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[official] Lee Si Young And Junjin Couple

Guest lovemelody.

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Guest incarnadine

you're welcome rose_liana! Btw -- I freakin' LOVE your JJ-LSY banner! :wub:

PS. Btw, it's more or less confirmed that the rumors about Jin and a supposed gf in Macau aren't true... apparently it was some April Fools' Day thing :phew:

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Guest samshiku

While patiently waiting for subs, let me post some nice caps/gifs of SGB ^_^ That episode was so much fun and JJ & LSY obviously had a good time, too^^

Aww so cute! thanks for sharing!!

haha i watched the SGB w/o subs...would really appreciate if there was...

anyway...i REALLY want to watch the latest episode with subs!! this is agonizing

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If you go back to page 32 of the thread, at the bottom of ketjung's post is her source link for the picture(s).

waahhhhhhhhh!...that was what the FUZZ was all about?.....man!....what was so scandalous about the pic?...and how could they say and assume it was his long time lover?....waaahhhhhhhh!...hilarious!!

on the other hand....

even without the subs(but they really are of great help)...just by looking at their actions...you can really tell what is going on....and as i have said...SI YOUNG really wants to OUTPLAY JUNJIN....i was laughing so hard when she went on to measure his ear...his head....his neck(it was the wrong way to measure for i thought she was measuring his collarbone)...but yeah...on what she was doing to JUNJIN...man!...i was like....this girl is totally "playing" JUNJIN....she was putting a play on him...and JUNJIN for his part was getting suspicious....but yeah....all he can do was shake his head and grumble in low voice about how things have gone awry for his part.....hahahahahaha!...

and please...when SIYOUNG went to wrap her arms around JUNJIN...totally classic!...she was putting on the moves on JUNJIN...taking her game up a notch....totally trying to "act" coy or flirty with him but in a very very subtle manner....she put her game on another level....for looking at it...it seems like she's just doing it as it is...but please...that was such a FEMININE WILES being put into action on JUNJIN.....

but gotta give it to JUNJIN...he too knows how to play the game....but i gotta say....SIYOUNG really had it in her....it was all in the bag...that episode....SHE HAD JUNJIN.....

man!...the way she was even tring to act nonchalant when JUNJIN was acting bout his back being hurt....bwahahahahaha!....JUNJIN really thought so too that he had SIYOUNG FOOLED...he even went to do a happy dance....but my oh my!....SIYOUNG was no fool eh....she can see through him....so she let him have his fun....waahhhhh!...i bet when JUNJIN heard what SIYOUNG has to say about him pretending more or him trying to pull something on her....she would really really hurt him bad!....

i totally LOVE this girl!.....this girl ROCKS!!!....lol....



TOTALLY LOVE the GIFS.....make more?......lol.....


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incarnadine, as usual, I love your gif caps!! haha Somemore, they are of high quality! :lol: I can't wait for this episode to be subbed as well. haha They really keep stealing glances in SGB, ya? It's this little actions that makes me feel giddy looking at them. haha

rose_liana, you're welcome. =) But I can't wait to watch the eng sub for this episode so I could understand better! haha I'm rewatching their 1st episode now as I'm waiting for the release of the latest episode and I'm rather bored now. They are soo awkward but really funny in their 1st meeting. It never bores me even if I watch Nth times on their parts! haha think i'm really 'crazy'. :lol:

fx8uin, I agree that SY rocks as well. Frankly speaking, she never cross to me as really rude. She is just being blunt and honest to her feeling. From her appearance, you will think she is someone who love pink and girly stuffs but she is not! haha that's what make this couple appealing to me. So unpredictable and entertaining to watch! =D

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Guest incarnadine

You totally read my mind, fx8uin. As I watched and re-watched Ep50, I kept telling myself, "woah, this girl sure knows how to put the moves". :D I like how she makes the whole getting-to-know, "courtship" process a lot more interesting. Who would have thought a girl would actually have the guts to dive right into a guy (almost directly at his crotch too!!!), wrestle him to the floor just to measure his foot?

Something also tells me that she wants to break Junjin's shyness when it comes to physical contact with her -- almost like making him bolder :rolleyes:

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fx8uin, I agree that SY rocks as well. Frankly speaking, she never cross to me as really rude. She is just being blunt and honest to her feeling. From her appearance, you will think she is someone who love pink and girly stuffs but she is not! haha that's what make this couple appealing to me. So unpredictable and entertaining to watch! =D

i know!...man!..this girl totally does things in a very very UNFEMININE way yet totally ENDEARING to a guy...everything she does left your mouth hanging open....especially and more so for a guy....for it was totally UNEXPECTED not the kind of things they were used to seeing from a woman....especially a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN...and yet!...here's one who broke and will continue BREAKING all those PRE-CONCEIVED ideas of how and what woman is.....

totally they are sooooooooo entertaining....especially SEEING the things she does...and the reaction we see on JUNJIN's face.......PRICELESS!!...bwahahahahahahha!

You totally read my mind, fx8uin. As I watched and re-watched Ep50, I kept telling myself, "woah, this girl sure knows how to put the moves". :D I like how she makes the whole getting-to-know, "courtship" process a lot more interesting. Who would have thought a girl would actually have the guts to dive right into a guy (almost directly at his crotch too!!!), wrestle him to the floor just to measure his foot?

Something also tells me that she wants to break Junjin's shyness when it comes to physical contact with her -- almost like making him bolder :rolleyes:

i know....the first time i saw it...i was like thinking...."she did not just did that!...no way she went DOWN on him!"....and for what?....just to get the socks off his feet and measure it?....which i think was really really UNNECESSARY!!....what the heck was she measuring his feet for?....bwahahahahaha!...totally PLAYING him!....

but i must admit.....the first time i saw the episode...i was laughing sooooooo hard about the things she does on JUNJIN....an IDOL...a VETERAN...and has 10 years experience on her.....add to that...this guy is ALL ABOUT BEING MACHO eh......but she TOOK THE BEST off him....bwahahahhaha!...so i went on to thinking....cause JUNJIN really wanted her to make something for him.....and with all those funny things she did on him...i was thinking...."is she by any chance making him a COSTUME?...more like a CLOWN COSTUME?" or anything that could be worn on HOLLOWEEN?....waahhhhhhhhhh!......i have been measured a couple of times for dresses and work suits.....and for a fashion design major.....it sure is funny seeing SI YOUNG doing measurements on those parts....so yeah...i thought....she must be making him something FUNNY and embarrassing at that.....waahhhhhhhh!

this girl absolutely can BREAK ALL THE BARRIERS!!....she is doing it at another whole level!.....giving it to him in a whole different game!!.....and he is also the same....though he is a bit shy in actually PUSHING it through...or really quite not sure about PULLING THE WHOLE THING OFF....but because of her.....he gives in to the FUN!!....he knows they both would have a good laugh out of it...so why not give in ne?....INDULGE one another to the things they wanted to bring into the relationship!!.....and that is why their pairing is sooooooooo working for me!

it has everything......ANGER....DRAMA....LAUGHTER.....TEARS.....FUN!!......


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Hi everyone.

From WGM baidu bar, there are news article today on WGM. Anyone who can understand korean, please kindly help us get a rough gist on it? People in baidu are speculating that there might be changes in May. Gah... how I wish I know korean now. I hope there will be no changes.

'우결' 5월께 포맷 변화 시도 "진짜 결혼 다룰 것"

MBC '일요일 일요일 밤에-우리 결혼했어요'(이하 '우결')가 5월께 포맷 변화를 시도할 예정이어서 주목된다.

'우결'은 현재 전진-이시영, 강인-이윤지, 신성록-김신영, 정형돈-태연 등 3기 커플의 가상 신혼 생활을 담고 있다. 가 난한 대학생 부부 콘셉트부터 시작해 커플들의 체육대회, 스페셜 게스트와의 만남 등 다양한 시도를 하고 있지만 구심점이 필요한 상황 이다.

여기에 커플들의 '가상 결혼'보다는 '가상 연애와 로맨스'에 초점이 맞춰지면서 프로그램 안팎에서 변화의 목소리가 높았다.

제작진은 "오는 5월께 포맷 변화를 주기 위해 준비하고 있다. 세부 사항은 결정되지 않았지만 결혼의 의미를 확대하는 방향이 될 것 같다"고 언급했다.

물론 그동안 '우결'은 출연자의 진짜 가족이 등장하기도 하고 육아 미션 등이 주어지기도 했지만 이는 단편적인 부분에 지나지 않았다는 것이 제작진의 설명이다.


제작진은 "그동안 '우결'이 결혼을 빙자한 연애, 판타지를 그렸다면 이제는 진짜 결혼을 다뤄보고 싶다. 결혼을 하면 상대방의 재정 상태나 건강, 인생 미래 설계 등에 대해서도 생각해보게 된다. 결혼을 확대해서 시청자들로 하여금 좀 더 새로운 그림을 보게끔 하 고 싶다"고 말했다.

그러나 새 커플 투입 여부에 대해서는 아직 미지수.

제작진은 "현재 3기 커플 체제가 유지될지, 새로운 커플이 투입될 지 등 구체적인 것은 아무것도 결정되지 않았다"고 말했다.

Credits to WGM baidu bar

EDIT: I think someone just translated one of the articles(I think different one which also came up today) in baidu. Luckily, it seems that there is no mentioning of changing of couples. haha It says something like the couple segments are behind time or what as there were weeks which WGM didn't air (because of the baseball tournament etc). Also mention the couples will face different challenges or something in May in order to enhance their cooperation. Our gundam couple will have an event called 'couple day' (as translated from junjin baidu bar) I think this 'couple day' event refers to their amusement park date?

Credits to Junjin baidu bar

grumpynomore, one new couple? Sigh I'm still waiting in baidu on the translation on the article which I pasted here. Hope there are no major changes.

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Guest grumpynomore

^ i tried using google translator...didn't really help much...something about changes...three couple and one new? then something about taking care of babies? i don't know....

edit: good! so no changes in the couple? my bad!

--incarnadine tnx for the caps! rose...you're sig..is love!

--re SGB (again! :)) i like the part after lsy did "wa" and jin pretended to be embarassed/annoyed...the camera cut it off and changed angle..but you can tell lsy was reaching out her hand right hand to jin...as if to say "i'm just playing with you/trying to make you laugh..." :)

around 9:18-9:20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=so7BvN9ko1c

now that i watch it again, i think they held hands more like lsy grabbed jin's left arm lol because i noticed that jin's arm moved. hahahha i think

i'm in lalala land.

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Guest incarnadine

Ooooo lots to look forward to. kathykel and grumpynomore, thank you for sharing the articles (and what they say) here. I sure hope they don't take the gundam couple off the show :rolleyes:

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Guest rose_liana

incarnadine, grumpynomore thanks for loving my siggie..thanks to incarnadine for her lovely caps :)

kathykel i'm glad that i'm not alone because i think i'm crazy too..my assignment are too many, but still fooling around in soompi (this thread) and YT, looks for any updates of the subbed, news and even keep watching all their cuts and their gifs..

thanks for sharing the article...OMO, one couple will left? i hope its not gundam couple..if they left, i think i'll never watch WGM again coz going crazy and addicted to a WGM couple is very tiring.. and to start loving a new couple all over again, its even more tiring..and they'll taking care of babies? OMO, i hope that was not true because i'm pretty uninterested in such of thing. because just like the last time, i found AlShin couple was boring and looks tired during taking care of the quadrant twins..but, maybe gundam couple can make it more interesting,i dont know..let see.. :blush:

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kathykel i'm glad that i'm not alone because i think i'm crazy too..my assignment are too many, but still fooling around in soompi (this thread) and YT, looks for any updates of the subbed, news and even keep watching all their cuts and their gifs..

OMG, hahaha, that's what I've been doing ALL day today too! God, I also have assignments I need to work on, but I keep on going online and checking this thread and YT, and eventually just watching random clips...I gotta work on that self control and time management thing..lol

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Guest incarnadine

^same here. In my case however, it's too late because I already got reprimanded by my boss for not meeting an important deadline :sweatingbullets: not good... not good at all, LOL. I'm taking advantage of the time that subs aren't out yet because once they are, I'm a goner :D

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Guest yoonbumhae

^Thanks for sharing those great pic and gif

Grumpynomore thanks for noticed it hehe I watched it and I think you are right, she did it...they are so sweet hehehe

Kathykel thanks for sharing the news hehe

Rose_liana about taking care of babies is it true? hope it's true. I think they will be so cute hehehe

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Guest incarnadine

Was able to read the latest articles about Gundam couple and WGM (thanks so kathykel's post) and I came to thinking -- since the WGM PDs are concerned about the airing of the episodes they record (due to interruptions like the baseball games), perhaps that is why Junjin's schedule indicates only one recording session of WGM. The episodes that are yet to be aired have piled up because of the interruptions.

Looks like they are going to try a new format, and one of the articles emphasized that since WGM is supposed to be a virtual 'marriage' and not a virtual 'romantic relationship', the PD is going to make the couples simulate more serious marital tasks -- hence the mention of childcare/taking care of babies.

And yes -- the articles say the PD is going to keep 3 of the 4 couples now *yikes* and that a new couple will be coming into the show. Gawsh I really hope it's not the gundam couple...

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Guest rose_liana

^ OMG!! thanks for translate the article with your basic korean...so, thats mean, gundam couple will not meet in a couple of weeks in April...they must missing each other. :P .never mind they can meet up outside WGM...kekeke..

if the couple will be given a mission such taking care of babies, i hope all couple will take care one baby only rather than babies/twins..

so, it was confirmed that one couple will leave the show...let pray, its not our gundam couple...

snccrockz, incarnadine haha...gundam couple has really become a virus these days and we're infected already with the virus....unfortunaely, we connot resist it even taking an antibiotic..haha

OMO.they really dont have a better idea.stupid April Foll--> http://absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com/2009/0...for-the-record/

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Guest incarnadine

*forlorn expression*

I visited vinchenzo79's YT channel earlier and there was an update -- since his/her subbed WGM clips have been removed, he/she has momentarily paused translating Ep50 and is still deciding whether or not to continue uploading them.

<heavy sigh>


In the meantime, he/she is still translating SGB.

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Guest grumpynomore

you guys...sgb part 1 is up!

is there anyway we can convince the old subber of gundam couple cuts to possibly sub part 50?

for such an awesome episode...how can we not have subs?

or better yet she can make a separate acct so it won't jeopardize her other videos. am i being too demanding now?! just feeling desperate that's all!

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Guest rose_liana

yup, i saw that too..so sad that there is possibilities that s/he will not subbed WGM anymore..but, in the other hand, gundam fans, please cheer up for a while because part 1 of SGB Ep230 with our gundam couple has been upload


Part 1

grumpynomore thAts a good idea...we can convince Juliana to continue subbing gundam couple's cuts...hopefully, she has the time and will subbing it for us..she's the only hope for us now because new episode is approaching us..

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Guest incarnadine

^ yup, i saw that too..so sad that there is possibilities that s/he will not subbed WGM anymore..but, in the other hand, gundam fans, please cheer up for a while because part 1 of SGB Ep230 with our gundam couple has been upload


Part 1

thanks for the link! woot woot! Something to tide us over :D

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Guest incarnadine

Yeah, we can appeal to Juliana -- that is, if she isn't busy, of course :) I noticed that if the subbed clips are just cuts, there's lesser chance of getting affected by the crackdown. Juliana only does cuts^^

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