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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Guest mailene28

really? Iris will be showing in October?!? they are putting us in so much suspense aren't they?!? :D

anyway, we'll wait no matter how long they postpone it. i just hope that Byunghun ssi is taking rest somehow.

thanks all hunnies for the updates! uhmmn, where can we get the GQ mags online?


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Another Rise of Cobra TV Spot — #10 “Real Heroes” Debuts With a Rating!

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

STREAMING for 'GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra' TV Spot#10 HERE <-- lookout for the final duel scene between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, unmasked & topless! :w00t:3drool.gif

We have another G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra TV spot for you all that debuted tonight. This one is #10 (for those keeping track) and has a different feel to it with a little bit of new footage too. We also have a rating now, PG-13.


Source: theterrordrome.com

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Hope we can all share more Byunghun banners & artwork to use in anticipation of his upcoming 'The Rise of Cobra' as well as IRIS, everythingLBH.

The more we are the merrier! ^^








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Not too sure but was the media screening for 'GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra' held today in Seoul? :unsure: Btw, a few of the main cast (excluding BH) has had a press conference photo-call in London yesterday.

이병헌, ‘지아이조’에서 악역으로 빛났다.

입력: 2009년 07월 24일 18:57:14



Source: sports.khan.co.kr


Win pairs of preview passes to catch G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra!


G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra Preview

Date: 4 Aug 2009

Time: 8.45pm

Venue: Cathay Cineplex, Hall 4 (Level 6 of The Cathay Building, 2 Handy Rd, Singapore 229233)

:excl: Lee Byung Hun stars as Storm Shadow in G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra. True or False?

Send your answer with your name, contact number, partial I/C number (e.g. S8801XXXK), email add and mailing address to contest@youth.sgcontest@youth.sg by July 29, 11.59pm. Indicate ‘Whatever G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra’ in your email header. Winners will be notified by email!

Source: demonlism.com

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Guest mailene28

thanks for the info rubie hun!

im not busy at the moment so i can share.. :D


im really anticipating for this movie. ill be at the theater first thing once its aired. :lol:

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July 15, 2009

Steve Has Seen director Stephen Sommers' G.I.JOE: THE RISE OF COBRA and Says It's the Cartoon Come to Life

by Steve 'Frosty' Weintraub collider.com l latinoreview.com

'G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra' is not the train wreck you're expecting.

In fact, some of the film is quite good. While many of you won't believe me till you see it with your own eyes on August 7th, last night I got into a research screening of director Stephen Sommers 'G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra' at the Bridge Theater in Los Angeles and came away liking what I saw.

It's the cartoon come to life

When Paramount decided to make a 'G.I. Joe' movie, you knew they could only go in one direction with Hasbro as a producing partner - make a live-action cartoon that's designed to sell toys - and that's exactly what they did. Instead of trying to explain a convoluted plot and give a back-story to every character, the film jumps right into the action and never slows down till the end credits.

Also, the film has plenty of high-tech weaponry, vehicles, and gadgets that kids and the die-hard fans will love. How does a Joe jetpack work? It just does. How do the futuristic weapons work? They just do. How did the accelerator suit get developed and how does it work? Stop asking questions and just go with it. As I said, a cartoon come to life.

Since Paramount might not be too happy with a review of a research screening, here are some random thoughts on the film in no particular order. Also, I like bullet points so --

The action scenes are really well done and there are a lot of them. While some expensive action films make it impossible to follow what's going on, 'G.I. Joe' is easy to follow. I never lost track of who was where or what they were doing. This is in stark contrast to a film like 'Quantum of Solace' which was all over the place. That opening car chase looked like it was shot and edited by Stevie Wonder. By contrast, you always know what's happening in 'G.I. Joe'

The movie is cheesy but fun. Yeah, the dialogue is corny and everyone was either a good or a bad guy, but that's the cartoon. Also, it never went for the really cheap joke or any bathroom humor. Sorry Bay, but you could learn from Stephen Sommers on this one.

The pacing is spot on. With the film clocking in around 1 hr. 45 minutes or so, you're never far removed from an action scene.

The plot actually works and makes sense for a 'G.I. Joe' movie. Unlike 'Transformers 2″, 'Joe's got a clear story. The bad guys want to destroy certain cities/important monuments/take over the world and the good guys are trying to stop them. That's it.

Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow stuff will make the fans very happy. Not only do you get a great battle between them in present day, you learn how they met and see a solid fight between them as kids. How many summer blockbusters are there with kids beating the mini cooper out of each other? Also, Snake Eyes is just cool and Ray Park does some great stuff in the movie.

CGI is great in parts and other times-um-not so good. I wonder when people are going to finally realize that putting a CGI aircraft in the bright sunshine doesn't look good.

THE PITT (Joe's base) is so ridiculously over the top in size and scope, it'd would cost trillions to build. Instead of trying to explain how they built the base and how it works, they took the jetpack and futuristic weapons approach: It just does.

'Star Wars' has some influence on costumes and sound effects. The M.A.R.S. Troopers are nothing more than Stormtroopers. Since Hasbro knows what toys sell. Also, The McCullen underwater base was straight out of 'Episode One: The Phantom Menace'. I kept waiting for Boss Nass to show up and take control.

The movie expects you to know most of the characters. If you've never heard of Zartan or Breaker, you're not going to learn any back stories here. Also, a few characters show up as very brief cameos and then they're gone.

The accelerator suits were well used in the movie. Many, myself included, thought they'd be overdone and/or incredibly stupid, but that isn't the case. They were just used in the Paris action scene and provided some good moments.

Sienna Miller and Rachel Nichols are going to get some new fans. Not only do they have a fun girl fight, they both wear some very form fitting clothing. I'm confident some adolescent boys are about to have their first crush.

Joseph Gordon Levitt. I won't reveal who he plays so those that don't know will be surprised. But I really liked his look in the film and how over the top his character was. I especially liked the voice he used.

Ending is actually great. Minor Spoiler: highlight to read. They set up Cobra Commander, Destro and another surprise. It's absolutely setting up a sequel. Loved the ending and wish we had gotten a bit more Cobra Commander. But, that's for the sequel.

Overall, while 'G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra' is not a home-run, it was definitely better than I expected and I thought it was a fun summer popcorn movie. If you've always wanted to see Duke, Baroness, Breaker, Heavy Duty and all the Joe characters you watched as a kid on the screen, I think you're going to be happy. If you're going in with an axe to grind, there is plenty to go after, but you could do that with the cartoon.

And if you want to read more people's thoughts on the film, AICN has some reviews and Latino Review does as well. All of them are relatively positive.

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The Korean media preview for 'GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra' was indeed held yesterday (24/7 - also Eunhee's birthday). From the list of media headlines today, at first guess.. reviews are looking pretty good for Byunghun-ssi with positive and promising comments. Hope we'll get to read something in English, too.. either from the media portals, film critics and the fans especially.

Captures of preview goodies from GBW-cafe.daum 4408 l 4419





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July 15, 2009

Readers Review: G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

By Kellvin Chavez latinoreview.com

Apparently there was a screening in Kansas City for the upcoming Stephen Sommers' "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" and LatinoReview reader 'P Ben' got a chance to check it and sent us his thoughts on the film. As much as you might want to hate the film from its TV Spots and Trailer and say its going to bomb like "Dragaonball Z" and "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li," it seems that film is not as bad as you might think it is.

I can see the smile on El Mayimbe's face now and getting a Skype call later today just to tell me "I Told You".

Below is what 'P Ben' tells us about the film, and remember "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" opens August 7th 2009.

Just got out of a screening for GI JOE in my hometown of Kansas City. It was at the AMC Mainstreet. They said we were one of the first audiences to ever see it so here's my review:

I definitely loved GI JOE growing up and I remember playing with the toys and reading the comic. And of course I watched the cartoon show whenever I could. I was excited when I first heard they were making a GI JOE movie. It's something I would have died to see when I was growing up. However, I was also nervous when I saw some of the images and heard about some of the casting choices. So I went into the screening excited and a bit worried but really had no idea what to expect.

But after seeing the movie tonight all I can say is HOLY s h * t! -- this movie blew away my expectations. It's a really good movie. It's a ton of fun and a great ride. And much closer to the GI JOE I remember than I was expecting. The audience was really into it throughout and they applauded at the end. As we walked out of the theater you could hear how excited people were about having seen the movie. I can honestly say that it's one of the most entertaining and fun summer movies I have seen.

For one, it has amazing action in it. There are 5 huge action sequences which are as good as anything I've ever seen. In particular there is a scene in Paris in the middle of the film that is just mind-blowing. This scene alone would be worth the price of admission. There is also a great ambush scene in the woods, a great training sequence, an attack on the The Pit and a huge underwater sequence at the end. Also we get to see Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow have some great sword fights, which I loved. 782.gif

Also the characters are great in the film and it has all the main ones I remember like Duke, Scarlett, Hawk, Baroness, Zartan, Destro and Cobra Commander at the end. And of course Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, who were my two favorite characters growing up. We also learn a lot about these characters in flashbacks, which was great to see. And one of the biggest surprises for me was Marlon Wayans as Ripcord. I was expecting him to be too over-the-top but instead he is great in the movie and adds just the right amount of humor, which the audience loved. He's not goofy. Instead he's a good soldier and is incredibly heroic in the film.

I think the biggest surprise for me is how much I loved the story in the movie. It was a great action-adventure story with characters and relationships that I really cared about. There are also several story surprises in the film that I wasn't expecting. Especially the last scene in the movie, which has a great twist.

I would really place this movie right up there with STAR TREK and UP as the movies I have liked most this summer. And I can't wait until I can see it again. It's that much fun.

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Though this article features the Baroness but it's a great read on the GI Joe's cast & characters. Seems that the main cast (Sienna Miller, Channing Tatum, Rachel Nichols?, Marlon Wayans and the Director) have already been on the movie tour stopping in London, etc and Australia.. in a few days they'll be in Seoul and meeting Byunghun-ssi. Most likely.. BH would be joining the tour onwards as they'll have the US screening, right? Hopefully IRIS is all or almost done by now.

and get this.. not only there'll be a GI Joe sequel (if everything goes well).. it's actually a trilogy to be exact..

Action figurine, Sienna Miller

By Sally Browne

July 26, 2009 12:00am

IT'S Sienna Miller, but not as you've seen her before. In the action-packed film GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the hot British actor dons black wig, sexy leathers and kilograms of extra muscle.


To play the evil Baroness, an iconic figure in the GI Joe comics based on the original US toy sold by Hasbro, she wore a costume so tight she had trouble sitting down.

She and her female co-star, Rachel Nichols, who plays good-girl GI Joe agent Scarlett, had to rest on specially built "leaning boards" between takes.

"You remember when Hannibal Lecter gets wheeled out on an ironing board?" Miller said last week in Sydney on day one of a two-week press tour around the world. "That was us on set."

Her likeness, an action-figure doll which director Stephen Sommers jokes is "anatomically correct", might have a little more fluidity, with bendable arms and legs. Miller wasn't quite sure what to make of it at first.

"It's not the prettiest doll of the bunch," she allows. "We've all had a laugh at it. But it's great.

"When they were doing it they made us do different expressions, pull evil faces. It's a very surreal experience having a doll. Certain things might have been slightly enhanced."

Despite a few injuries, including Nichols having her hair and eyebrows singed in an explosion, gruelling training schedules and 7am starts on a five-month shoot, the cast agree that GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, the first of a planned trilogy, has been the most fun movie they've ever made.

Miller and Nichols became "best friends forever". Their male counterparts, Channing Tatum, who plays Duke, and funny-man Marlon Wayans, youngest of the 10 Wayans siblings, formed a budding bro-mance.

"If you could have been up on the 31st floor (of the hotel) with us last night, you'd know," says Tatum.

"People were up there trying to have a nice quiet evening, we came up and wrecked it. We had the best time. Me and Marlon have become best friends. He was at my wedding."

Wayans, who starred in parody dance film Dance Flick, as well as dramas such as Requiem For a Dream, stole many funny moments on the press tour, and in the movie. He got especially buff to play the role of Ripcord. "I didn't want a scrawny doll," he says with a laugh.

The camaraderie is palpable as the team hangs out together in Australia, and that was the vibe director Sommers, responsible for the Mummy series (Mummy star Brendan Fraser even makes a cameo in GI Joe ), created on set.

In fact, it's a mood he's famous for. He estimates 14 or 16 of his cast and crew members married after working on the first Mummy movie.

"My assistant married the B Unit focus-puller. My line producer married a Moroccan driver," he recalls.

"These movies are so big and so hard and they take so long. I love having fun on the set. I don't scream or yell, that's not me. I love having fun and making friends (as) you can see from the cameos."

Rounding out the ensemble cast of good guys and bad guys are Dennis Quaid, who plays the leader of top-secret international fighting force the GI Joes (no longer one man, but a group), Ray Park, of Darth Maul fame, who plays the silent Snake Eyes, Christopher Eccleston, who plays the duplicitous leader of arms traders MARS, Korean mega-star Byung-hun Lee, who plays bad-richard simmons ninja Storm Shadow, and Arnold Vosloo, who played the role of Imhotep in the Mummy movies.

The plot centres on the theft of four "nanomite" warheads, with the adventure in Paris, under the polar ice-cap and in front of green screens as the actors duck and weave their way through computer-generated (CGI) threats.

Although it's firmly in the realm of fantasy, the film focuses not on impossible futures, like Transformers or Star Trek, but on technology being developed right now - such as nanotechnology, so-called accelerator suits and camouflage suits that allow wearers to blend into the background by taking a photograph of what's behind them and putting it in front of them.

Sounds far-fetched? Sommers says at least two militaries are working on this over the next 10 to 12 years.

At a time when comic book films and CGI epics are hot property, GI Joe has some pretty stiff competition, but Sommers is more confident about this film than any he has made before. Preview audiences in the US loved it.

"We showed it to over 2000 people," he says. "Last night I showed it to the actors for the first time. Right at the very end, Marlon and Channing leapt over their chairs and hugged me. Because actors, in these movies, can look silly, they can look stupid, and they were so happy, so now I know. I've never been so confident. But I don't want to get cocky."

GI Joe is very much a movie for boys, but Sommers, who has two sisters and two daughters, wanted to make a film that girls could enjoy too. The Mummy, with its smart lead character played by Rachel Weiss, was very popular among females, and in Scarlett and the Baroness he wanted characters who were not only strong, but smart.

"These two girls are as smart and as tough as any of the guys. In fact, Rachel Nichols' character is smarter than anybody in the movie."

For Nichols, having Miller as a fellow female cast member was a breath of fresh air.

"The first day I met Sienna we were starting fight training and I was nervous to meet her actually because she's more famous than I am. I didn't know what kind of person she was, I didn't know anybody that knew her, for all I knew she was really mean or something.

"I met her and in about 20 seconds she was cracking jokes and we got on immediately and she's so self-deprecating and she's got such a big heart."

For the boys, it was like playing pretend on a large scale.

"I used to play with GI Joes as a kid," says Tatum, "and Snake Eyes was my guy and Duke, I don't think I really felt like Duke until I looked over and I saw Snake Eyes standing next to me and I was just like, 'Woah ... this is weird. This is cool'."

As they wait for the wounds to heal, and their sore muscles to return to normal, they can't wait to begin filming the next one.

Source: news.com.au

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Guest ellabel

Bo??!!! :o I cant believe Hwd is doing Old Boy and A Bittersweet Life! :o

Even tho i know that Denzel is a good actor but there will only be one Sun woo and that is LBH.

And Old Boy! Gosh! I dont think they can ever give that same edge and execution esp. with a different director.

Aigoo!! Even if doing a remake particularly in Hwd standard is a form of flattery, there still should be a limit to copying. Why cant Hwd be original? :wacko:

janice dear, I've seen one pic of LBH in a sageuk costume and let's just say I'm not too thrilled. :lol:

But, we know that BH is a chameleon and there is no role that he cant do well and with feelings.

After seeing him as Storm Shadow in GI Joe, BH as a ninja during the Chosun era will not be too difficult to imagine.

Btw, i love DAMO. It's one of my all-time K-drama faves. It's the only drama that made me appreciate HJW. But, the main attraction for me there is the marvelous acting of Lee Seo jin.

Looks like our HUNnie has been busy gracing the covers of different mags. Just in time for the promo of GI Joe.

I'm already counting the days until I see BH in the big screen here.

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i can't wait to see him on the big screens august 7th (;

Hi there, ilovethatpanda! Ooooh.. I love your soompi ID.. it's a pretty special name around here. :lol: Welcome to EverythingLBH, we're so happy to see you here and you're from Seoul, how cool! ^^

With all the positive and cool feedback.. no doubt everyone is anticipating the movie, can't wait indeed!

Do share with us your thoughts on GI Joe later.. we'd love to hear everything. :D And please don't be shy to join us here.

This is a cool extended clip, featuring more scenes including fight-on-vehicle between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow.. but be aware that the clip is not in English though. The first viewing, it appeared in Japanese for me, at replay.. the dialogues were all in French instead. :lol:

Exclusive fragment G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra Part 2


Credits to L.B.H. VIP ROOM 712

Rise of Cobra TV Spot #11 Debuts with Destro’s Mask!

Sunday, July 26th, 2009


Thanks to Terror Drome member RainbowViper for passing along the info, we now have a look at another Rise of Cobra TV spot thanks to YouTube member HDTVSpots. This one entitled “No Remorse” has plenty of new footage compared to the previous ones we’ve seen. We also get a quick glimpse at Destro’s mask.




z_MMEDIA5.gifClip to Keep

Source: innolife.tv

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Thanks to kimchibabe for sharing Arirang's All In re-runs info at the drama thread.

Not sure if the gist is current and correct as well as valid (in the situation of increasing false fan tours), there's a Beautiful Days' tour planned including visits to BD fave-spots and BH's house, too. Guesses at the drama thread.

Btw.. no one here sharing any BH news translation, updates or talks anymore. :huh: How sad.

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Guest shinerelsie

Rubie, how can i watch the program in KBS through internet?

I have been searching it though i cant find anything...pls do help me..thanks...

I'm eager to watch how IRIS gonna be...am very excited yet frustrated of the delay of telecast

hopefully in the days come there still some good news that it gonna be shown early than October

because its long time to be wait...dahhhh...

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