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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest ladyelhisa


There is? My Gosh! :o That's so great another PV! hahaha....

Jaejoongie likes "Kiss the Baby Sky" PV, me too. I have to agree with him that it's very cheerful. ahahah.... :lol:


Whoop! another merchandise....ahaha! :lol: There goes the money again. ;)

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Guest bluecat16

Lishathestain i know right. They have NEVER said anything about cancelling the SM Town concert. UGHTreading the comments angered me even more as well -_-

"Don't shoot the messenger." then please dont stir things up and make things even more complicated then it alredy is, please.

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Guest Perriwynkkle


This is Perriwynkkle once again, here to inform you of the new project TVXQSupport: Always Keep the Faith LJ Community has decided to begin anew on.

As a community we have decided to start the BILLBOARD PROJECT, which wants to make a billboard to be put near SM Entertainment/near the TVXQ boys apartment building that will state how much we will never back down as TVXQ fans and always support them as a group and human beings.

Mind you, this billboard will NOT be OFFENSIVE or MEAN SPIRITED towards SM Entertainment, but informative, letting the company know, in a calm and peace-like manner, that we, as fans, will stick behind our boys.

I have personally gotten in contact with a Korean Cassiopeia member reguarding the project.

For more information, updates or to join in on the project, feel free to visit:




Thank you and if you have any questions, you can contact me (Perriwynkkle) here on Soompi by PM or on LJ by PM.


P.S. Ladies, allkpop.com is a gossip site, don't believe a word they say unless it is from a credible source, such as the boys themselves or the publicist for the boys/SM Ent.

Don't believe A WORD of allkpop.com's bull, it really is all speculation right now. Stay calm and continue to stand behind our boys, that is the best thing right now. ^-^

We know the boys and what they are really fighting for, "A REVAMP OF THE CONTRACT, NOT A BREAK."

We can do this, we can win!

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Guest OneSong

I have a question..

i ordered my AADBSKIII on yesasia...and like i pre-ordered it and stuff

it said it was shipped last friday but it still hasnt come

and also there s no tracking code and its by hong kong air agent...

i bought stuff from yesasia before and it was always the US postal.

so i was wondering if anyone knows anything about this or if anyone has already received their order from yesasia...

Yup~ I just received my copy this morning =D And it was shipped on Aug . 14th too. Don't worry, yours should be coming soon!

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Okay, allkpop is getting on my nerves even more now.

Here's the original article: http://www.allkpop.com/index.php/full_stor...ng_up_for_good/

I don't trust allkpop with this >.>

where are the sources? the credits? they usually have credits + sources for articles.

and there would be no way allkpop would've known before the korean cassies or before it was posted on this thread.

Allkpop is just a gossip/rumor site. most of their articles aren't true. they probably did it to spread more rumors to have more comments.

but i must say, i was a mad a bit when i read that <_<

just cross our fingers that it isn't true

Always keep the Faith! ♥ Dbsk hwaiting!



i agree with JJ.exot5ia dbsk even said it themselevs that they don't want to break up.

i'm putting all my trusts on the boys and i won't believe anything anyone says unless it's straight from the boys + their lawyers. I know they won't betray their fans or disappoint.

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argh... i'm finally back and taking my first post in this thread in a long time and it's a post like this...

oma... akp sure is giving me a pretty big headache right now. i love it for it's news but it's posts like these

that make the site really unbearable. i mean the entire post had basically NO news and was all just speculation

done by a person who really doesn't know anything and may be just as confused as any fan...

and if yunho and changmin will continue with three NEW members.... what...THAT'S NOT EVEN POSSIBLE?

so they're just going to go by the same name but with three new members. that's just ridiculous.

dbsk even said that they had "no intentions of breaking up"

...... pissed


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Guest Shenlu

A reminder for people; AKP are extremely biased and opinionated when it comes to their 'articles' and very often write things that have no facts to back them up ^^; take everything that you read there with a pinch of salt, they're not a reliable source for news.

For instance; Yunho and Changmin continuing with 3 new members? LOL Where do they get this stuff :lol:

As for the 'don't shoot the messenger' statement, I'm not sure how that works when they're not conveying a message, except for what they themselves are spectulating.

[Trans] What's In September 2009

^hmm, there's a PV for wasurenaide? wow^^

Wasurenaide PV? My gosh, when did they have time to shoot this? lol

Even so, I'm excited to see it, I hope it's not just them standing around singing; as has been the theme of their Japanese PVs as of late :lol: either way, yay. Wasurenaide <33

And History in Japan Vol.4? Why is everything being released at the same time! :lol:

I'm totally broke so I have no chance of purchasing it anytime soon.

I own the first three... but I so wish they would include english subtitles XD even so, they're awesome.


For those of you using the Always Keep The Faith banner that I made, using the link I provided, as I'm sure you've noticed I've currently exceeded my bandwidth -_-;; So I'm providing a temporary link for those of you that can't reupload onto your own servers for whatever reason.




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what the hell am i gonnna do with my life....i will not ever listen any korean music again if tat thing becomes trueeeeeeeeee.......dbsk will always be the first and the last in my heart...............i shouldn't hve gone to allkpop and read ittttttt.........i m so goneeeeeee..

edit :

i m so eazy to believe in everything..i m so sensitive....i should totally believe DBSK right?? i willl..i will wait for the new to come out...

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Guest BringTwilight

As usualy Allkpop is talking their trash. They are extremely biased on that site. They can talk trash about boybands but when it comes to girl groups they are all for them.

I wouldn't believe a word of the garbage! I'll believe when i hear it from the boys themselves!


Let's go international fans! Let's show the boys our love! ♥

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Guest foreverasian3

Always keep the faith, remember to keep that in mind.

Plus Allkpop likes to blow things out of proportion, they

said that they had no intention to break up. So I think that

they will keep their word for it. All we can do now is wait

for the result and believe in them. (Or we can burn down SM

building) No, I don't really mean that but it would be a stupid

move on SM's part to let these guys disband.~

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Guest Honey_KizZ


they NEVER give full credits and sources.

most of the post are just opinion + rumors.

i'm not too worried about it. we have to remember the reasons

why the members are filing the lawsuit. they are worried about their health and

want to have more control over their career. Like someone said, i only trust what the boys say

themselves or what they say through their lawyers since the media always over exagerates things.

i hope that they do will in court.

always keep the faith! ^.^

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Guest xrawritsvyx

Wow guys... Allkpop is seriously pissing me off. I mean I like reading their stuff, but this one was just flat out RIDICULOUS. <_<

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Guest newme1

someone please translate this... I read this is allkpop's source for that article

방신기, SM과 끝내 파경? 법정 심리기일 D-1 긴장감 고조 [2009-08-20 06:58:50]

[뉴스엔 이미혜 기자]


동방신기 시아준수, 믹키유천, 영웅재중과 소속사 SM엔터테인먼트(SM)가 첫 심리를 맞았다.

영웅재중(본명 김재중), 시아준수(본명 김준수), 믹키유천(본명 박유천)은 지난 7월 31일 SM을 상대로 서울중앙지법에 전속계약을 풀어달라는 가처분 신청서를 제출했다. 세 멤버의 가처분 신청은 서울중앙지법 민사합의 50부로 배당됐고, 1차 심문기일은 8월 21일이다.

만약 전속계약 효력정지 가처분 신청이 받아들여진다면 동방신기의 해체는 불가피해 보인다. 만약 동방신기가 해체된다면 80만명에 달하는 최대 팬클럽을 보유한 명실공히 최고 아이돌인만큼 가요계는 물론 연예 매니지먼트에 미칠 영향도 상당할 것.

전속계약 효력 정지신청이 받아 들여진다면 소송을 제기한 세 멤버는 더 이상 SM과 함께 활동을 이어갈 수 없다는 입장을 밝힐 것이 자명하고, 소송에 참여하지 않은 유노윤호, 최강창민은 다른 세 멤버와 다른 행보를 하게 될 것으로 관측된다.

이로 인해 팬들이 겪게 될 공황상태는 예상할 수 없을 만큼 클 것으로 보인다. 이뿐만이 아니라 가요계 대어나 다름없는 동방신기의 세 멤버를 잡기 위한 매니지먼트사들의 물밑 작업도 만만치않을 것이고, 소속 연예인들 관리에도 비상이 걸릴 것으로 보인다.

동방신기 팬클럽 카시오페아는 SM 불매운동을 추진하고 있다. 동방신기 팬들은 지난 8월 16일 열릴 예정이었던 콘서트 'SM TOWN LIVE '09’가 연기되면서 사실상 취소되자 지난 8월 12일 ‘SM Ent. 불매운동 안내’라는 제목의 글을 공지해 실력행사에 나서기도 했다.

과연 동방신기와 SM 갈등이 무난하게 수습될 것인지, 결국은 파경을 맞이하게 될 것인지 귀추가 주목된다. 첫 심리 기일을 단 하루 남겨두고 있는 만큼 동방신기 세 멤버는 물론 SM측도 긴장한채 준비에 만전을 가하고 있다.

한편 유노윤호는 MBC 새 드라마 ‘맨땅에 헤딩’ 촬영에 임하고 있으며 최강창민은 새 드라마 ‘파라다이스 목장’에 캐스팅됐다. 영웅재중은 SBS 하반기 방영 예정인 ‘텔레시네마’의 ‘천국의 우편배달부’에 캐스팅됐지만 이는 이미 촬영을 마친 상태다.

이미혜 macondo@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

source : Newsen

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To take everyone's mind off AKP's..... story <_<

Here are clips from AADBSK3 with eng subs!Yay! :lol: .......... :ph34r: (:

[AADBSK3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Saipan Quiz (1 of 2)

[AADBSK Cut - Eng Sub] TVXQ Saipan Quiz (2 of 2)

[AADBSK3 Cut - Eng Sub] TVXQ Dinner

[AADBSK3 Cut - Eng Sub] TVXQ Good Night

[AADBSK 3 Cut - Eng Sub] TVXQ Bedtime Talk

[AADBSK3 Cut- Eng Sub] Jaejoong and Yunho's Bag Contents

[AADBSK - Eng Sub] TVXQ Night Game

[AADBSK3 - Eng Cut] TVXQ Mini Olympics (1 of 5)

[AADBSK3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Mini Olympics 2 of 5

[AADBSK3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Mini Olympics 3 of 5

credit: withTVXQ & CesKJJ (uploader)

all credits to the uploader.

more parts will be uploaded onto CesKJJ's youtube (:

Enjoy! The boys are hilarious ^^ lmfao changmin is so cute & funny; def. belong w. the gag team.

"Get out and stay there!" ROFL. aha<3

& I just want to add that I have never once saw Dbsk as business colleagues working together in the ent. industry. I always saw them as brothers (even though not related), Even when i first found out about dbsk, they looked like real brothers.

All of this breaking-up rumor and in one of the AADBSK3 clip, theres a part when they went back to their own homes for vacation, seemed awkward to me, because i always thought they had that brotherly bond & aura around them.

my point is that no matter what happens, we must have faith in our boys. they aren't just singers who work together, or friends, they're brothers, though not by blood. they have that tight bond (: So we as fans must support our boys no matter what!

Dbsk hwaiting!


part 4 and 5 were uploaded

[AADBSK3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Mini Olympics 4 of 5

[AADBSK 3 - Eng Sub] TVXQ Mini Olympics 5 of 5

credit: withTVXQ & CesKJJ (uploader)

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Guest mhyra_16

omo thanks for posting the links with subs...

About ALLKPOP articles... i agree they post something that is not official making readers confused and all... and this lawsuit issue is something serious and news like that would really make chaos among CAssies :angry:

I just hope all the best for the 3 boys...and definitely...NO DISBANDING...FOR REAL

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Guest fifi yang

Ahh, I just read the article in AKP... Haha, and truthfully, I'm not gonna believe it until they

have solid sources... -_- That writer has some nerve... LOL

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Guest dirah93

[ENG SUBS] DBSK Saipan Quiz Part 2/2 AADBSK 3


[ENG SUBS] DBSK Mini Olympics Part 1/5 AADBK 3

[ENG SUBS] DBSK Mini Olympics Part 2/5 AADBSK 3

[ENG SUBS] DBSK Mini Olympics Part 3/5 ADBSK 3

[ENG SUBS] DBSK Mini Olympics Part 4/5 AADBSK 3

[ENG SUBS] DBSK Mini Olympics Part 5/5 AADBSK 3



credit: uploader

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Guest afterglow.

changmin's extreme worship of junsu never ceases to amuse me. lmao the others didn't stand a chance after that. too bad they edited yoochun's face in that one scene. haha the reason for the edit.. it was that horrific huh? XD lol at jae sneaking back into the room and his failed attempt at trying to get changmin to share the bed. "get out and stay there!" ilu forever, changmin.

thanks for the links everyone!

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