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The Filipino F4

Guest thua

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Why couldn't they get the Moreno looking Filipino's (.__.), because you know, it would be more of an accurate representation of the countries average peoples which are tanned with tropical features . . .

I swear in Philippines the stars are either Eurasians or half Chinese . . .

The Philippines isn't for Filipinos anymore (: Sadly.

RAYVER CRUZ HAS GOT NOTHING ON ANY OF THE PREVIOUS F4s. Honestly; I don't what ABS-CBN was thinking when they were casting the actors for F4.

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im against a flip remake.

the flip F4 will seriously lack acting skills.

i mean as much as i love robi, but he was just in pinoy big brother.

and that doesnt mean that he can be a good actor.

even so, if ever they really plan to do this, they'd still have to wait for another 2 years. ;p

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Guest blissfully_unaware13x

lmao i love your subtitle thing.

and i agree that the manga artist is totally sitting on a huge mountain of cash right now. altho her story is not phenomenal. just 'really good'. not 'phenomenal'...

i'm sure both chinese and filipino will be a huge success tho, just cuz this story magically brings success to everything based on it :-D

it's like a competition b/w countries. taiwan should do a remake, ur right, haha.

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GAH -_______- I'm a filipino and I'm seriously pissed whenever the Philippines does remakes T T

I was a my Girl fan and when the Phils made the phil version, I couldn't bear watching it -_____- One,

because the two mains they used are soooper newb and I just don't like them, (I was OUTRAGED that they think those actors can do a great job like Lee Da Hae and Lee Jun Ki T T) and how much they twisted the plot T T PLUS if they do make a a phil version

of GOONG, ....sheesh I don't even know where to start -______-

Back to the BOF...anyway, I'm not going to watch it like I didn't watch my girl phil version T T

Not that I'm not nationalistic...I just don't like it haha XD

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I am sick of this craze. The version I will be watching is the korean ver.

and thats THE ONLY VERSION, but when I have time too lol.

I love how some of you guys generalizing Filipinos to be DARK,

not all of them are, and most Filipinos are mix no matter what,

its hard to find a pure filipino! (Hearing from my friends who are filipino)

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Guest Atmosphere.

wow that drama is a huge hit than the other dramas, right?

that's pretty crazy, o_______o chinese, now filipino. lets see

who will get better views? but i, of course prefer korean one more ._.

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Guest rach1rur3

hmm... a filipino remake eh? i guess the jury will be out til i actually see the 1st episode. i didn't think the korean version was going to be good, but i'm addicted to it now! i think the "big hit"of the korean version of HYD is starting this whole craze again. :D

hope the casting, the settings, the script do the storyline some justice. coz after the Korean HYD (BBF) they have some big shoes to fill. although one shouldn't be making comparisons because each version caters to their own country. good luck to all the future version of HYD! :D:w00t:

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Guest V A L XD

Wait, I thought there can't be any more remakes for 2 years after Kkotboda Namja?

I'm confused...

or is it 'cause it's following Meteor Garden, it's not going to have any legal problems like the new Taiwanese one?

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Guest sunnydays.

I wish they cast more experienced actors.

As much as I love HYD all together, I don't know how i feel about this one. O__O

Let's just hope they don't screw up.

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Guest NicaNix


BUT i think its not true?

if it is...

They should hire good actors at least ;-;

It pisses me off how most of the new actresses are so damn annoying these days. D:

and how they make remakes like poppin babies.

I still cant get over the My girl remake. that was horrid. they made Seo Hyun all PSM-y

Im truly annoyed by ABS-CBN. Well, i never liked them in the first place. I preferred their rival, GMA since they have more original shows and experienced actors.

And yeah, not all of us filipinos are dark, generally, there is an equal amount of the dark skinned and the light skinned in the philipines. It goes way back in history as to why ,anyways. D:

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