Even if it does... what is that gonna change ? Nothing... but then I want you to feel the same way I felt when you cheated and lied. I want you to get hurt but at the same time I am not sure that would make me happy. I do not want to hate you. I dont want to have any feelings toward you. I want you to be a stranger to me. Like someone I never met and never will. I wanna forget your face and your name.

But that is impossible isnt it ? Since what you did left scars... and I resent you for that. a lot

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Guest Octopus__

Girl needs to learn how to stfu and give me some peace and quiet. Stop bringing your boyfriend in the room please. I don't like it. You're sick and you're making out with him? So smart. So john teshing smart. It's disgusting.

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Guest anonymous_user_101


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Guest starlightt*

I can't find a job because I have no prior work experience, therefore nobody will hire me which results to me being in square one: unable to find a job due to no experience. I've applied at 18 places and not a single call back.

I hate physics and chemistry, I just want to go to sleep.

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Guest panda_07_ice

My laptop just broke down!!!!!! and i was attended by that arrogant guy in the IT office!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

So annoyed!

I can't find a job because I have no prior work experience, therefore nobody will hire me which results to me being in square one: unable to find a job due to no experience. I've applied at 18 places and not a single call back.

I hate physics and chemistry, I just want to go to sleep.

show them that you can do something. I mean, every employer is like that, show them that you are willing to learn too.

i had a bad day too. cheer up. :)

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Guest fantasymage

john teshing mini cooper. so many years of human history yet we still retain primitive characteristics that initially benefit us but now would hinder us. a lot caused modern social problems and the like. honesty, it makes me ashamed to be part of the human race. I rather belong to socially and technologically advanced alien species that doesn't have much problem with the serious divide in humans. Unlikely, but sometimes I really do not give a john tesh about 2012 potentially wiping out all of us.

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Sitting there, writing my exam. I've flipped through all the pages countless times, double checking everything. "Time's up! Pencil's down" As I stand up, grabbing my scantron and exam booklet I hear a "tick". I look down at my exam in absolute horror as a page un-stickies itself and reveals a whole side of unanswered written questions....

Studied so much for this f*************** exam and this is what I get?...


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Honestly, what you said to me yesterday kinda hit me hard because I wasn't expecting it. But oh well, I guess we all live and learn from our own mistakes and I know I'm not the only one. You're not all 'that' perfect either! Dumbdonkeywitch! Such a hypocrite----&'you know somewhere deep inside you that I'm irreplaceable! Now, stop trying to talk big and act like I'm replaceable. Blah blah blah~ Without me, you wouldn't be where you are today. See! You do so much for people and at the end they become donkeys!! But, remember! There's a little something called 'KARMA'. God bless! :)

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Really!? I can't john teshing believe you. I'm so damn john teshing tired and exhausted from work. You have the nerve to get mad at me. I ended work at 7 pm today to get a text that you want to travel there and forcing me to go there too. I have to travel on train for 2.5 hours to go there so you can buy your john teshing shoes? Seriuosly you are one crazy mother john teshing bubble gum. I have to pay 50 pounds to go there and be there for only how many hours? And so you can buy your john teshing shoes? What the john tesh am I? Then I have work the next day? You just decided last minute you want to buy some john teshing shoes that is how many hours away from you? Come on, you are being so unreasonable you john teshing sick mini cooper. You are just thinking of yourself alone like always. If you don't get your john teshing way you start to tantrum like one crazy richard simmons child. I'm not going. I really john teshing need the day off tomorrow. My body is just exhausted, I was looking forward to sleeping and resting tomorrow then you popped this crazy idea cause your john teshing feet are too cold or whatever john teshing reason you have in your sick mind!

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Guest Kcitspohc

I hate when everyone else in the class is playing games, and I'm the only one working, and the teacher yells at me for asking a freaking question. Then happens again in another class where my friend tells my teacher something about me and he totally freaks mini cooper at me when it wasn't even half true =_=; In front of like 50 people =_=; The worst part is, I feel like I'm too easy to pick on. That's why all this is happening. I also realized no one cares about your problems. =_=;

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You think I don't understand you? But have you ever stop to think about how I feel? As a friend, I am suppose to help you through your hard times. I know he hurt you, he played you, he broke your heart, & he dumped you...I was always there. But you don't know the limits do you? What am I suppose to say to you all the time? "aww, you'll find a better guy, don't be sad"...Stop trying to be so pitiful. Someone is going to have to slap reality in your face for you to wake up in that little dream of yours...you said you're over him but you're not. You can lie to every one else, but you can't like to us...we can see through you...we know that you still care & that you're hurt! You saw him today...and he said "hi" to you. You said you wanted to run away..but why didn't you? Your face was pitiful..you were about to cry, you had tears in your eyes..you ran into a corner...and you said you were okay. But why are you lying?! why? You just showed him that you're weak...he was a jerk, get over him. You said getting over a person takes a long time..of course I know that, I've been through it. But the difference between making an effort to forget someone is different from pretending that you're over him & telling every one that you are over it! I asked you if you still liked him. You said idk. The answer is "yes" you still do have feelings for him...but can you stop pretending? stop lying to yourself..please. You told another friend that I don't understand..but trust me, I understand you more than you understand yourself. Mistakes are made for you to learn right? so why are you not learning...you're repeating history girl...Sometime I feel bad because my words might of hurt you, but if no one is going to tell you REALITY, then I WILL, and that's that. I ramble too much.

Ever since the break up with him, you have been acting differently. You started taking things seriously for dumb reasons and get mad at our "close friends". And then you talk behind their back to me...seriously? Why? We are friends so why are you back stabbing about them to me? What makes you think I won't tell them what you said? Are you assuming I'm on your side? I don't care who's right or wrong, sometime it isn't always about who's right or wrong, so why do you have to prove to me that you're right? why?

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Guest o________O

Why do the people who seem to sit beside me/near me in lectures and on the bus all smell like mini cooper? OMG.. they either have really bad B.O. or really bad breath. This guy earlier today sat 1 seat away from me in a lecture and all he did was yawn and sigh constantly. This combined with bad breath is irritating and frankly, DISGUSTING. Do you not brush your teeth? It honestly seemed as though he must've brushed his teeth with mini cooper this morning. I'm not gonna lie, my breath is cool winter mountain freshness, however I'm almost certain it doesn't smell bad at all.

STOP SITTING NEAR ME FROM NOW ON, or keep it to yourself!

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She eph'n did it again. Just leave me and what I do eph'n alone. Sheesh. Is that so hard to understand? Urgh. Don't ever stand in back of me being nosy again or I might just really lose it.

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