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[동방신기] Dbsk, Tvxq, Thsk Official Thread 4

Guest Ringy

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Guest fangirlism

I know you're all talking about the new information we got and things seem to be heating up DDD:

SO I, therefore, announce...

Comic relief time! Because I want you guys to smile/laugh like a Cassiopeia family will, TOGETHER. u.u


Five bucks said you just smiled, or giggled, or fell down to the floor and just rolled around laughing your butt off when it's almost 2 a.m. in your timezone. <_<


Hey.. Someone bring up the virgin topic again because I'm definitely not done after watching Dangerous Love for the 100th time. I mean ^ LOOK AT THAT GIF! <_< Oh yunjae, so naughty

I know everyone is voicing their opinion but uhm please consider PM'ing each other instead if it gets out of hand.

Let's not make it worse. D:

This is the TIME where we UNITE as a CASSIOPEIA FAMILY and COMPLAIN about how it's so not fair how Xiah can be so so so darn cute show LOVE, and DEDICATION!

I don't have anymore T___T. I saved this awhile ago but if anybody has more, please share!


Always Keep the Faith.


edit: Found one


IF YOU'RE A GUY...... you will question your sexuality from now on ^^;; you just might be jealous.


credits: [lovetohateme.wordpress.com who credited ces + deNain + dbsk_cyn@soompi]

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It's sad that this issue has caused a rift between TVXQ's followers. In the lawyer's statement, they already mentioned that " the three members are involved in this process because of a difference in opinion of a method of approach between the members". Yunho has always been a rational and level-headed person. He may have chosen to deal with this differently for reasons of his own. Yes, he's the leader, but they're all adults now with their own sets of mind. He doesn't control the members' lives or decisions, he respects them.

One mistake is all it takes to become a public enemy < --by Kim Jaejoong from Seoul CF outtakes

^ Let's not disregard the five plus years, and let this one matter make us doubt their bond/ friendship

Whatever happens, all I wish for is that the five will remain together as a group and be able to continue doing what they do best.

Win or lose, in case the trial pushes through, it makes me nervous if the guys remain with SM. Even if SM compromises, i doubt that things will be the same between the boys and the Company. My fear is that if they stay with SM, the latter will retain the power to further or freeze the guys' careers, and I'm not sure if SM will allow this case to be a precedent for their other artists to also ask for favorable contract revisions, and I don't know how powerful the regulatory system is in Korea in order to protect the boys, but recent cases involving entertainment figures doesn't give me much confidence in the system. I'm hoping for the best for them.

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Guest lawis_pocket

Can we please stop pointing fingers on who said what and who said this? Seriously it gets even worse when someone decides to reply at some rude comment. There's nothing worse than being ignored, so just ignore them.

I just end up scrolling down meaningless/rude comments hopping and waiting for true facts about the matters....

Let's focus on what's important. Support the guys!!!

Has anyone found anything about SM suing the boys???

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Guest Alice16uy

i think the situation is pretty tense from both side... and everyone is really frustrated, but since we are their fans, let's support whatever decision DBSK makes ok?

Honestly, DBSK are human...they should be selfish. I don't see the problem with them wanting things their ways...yea I know, they have to think about fans and cassies and etc...but I think it's ok for them to be selfish and live for themselves and make decisions that will benefits their happiness. If they want more money or a raise...why not? Who wants to work for the same salary for 13 years?

just my 2 cents :)

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Guest xiaowu58

I felt so depressed now. It has been my wistfully thinking that today they will reach an agreement. And everything will be the same again.

I guess nothing will be the same again as of today. The boys are suing and SM will go to court with them. Who knows how it's going to take.

It will be so weird to see them perform on the sm town.

In the end, I just want them to be happy, even though TVXQ is to be disband.

Just hope that Homin is going to be attacked for not joining. Everyone has their own choice. This is their live, we can not decide it for them.

Sorry for the bad english, i am just very down right now.

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Guest lucky#13

alot of people are throwing the word selfish around (to dbsk)

but i think they're just doing what anyone else wud be trying to do

come on >< 13 years + military time is ridiculous

and i think everyone that's still argueing are being really selfish

at this time, we shud all show our support for dbsk together

because if they win this case, it will help not only them

but other artists who are also under slave contracts

this cud be a major foothold in the k.music industry~!

the dbsk boys will always be one. they garunteed that themselves

after they clarified that, the fans shudn't have any worry anymore, right?

all that's left is supporting them in their battle against sme~!

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Guest Cutiemongmong

I'm a little peeved, to be honest with you. Don't to be too fast to attack me because this is how I feel. Yunho & Changmin, are probably doing the right thing.

The contract is a bit long, agreed, but I think it's a little lame that Junsu, Micky, and Hero are attacking SM and wanting to change their contract. They signed it, knowing they had LONG HARD YEARS ahead of them. They signed with SM because SM was the best, because SM believed in them when NO ONE ELSE would. If they were to succeed, SM would reap the money, but if TVXQ were to fail, then SM was also going to fail. It was a gamble with SM's money, and SM won the gamble. They shouldn't publicly criticize SM about it after YEARS OF SUCCESS, considering:

1) SM TRAINED all the boys and put in 5, 6 years of MONEY into these boys training them to sing, dance, act. They paid for the dance instructors, the singing instructions, the performances, the rooms, accomdodations, etc when TVXQ made NO MONEY. When they were NOBODIES, SM invested TONS of money promoting them. For five, six years. That adds up.

2) SM pays for ALL AND EVERYTHING. All their clothes, concert venues, managers, codis, makeup, rooms, houses, transportation, first class airfare, lawyers, they pay music stations, radio stations, EVERYTHING. TVXQ has a huge entourage that SM pays for. TVXQ doesn't need to take in 50%, 60%, when their EXPENSES are ENORMOUS. C'mon now, people are like, OH SM IS TAKING SO MUCH. Uh, do you know how much Jive Entertainment for instance, takes from Britney, Justin, etc? Close to 90%. They just make more because they attract a bigger market. And its not like TVXQ makes nothing. They individually bring in A LOT OF MONEY a year - they drive their nice cars. Don't tell me they are the POORER people in the industry because THEY'RE NOT.

3) American artists only make like, a cent per CD, because HEY they only sing on the album and there is TONS OF STUFF in the background. Producers make a TON of money off of songs, not artists. As unfair as it seems to TVXQ that they dont hardly make any money from their hit albums, his is what its like in the entertainment world. It COSTS MONEY (A LOT OF IT) to put out CDs, hire good producers, good choreographers, and promote them well, and put out albums. Artists don't usually profit from them unless they produce stuff themselves. This is a fact, so you guys can't be like "OH SM IS SO UNFAIR"

4) I understand that TVXQ is upset about the terms of the contract, but it is A CONTRACT for a reason. You can't just be like "OH HEY i'm super successful now I want to make more." There was NO GUARENTEED success when TVXQ signed with SM. SM GAMBLED with them and hey, SM ended up doing a good gamble. SM might reap in the profits now, but they DID TRAIN THE BOYS who were NOBODIES at the time and BELIEVED In them and INVESTED IN THEM WITH TONS OF MOOLAH when no one else would. I enjoy TVXQ's music, but this just sounds like ungratefulness to me.

5) SM bulit them up, SM made TVXQ by giving them great songs, TV shows that promoted their personality, built the group, looking at group dynamics, and made TVXQ not into another Supernova, AST1, etc, because you guys ALL HAVE TO admit, SM does a kick richard simmons job getting promotions, making sure they are TREATED like stars. And now TVXQ is like, "HEY i want to make MORE MONEY and SM is in the way." C'mon boys, I know you're tired, but you're A BIG DEAL now because of SM. YOU MAKE ALL THE MONEY because of SM's tactics. Because they made you work a lot and promote your stuff. THEY PAID TO GET YOU TO WHERE YOU ARE and you're complaining now?

6) If you weren't with SM, you probably wouldn't be as a big deal now. And if you're a nobody, like Paran, etc. you'd be willing to lose a bit of money for TVXQ's fame, for popularity. That's what you did when you signed with SM. YOU WEREN'T GUARANTEED success, but that came with a price of hard work, at a price of making perhaps less. And now, your'e renegading on the TERMS of your contract. WOW. just WOW. I guess money really gets to people.

I know people might not agree with me, because everyone here is like "NO THE BOYS are ALWAYS RIGHT" and i agree...to an extent. Boys should have a right to talk about their contract and discuss it when they think they are being overworked. BUT to expect a change in contract because they are SO SUCCESSFUL and publicly pressuring SM is NOT a good idea because this, believe it or not, will tarnish the image of SM, and also their own image.

Sigh. Honestly, it peeves me that PEOPLE FORGET that SM is a business, a money making machine, but they treat their stars well. LSM is like a father to everyone, so attacking him doesn't do anything. Its probably the financial CEOs who they are pissed at. And remember this again: SM is one of the best companies around because they promote their artists well, they dress them well. They overwork them, sure, but its NOT INHUMAN. Honestly guys, this whole issue just annoys me.

Whoa I must say I really agree on what you said. Lately I am so frustrated how people all accused SM of being such a greedy beast to DBSK, even some of them put the harsh blame on HoMin just because they do not fight with their members. Do people forget that who has made DBSK be DBSK? Our boys have talents, that is the fact no one can deny. But there are many talents in entertainment industry, and not that every of them is recognized. Then why has DBSK been the most outstanding? No matter how you explain it, after all it is mainly and firstly thanks to SM Entertainment. People at least should pay them a bit respect and gratefulness.

And about the expense, DBSK may receive 10% only but if they do not have to pay tax or anything else, it can be a reasonable numbers too. SM is a company with many people, they surely have many tax, salary, fee to pay. DBSK do not hold the concerts by themselves. Moreover, as I know, for example, Yoochun has a mansion, more than 2 cars and a ice cream store AT LEAST after 5 YEARS OF WORKING. Is it everyday that you can see a 22 year old guy own that much property???

And no matter what, contract is agreement coming from both parties. I dont remember about HoMin but JaeChun (Su?) has just renew their contract with SM lately. If they don't agree with the conditions, they can negotiate and adjust them at that time. If they did agreed even with unbalanced conditions, then there must have been something which help them think that they were acceptable. So how can we blame everything on SM??? I am not sure about Korean's law but for example, in my country's law, if you sign a contract willingly and in your normal mental situation, there is no way you can ask the court to delete or change them, except one of the parties violates the conditions of the contract.

And everyone should see that how happy we fans are when knowing that they renew a long term contract with SM. It makes us feel safe about DBSK's future, doesnt it?

Anyway, at least I believe that none of them will do anything harmful to DBSK.

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Guest mandasoh

i don't care if yunho or changmin are in the drama.

they just recently signed it, why did they accepted it knowing that the three members are preparing a case against SM. i don't understand HoMin, this is about their life too. All the things yunho said about how sm is so good to them are all lies. My respect for Yunho as the leader of the group is now gone. I'm so sorry, this is how i feel.

I hope Yunho would man up and face this together with the members. I can't believe he looks happy while filming the drama knowing that the members are suffering.

whats the bond that you are talking about? this is the most important and crucial event in dbsk. how come the only 3 of them are in this together?

You are ridiculous. You are basing your respect of Yunho on rumours and speculations? Even media reports are not completely trustworthy, simply because they bat for their own team too, the media feeds on sensationalism. If this is you so-called "respect", then honey, no one needs it, least of all Yunho.

And, riiiiiigghtttt. He's happy because he smiles for the camera, or jokes around with the hundreds of production crew and media that's surrounding him and monitoring his every movement? RIGHT. Your intelligence is astounding. /sarcasm (i can't be too sure you'll get it, right?)

people here are so in denial, the only thing yunho is protecting is his own personal interest

its obvious he doesn't want to give up his own personal affair and dreams

he is afraid of the consequences if ever he will speak up

i may not know his own so called "reasons" for doing this

all i know is this, he is the leader of the group

as the leader who always says that a man should have courage and honesty to fight injustice,

yunho is doing a poor job to protect his members

How is it obvious that he's protecting his own interests? Is it obvious because he's stepping up and taking on the responsibilities that he is contractually bound to fulfill? The man is just doing his job. He has to. And for that, he has to take trash like this from you?

Just because they have been together for 5 years does not mean that they have to constantly agree with each other on how to handle issues. Just like JaeChunSu have a right to make this move, HoMin have a right to stick by their decisions too (or they are just insanely bound by their contract and cannot speak up for now). And just because they choose different methods of handling it does not mean that *gasp omgggg noooo! they are disbannnnddddinnnngggg*

Seriously. I'm sick and tired of you harping on what a "disappointment" Yunho is, because he's the "Leader".

First and foremost, you don't know the full details. WE don't know the full details. Who are we to judge?

And who in God's name made you the jury? Stop imposing your expectations on Yunho, and then go all *bad leader! bad leader!* when he doesn't do as you please.

Can I state this again? SM makes money, sure. But you guys are all acting like TVXQ is one of the poorer entertainers. TVXQ makes a TON of money. It's not like make a pittance. SM takes in a HUGE chunk because of all the reasons I've listed in my earlier posts. SM spends more money than almost all other entertainment companies - check out the company expenditures spreadsheet they give to their stockholders every year. And honestly, TVXQ has a ton of money to the point they're not jealous of any other entertainers. Micky bought himself an expensive condo in Apgu. He drives his foreign car, what was it? An audi? Xiah bought his parents a company. THEY MAKE MONEY - more so than SS501, more so than SJ, SNSD, WG, BB. I dont know how much you guys think is a "LOT" of money, but I can't break down the facts any further and explain why they make only a bit from record sales and why they dont have as much as say, Britney. See my previous post again. Entertainers don't make money from albums - how much further do I have to explain that?

I see your point, and I agree with what you said earlier. It is true that SM Ent made TVXQ what they are today. I won't deny that, and I'm even grateful.

I know you're not looking for a fight, but I just want to point out something~ :]

What some of the people here are saying, is that the cut/treatment they are receiving is unfair.

Also, just because TVXQ are not in the rankings of "poorer entertainers", it doesn't make their contract any less right.

When the new law was enforced, something should have been done about the contracts, and I'm glad they are taking steps to remedy it now.

I don't think they mean to be ungrateful at all. They have been discussing this for ages, and this was kept under wraps until the fans went wild and demanded an explanation. The only reason we knew of it at all is because the media threw they spin on us. It's not like the members publicly announced it.

Again, not fighting you :] *hugs*


I am done spewing my gut out. Entering Zen-mode...NOW.

Keep the faith ya'll ;)

<3 manda

P.S. Omfg. I am so glad that people here are stepping up for LSM. Some people need a reality check. He is not an omnipresent God that controls TVXQ like puppets, okay? ALSO, dude hasn't been CEO since forever. Either brush up on the knowledge, or just shut up ==;;

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Guest ``miamihero

[TRANS] 090803 Junsu-Jaejoong-Yoochun, Official Statement Released, "We're so tired emotionally and physically"

So this is the official statement from the press conference?

anyway girls, I dont see the need for us to start debating about the members;

why the two did not take part in the lawsuit and such because this is not the right time to talk about it.

If we love them, we should just support them and not quarrel among ourselves.

This will just weaken the bond between the fans and also between dbsk and us.

Stay united and strong!

let's just wait for further official press releases.

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Guest Honey_KizZ

090803 Financial News about SM


Since the anouncement of the lawsuit that involves TVXQ and SM, the company stock dropped:

Yesterday Situation:

At 9:06 am yesterday, SM stock is worth for 3,715 won fell about 11.02%.

Today Situation (as drawn in the graph):

Stock fell until -10.1%, a loss of 5% on the current value. It’s increase a bit from yesterday, but not much.

Kim Chang-won, an analyst from Daewoo Securities on the August 3rd said, “BoA, TVXQ, Girls Generation, Super Junior, and SHINee are non arguably most important asset of SM. If there’s something happened to one of these 5 main stars, the negative impact to stock price is expected.”

Financial Health of SM

Growth trend


Blue spot > Total assets (ressources/funds)

Purple stick > Total Liabilities (hindrance/puts)

Yellow stick > Total shareholders’ equity

Blue stars > Sales

If you look at the 2008 growth curve and if you do the ratio, we can see that Mirotic album was a breath of air fresh for SM.

Revenue Structure (the most interesting part)


Blue line > Sales

Purple line > Operating profit (EBIT, Earnings Before Interest and Taxes)

Yellow line > Net income (profit)

Can you see the incomes and sales’ increase at the end of 2008? The main artists that were promoted at that time were TVXQ. Don’t you remember all the performances at all end’s year ceremonies? If you were wondering why the members didn’t claim for their rights earlier, now you know.


EBIT (Earning Before Interest and Taxes): company’s earning (sales minus all expenses) excluding effects from interest income/expense and tax.

Net Income: EBIT with the effects of interest and tax.

credit: as tagged + mt.co.kr + kenoa + sharingyoochun (additional information + translation)

shared by: sharingyoochun@wordpress

sm might have created dbsk, but sm will lose a lot w/o dbsk.

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Guest maejaekim

Hey guys if you keep on saying something against the other members...do you think it will help them...I guess instead of saying....WHY.... HOW COME.....OR WHATSOEVER..... I think it's better if we'll hope that they will stay together and stick together until the end......I'm not against SM also but who knows ......history keeps on repeating itself........so I think there is really something wrong with the company......TVXQ isn't the first to have an action against SM right?......

I think it's better if we just keep our mouth shut if only questions will come out that will hurt TVXQ's feelings and will disturb them as well....It would be a great help if we just believe in them and hope that they will make it and that they'll have good lives...a good life that they deserve and dream for....A real fan is someone who understands them.........like me I still believe and respect them.....until now......

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Guest goyun


JaeChunSu filed a lawsuit for their personal reasons and HoMin didn't because of their personal reasons. If the members don't have a problem with this, why should the fans?

I personally think Yunho is having the hardest right now. It's really mean to point fingers and make him feel worse to know that the fans are questioning his love and loyalty to JaeChunSu. If anything, he's probably the most loyal, responsible, and level headed out of all of them.

I do not envy his position as leader (even though it may just be an empty title now because the guys have grown up and they're all adults with a mind of their own) because you get all the blame when something goes wrong. Such double standard.

Please support all the members no matter which path they may take! JaeChunSu is not DBSK. HoMin is not DBSK. DBSK=5=Su, Chun, Jae, Min and Yun=1!!!!

Things aren't looking too bright right now but I truly hope that the 5 of them can stay together as a group!!

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Guest aizah

If SM is really suing the boys, then things are looking kind of bleak in my opinion. If SM wanted to work it out with Jaechunsu then they wouldn't have to go so far as countersuing the plaintiffs. If both parties can't reach an agreement then I don't know what's going to happen next.

I hope this doesn't end up like H.O.T.. The 3 members of H.O.T. that left SM to make their own group wasn't successful.

I kind of wonder if the boys were threaten by anyone from SM. They seem to be bullying the boys around. SM's image is kind of tarnished now because of this case. I am afraid for Jaechunsu. It might be the best if all 5 of them leave for a different company.

Edit: With stocks falling because of the lawsuit, SM people aren't too happy about that either.

I dont want to admit it but seems i kinda agree with you.

SME filed a counter-part so theres a 50% that the issue wont be resolve and it might end up like the former SM boyband - HOT

Which i really hope will not happen either~

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Guest mandasoh

[TRANS] 090803 TVXQ's 3 Members "No Schedule For Separate Press Conference"


Reporter: Chang Soyun

With regards to their case with their management company SM Entertainment, the 3 members of TVXQ have expressed that they do not have any other comments other than what they have revealed in the press release that was sent out on 3rd August (today).

On the morning of the 3rd, the legal representative of Jejung (Stage name: Hero, Real name: Kim Jaejoong), Yuchun (Stage name: Micky, Real name: Park Yoochun) and Junsu (Stage name: Xiah, Real name: Kim Junsu), Lim Sang Hyuk from the law firm Sejong, stated that "the essence of the disagreement is the exclusive contract period of 13 years, unfavorable contracts and CD profit-sharing clause," and "the members of TVXQ do not want to disband the group, they are just trying to escape the bondage of unfair contract."

In addition, "other than the press release, there is no other interview of press conference scheduled", and the members will not be directly expressing their point of view. (T/N: Which means they will speak through their lawyer.)

Source: [edaily (jp version)]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net

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[TRANS] 090803 TVXQ's 3 members "No Conflict Amongst Members"


Reporter: Chang Soyun

"There are no conflicts between the members. The application for temporary injunction of their contracts is not a premise for the disbandment of TVXQ."

In a press release today, 3 members of the 5-member idol group TVXQ which is managed by SM Entertainment, Jejung (Stage name: Hero, Real name: Kim Jaejoong), Yuchun (Stage name: Micky, Real name: Park Yoochun) and Junsu (Stage name: Xiah, Real name: Kim Junsu), also touched on the topic of "disbandment".

On the morning of the same day, the legal representative of the 3 members, Lim Sang-hyuk from law firm Sejong expressed, "Although many fans are worried about TVXQ disbanding, this application for temporary injunction of their contracts is not a premise for the disbandment of TVXQ.The members just have a difference in opinion on how to resolve the problem which is why only 3 of the members have joined in, but there is no problem amongst the members."

He also said, "All the members feel the same way about wanting to protect the promises they have made to their fans. The case this time is to remedy the injustice of the contract, to be given the right to prepare their music freely under the right conditions, and stand together again before all their fans."

Source: [edaily (jp version)]

Translation credits: mandasoh@iscreamshinki.net

Shared by: iscreamshinki.net

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people here are so in denial, the only thing yunho is protecting is his own personal interest

its obvious he doesn't want to give up his own personal affair and dreams

he is afraid of the consequences if ever he will speak up

i may not know his own so called "reasons" for doing this

all i know is this, he is the leader of the group

as the leader who always says that a man should have courage and honesty to fight injustice,

yunho is doing a poor job to protect his members

disbandment or not, i wish jaechunsu the peace of mind that they deserves

people like them who knows how to stand up for their rights regardless of the consequences are truly admirable

people like yunho who knows that he is being treated unfairly and yet chooses to stay with the same company and keep silent is not worthy to be look up too.

i salute junsu, yoochun and jaejoong for being brave and courageous

i wish the three the best.

Warned for artist bashing on Yunho.

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Guest eVangeLuv

Comic relief time! Because I want you guys to smile/laugh like a Cassiopeia family will, TOGETHER. u.u


Five bucks said you just smiled, or giggled, or fell down to the floor and just rolled around laughing your butt off when it's almost 2 a.m. in your timezone. <_<

This is soOOoooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much!

All i wanna post is Always Keep the Faith in them.

We may debate and argue b'cuz we're simply human, individuals with own mind & thoughts.

But in the end we always come back together for the boys - to support them no matter wad.

Akin to tat of a big family

- we argue

- we fight

- had disagreements & stuff which will never ever be settled

But always comes back together in the end of all the chaos to STAND AS ONE.

So as part of this Cassio big family, here's abit of my contribution :P




A bond this strong can never be crumple tat easily.


One big Happy family :D

Credits as per in fotos & Soompi

Lastly, I would like to believe tat we're part of the strength tat kept them going on till this day.

So let's not let stop the love & support we've poured our soul in so far. :lol:

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