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Jyp's Wonder Girls (원더걸스) Official Thread 2

Guest `starry.night

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^ I'm confused about that. I have always thought Wonder Girls have been #1 for ages, on the KKBOX site, but the other day I saw an article on how SJ has occupied the first place on Taiwan’s music chart for 34 consecutive weeks. (http://community.liv...t/5896935.html)

The charts cater to different countries. Taiwan's population is around 3 times bigger than Hong Kong-Macau's.

From various news sources: KKbox has 340,000 & 50,000 paying subscribers (6 million & 1 million overall users) in the respective markets. 130,000 combined users in the lucrative mobile-phone services market. It has also found a Japanese telecoms partner to launch into Japan this year.

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Guest *bluebutterfly*

^ Oh, I see! Thanks for explaining. Now you point it out, it was a stupid question haha. I should have read the text again lol.

Happy 4 Wonder Years. :D

credit: jcsmark

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OMG, there is news/rumors from Chinese cyberspace that WG is included in the 2011 Dream Concert lineup!

It will be held overseas for the 1st time this year: at Beijing on August 6.

Trying to trace this: the original source is supposedly the Dream Concert official twitter. Anyone know it?

Other participating artistes mentioned: Suju, SNSD, 2PM, Lee Hyori, SHINee, RAIN, SS501, JYJ, Big Bang, 2NE1, Son Dambi, CNBlue, Kara, missA, f(x), B2st, T-ara, MBLAQ, 4minute, U-kiss, ZE:A, After School, BEG, et al.

EDIT: Found the source. It is a Weibo account, activated yesterday (Feb 9).

They began by individually tweeting 17 participating artistes, followed by this general announcement. Self-explanatory, so no need to translate....

韩国最高规格演唱会2011Dream  Concert终极歌会首次海外举办登临中国!8月6日北京工人体育场!SuperJunior、少女时代、2PM、李孝利、SHINee、Rain、 Wonder Girls、SS501、JYJ、Big Bang、2NE1、孙丹菲、CNBlue、KARA、Miss  A、F(x)、Beast、T-ara、MBLAQ、4minute、U-kiss、ZE:A、After School、BEG等。


The account name 韩国DC演唱会官方微博 translates as 'Korea DC concert official Weibo'.

Profile pic:


Source: http://www.twinasia....a&id=1959619191

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^if our girls will really perform in dream concert plus they already confirmed for MBC concert in Thailand then I think the girls are not only releasing an English album but maybe also Korean album or single , I mean JYP already said that he is writing a song of our girls and I dont think its English song

after watching WG and Claude interview all over again I think he will be producing the title song and Im glad that he understood the girls style of music by him saying "I want it to be edgy and fun and catchy and danceable so that people of all ages and all ethnicities really can sing along to it" when he said that I felt he was talking about nobody and tell me so Im really excited

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A weibo user was tweeting translations of, I believe, Heechul's Youngstreet radio show in real time.

WG's best idol fanboy gave a shoutout to our girls.

I translated the first part literally, without knowing the proper context of his conversation with the listener.


Source: http://t.sina.com.cn...401/5KD0SGv5RP5

[20110210, #Kimheechul# ys translation #11] Heechul: Yup, don't eat chocolate & won't get fat, won't get cavities, won't get bad breath. Good, eh. Besides, men don't like chocolate all that much. Listener: In fact, the biggest advantage of being single is the possibility of meeting new people at any time. Heechul: Today, I want to wish Hangeng, Siwon happy birthday. It is also WONDERGIRLS's 4th anniversary since their debut. Presenting the girls' debut song 'Irony'... [WG debut song

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Guest valentino_rossi46

Oh Heechul remembered WGs debut date and presented it , best fanbot EVER :)

The chat has just ended, so many EunSo moment at the back, in stead of MiSo :) , Ye Eun seems has recovered from her cold yet cuz she look a little bit tired, in contrast, her wife Sun ye has so many energy today :P,

And this year they will have Wonder World Tour after the new album was released, cant wait :), please have a concert in Singapore soon, before i left this country :(

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Guest wonderr23

Just finished watching the live webchat!!! Lots of 2Ye and SunLim!! Also YooLim and Yeeun+Sohee interactions. Sadly, no specific hints about their upcoming album except Sunye's hint! That some of their songs will include individual names in it. And also...maknae Hyerim said they will do something different than their previous music! *faints* I was hoping they would announce the exact date release of their album but...the answer was rather vague. :tears: But anyways...i'm so happy i got to see the girls!!! 4WonderYears!!! :wub:

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Guest jcsmark

The webchat went by so quickly.

Some funny parts (not the exact wording):

Lim: I got a tan after going to Hawaii.

Yubin: You are still whiter than me.

Sunye: Here Yenny this is yours [hands her the cake]

YeEun: Oh, why?

Sunye: It's always yours!!

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I also laughed at yubin tan comment I kind wished if they spoke more about their new album and their plans for this year but as expected they did not ,they only said there will be a JYP Nation concert in Japan, they will go to Europe and that their new album will have a different concept and style that they never done before which made me really happy b/c I would like to see the girls doing new concept ...Im also happy that sunye spoke about how she wish to go to Dubai and I hope she will come along with other girls b/c their are so many Arab wonderfuls like me who would like for the girls to go to Dubai and have a solo concert

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Guest yubin4ever

The chat seemed to go by sooo fast lol. But its cool. They said they will have another one, they just dont know when.

From what i understand, I think they said JYP nation or just the Wonder Girls will be performing in Japan later this year (August i think). Also, I just LOVE hearing Sunye talk English. It always seem so cute and endearing. And her giving the hint that the name Wonder Girls would be in the new song is making me so excited lol. I think because it makes me feel like its going to be an upbeat song and if the song is a hit, then it would also help spread their name out to everyone who hears the song. She also said it was addictive :D

Yoobin-I really like the way she always seems to think a bit about her answers to questions. She never wants to answer first haha

Sunye-Seemed so energetic and i loved when she *or Lim* couldnt remember how the song Maybe started hahaha. Again, i just loveee when she speaks. Just makes her look so much cuter to me.

Sohee-I laughed so HARD when she sung New York as her favorite concert. And made me a little happy that my favorite member's favorite concert was the one I was at lol.

Yenny- For some reason i feel like she wasnt as talkative this live chat. maybe because she was in the back?? But she looked hot though lol. I liked the wish she made about maybe having a 40th anniversary performance with the Wonder Girls lol. In the words of Yubin "Wonder Grandmas" lol.

Lim- I think i really like her personality. She doesnt seem as cute as i thought she was and seems more funny and sarcastic for some reason. And i really like that lol

Congrats to Sohee and Sunye. I didnt know they had such a hard time practicing the handstand in Breathe. They made it look so effortless lol. And Congrats to Lim for making it a full year with Wonder Girls. She really fits in now

P.S. Happy 4 years to our 6 Wonder Girls!!!! You guys have become KPOP LEGENDS in only 4 years and there is still so much more to come. I know it

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I freaking miss the Livestream (Crying a river omg)

HAPPY 4WONDER YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It been a crazy 4 years I must say and to be able to know that I got to see all the success and hardship these girls go though and still be amazing as they are now. It really something I won't forget, I wish for more success and happiness for them. Let keep on supporting them Wonderfuls! :)

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Guest wonderr23

Sunye crying while reading a letter from a k-wonderful


Sunye touching Yenny's hair <333


Sohee tweet!!!


Mr. Claude congratulated the girls as well!!!



Fredro concurs!!!kkk


will upload more gifs laterrrr <333

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Guest korey89

The livechat was really awesome! It was my first time making it to one! Glad I didn't miss it even though I missed the last 20mins because I had to leave to class, but the girls were as always so lovely~ It was nice of them to read some of the letters they received today. And glad to see Lim being more talkative, I wish Sohee had spoken more but she did get a bit more active after the first 20 minutes. XD Lol, Sunye was soooo energetic it was really contagious and Lim kept giggling making such cute faces! >-<

And even I didn't know there was a Yubin Day! :o I guess it's official now? Sunmi Day on the 2nd of every month, Yeeun Day on the 3rd, Yubin the 4th, I'm guessing 5th will be Lim's since that's when she joined? :sweatingbullets: And SUNdays have always been Sunye days~

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I just spent 2 hours re-watching the webcast twice to catch every detail.

My notes & immediate thoughts....

Besides a US tour, WG said they will go or may go to these countries this year: Japan (August), Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand (March), Europe (I thought I heard LIM specially mentioned Italy), Australia (Yeeun).

The last 2 were brought up when Sunye emphasized the possibility of a world tour. She said it'll be their first, presumably implying city-by-city hopping instead of just one-off shows.

They were tight-lipped about the album but did say they will tour America to support it, with Sunye following up by speculating about a world tour.

I came away thinking a release date in the spring is likelier than ever, as JYP envisioned.

August looks earmarked for Asia to me (Beijing's Dream Concert; Japan's JYP Nation gig) but it shan't affect the US strategy since the traditionally-best period for summer tours also comprises June & July.

Doesn't look like a separate LP album is in the plans either. Instead, WG is betting the house on the EP album.

Yeeun still looks sick to me; she was conspicuously sniffing & breathing open-mouthed towards the end. Sunye & Yoobin had the sniffles too.

- - - - - - - - - - -

WG is still trending in SG (twice!), Indonesia & Australia.


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Jane Kim tweeted a pic.


Cr: JANEyjk @ twitter

- - - - - - - -

Found online a PowerPoint presentation of the 2011 Dream Concert for interested advertisers in China.

The docket title 终极韩流大型歌会冠名合作方案 (NXPowerLite) translates as 'Ultimate Hallyu megaconcert sponsorship scheme'. (NXPowerLite is a compression/presentation software tool.)

It has 36 digital pages; I posted the pair that featured WG below.

It detailed the proposed performers (some of which do sound improbable -- eg. SS501, Kara are still together? JYJ & SM artistes on the same bill?); an outline of media announcements for the concert; logo spaces for sale, etc.



Source: http://www.docin.com/p-107688037.html

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Guest korey89

Hm, yeah, I'm a bit confused by that line-up. SS501 are doing individual activities as of now, Rain has stated he will focus on his acting career until he enlists in the army- he's been low-key till now, I doubt he'd attend DC. There is no way JYJ will perform there with all those SM artists in the line-up. And YG artists are known to be no-shows~

As much as I want to see WG perform again at DC, that list should be taken with a grain of salt. Last year they announced the attendees pretty late, didn't they? It's a bit early now if you ask me.

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