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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Till 1st half of 2009, LBH will concentrate on only IRIS.


20080922095653398e7_100706_0.jpg이병헌 “내년 상반기까지 ‘아이리스’에만 전념할 계획”

[뉴스엔] 2008년 09월 22일(월) 오전 09:56 가 가| 이메일| 프린트

[클릭하시면 원본크기 이미지를 보실 수 있습니다.]

[뉴스엔 글 홍정원 기자 / 사진 황진환 기자]

지난 10일 영화 ‘좋은 놈 나쁜 놈 이상한 놈’으로 토론토 국제영화제에 참석했던 배우 이병헌(38)이 20일 귀국해 대작 드라마 ‘아이리스’ 준비에 전념한다.

이병헌은 10일 캐나다 토론토 영화제에 참석한 뒤 14일 미국 뉴욕으로 건너가 두 번째 할리우드 출연 영화 ‘지 아이 조’(G.I 조) 후반작업에 관해 논의했다.

이 병헌의 소속사 BH엔터테인먼트 측은 22일 뉴스엔과의 전화통화에서 “토론토 영화제에 참석한 뒤 뉴욕으로 가 미국 에이전시와 미팅 후 돌아왔다”며 할리우드 차기작에 대해서는 아직 구체적으로 논의되고 있는 게 없다”며 “이미 촬영을 마친 두 편의 할리우드 진출작 ‘나는 비와 함께 간다’(I Come With The Rain, 감독 트란 안 홍)와 ‘지 아이 조’(G.I. Joe, 감독 스티븐 소머즈)가 내년 여름 시즌에 개봉할 예정이어서 내년 ‘아이리스’ 촬영 때까지 다른 할리우드 출연은 미룰 생각”이라고 밝혔다.

BH 엔터테인먼트 측은 이어 “뉴욕에서 ‘지 아이 조’ 후반작업에 대해 논의하고 왔다. ‘아이리스’ 촬영이 내년까지 이어져 드라마 준비에 전념할 것”이라면서 “‘아이리스’ 방영이 내년 3, 4월을 목표로 하고 있지만 5, 6월로 미뤄질 수 있다. 아직 대본 작업 중”이라고 설명했다.

이병헌에게 ‘나는 비와 함께 간다’와 ‘지 아이 조’ 외에 다른 할리우드작 출연 제의는 빈번히 들어왔다.

BH 엔터테인먼트 측은 토론토 영화제 분위기에 대해서는 “현지에서는 ‘놈놈놈’과 배우들의 인지도나 관심이 적을 줄 알았는데 반응이 열렬해서 놀랐다”며 “배우들도 현지인들의 작품과 자신들에 대한 인지도에 궁금해했는데 아시아의 대스타들로 정확하게 알고 있더라. 아시아의 새 장르에 놀라워하고 재미있어 했고 질이 높다고 하더라”고 전했다.

이병헌은 이번 주부터 ‘아이리스’ 대본 준비와 캐릭터 분석 등에 박차를 가할 계획이다.

홍정원 man@newsen.com / 황진환 jordanh@newsen.com

기사제보 및 보도자료 newsen@newsen.com

손에 잡히는 뉴스, 눈에 보이는 뉴스(www.newsen.com)

copyrightⓒ 뉴스엔. 무단전재 & 재배포 금지

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^ Thanks Huang for posting BH's latest update on IRIS. It's great that he wanted to focus everything on acting and co-producing the drama series. He's definitely & obviously so very busy these days.. probably till end of the year but once IRIS starts filming, etc.. there'll be no interruption whatsoever.

Hope you could share this at IRIS drama thread as well. Thanks. :)


GBW Festival Journal Anymore that we missed? :sweatingbullets:

May 14 - 25

61st Cannes Film Festival - "The Good, The Bad, The Weird" out-of-competition premiere

Participating: Dir Kim Ji Woon, Song Kang Ho, Lee Byung Hun, Jung Woo Sung

July 17

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' Korean premiere & nationwide release

Aug 29 - Sep 1

Telluride Film Festival

Sep 4 - 13

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' Gala Screening at the 33rd Toronto Film Festival

Participating: Dir. Kim Ji Woon, Lee Byung Hun, Jung Woo Sung

September 18 - 25

Fantastic Fest 2008

Sep 25 - Oct 9, 2008

GBW premiere at 10th edition Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival

Sep 25 - Oct 10

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' screening at 27th Vancouver International Film Festival

October 2- 10

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' screening in the Panorama section - 13th Pusan International Film Festival

Participating: Lee Byung Hun

October 2 - 12

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' in Competition at 41st SITGES Film Festival in Cataluña, Spain

October 9 - 19

GBW closing the 28th Louis Vuitton - Hawaii International Film Festival

Participating: Dir. Kim Ji Woon & Jung Wo oSung

October 15 - 30

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' screening at The Times BFI 52nd London Film Festival

Oct 30 - Nov 9

'The Good, The Bad, The Weird' at AFI Fest 2008 in Los Angeles

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko

Hello everyone,

According to reliable source, LBH will come to PIFF for the GBW screening. I have not given the specific schedule but there will be a stage greetings on Oct 3 at 20:00 in Primus 10. :w00t::w00t::w00t:

He is reported that he came back to Korea on Sep 20 after staying NY. He had some private time there too.

Toyota RAV4 CM also has Radio version too. :P

20 seconds or 60 seconds. Speaking in Japanese very well.

Someone posted at DAUM so that you can listen to his voice. :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:


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According to reliable source, LBH will come to PIFF for the GBW screening. I have not given the specific schedule but there will be a stage greetings on Oct 3 at 20:00 in Primus 10. :w00t::w00t::w00t:

He is reported that he came back to Korea on Sep 20 after staying NY. He had some private time there too.

Thanks Sung-ja for the awesome update! :w00t: Looks like BH really goes back to PIFF (after all) after missing it last year due to GBW filming & the Arena Tour. Truly.. the festival loves him and vice-versa. :P

So.. our Hunnie had returned from NY on the 20th.. now in his office, probably.. back to work. :lol: The best news, obviously. ^^

Wishfully hoping that he'll attend the PIFF Red Carpet, too. Even though he doesn't have a premiering movie (read: ICWTR or as previously Once in a Summer in 2006).. it'll be cool seeing him at the opening night.. hopefully. :rolleyes: :blush:

Somehow.. I have a feeling that ICWTR will only premiere next year. :sweatingbullets:

rbhcool.gif *rubie zoomz to listen to BH speaking Japanese* :wub: :wub: :wub:

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Toyota RAV4 CM also has Radio version too. :P

20 seconds or 60 seconds. Speaking in Japanese very well.

Someone posted at DAUM so that you can listen to his voice. :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:


Thanks to sweet angel, Sala for these audio clips of the RAV4 radio-version CM :wub:

RAV4radio.30s 20s (313 KB)


RAV4radio.60s (962 KB)


Similar to Sung-ja, the Japanese fans hearing the radio CM were truly surprised and very happy & pleased to hear such a calm and especially gentle voice of Byunghun in Japanese, quite a long converse in the 1-minute clip. rbhcool.gif

They've complimented that he speaks really well, too. :wub: :blush:

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Thanks to LBH's MagicBox Taiwan for the highlight


SkyperfecTV October Lee Byung Hun Festival





KBS WORLD「1995-1998年KBS演技大賞」©KBS、ホームドラマチャンネル「オールイン 運命の出会い」©2003 SBS Productions, Inc.、KNテレビジョン「ハッピートゥゲザー」完全オリジナル版 ©SBS、TBSチャンネル「映画「誰にでも秘密がある」イ・ビョンホン&チェ・ジウ来日密着ドキュメント~未公開映像1秒でも長く見せます!~」©2004 Taewon Entertainment All Rights Reserved、KNテレビジョン「韓国ドラマ10年史 SBS演技大賞1998~2007」©SBS、KNテレビジョン「美しき日々」©2001 SBS、Mnet「イ・ビョンホン「夏物語」画日記~Making of Once in a Summer~」©2006 KM Culture Co., Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED、スカチャン「ドラマ「太王四神記」プレミアムイベント 2008 in Japan」写真提供:BOFi、衛星劇場「イ・サン」©2007-8 MBC、Mnet「食客」©2008 JS Pictures Inc.、シーエスGyaO「太陽人イ・ジェマ ~韓国医学の父~」Licensed by KBS JAPAN. ©KBS All Rights Reserved、KNテレビジョン「オレの女」©MBC、KBS WORLD「恋愛結婚」©KBS、アジアドラマチックTV★So-net「シークレット・ルーム 2 ~京城妓房栄華館~」©Orion Cinema Network, Inc.、スカチャン「夏物語」©2006 KM Culture Co., Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.、スカチャン「誰が俺を狂わせるか」©DCN (Japan Channel in Korea)、スカチャン「彼らだけの世界」©DCN (Japan Channel in Korea)、スカチャン「純愛中毒」©2002 KM Culture,All rights reserved.、スカチャン「拍手する時に去れ」©2007 CJ Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.、スカチャン「僕らのバレエ教室」©2004 Good Harvest Pictures & FNH PICTURES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.、スカチャン「達磨よ、遊ぼう!」©2001 KM Culture, All rights reserved. スカチャン「同い年の家庭教師」©2004 CJ Entertainment Inc. & Corea Entertainment. All Rights Reserved.

Copied from GBW cafe.daum


Please refer original link for larger caps, these have been resized by photobucket.




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Urghh.. going to BH's empas news for updates today feels like being in someone else's page. :blink: And the site kept closing down on me. :wacko:

Wonder what's up with Hunnie? :unsure: Time to get back to all the paper-work for IRIS and such, perhaps? First half 2009 for IRIS (only) while the next half is all GI Joe, all the way. Where and when does ICWTR come into the picture? :huh:

Since BH will be at PIFF.. then.. Dir. Kim and SKH to Sitges? But if there's a GBW stage greeting on Oct 3, won't Dir. KJW/SKH/JWS be there as well? Wait a minute.. when is GBW screening in Spain? If it's on the last days of competition.. maybe they will all go.. :sweatingbullets::rolleyes:

Never say never.. :blush:

GBW Fighting! :w00t: Hehee..

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Guest kimchibabe


he is an enigma....a mystery. you think you've seen his all but no.

each time i look at him it feels like i'm seeing him for the first time.

he has this uncanny power...he seduces, he excites, he moves you.

and i thought that i had memorized each and every line of his face

but now i realize that i have not. i want to drown in his eyes....

and never be rescued.

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^ Our kimchibabe-ssi is drowning in the clear waters of the swimming pool where the RAV4 CM was filmed :rolleyes: ..

after seeing the sexy Hunnie looking the absolute BEST that he is.. :blush: :lol::P

A requirement for all panda.. must learn to swim.. :P

ps: hope you have recovered from the panicky-thrilling attack last night. :P Feel free to "discuss" more.. in detail.. or discreetly at the thread or PM-me-elaborate. :rolleyes: You know I love to read, dissect and talk Byunghun-ssi.. I just don't want to ramble alone anymore. :blush:

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September 23, 2008

[K-Film Databank] Updated 09/23

Posted by X at 3:35am


BOX OFFICE 9/19~21


Korean films only - Source: KOBIS

01. 신기전 (The Divine Weapon) - 2008/09/04 - 2,957,483 - 19,311,855,000 Won - 567 Screens

03. 영화는 영화다 (Rough Cut) - 2008/09/11 - 879,687 - 5,980,738,500 Won - 366 Screens

04. 울학교 이티 (Our School E.T.) - 2008/09/11 - 577,674 - 3,661,364,500 Won - 359 Screens

07. 외톨이 (Loner) - 2008/09/18 - 54,486 - 345,887,500 Won - 240 Screens NEW RELEASE

24. 우린 액션배우다 (Action Boys) - 2008/08/28 - 8,574 - 58,411,000 Won - 3 Screens

40. 놈놈놈 (The Good, The Bad, The Weird) - 2008/07/17 - 7,027,685 - 45,838,987,000 - 2 Screens

44. 고死 (Death Bell) - 2008/08/07 - 1,642,371 - 10,299,427,500 Won - 1 Screen


2008 Box Office Top 10


01. 7,027,685 - [REVIEW 놈놈놈 (The Good, The Bad, The Weird) - dir. Kim Ji-Woon

02. 5,071,436 - [REVIEW 추격자 (The Chaser) - dir. Na Hong-Jin

03. 4,184,325 - [REVIEW] 강철중 (Public Enemy Returns) - dir. Kang Woo-Suk

04. 4,043,349 - 우리 생애 최고의 순간 (Forever the Moment) - dir. Im Soon-Rye

05. 2,957,483 - 신기전 (The Divine Weapon) - dir. Kim Yoo-Jin

06. 2,060,109 - [REVIEW] 눈에는 눈 이에는 이 (Eye for an Eye) - dir. Kwak Kyung-Taek

07..1,811,457 - 님은 먼 곳에 (Sunny) - dir. Lee Joon-Ik

08. 1,642,371 - [REVIEW] 고死 (Death Bell) - dir. Chang

09. 1,615,059 - 무방비도시 (Open City) - dir. Lee Sang-Gi

10. 1,562,328 - 원스 어폰 어 타임 (Once Upon a Time) - dir. Jung Yong-Gi


All Time Top 10


01. 13.20 Mil 2006 괴물 (The Host)

02. 12.47 Mil 2005 왕의 남자 (The King and the Clown)

03. 11.74 Mil 2004 태극기 휘날리며 (Taegukgi)

04. 11.43 Mil 2003 실미도 (Silmido)

05. 08.42 Mil 2007 디워 (D-War)

06. 08.20 Mil 2001 친구 (Friend)

07. 08.00 Mil 2005 웰컴 투 동막골 (Welcome to Dongmakgol)

08. 07.30 Mil 2007 화려한 휴가 (May 18)

09. 07.03 Mil 2008 좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈 (The Good, The Bad, The Weird)

10. 06.84 Mil 2006 타짜 (War of Flowers)

Source: twitchfilm.net

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Wonder if we'll only see BH at PIFF next week.. and not before that? :unsure: Even though he's already back in Korea.. and in Korea, presumably.. our Hunnie is very quiet with no updates to read/guess. It's like he's away again.. doing his own thing.. :sweatingbullets: :blush: Taking a break for BH would probably be (still) working in the office.

He's simply too quiet.. just like when there's a STORM surprise coming.. huh.. huh.. :rolleyes:


SexyHunnie-rockstar siggy for everyone. Please feel free to put it up.. no separate upload, no credits necessary. All for Hunnie, obviously. :wub: Also.. if anyone wants multi-colored blinkies.. just let me know.

I'd be happy to blink them up! :lol:



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Guest kimchibabe

ps: hope you have recovered from the panicky-thrilling attack last night. :P Feel free to "discuss" more.. in detail.. or discreetly at the thread or PM-me-elaborate. :rolleyes: You know I love to read, dissect and talk Byunghun-ssi.. I just don't want to ramble alone anymore. :blush:

hard time..last night i was tossing and turning in bed....sugar high. i had too much of the sweetest man i have ever known.

i just love seeing him at work. you see what the man is really all about. there is no artifice. the moment he arrives, he flashes the friendliest smile and it stays. his look...so natural. hair down, casual clothes. every single move he makes makes my blood rush..the way he walks, how he talks, how he pays attention. even the single act of drinking excited me. his work ethic? he's easy to work with. he follows the script to the letter. and yes, he has his input, its expected. he's meticulous. i've seen many pictures of him looking at the monitor with that satisfied smile on his face.

then he transforms right before your very eyes...from ordinary to extraordinary. its as if i was looking at another man. he combs his hair and suddenly he looks so different. i have yet to see another actor who can do that. in his pictures... its his hair. sometimes it would look thick and black, at other times it would be brownish. when he just lets it down, it makes him look young and carefree. but with hair pampered and in place, the transformation..its surprising. and you never tire of looking at him..picture after picture because one day he'd look this way and the next time he'd look differently. he's just so attractive, dressed up or dressed down. he's so sensual both ways.

his pictures, his videos i go over and over again. his movies i want to see over and over again. its never the same..always its a new thrill, a new discovery. you think you'd seen it all but no, the feeling... its always new.

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^ My turn to read the passage over and over. thumbup.gif

It's easy to sense the level of respect at the workplace everytime he's working, from the production crew and vice-versa. Look how he listens so attentively at the briefing, and how he tried everything on.. giving his best, professional effort. Never mind that he was just in shorts :wub:

Yet most impressively.. how he listens to the CM director.. notice how young the guy is. And BH in return gave him his most focused attention, everytime.

Ohh.. I love seeing him in shorts.. so casual, simple, relaxed (just love knowing the other side of the actor).. and what a treat in every sense of the word. :rolleyes: :blush: Seriously listening to the instructions, practising the dart-throw.. exercising on the spot.. simply enjoying a snack & thirst-quencher.. talking and having fun with others.. or just observing everyone else from the top floor. That's my most fave moment. Not to mention the sweetest eye-candy. LOL!

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Guest kimchibabe


Exactly! my fave moment too! :):)

him at the top floor, seeing him smile at the goings on below him. he was so at home even as he was "half-bare". he looked like he was actually displaying his buffed body from up there. but then his muscles were not as tight as in GBW. the additional muscle toning at site? wow, the training never stops! he must put some weight for he looks soooo good. ( forget the shorts, i'm imagining what he's wearing underneath!)what i do know is that its easier to develop muscles if one were leaner so i guess that's the reason why he watches his weight.

yes, he is a sight to behold, moving around with ease, making work fun and being one of the boys. one more thing, from start to end, it was always there. the beautiful smile that began his day? well, it never left his lips...

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Guest Janie Simply

Hi, I'm neither here nor there; just wondering if rubie babe & kimchibabe are having a fantasy chat :blink: or it's an eye-witness acoount :w00t:

Pretty sugar-high B) someone enlighten me plz!!!

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Hi, I'm neither here nor there; just wondering if rubie babe & kimchibabe are having a fantasy chat :blink: or it's an eye-witness acoount :w00t:

Pretty sugar-high B) someone enlighten me plz!!!

Welcome back, Janice.. we've got sugar-loaded Hunnie treat! :wub:

Fantasy or otherwise :P.. we're enjoying what's OBVIOUS to see. :blush:

The Making & BTS of the Toyota RAV4 CM is now on YouTube. :w00t:

Please watch this MUST-SEE precious clip asap before it gets deleted! :sweatingbullets:

Thanks to the highlight by manafee at lovelbh.com

TOYOTA _RAV4 LEE BYUNG HUN TVCF Making Video uploaded by utkjx9712











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