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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Dearest Rubie, I lost everything when my hard drive went bad a while ago.

I've been trying to rebuild my collection, I will post any pictures I find of BH & SSH. =)

aWw.. I'm so sorry to hear that *HUGS!*.. it's always in a that seemingly little but lethal sweep that everything we kept and saved for so long, our most cherished.. simply got washed away without a trace. :( I've been at least.. 3 times.. losing precious and most memorable clips & captures over the years.. and still struggling (especially these days :sweatingbullets: ) to keep everything afloat.. something to keep on sharing, for better times.

Anyway.. things happened for a reason.. right?.. to make us realize that we have to do something.. or not. Truly hope we can together rebuild our collection again. Really appreciate the warm response, it's always good to read that.. no matter how short or brief the message is.

Hunnies all.. I'm sure some of you have excellent BH-SH collection.. somewhere.. huh.. huh.. :blush: Want to share them with EverythingLBH? :rolleyes::D

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Guest kdramafanusa

Anyway.. things happened for a reason.. right?.. to make us realize that we have to do something.. or not. Truly hope we can together rebuild our collection again.

Oh Rubie, the bad news is that many of the stuffs are no longer available online. Plus, I don't remember where I got them from either. What can we do? =) One thing at a time...

WOW! You lost your collection for 3 times? Were you able to track most of them down again?

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Oh Rubie, the bad news is that many of the stuffs are no longer available online. Plus, I don't remember where I got them from either. What can we do? =) One thing at a time...

I know! :sweatingbullets: That's why.. sometimes we have to plead and beg from those who have them. :blush: but it's a good thing these days.. although it has some pros & cons as well.. that we have YouTube. Some of the long-ago and thought lost-forever clips actually can be found posted.. if we're keen and observant enough, many of which are without any English description. ^^

WOW! You lost your collection for 3 times? Were you able to track most of them down again?

The first time was totally unexpected.. totally blurr about virus attack as I just got my own pc.. went on a download frenzy and never realized the consequences. :wacko:

After getting myself "protected" :ph34r: .. continued to fill back all the emptiness.. and managed to save some as well. But I'm also so hooked on forum discussion.. the first EverythingLBH was thriving and so alive.. we were the most active thread (here) at the time. So, I didn't quite have the time (it's really bad excuse actually >.<) to properly back-up everything. Just so happy to be able to interact at that time, oblivious to the lurking trouble on the horizon. As they say.. living for the moment.

Yup.. my HD decided that it had too much already .. and started giving warning signals. I tried as much as I could to save but there were just too many and too little time.. :sweatingbullets: Alas.. some things just got swept again.

Although there are stuff that can be retrieved from various sharing fans :blush: .. I did lose a considerable amount of past BH clips.. those from his old series/movies (the wonderful site sharing these clips also got affected due to very drastic reason) and most especially some very precious sharing by fans at EverythingLBH, the heartfelt thoughts and excellent commentaries that we don't get anywhere else. :tears: This is a double effect.. one from the infamous soompi crash, followed by a pc-defect. Boohoo.

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Aww still no Hunnie? :(

Thanks for the pic Rubie, has LBH turned into a ninja? :ph34r: He might be getting into his G.I Joe character already lol I wonder if that's a recent pic of him?

BTW those crystal pandas were beautiful. I have a soft spot for crystal animals, I'd have at least 50 if I could afford them lol :P

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BROasia is closing, they are having a Final sale.

Stuffs are being sold at incredibly low prices, take a look to see if there are any BH items.


Thanks kdramafanusa for the update, no wonder there hasn't been much updates from the site lately. Too bad that the website had to close as well.

Most of the stuff are from a well-known Hallyu icon but who knows.. there might be something BH related. :blush:

Appreciate this highlight. ♥

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Guest kdramafanusa

Most of the stuff are from a well-known Hallyu icon but who knows.. there might be something BH related. :blush:

Hi Rubie, I was still at work so I didn't get a chance to browse through the magazine contents. I'll check it out again when I get home.

Will be back soon. =)

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Thanks for the pic Rubie, has LBH turned into a ninja? :ph34r: He might be getting into his G.I Joe character already lol I wonder if that's a recent pic of him?

BTW those crystal pandas were beautiful. I have a soft spot for crystal animals, I'd have at least 50 if I could afford them lol :P

Hahaa.. H.. we're sure missing him so much, huh. That's not ninja-Hunnie but close. :P

The pic was from 2006 event, the Korean Screen Quota Cut protest rally held by the movie stars in Seoul. Our BH has been on of the more vocal and very strong supporter to the protest as they feel it will bring certain 'damage' and disadvantage to the industry.

BH and some of the more prominent movie actors (including JDG, Ahn Sung Ki, Choi Min Sik, HJM, LYA, directors PCW, KJW, etc) had been voicing out their protest since 2003 or maybe earlier.. fighting to keep the screen quota for Korean movies.

In 2006 when the quota was to be significantly reduced by the government (you'd have to read this separately).. the movie industry put up 3 huge events protesting the cut consisting most of the movie actors and industry-related workers. LBH had actively participated in all 3 events. The first one, held on Feb 8 was in the very, very cold season.. that's why you see our Hunnie so bundled up. :blush: The weather was freezing but these actors were burning inside with their passion to keep the industry they love stay intact and protected.

However, the Screen Quota Cut was still implemented on July 2006 but these actors truly deserved a strong praise for going all out, doing something to stop it from happening.

I've included the link to our fanclub (under the photo) for a quick summary of the protest events in 2006. Do check it out when the traffic eases..

Or .. you can browse the thread starting from page 190 onwards for more pics of Hunnie in all-black. ♥

or .. for a summary at LBH fan club ^^

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March 3, 2008

Why Hollywood is into Korean actors (American captivated by the Korean Wave)


Lately, Hollywood movie producers are making an effort to employ Korean actors and Korean-American actors. Once captured by Japanese and Chinese actors, Hollywood is slowly being taken over by Korean actors.

Lee Byeong-Heon (G.I. Joe), Rain - Jeong Ji-Hoon (Speed Racer), Jeon Ji-hyeon (Blood the Last Vampire), Jamie Jung, and Park Joon-Hyung (Dragon Ball), not Japanese actors are playing supporting roles in movies that are remakes of Japanese animations. This fact means that in a culturally, Korea has surpassed Japan as a strong nation, and it is welcoming news.

There are two main reasons why Hollywood keeps sending love calls to Korean and Korean-American actors.

It is because the Korean Wave that has blown in Asia has influenced Hollywood as well. Another reason is that the image of Koreans has risen in America. The power of the Korean community has increased enough that America would be interested.

In addition, because the movies are remakes of Japanese movies, it is established that the main character should be Japanese. Nevertheless, the script has been changed to a Korean, and actors such as Lee Byeong-Heon and Rain have been cast.

Also, the attractive image, acting skills, and sincerity of Koreans also play a part in this newly found interest in Korean actors.

Original article at kr.news.yahoo.com

English translation by www.hancinema.net

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I hope this is a recent pix of him rubie... Also wondering why he's covering his face here? Probably, he doesn't want to be recognized - hehehe. At least, by seeing this photo, it eases up the longing for him - Thanks for sharing this. :)

Unfortunately this is not a recent pic of BH. It's from 2 years ago, during the Korean Screen Quota Cut protest rally taking place in Seoul in a very, very cold weather. It's really not because he doesn't want to be recognized.. as LBH was one of the important individuals who took part in the event. It's just so cold at that particular moment (from the other pics, he even had a red nose).. that makes all of us here.. wanted to help warm him up.. oops.. that's too much info.. *runs*

willenette, you can refer post #14491 (just a couple of postings above yours).. my reply to AutumnLeaves on the very same BH photo. There's definitely more details (+ links) to check out from the post mentioned. ^^ We have them compiled for fans to refer.

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LBH at LV-HIFF 2005 Opening Night Party


hiff1.jpgCP & Mr. Son, always nearby ^^


Credits: Hawaiifilmoffice.com

Dir. KJW and LBH at BSL press conference at Hawaii International Film Festival 2005


Summary & more will be updated at our LBH fan club Hawaiian-Hunnie treat ^^

Hi Celina, hope you're getting better. :blush:

Any mini-project ideas, hunnies? :rolleyes: Anything you want to see at the soompi fan club, or at the thread.. just share your thoughts with us. We're all in this together.. right? :blush:

Also.. please spread the Hunnie love for our fan club for new fans to join.. hopefully we'll get #50 by the time BH's birthday. That'll be cool. :wub:

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Guest kdramafanusa

Dearest Rubie, do we welcome old article here? =)

I have an article about LBH & SSH from 2002, they are really good friends (just like brothers); even I'm moved by their friendship. =)

I can translate it for us when I have a chance. Or if I don't get to it quick enough, a lovely Hunnie here can do it as well. =)

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Dearest Rubie, do we welcome old article here? =)

I have an article about LBH & SSH from 2002, they are really good friends (just like brothers); even I'm moved by their friendship. =)

I can translate it for us when I have a chance. Or if I don't get to it quick enough, a lovely Hunnie here can do it as well. =)

Anything on LBH, old or new updates.. recent, past.. interviews, comments, updates.. we'd welcome anything and everything. :blush: Please share them with us, please do.. that would be so wonderful and highly-appreciated. :wub: It's great to have old articles, because I love to read about them especially with the accompanying write-ups to refer. Some news we don't even seen/read before.. sometimes.. only from what fans were saying that they read 'something from somewhere'.

We're also trying to keep a continuous back-up for BH news.. as we go along. Too many times we lose stuff and lost contact with people, etc but with some sort of safe-keeping.. it really feels good actually. I personally, would want to read and keep everything. Hehee.. redundant rubie, obviously. :blush:

BH and SSH are really close friends.. just like brothers, indeed. SSH have been admiring BH for so long and they really got along well after acting together in BML. Despite the rather.. unassuming and laidback friendship.. as well as the age gap.. and without much publicity, etc.. they are really very close, looking out for each other.. too. Someone mentioned before that SSH may have changed his name (the '헌'/Hun/Heon) so that it appear and sounded the same as BH's. ^^

We do have some interviews of them together as well as SSH's messages to BH and vice-versa.

Can't wait to read the article.. but no rush, ok. All in good time.. we're not going anywhere. :)

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Guest kdramafanusa

<<I no longer do translations on a regular basis, please forgive me for the so-so job. I hope to improve over time again.>>


[blue Dragon Awards Reports Series] (3) Song Seung-heon


(2002.11.25 20:32) Lee Byeong-heon, subject of Blue Dragon Awards' 2nd report, recommends Song Seung-heon as the subject of the next interview. Lee Byeon-heon and Song Seung-heon are widely known as "Brotherly Buddies" in the film industry; before his debut, Song Seung-heon was Lee Byeong-heon's devoted fan. Lee Byeon-heon said: "I look forward to my beloved younger brother Song Seung-heon winning the love of viewers as a movie actor. When Song Seung-heon wins Best Actor at Blue Dragon Film Awards, I will be the first to run to the stage to congratulate him with flowers." This is their "". (“禮尚往來”之情)

When asked about his special friendship with Lee Byeon-heon, Song Seung-heon replied: "He only says nice things (ie good words)." Following "Make It Big", Song Seung-heon is currently filming movie "Ice Rain"; he's deeply involved in movies this year. He said "As an actor, it's really worth experiencing various

trials and difficulties. Also don't have to memorize lines in a hurry before filming."

His plan is to focus on movies next year. He wouldn't rule out TV dramas if there are good works, but he would like to take the challenge of being a movie actor.

In addition to filming "Ice Rain", he's very busy preparing for outdoor filmings in Canada next year. No matter how busy he is, he plans to participate in this year's Blue Dragon Film Awards ceremony.

He said: "Blue Dragon Film Awards focuses on public (mainstream?) works, therefore, the works and their performers are able to attract the audience and judges." Reporters asked him which award does he want the most, Song Seung-heon chooses Blue Dragon Award without hestitation.

Reporter: 全祥喜 frog@sportschosun.com


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Guest celina86

Hi Celina, hope you're getting better. :blush:

Any mini-project ideas, hunnies? :rolleyes: Anything you want to see at the soompi fan club, or at the thread.. just share your thoughts with us. We're all in this together.. right? :blush:

Also.. please spread the Hunnie love for our fan club for new fans to join.. hopefully we'll get #50 by the time BH's birthday. That'll be cool. :wub:

Hey Rubie... Yeah I`m perfectly fine now, thanks :blush:

Well I`m eager to hear more news about BH and if there is something I want to share, I know who to share it with :blush:

For now I`m quite inactive due to work :unsure: But surely not for long :)

I have already started to encourage some of my friends to join the fan club and also my elder sister is eager to join :D... she heard alot about it the fan club and saw it too... she absolutely loves it, especially our Hunnie :blush:

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<<I no longer do translations on a regular basis, please forgive me for the so-so job. I hope to improve over time again.>>

[blue Dragon Awards Reports Series] (3) Song Seung-heon


(2002.11.25 20:32) Lee Byeong-heon, subject of Blue Dragon Awards' 2nd report, recommends Song Seung-heon as the subject of the next interview. Lee Byeon-heon and Song Seung-heon are widely known as "Brotherly Buddies" in the film industry; before his debut, Song Seung-heon was Lee Byeong-heon's devoted fan. Lee Byeon-heon said: "I look forward to my beloved younger brother Song Seung-heon winning the love of viewers as a movie actor. When Song Seung-heon wins Best Actor at Blue Dragon Film Awards, I will be the first to run to the stage to congratulate him with flowers." This is their "". (“禮尚往來”之情)

When asked about his special friendship with Lee Byeon-heon, Song Seung-heon replied: "He only says nice things (ie good words)." Following "Make It Big", Song Seung-heon is currently filming movie "Ice Rain"; he's deeply involved in movies this year. He said "As an actor, it's really worth experiencing various trials and difficulties. Also don't have to memorize lines in a hurry before filming." His plan is to focus on movies next year. He wouldn't rule out TV dramas if there are good works, but he would like to take the challenge of being a movie actor.

In addition to filming "Ice Rain", he's very busy preparing for outdoor filmings in Canada next year. No matter how busy he is, he plans to participate in this year's Blue Dragon Film Awards ceremony. He said: "Blue Dragon Film Awards focuses on public (mainstream?) works, therefore, the works and their performers are able to attract the audience and judges." Reporters asked him which award does he want the most, Song Seung-heon chooses Blue Dragon Award without hestitation.

Reporter: 全祥喜 frog@sportschosun.com

aWw.. this is so cool! *runs to hugs kdramafanusa* thanks so much for this awesome sharing. I've only heard little bits and pieces from fans talking about this before but never the actual article. Thanks so much for the wonderful translation. I'm really glad to read this. :wub: Please don't worry and believe me.. no translation is so-so. For someone who don't know any Korean or Chinese where much of the news articles are reported in, I could not express my appreciation enough.. getting to read the gists in English. Be it a whole article, a paragraph, a sentence or even a word translated and shared, to me .. it's the sharing from the heart that counts.

That's why I'm just so happy and always eager to be here to read gists of updates by our Ching, ylin, previously Aldersgate, WeiLin, River, joyeaux and now yourself at the thread. :blush: We might not have contiunuos translated news sharing .. like every day.. or even every week.. sometimes.. nothing for a whole month >.< but when we have something, it's always the best sharing. :wub:

Back to the article.. so happy to read about BH's warmth and sincere support for SSH. Not much been heard about them since Happy Together but the two guys do meet up for drinks, etc. As well as keeping in touch through various (personal) opportunities. SSH would attend BH's movie premieres and BH attended (or send messages) to the younger Hun's fanmeet. Some (non)-fans wondered/criticizes if BH actually supports SSH during his personal ordeal 2 years ago.. he certainly did but never make a big deal out of it. BH had contacted and supported SSH privately, as his manager had disclosed.

It's such kindness to read that BH hopes that SSH wins the Blue Dragon Best Actor award. A bit bittersweet as well, because even though BH himself is a multiple Best Actor (for BSL especially).. he has yet to win the coveted Blue Dragon. But as a true actor who understood the passion, in his heart .. he hopes & wishes that SSH would win the Blue Dragon, too. Makes me really appreciate our Byunghun, even more.

Hey Rubie... Yeah I`m perfectly fine now, thanks :blush:

Well I`m eager to hear more news about BH and if there is something I want to share, I know who to share it with :blush:

For now I`m quite inactive due to work :unsure: But surely not for long :)

I have already started to encourage some of my friends to join the fan club and also my elder sister is eager to join :D... she heard alot about it the fan club and saw it too... she absolutely loves it, especially our Hunnie :blush:

That is so good to hear, Celina. mwah! :blush: Can't wait to meet your sister, that'll be great!

Hope she'll join our in our talks here, too. The more the merrier! :w00t:

We hope more encouragement all around, for & from everyone at the thread!

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While Hunnie-browsing :blush: .. I found this 2005 article. Did we have any gist on this before? :unsure: Except for the Hankook calendar ceramic sets, I'm not sure if the dolls were original items & exclusive LBH goodies as well. In the image, next to BH.. is SSH, of course.

Doesn't look like his All In/Bittersweet Life action dolls.. oh.. wait.. maybe these are FAN-MADE dolls instead? :huh:

CNN-pandas.. Ching, ylin.. any idea? :blush:


[MD포토] 주목 끈 송승헌 이병헌의 미니어처

[마이데일리 2005-11-21 08:07:37]


[마이데일리 = 도쿄 이태문 특파원] 지난 3월의 '제1회 한류축제'의 성공적인 개최에 이어 지난 11월 18일부터 20일까지 3일간 일본 도쿄돔시티 프리즘홀에서 열린 '제2회 한류축제'에 6만여명의 관람객이 몰려 대성황을 이뤘다.

이번 한류축제는 '한국의 전통문화에서부터 최첨단 트렌드까지, 한류의 본질을 맛보자!'라는 주제 아래 한국의 연예, 문화, 음식, 물산, 관광 등 한국의 모든 것을 한 자리에서 볼 수 있다는 점에서 한류팬들은 물론이고 가족단위의 일반 관람객들도 대거 몰려들었다.

특히, 한류스타들의 기념품을 파는 코너에는 연일 장사진을 쳐 여전히 인기가 건재함을 다시 한번 입증했다. 그 가운데에는 한류 4대천왕인 이병헌과 군복무중인 송승헌을 빼닮은 미니어처도 판매되어 주목을 끌었다.

(도쿄 = 이태문 특파원 gounworld@mydaily.co.kr)

Source: http://search.empas.com/search/img.html?q=...p;n=7&cw=13

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