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[Drama 2009] My Fair Lady / Lady Castle 아가씨를 부탁해


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Hoping to read and see spoiler and caps from episode 10 soon. It's getting more and more interesting, I was surprised that the rating slipped, last night was a GREAT emotion-filled episode. Yoon Yoon are amazing expressing their emotions through their eyes. I seriously hoping to see a real kissing scene soon :lol::lol:

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credit as labeled

^ Recent interview with YEH re MFL

윤은혜, ‘쓴소리’도 나의 힘 그러나 부모님 생각에 펑펑 울었다

yoheeee bigung, AGB ratings for your update in the front page...

Ep07, 9/09: Nationwide: 12.6% (#6), Seoul: 13.3% (#7)

Ep09, 9/16: Nationwide: 13.2% (#7), Seoul: 13.0% (#7)

Ep10, 9/17: Nationwide: 12.8% (#7), Seoul: 13.5% (#7)

rgds :D

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The talk on the bench + DC's confession


dc: i'm sorry about what happened last night. i shouldnt have done that. but without me knowing I...

hn: you know what? i really liked that you were my butler. "Because i'm your butler" I told you off for it, but whenever you said those words, I was happy.. and thankful. I was happy that you were my butler.

dc: agasshi..

hn: i apologise for mistreating you, but i really trusted you. the words you said to me, the things you did for me, i believed it all to be sincere. i think that is why i felt that much more betrayed because of how much i trusted you. it's alright now, none of that matters anymore, but now i'm afraid... whether i should put my belief in you now, will i be able to believe in you again

dc: you asked me, whether i was hiding anything from you, and if so, to tell you the honest truth. But i didnt want to tell you. Even if the whole world knew, i didn't want you of all people to know who i really was.. because... because I liked you.

hn: ...

dc: the reason why i left this place, the reason why i refused to come back when you asked me to.. was because i liked you. but the reason why i'm here beside you right now, is because i am indebted to you for my initial bad intentions, and i am repaying you that debt

hn: ...

dc: and with that, i've folded away my feelings for you.. so you don't have to worry about it. You can believe me this time.

awwww. :(

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Guest raahmose

My fair lady has finally arrived. This is what I have been waiting to see for a month. Episode 9 and 10 redeemed my faith in the entire project. All is forgiven. I was waiting to see this Eunhye come out. I was waiting to see this chemistry between haena and dong chan.

The two episdes combined had as much emotion as the last eight. There were so many wonderful, heartfelt scenes. I wanted to scream in joy scene after scene. I say joy because the actors were getting it bang on scene after scene.

Oh I loved it. It was like watching a great game where the players were scoring one after the other. Oh such fun.

Can't wait till next week.

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awwww.... i haven got the chance to watch the 2 episodes but the caps here really make me excited... but but but... its ending right?? 16 episodes?? can they extend?? i haven have enough of the 2 Yoons... :lol:

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Guest chashkieh

I LOVE this series!!! Just finished watching episode 10 raw, didn't understand a thing and was disappointed that there wasn't any preview for next week's episode. T_T. The online streaming for episode 10 with subs are not yet uploaded. *patiently waiting*. Go YEH! :)

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Thanx for posting the bench confession part, smr05, hoping that Hyena is gonna do the chase this time, and DC playing hard to get and pushing her away :lol::P

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Willy Nilly thank for all the caps. I'm always enjoyed your serie-caps :)

smr05 finally DC has confessed!!!! arghhhhhhh so sweet but so sad as well <_< .

Thanks so much for your translation.

And from last night episode, seems no one mention it.

TY brought the rings in nearly ending of the episode because of his jealousy toward DC and EJ's advicing TY during his tallk about HN-DC.

So there's a tendency that TY might proposed to HN the next episode!!!

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eps 10 made me a little bit upset, though

why didn't HN & DC be honest to each other

even DC had already confessed his true feeling to HN but still he gave up to love her more

(thx to smr05 for translating the bench scene...it's really a heart to heart dialog, i like DC voice there)

the kiss scene between EJ & DC obviously only a one-sided desire

i didn't oppose it coz it might be a very good trigger for HN to learn how jealous she is when DC's been with another woman

anyway, MCW acting in this scene was great too, i love her being confuse & clumsy right before she dropped a unexpected kiss on DC

next eps will be more interesting

since TY may bringing up the marriage proposal then HN will have to choose to keep DC as her butler or follow TY's idea to leave DC

윤은혜, thx so much for the .gif

he's too cute for 36 yr old man


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Seems like the press interview was delayed to be happened in this day.

There are so many news out today about MFL.

More cap ep 10

EJ-DC moment

cr: dcmfl


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