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Jang Dong Gun 장동건


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Guest janecokie1430293059

Wake up @amri... Wake up!!!!  Time for breakfast ~O) & then a 100m dash 'race' w/me :P
   \:D/   \:D/

This helps me stay focused  :D :D  I'll be out of town for 2-3 days.  PM me when you got any news on our JDG ssi & his new movie "Crying Man."  Thanks hon... have a restful weekend!! ;-)

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Wake up


Wake up!!!!

  Time for breakfast ~O)


   \:D/   \:D/

This helps me stay focused  :D :D  I'll be out of town for 2-3 days.  PM me when you got any news on our JDG ssi & his new movie "Crying Man."  Thanks hon... have a restful weekend!! ;-)


Hi @janecokie my sweet chingoo! :)

Have a safe trip and enjoy your weekend as well!

Btw, is that girl with JDG in the Kolon Sports the Chinese actress who starred opposite Hyun Bin in "Late Autumn"?

I think she's Tang Wei. OMG her torrid kissing scenes with Hyun bin! She's the same actress from the movie, "Lust, Caution" with Tony Leung. I've seen that movie and it had many explicit sex scenes. I thought Chinese censorship is a bit strict? So how come that movie

was shown without cut?

Well anyway, I hope JDG won't do a movie with her. She might seduce our man and make him strip all the way just like what Tony Leung did in "Lust, Caution". I want JDG to stay wholesome and decent! Please stay away from her my JDG! LOL :))

I want a pristine and prude JDG throughout his career. I'm sure KSY would neither be happy to see JDG in such a movie! Ko So young will do the censorship :)) :P

Hey that would make me happy and worry free! ;)

So long and happy weekend everyone!

Till next post! ;)

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awww, my sweetheart.....you look so sweet.... :x

it's amazing how much love i have for this man....10 years and it's getting stronger, married or not....what's your secret, JDG ssi??

oh, amri & jane....have you watched the drama Model?? Watch it if you haven't.That's JDG's best drama for me (Gentleman's Dignity follows very closely behind). I start to know him from AAE...i like him there very much....but Model is the one that made me fall deeply for him until now....something about how bad boy badd he is but deep inside still very fragile...hmm...something about that really touched me...and i just love his chemistry with kim namjoo...so dangerous....just watch it if you haven't. Oh, Ghost too...watch it. I got fever after watching that cuz i was so shocked as how can any man can be as gorgeous as him....hehe.. :)>-

Hi @ruffluv! Oh my dear, just like you "All About Eve" was the first drama of JDG that was shown here in our local channel 13 years ago. Since then I have loved JDG, too. At first I wasn't even aware as to what's his real name was because I only knew him as "Kenneth". Well you know when a Kdrama is aired in a foreign country like ours, they dubbed it with our own language and they adopt different name for each of the characters in the drama. Likewise, I never really had the opportunity to see its credit title and opening of the drama. They didn't seem to show it at all only the names they play in the series. Well anyway, since then I came to like and adore JDG this much.

But after AAE was shown, I became too busy and never really had time to watch TV that much. So I suddenly forgot all about JDG. Maybe one reason is that he hadn't done any drama after AAE so I didn't really have the chance to see/watch him again.

Until "A Gentleman's Dignity " came in.

At first I wasn't able to recognize that it was him. The first thought that came to me was that, he's too thin and he can't be the "Kenneth" that I know. As if 12 years is not too long to change someone's looks and appearance.

But when I was able to look at him closely, it was only then I realized that it was really him. So I watched the drama and boom! Fell in love with him again instantly but this time, it's much more intense and I was really going gaga over him. IDK, there's really something about JDG that will entice you and thrill you no end. Maybe it's his charisma, appeal, charm, his eyes? His nose? His lips? His sweet smile? His titillating wink as he winces his nose? His manliness? His deep voice yet so sexy? His height? His looks? His poise? The way he stares at you? His magnetic aura? His persona as a whole? Words seem not enough to describe this incredibly handsome Korean megastar Jang Dong Gun!

It seems everyone's smitten by his mere presence. I can't help but sigh whenever I sEe him. As if he was born to charm and allure all the woman in the world. :P

Those who have seen him in person, always say he's 100x more handsome than in his photos or how he looks on the screen since he's not really that photogenic.

I wonder how good looking he

really is in person and in real life! ;;)

How I wish I could see him in person!

Of all his drama series, I personally like "Model", too coz he's so good looking there and I got to see him dance a few times. My other favorite is "Medical Brothers". Actually I like all of his dramas. Unfortunately, I've never seen "Ghost". I think Kim Min Jong was also in that drama. I hope to watch that someday since I don't have a copy of it and don't know where to watch it on line. :(( same with "Springtime".

What so good about loving JDG is I get to meet new friends through my passion for him. I'm glad I've met you @ruffluv, @janecokie @willenette because of our love for JDG!

Isn't it so wonderful when you can discuss with some other people your views and admiration for a certain celebrity that you all love? ;)

I've been to other JDG forums and blogs and I must say that soompi is the best! :)

And most of all through soompi I was able to meet sweet and friendly people like the three of you! ;)

Hope we can all be friends and thanks for sharing everything about JDG!

We simply have the same thoughts on JDG! Glad to know that I'm not the only one crazy and head over heels in love with him! :P

Having a one sided love as Kim Do Jin puts it!

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Guest janecokie1430293059

Always good to be home!!  Right now I want nothing BUT my bed.  Ruffluv - lend me your pillow plz.
@amri -  :-O @ your longgg comment...you sure luv writing, huh?!   I have never seen "Lust, Caution" and obviously have no idea who Tang Wei is, either (thought she was a Korean model.) :D  Thanks for the info about her.  IMO JDG ssi alone is 'hot' enough to grace the silver screen....so I believe he will make a wise decision in choosing his projects.  #sayNOtodatsuchmovie
Frankly, I don't wanna see him doing s** scene in such movie.  Shoot me instead  X_X  :P
@ruffluv - yes, I've seen "Model" and I liked it too.  He was 'sizzling' HOT in this drama. :-bd
Wow! I myself cannot believe that I've been his fan for almost a decade...yep, time does fly!!! And among his TV dramas I had watched (The Last Match, Medical Brothers, Model, Springtime, Love, AAE, AGD...) MB & AAE left such deep impressions in my heart...I mean his acting was simply amazing in these two dramas.  Totally carried me away!!!!  Loved Kim So-joong, loved Hyun-chul, loved Kim Do-jin... and mostly loved Jang Dong Gun - the actor who knew how to smile & how to bring his zest for life onto the screen. :x  #JDG4ever :x

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Guest janecokie1430293059

S.M. C&C:

Dong Gun's fan club 'Adonis' surprised Dong Gun and the production crew with nite snack truck! ;-)
Thanks for ur support and we will come back with a good movie!

Source: Facebook/smcncactors

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Guest janecokie1430293059

Director's chair  by Jang Dong Gun 
#TheCelebrity  B-)




Source: http://www.thecelebrity.net/ko/shop/directors-chair-by-jang-dong-gun

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Guest janecokie1430293059

Carrier bag  by Jang Dong Gun
#TheCelebrity  :-)



Source: http://thecelebrity.net/ko/shop/carrier-bag-by-jang-dong-gun

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Always good to be home!!  Right now I want nothing BUT my bed.  Ruffluv - lend me your pillow plz.

@amri -  :-O @ your longgg comment...you sure luv writing, huh?!   I have never seen "Lust, Caution" and obviously have no idea who Tang Wei is, either (thought she was a Korean model.) :D  Thanks for the info about her.  IMO JDG ssi alone is 'hot' enough to grace the silver screen....so I believe he will make a wise decision in choosing his projects.  #sayNOtodatsuchmovie

Frankly, I don't wanna see him doing s** scene in such movie.  Shoot me instead  X_X  :P

@ruffluv - yes, I've seen "Model" and I liked it too.  He was 'sizzling' HOT in this drama. :-bd

Wow! I myself cannot believe that I've been his fan for almost a decade...yep, time does fly!!! And among his TV dramas I had watched (The Last Match, Medical Brothers, Model, Springtime, Love, AAE, AGD...) MB & AAE left such deep impressions in my heart...I mean his acting was simply amazing in these two dramas.  Totally carried me away!!!!  Loved Kim So-joong, loved Hyun-chul, loved Kim Do-jin... and mostly loved Jang Dong Gun - the actor who knew how to smile & how to bring his zest for life onto the screen. :x  #JDG4ever :x


Oh yes @janecokie, writing is certainly one of my passions aside from JDG of course :)) LOL!

I can't help but talk no end when I'm overwhelmed with emotions. I hope it doesn't bore you or you're complaining about it my sweet friend! :P

You can always skip reading it if it annoys you a lot! :3

The thoughts just flows freely on my mind and I just need to express them.

No one's ever forced to read all the posts here, right?

I also hope that I have never offended anyone here as far as posting my comments is concerned.

Anyway thanks for reading all my comments, whether you get amused or bored or you're bothered by it. At least you took time to read them all.

From this day on, I will try to make my comments short and concise! ;)

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Guest janecokie1430293059

:)) haha @amri... for the sake of this thread, you gotta keep dat passion alive...K??
Don't know what other people think (seems like no one care at all) but I myself have enjoyed reading all your comments here....immensely!!  No lie.

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