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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Guest kimchibabe

not a minute more....

your siggy, to borrow his words "ITS MY LOVE!"

it really IS the cutest, its unique. small but the image is so clear.

thank you for sharing..always for the Hunnie :)

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your siggy, to borrow his words "ITS MY LOVE!"

it really IS the cutest, its unique. small but the image is so clear.

thank you for sharing..always for the Hunnie :)

AHHHH! :w00t: That's it! IT'S MY LOVE.. that's what he said in the CM. Makes a cool tagline, doesn't it? :rolleyes: I was already.. so lightheaded thinking of the perfect phrase. *rubie is extra blur* So, that's it! :P

Thanks SweetSis! :wub:


On a rather down-note.. seems that ICWTR is still missing in action. :ph34r: Another TIFF.. this time the TOKYO International Film Fest has just announced it's line-up. No iCWTR or GBW and not that many Korean movies either. Still.. we already have our schedule full for Vancouver, Sitges, London and of course, PIFF next month. Hope to see BH in all.. LOL! If that's possible. :sweatingbullets:

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There are some GBW-Byunghun VODs at koreatimes link below. If someone could share with us the clips, that would be awesome and most appreciated. :blush:

Highlight & article from PlanetBH0712

September 18, 2008



Copied from byunghunlee.pe.kr

Please scroll down to Ching's post at #16947 for the VOD (on Sendspace) and post #16950 for a great translation of the article, interviewed during BH's visit to the Toronto Fest recently rbhcool.gif

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September 18, 2008

Korean directors among Sitges' official selections



The Catalan fantastic film festival Sitges announced the inclusion of YIM Pil-sung's Hansel and Gretel; NA Hong-jin's The Chaser); KIM Jee-woon's The Good, the Bad, and the Weird and the Tokyo! Omnibus, including BONG Joon-ho's Shaking Tokyo, in its competition section.

In addition, RYOO Seung-wan's Dachiwama Leeis an official selection of Sitges' out-of-competition section. Line-ups of sidebar programs are yet to be unveiled. The 41st edition of the world's greatest genre film festival will commence on October 2 and finish on October 12.

Sitges describes its competition Official Fantastic Selection as a wide choice of fantasy films from around the world. The out-of-competitionOfficial Fantastic Selection is a complementary section consisting of films with instant cult film potential through their "narrative and/or visual formats".

The number one fantasy film festival in the world welcomed numerous distinguished guests, including: Quentin Tarantino and Sir Anthony Hopkins.

Hansel and Gretel's the story of three troubled children in a rich visually attractive fairy tale setting. The Chaser unveils a dark socially critical story. The Good, the Bad, and the Weird is a Korean style star packed western. Shaking Tokyo chronicles socially isolated young people in Tokyo. Dachiwama LEE is spy parody of numerous films and genres.

Credits: Yi Ch'ang-ho (KOFIC), image from empas.com

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There are some GBW-Byunghun VODs at koreatimes link below. If someone could share with us the clips, that would be awesome and most appreciated.

Highlight & article from PlanetBH0712

September 18, 2008


위 주소로 들어가서 병헌님 인터뷰 영상 화면 누르시면

인터뷰 영상 보실수 있어요^^ 첨엔 광고 나온답니당~

[인터뷰] '놈놈놈' 주연배우


토론토영화제 참석차 지난 10일 토론토에 도착한 이병헌과 정우성이 영화 '좋은 놈, 나쁜 놈, 이상한 놈' 상영을 앞둔 12일 다운타운 인터컨티넨털호텔에서 본보 취재진과 만나 이야기를 나눴다. 토론토 방문이 처음이라는 두 배우는 "동유럽과 북미를 섞어놓은 듯한 묘한 분위기가 매력적"이라고 도시에 대한 첫인상을 전했다.


The vod uploaded to sendspace


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The vod uploaded to sendspace


Thanks Ching for this, MWAHHH! Downloading now.. wow.. quite a big clip, too. :blush:

A bit late-r dl-ing because these days.. doing stuff on this dino-pc :sweatingbullets: .. clips have got to take a number first. :P

Edit: WOW.. can't help but be totally intrigued seeing BH giving his most extensive & personal take on GBW and his role.. I think. He's looking so good, too :blush: .. Wonder if this is a recent clip since his return from US in August.


I think.. if I'm not mistaken in guessing.. BH is in New York for GI Joe's upcoming promo plans & activities (not just for GBW :unsure: ). Seems a bit early, huh.. but.. 2009 being another busy year for him.. he probably wanted to plan ahead since the Hollywood movie will definitely take up a lot of time due to worldwide promos, etc.

Wonder if we'll hear a bit on IRIS.. soon.. somehow.. or whether he'll be going to Vancouver or SITGES or London or Pusan instead. Waaaaaaaaaaa... so missing the missing Hunnie. :tears:

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Thanks Ching for this, MWAHHH! Downloading now.. wow.. quite a big clip, too. :blush:

A bit late-r dl-ing because these days.. doing stuff on this dino-pc :sweatingbullets: .. clips have got to take a number first. :P

Edit: WOW.. can't help but be totally intrigued seeing BH giving his most extensive & personal take on GBW and his role.. I think. He's looking so good, too :blush: .. Wonder if this is a recent clip since his return from US in August.


If I am not mistaken, the interview was done in Toronto. :P

I merged the 4 clips into 1 clip, hence the file is quite big. :)

Brief translation based on the Chinese translation by Ping@bhjwlove.com

Pardon any mistakes em95.gif


September 18, 2008


LBH gave his impression of his visit to Canada, “I have visited USA many times, but this is my first visit to Canada. The attire of the people show free-spiritedness, but the conservative atmosphere of old buildings can be felt. The first impression is that the place is very clean. That the conservative atmosphere of Europe seems to mix with North American free-spiritedness.”

LBH confessed that, “In my 17 years of acting life, this is the 1st time I take up the challenge of a villain role-a cold blooded bandit boss. I worry about the foreign media comments, comparing this unique character with the clown The Joker in movie “Batman, The Dark Knight”, whether it’s just mimicry. This is not the typical bad guy image. It has to show the wounded past and pain of the character with the menacing eye expression through smoky air, and not to be overly done."

(Note:I had a hard time guessing this part, about the smoke, not sure if it means the smoldering expression or the smoking. Sorry if wrongly translated.) :sweatingbullets:

LBH said, “After overcoming the burdening thought of acting a villain for the 1st time, I accepted the role. Unfortunately the next day my ankle was injured. I decided to give up the movie. The director said it’s just an accident, it would heal, and I can do the filming then.”

“In the one and half month with plaster cast on my ankle, I started physique training. The way to express the form of the bad person is by a muscular frame; muscles appear in the slightly slim figure looks best with the plot character. I worked hard with the personal trainer and we had a good sweat.”

Besides GBW, LBH was doing movies “GI Joe” and “I Come With the Rain”. He is on the verge of his dream to Hollywood debut.

In addition to the high school education, LBH was lucky to have English lessons for two months. Although his English was quite fluent, he expressed that, "Speaking English to some extent and to act using English conversation is a completely different story. How enviable of those linguistic trainees I met in Toronto. I could have had that experience and it would have been a lot of help."

He emphasized that even if he gets the chance to continue working in Hollywood again, South Korea is still the ultimate stage for him. On 13th, he went to New York for 'GI Joe' public promotion.

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

rubie runs to Ching to give a tight hug!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: Well done, Ching.. Ping! MWAH!!! :w00t:

What a fabulous update and interview. :wub: It may sounded a bit familiar but there's undeniably a lot of warmth and love.. opening up.. in BH's response.

Luckyluckylucky that Dir. Kim has all the right answers to give to BH when he wanted to give up 'The Bad' after the injury. :sweatingbullets:

ps: smoldering sounds probably right.. smoking could also refer to the smokey eye-appearance of The Bad in GBW. It's somehow the rage and highly popular eye make-up technique.. in movies, photoshoot and elsewhere. I think.. hehee.

Excellent sharing! thumbup.gif

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t:

rubie runs to Ching to give a tight hug!!! :w00t::w00t::w00t: Well done, Ching.. Ping! MWAH!!! :w00t:

What a fabulous update and interview. :wub: It may sounded a bit familiar but there's undeniably a lot of warmth and love.. opening up.. in BH's response.

Luckyluckylucky that Dir. Kim has all the right answers to give to BH when he wanted to give up 'The Bad' after the injury. :sweatingbullets:

ps: smoldering sounds probably right.. smoking could also refer to the smokey eye-appearance of The Bad in GBW. It's somehow the rage and highly popular eye make-up technique.. in movies, photoshoot and elsewhere. I think.. hehee.

Excellent sharing! thumbup.gif

Watching the clip again, I noticed that BH said something about smoky at 03:25. So maybe he is talking about the close-up of this scene, the intimidating gaze plus the smoke. :P

Captures from the clip



The comparison to The Joker in Batman, The Dark Knight he was talking about at 02:33 to 02:38.



I have edited the translation.

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^ Cool highlight, Ching.. thanks for checking it out! :w00t: Yupyup.. The Bad was smoking (hot!) as if nothing matters.. right in front of a blazing train moving fast towards him. And that smokey, intense eye percing through :sweatingbullets: :blush: Could be smoke from him smoking plus the smokey bada** feel of a fearless bandit. :P

But.. as for Park Chang-yi vs The Joker.. I see NO similarity or comparison dontcare.gif.. mimickry whatsoever. Should there be?


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Thanks to the sharing by sweet angel, Sala :wub:

The Toyota RAV4 CM was filmed in Los Angeles, August 9 & 10.. around the time that BH was also finishing the filming of GI Joe. There's the indoor shoot and the outdoor shoot in LA, near the Paul Hastings building.

Although the endorsement for Toyota might have been decided long before, it's really great to see that Mr. Song WanMo is still "managing" BH where the Japanese projects are concerned. Despite the separate ways of BH Ent. & Artist View, he was definitely with BH in LA during the CM filming.. collaborating for the same project. :blush:


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September 17, 2008

Rio fest a gateway for Europeans

Event reflects Brazil's growing global stature



25 September - 9 October 2008 (Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro)

Official Website: http://www.festivaldorio.com.br

The Brazilian premiere of Oscar nominee Bruno Barreto's "Last Stop 174" will kick off the 10th edition of the Rio de Janeiro Intl. Film Fest on Sept. 25. Among the items of note will be the competition between local and U.S. films, a spotlight on the U.K., markets and various seminars.

The fest boasts a selection of more than 300 pics, the bulk of them premiering in town, such as Ethan and Joel Coen's "Burn After Reading," Kim Jee-woon's "The Good the Bad the Weird," and Jonathan Demme's "Rachel Getting Married."

Fest organizers expect to sell about 250,000 tickets to the fest's 22 screens. There will also be free-of-charge screenings in 12 blue-collar neighborhoods as well as big outdoor screenings on Copacabana Beach.

The choice of Brazil-France co-production "174" reflects the Brazilian film industry's growing international stature, opines fest co-exec director Ilda Santiago. She adds that Barreto's pic has international potential comparable to that of Jose Padilha's "Elite Troop," which opened last year's fest and then moved on to win Berlin's Golden Bear before its release in several countries.

Another pic with international potential, "Good," will be the main attraction of the fest's Closing Gala on Oct. 8, a day before the prize ceremony. Brazilian helmer Vicente Amorim directed the English-language, U.K.-German production. Star Viggo Mortensen will attend.

The fest will also see a new U.K. focus with screenings of about 35 recently released British productions and co-prods, including Mike Leigh's "Happy-Go-Lucky," Saul Dibb's "The Duchess," Terence Davies' "Of Time and City" and Stephan Elliott's "Easy Virtue," all of them premiering in Brazil. The focus will also include a retrospective of 10 pics by helmer Derek Jarman.

"The U.K. has released wonderful films this year," Santiago says. "The relationship between the Brazilian and U.K. film industries is gaining momentum. It is the perfect timing to bring them together."

In this regard, Santiago also mentions the ongoing U.K./Brazil production of "Brazuca," depicting the true-life case of a Brazilian citizen killed by Scotland Yard in 2005.

The traditional Premiere Latina will feature recent films from neighboring countries in Latin America. But strangely, few pics from these countries are set to open in Brazil.

Some of the highlights of Premiere Latina are Pablo Trapero's "La Leonera" and Lisandro Alonso's "Liverpool," both from Argentina. Chilean helmer Andres Wood's "La Buena Vida" will have its world premiere in Rio.

Mexican helmer Arturo Ripstein will attend to receive Fipresci's Latin American Personality kudo and to present a small retrospective of his pics.

Source: Variety.com


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^ So.. that's how the RAV4 Making CM DVD looks like. Thanks Ching. :blush:

It indeed a precious treat to see BH in the DVD, especially gorgeous & fit (to borrow a sweet fan's description). Anyone interested to watch the clip, please PM for link. Obviously tempted to share the clip with all.. somehow I just have cold feet all of the sudden. :sweatingbullets: This being the Toyota's latest CM and the specially precious, precious content.. I just felt too excited yet a bit too cautious for the first time. Thanks to a precious sharing by sweet angel, Sala.. the clip is 160 MB in size but definitely sooooooo worth every bit of it. :wub:

Luckily it's too big a file for the news-blog.. suddenly felt afraid to risk the blog c/o EverythingLBH in case something happens (as I'm alone most of the time :sweatingbullets: ).. but rubie is just being silly, huh. :blush: (undoubtly, someone will put the clip up at YouTube sooner or later.. for which the DVD have already being auctioned off.. as we speak)

Anyway.. hope we'll hear some great BH updates from Sung-ja tomorrow when she stops by. :rolleyes: We would never have guessed what's coming.. or maybe we do.. :blush:

Yupyup! ^^

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September 21, 2008

Fantastic Fest 2008: ‘The Good, The Bad, The Weird’

Posted by Mack at 9:07am at twitchfilm.net

Got stacked up against a wacky internet connection yesterday so I couldn’t bring the good news of Fantastic Fest to all my fans. To the three of you [hey mom] I apologize for the technical difficulties. And then there was that ‘suite’ party with the ex-president that night and things got a little foggy after that.

I caught up with some old friends on Friday, two films that we have talked about extensively around these parts. Why? Well, because they’re just so damn good, that’s why. I’m talking about The Good, The Bad, The Weird and Tokyo Gore Police. Both are very different film from each other but they didn’t make them any less enjoyable and the crowds were loving both of them.

The Good, The Bad, The Weird plays again on Tuesday, September 23rd at 3:30pm and Tokyo Gore Police plays again that same day at 8:50pm.

It is an absolute joy to be able to catch some of these films on the big screen finally. The privilege of our position here is that we have seen some of these via screeners but nothing can really compare to the real thing. Kim Ji-woon’s The Good, The Bad, The Weird played Friday night to a good crowd; they were certainly very receptive of the oriental western.

Sang Kang-woo absolutely stole the show. That is pretty much a given considering he has all the best lines and stunts in the film. The crowd loved him! This is his film. The other two actors, Jung Woo-sung and Lee Byung-hee were not given too much to work with as character takes a seat behind explosive action sequences. Still they are both good in their roles, Jung the calm and cool bounty hunter, Lee the smooth and deadly train robber and gang leader. Anything in the story that develops the character any further happens mostly at the end of the film and by then there is no need for any of them to make any considerable changes. It is more of a character reveal if anything.

The film looks gorgeous on the big screen and the print was clear as a bell. I heard that the length of the film was the main gripe about it. Not that it wasn’t entertaining; because it was. Not that it wasn’t exciting; the thrills come at you fast. Not that it wasn’t action packed; apart from brief moments needed to further the plot. It was just too long. I had already seen this film a couple times so I have to assume that my familiarity with the film helped as far as the length of it was concerned. I can understand that though. I’m sure I felt the weight of the film’s length the first time I watched it but it does get better with repeat viewings.

Full article at twitchfilm.net

Official Website http://www.fantasticfest.com/


Brief Summary:

Directed by Ji-woon Kim (A BITTERSWEET LIFE, A TALE OF TWO SISTERS) and setting an all-time Korean box office opening weekend record this year, THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE WEIRD, an homage to Leone's similarly named classic, is one of the year's most anticipated genre titles.

Full Description:

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE WEIRD, at face value, is a Korean remake of THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UGLY. However, updated with eye-popping colors, fast-paced editing, explosive action and a slightly different twist on the story, it stands on its own two feet quite nicely.

Set in 1930's Manchuria, the intricate plot pits three outlaws against the entire Japanese army and a mob of Russian gangsters in a race to find the "treasure" that will define the outcome of the Sino-Japanese war. (The story is complex; expect to read lots of complaints that it makes no sense, but trust me, it's all there.) Jung Woo Sung is "The Good". While not quite as iconic as the unforgettable Clint Eastwood, he is nonetheless handsome as hell and unflappably suave. He stands for the Korean resistance, determined to use every weapon at his disposal against the Japanese invaders. Lee Byung Hun is "The Bad". More widely known from JSA, A BITTERSWEET LIFE and HERO, he's as bad as villains come and also icy smooth. Employed by a treacherous warlord to waylay the treasure, he has no intention of sharing any of the profit with his employer.

The stand-out is Song Kang Ho, who won my heart irrevocably in THE HOST and is also well known from JSA, SYMPATHY FOR MR VENGEANCE, MEMORIES OF MURDER and LADY VENGEANCE. His turn as "The Weird", for my money, outstrips Eli Wallach's Tuco for sheer fun quotient and is a stellar three-dimensional performance that provides most of the buoyancy of the film that sustains the 2-hour plus run time. Apparently just a solo bandit out making a living, he stumbles across the prize and fights off all comers to hold on to it.

Last but not least, the desert filming location is a major star. This is a fantastic Wild West location, with an Asian flair. Magnificent scenery and set pieces are beautifully shot and squeezed for every ounce of spectacle. (Karrie League)

Source: fantasticfest.bside.com

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A news article posted at starjiwoo, about KSW-STY wedding guests list. :P

Source: http://www.starjiwoo.com/zeroboard/view.ph...o1&no=44374

The invitation includes Bae Yong Joon, Lee Byung-Hun, Choi Jiwoo, Jang Dong-gun, Won Bin, So Ji Seop, Li Mi Yeon, Kim Seung-woo, Song Seung Heon Lee Jung-jae and Ryu Si Won.


:w00t: Wow, all the top stars of Korea are invited. Would they be present at the same time, we will have to wait and see. :P

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A news article posted at starjiwoo, about KSW-STY wedding guests list. :P

Source: http://www.starjiwoo.com/zeroboard/view.ph...o1&no=44374

The invitation includes Bae Yong Joon, Lee Byung-Hun, Choi Jiwoo, Jang Dong-gun, Won Bin, So Ji Seop, Li Mi Yeon, Kim Seung-woo, Song Seung Heon Lee Jung-jae and Ryu Si Won.


:w00t: Wow, all the top stars of Korea are invited. Would they be present at the same time, we will have to wait and see. :P

Thanks Hyc for sharing the link & the list of names you posted here, which are invited in the wedding. Ye, right you are, I'm sure top stars are invited & hopefully they would be there except for SSH who confirmed that he can't make it because of the drama shoot. Hmmm...I hope LBH will be present in his buddy's wedding. :P:D

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A news article posted at starjiwoo, about KSW-STY wedding guests list. :P

Source: http://www.starjiwoo.com/zeroboard/view.ph...o1&no=44374

The invitation includes Bae Yong Joon, Lee Byung-Hun, Choi Jiwoo, Jang Dong-gun, Won Bin, So Ji Seop, Li Mi Yeon, Kim Seung-woo, Song Seung Heon Lee Jung-jae and Ryu Si Won.


:w00t: Wow, all the top stars of Korea are invited. Would they be present at the same time, we will have to wait and see. :P

WOW! Really? Dun mind if i repost to KSW thread, Hyc? :rolleyes:

I do cross fingers to see Hunnie and Janggie attending KSW wed! ayoo! My 3 kings meet!!!

Faint!!! :sweatingbullets::sweatingbullets:

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