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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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Guest silver_beam

Hahaha!!! Fancy seeing you here silver_beam. :D

Ok, for you... me and rubie will no longer whisper..... I admit it..... no need in hiding......

It's ME!!! :w00t: BH is committed to me

Yes we meet again and I am all over the place as usual yakking!

Considering the fact that they look so good together but apparently their love didnt spark only their friendship has raised to the highest level. Being good buddies doesnt mean they are good being a couple, well as LBH mentioned his marriage is fated but he cannot erase his past love still lingering in his heart.

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OT: rubes dear.... I was surprise this morning when i tried to log-in... it went in! Cant believe it!

You gotta try every time.. might get lucky. :lol: It could be because the site is also going some upgrading/maintenance from time to time. More than a few.. I would be stuck in the blank page of soompi and not moving.. till my hair drops off.. :wacko:

Yes we meet again and I am all over the place as usual yakking!

Considering the fact that they look so good together but apparently their love didnt spark only their friendship has raised to the highest level. Being good buddies doesnt mean they are good being a couple, well as LBH mentioned his marriage is fated but he cannot erase his past love still lingering in his heart.

A friend who's a BH/BD fan like myself.. we had this interesting exchange some weeks ago in the heart of JW-JW update. What is more painful for the fans of tv/onscreen couples.. to see their fave couple so good & incredibly believable acting in a drama but would probably never get together offscreen no matter what OR a really good onscreen couple as well as good colleagues offscreen with numerous appearances in various projects over the years but would probably never be more than just friends no matter what.

It is true that lately LBH have been more open when it comes to the matters of the heart. Answers that we would never hear some years ago, are finally out.. from his own admission. For an actor, it is not a big problem to settle down much later (although we'd love to see him with his own children a lot sooner) .. as many of the male stars/singers/filmakers in Korea are marrying after 40 to their intended who are mostly those about 10 years younger, meaning the girl would be in her early 30 & ready for family.

He did mention about fate and a lot of things lately.. concerning marriage and family. In my understanding, he is preparing the fans that one day he won't be single anymore and hopefully everyone would be happy with his choice. With the recent outburst of celebrity relationships in Korea.. noted with the most extreme -ve response (KSW-STY), some with mixed reaction (CJW-LJW) and while others with more acceptance as seen with Kang Hye Jung, Lee Seon Gyun, Ha Jung Woo and their respective partners.

These recent relationship trend & development are probably being considered by LBH.. for the best and smart way to announce anything to the public & fans alike. He had done it before in 2003, and had experienced the reaction from both sides.. the good, the bad & the really worst of times.. but things have changed a lot since then.. they might want to be more discreet this time around but also having the fans' warm support would be a bonus.

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Guest Sung-ja e Seiko


Our hunnie had an interview with ELLE Taiwan April issue, I believe.

I read the part that was roughly translated into Japanese and he was talking something about SHK.

The script says, despite healthy and masculine beauty of his body he is rather hopeless naïve man and conservative regarding his love life.

It’s been a long time since he broke up with SHK but seems that he still cannot give up her.

BH says, at that time I wanted to marry her so badly but there was no fate between us unfortunately.

This is the outline that I got, but I am not sure.

Anyone can clarify better? When was this interview taken?

I am not making any speculation about his love life but I am just curious about this interview.

But he still talks about his past. Maybe it is not yet the past for him.

It’s rather sad.


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^ I'm not sure but the ELLE Taiwan interview could be recent.. considering that he did a feature with ELLE Korea & Japanese(?) versions late last year.. in effect of the new body he's got for the new movies. This was also brought up at the other thread.

It is indeed surprising (at least for me) that he would open up so much.. knowing how extremely reserved he had been before.. no one could get anything.. absolutely nothing.. out of him at the mention of his ex. But now.. who knows exactly.. what's really going on.

I've actually read so many different 'input' on the previous relationship.. I'm sure everyone here knows that as well. Until he really confirms or denies anything via BH Ent.. any interview in any magazine should be deemed as just speculation.

Maybe the past has never been the past for him.. and maybe for her, too. But I do know.. from observation since the first day (when All In pics were first released).. when he loves.. he really gives his all. And to this day..

Sung-ja.. perhaps you could check with the Japanese version of ELLE. But considering how BH Ent/JOFC have been very strict with the Japanese media since the rumour lawsuit in 2006.. there might be nothing in the Japanese press but as for Taiwanese media which are notoriously-known for highly sensational and spiced up features.. they could be hinting something without being taken seriously. :huh:

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Guest ellabel

Yes we meet again and I am all over the place as usual yakking!

Considering the fact that they look so good together but apparently their love didnt spark only their friendship has raised to the highest level. Being good buddies doesnt mean they are good being a couple, well as LBH mentioned his marriage is fated but he cannot erase his past love still lingering in his heart.

Hmmm.... u got me curious with the line (bolded by me) above.... did BH say that? :huh:

silver_beam dear, did u come across any article/news where it is even remotely implied that he hasnt moved on? It's been almost 5 years and it was not even a long affair, i think a little less than 1 year and she was rumored to have been involved with another actor/singer already ( dont know how true this is tho coz there's really no official announcement).

I believe that BH and JW's constant togetherness made them close friends and if ever they contemplated on going to the next level, we wud never know. I guess whatever they have now is even better for them... soulmates perhaps???...coz when we are faced with celebrity marriages breaking-up and former lovers becoming enemies, isnt it better that they can maintain their bond and continue to care for each other.

rubie dear, there are different types of fans... there are those who selfishly want their idol to be single forever, with the hallucination that they can be "It" for him and there are those who will love and support their idols in whatever decisions they make. There will always be various reactions when famous actors/idols do decide to settle down, when and to whom are sensitive issues. As they say, you cannot please everybody. I guess the most important think is to think of your own personal happiness coz at the end of the day, those screaming adoring fans will lose interest and will move on to the next available heartthrob.

Fan reactions, negative or positive are a given so it is up to the actor to break the news gently, sweetly or callously. These fans spent their hard-earned money and precious time to support these actors/idols so i think that gave them the right to rant and yak if they feel that their idols shortchanged them or took them for granted. This is fandom. The actor/idol should just be ready to bear the consequences of his decisions or actions.

Edit: Oh-oh.... just saw Sung-ja's post... so..... all these talks about BH not forgeting his past love is from the Elle Taiwan mag? Hmmm.... wud love to read the complete article in english, of corz... u know, some words maybe taken out of context or as always, lost in translation..... that wud be a pity if after 5 long yrs and many important events and fascinating works in between, he still has not moved on. :wacko::rolleyes:

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In an ICWTR related article, if I'm not mistakenly gisting..

Dir. Tran Ahn Hung positively praised LBH as someone with meticulous perfectionist-working style who would have lots of ideas to share.. making a director's filming more effective.

This article copied from PlanetBH0712.. also ICWTR related obviously :blush:

이병헌, 탄탄한 상반신 다시 한번 노출


톱스타 이병헌이 그의 또 다른 해외진출작인 '아이 컴 위드 더 레인'(I Come with the Rain, 이하

아이 컴)에서 탄탄한 상반신을 다시 한번 공개했다.

13일 일본의 산케이스포츠 인터넷판에 따르면, 트란 안 훙 감독의 '아이 컴'에서 이병헌은 매끈한

상반신을 고스란히 드러냈다. 김지운 감독의 '좋은놈 나쁜놈 이상한놈'에서 나쁜놈인 박창이 역을

맡아 우람한 근육을 보여줬던 것에 이어 두번째 노출 신이다. 당시에도 이병헌은 오랜 트레이닝과

철저한 식이요법으로 완벽한 복근을 보여준 바 있다.

이번에 다른 점이 있다면 양손에 묻어 있는 핏자국이다. 선혈이 낭자한 양손을 치켜든 가운데

뭔가를 노려보는 모습이다. 그가 극중에서 맡은 홍콩 마피아 보스의 캐릭터를 연상케하는 대목이다.

'아이 컴'은 지난해 이병헌이 할리우드 진출작인 '지아이 조'(GI Joe)를 찍을 때 틈틈이 홍콩을

오가며 참여한 작품이다.

'그린 파파야 향기' '시클로' 등으로 유명한 트란 안 훙 감독이 메가폰을 잡았고, 이병헌외에 할리우드

톱스타인 조쉬 하트넷과 일본의 톱스타 기무라 다쿠야가 함께 출연했다.

아시아계 대부호의 아들인 시타오(기무라 다쿠야)가 행방불명된 후 그의 행적을 쫓는 전직 형사

출신의 미국인 탐정(조쉬 하트넷)과 홍콩 마피아 보스(이병헌)의 추격전을 그리고 있다. 모두 영어로

제작됐다. 6월쯤 일본에서 먼저 개봉될 예정이다.

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Guest Janie Simply

rubie, you are positively praised for taking a bold step and not being shy in doing the gisting recently, job well done!

Wah, anything about LBH & SHK just giddy me up :w00t:

Ella dear, what English article :rolleyes: What SJ translated is literally English... I read the Chinese link and it is as has been translated :)

Confession time... :ph34r: I'm one of those selfish & hallucinating fans who is not ready for BH-ssi to get married <_<

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Guest silver_beam

Hmmm.... u got me curious with the line (bolded by me) above.... did BH say that? :huh:

silver_beam dear, did u come across any article/news where it is even remotely implied that he hasnt moved on? It's been almost 5 years and it was not even a long affair, i think a little less than 1 year and she was rumored to have been involved with another actor/singer already ( dont know how true this is tho coz there's really no official announcement).

Read this news article dated 9 April 2009:

She was interviewed few months back about her 1st unforgetable love and the multiple excuses of covering up lies has tired her to give up after trying to patch up many times but he never change - but she didnt mention name although ppl know she went public with one lover only. Her so-called next relationship was pure speculation, acted like a buffer to mend her heart but doubt she was really serious cos it's not easy to jump into another relationship at such a short time giving her a bad reputation that she's so easily in love. However, she never admitted nor denied about this one, therefore a big ? because there are loads of supporters of this coupling until lately she got herself out of the net to say she is searching for a good man and she has no bf.

Any possibility LBH is seeing someone? I doubt so cos with his mind and heart not forgotten, it's difficult to concentrate on his new love who may not take it lying down - marriage without love is a "no-no" but WTH who can tell like the drama "My Precious Love" SH married and have kids with BR.

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Guest ellabel

^^ Hahaha!!! having MPY hang-over, silver_beam?

I think i came across the article on SHK that you mentioned but dont remember tying-up the 1st unforgettable love to the one who tired her for covering up multiple lies... oh well, i have alzheimer's once a while so i forget things easily esp. if it does not concern me... LOL....

I'm not really a fan so i dont follow her lovelife but i know that many approve their coupling so am really happy for her and him. If it's not true then fine.. i still hope she finds the love of her life who is approved by her parents and worthy to be her husband.

I'm sure if BH is going to marry, it is for love rather than just obligation. He didnt reach this far only to be shortchanged by fate.

Hmmm.... tried to view the link u posted but firewalled here in the office... :o:blink:

janie hunnie, where is the english trans of the article?

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Guest Janie Simply

ellabel-hunnie, aish... I thought you read the ENGLISH translated article already -- the sensational article in English is at Post #18865 above lah; no one... not even Mark Russell... has yet translated it into English except by our SJ :sweatingbullets:


Rubie-hun, what's wrong with my heart throb siggy, is it too big? Do I need to shrink it? But... but your siggies got more stuff than me leh :unsure:

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Correct me if I am wrong.. but the link posted by Sung-ja, isn't really word-for-word the actual article in ELLE Taiwan (which would be much longer & detailed) but somewhat a first view/prelude/intro on the major points of the said article. I'm not saying it isn't true but if those who had bought and read the April issue of ELLE would be able to confirm the gist by


rubie, you are positively praised for taking a bold step and not being shy in doing the gisting recently, job well done!

Wah, anything about LBH & SHK just giddy me up :w00t:

Thanks Janie for the good words. I don't know what brought the worst of me to start gisting.. either the constant desperation to read news of BH or the extreme embarrassement of always asking others to help.. :sweatingbullets: :blush:

Btw.. sorry about your WB siggy.. no can do.

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Guest silver_beam

^^ Hahaha!!! having MPY hang-over, silver_beam?

I think i came across the article on SHK that you mentioned but dont remember tying-up the 1st unforgettable love to the one who tired her for covering up multiple lies... oh well, i have alzheimer's once a while so i forget things easily esp. if it does not concern me... LOL....

Hmmm.... tried to view the link u posted but firewalled here in the office... :o:blink:

janie hunnie, where is the english trans of the article?

The English translation is the same as the one I posted, you see one you see all! From the gist of it, LBH hasnt found his love and sense he isnt giving up hope yet, maybe taking one last shot at it! The irony is both are saying & thinking the same "unforgetable" love.

Sometimes we fans are such busy bodies, love to link romances of their idols after each screening of their dramas/movies. It's their private lives and whoever they want to love or marry it's their own business why do we have to worry for them. Anyway, what are fans for - hahaha to gossip to keep the chatting going that's all.

Nowadays, love and relationships cannot be guaranteed for life, either make or break and it's the kids who get hurts the most when they divorced after a few years.

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Guest Janie Simply

Oh, rubie-hunnie, have mercy on me leh, will the warning sign be permanently stamped on my siggy :sweatingbullets: I got pretty good reputation at certain threads so I do not want my image to permanently stained ;)

Aish, that is why I so scared to post at Hunnie's thread, for fear of breaking this rule or that rule, at least I haven't broken Hunnie's heart yet; Huhuhu, me want my Wonbin's back :tears:

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The someone in his heart is not just anyone..

Oh, rubie-hunnie, have mercy on me leh, will the warning sign be permanently stamped on my siggy :sweatingbullets: I got pretty good reputation at certain threads so I do not want my image to permanently stained ;)

Aish, that is why I so scared to post at Hunnie's thread, for fear of breaking this rule or that rule, at least I haven't broken Hunnie's heart yet; Huhuhu, me want my Wonbin's back :tears:

The Mother/WB siggy is 203KB in size more than the allowed 40KB. It's not how the banners look or having 'more stuff' on it. Mine are only 23 and 27KB respectively.

If you right-click on the WB gif, checking on the properties.. it will let you see the size of the image. Try it out.

Please don't worry about it.. nothing is permanent and since it's your first notice, just edit the siggy space with another image to continue posting as always.

Aigoo! No need to be hysterical lah! :P The link to your WB banner is still there. ^^

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Guest Janie Simply

The someone in his heart is not just anyone..

Aigoo! No need to be hysterical lah! :P The link to your WB banner is still there. ^^

What? You mean my head over heels towards him mean nothing at all? Alright, let me be the one who is heartbroken then <_<

Ya loh, almost getting hysterical B) Wah, didn't know the file is that huge! Thanks for the guidelines! Indeed a relief to know that my binnie banner is still around, better keep it in a safe place, like besides my broken heart :rolleyes:

Anyway, read that ICWTR will premiere in Japan on June 6 right?

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What? You mean my head over heels towards him mean nothing at all? Alright, let me be the one who is heartbroken then <_<

Ya loh, almost getting hysterical B) Wah, didn't know the file is that huge! Thanks for the guidelines! Indeed a relief to know that my binnie banner is still around, better keep it in a safe place, like besides my broken heart :rolleyes:

Anyway, read that ICWTR will premiere in Japan on June 6 right?

Yupyup.. already quite a number of updates in Japanese especially highlighting the upcoming premiere. When the Japanese side is finally ok with the movie, it's a good chance to see the much-awaited thriller premiering at CANNES as well. :rolleyes:

The ICWTR preview on Japanese tv news-show with more unseen scenes.. totally building the anticipation even more!!! :w00t:

Link & captures copied from GBW-cafe.daum 4095

Clip uploaded by sakagami01









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Hmmm.... u got me curious with the line (bolded by me) above.... did BH say that? :huh:

silver_beam dear, did u come across any article/news where it is even remotely implied that he hasnt moved on? It's been almost 5 years and it was not even a long affair, i think a little less than 1 year and she was rumored to have been involved with another actor/singer already ( dont know how true this is tho coz there's really no official announcement).

Hi Ella, Whoaaa.... - men usually moves on faster compared to women, this is just my opinion - Hmmm.....but I'm sure LBH could get to find another woman who could love & take care of him again. "she was rumoured to have been involved with another actor.singer already" - hahaha - this is interesting & cool - do I know him? - lol - For LBH - GO - all the way, if you'll be in-love again soon. I'm sure the next girl will be IT! It's about time he falls in love again. I sure can't wait to see that lucky woman. I'm definitely one of the many people who's waiting for this time to come. :lol::D

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Guest ellabel

ellabel-hunnie, aish... I thought you read the ENGLISH translated article already -- the sensational article in English is at Post #18865 above lah; no one... not even Mark Russell... has yet translated it into English except by our SJ :sweatingbullets:


Rubie-hun, what's wrong with my heart throb siggy, is it too big? Do I need to shrink it? But... but your siggies got more stuff than me leh :unsure:

Aigoo!!! what's happening to janie-hunnie? Why hysterical? :wacko:

I myself cant see any of my siggies or avvie or any pics posted in this thread. All i see are small boxes with small red x..... dont know if it's my comp or soompi acting up again. :sweatingbullets::wacko:

Ah... so.... it's an old article at post 18865... i think i've read it already.... i thot there's a new article on BH in time for the showing of ICWTR and G.I. Joe.... well, must be my senior moments... besides, what's there that i dont really know about already or hasnt been written before? :rolleyes:

janie dear, dont worry about warnings and all... it happens even to the most obedient posters here in soompi..... why are u afraid of posting in HUNnie's thread?.... as long as you're in soompi, if u break the rule, regardless of who's thread u r in then it's same same.....unless, u r talking of other forums/boards.

The English translation is the same as the one I posted, you see one you see all! From the gist of it, LBH hasnt found his love and sense he isnt giving up hope yet, maybe taking one last shot at it! The irony is both are saying & thinking the same "unforgetable" love.

Sometimes we fans are such busy bodies, love to link romances of their idols after each screening of their dramas/movies. It's their private lives and whoever they want to love or marry it's their own business why do we have to worry for them. Anyway, what are fans for - hahaha to gossip to keep the chatting going that's all.

Nowadays, love and relationships cannot be guaranteed for life, either make or break and it's the kids who get hurts the most when they divorced after a few years.

Of corz my HUNnie wont give up to find Love.... he only has to bat an eyelash or curl an index finger..... and women will flood him....of all shapes and sizes, age and status..... Hahaha!!! :w00t::P

Fans will be fans..... we love a lover and dreams of happily ever after..... we do get giddy with reel and real romances of our fave couplings... why not? One thing I notice in K-entertainment, they rarely repeat loveteams or couples no matter how popular or well-loved their partnership was. So, unlike in my country.

Hi Ella, Whoaaa.... - men usually moves on faster compared to women, this is just my opinion - Hmmm.....but I'm sure LBH could get to find another woman who could love & take care of him again. "she was rumoured to have been involved with another actor.singer already" - hahaha - this is interesting & cool - do I know him? - lol - For LBH - GO - all the way, if you'll be in-love again soon. I'm sure the next girl will be IT! It's about time he falls in love again. I sure can't wait to see that lucky woman. I'm definitely one of the many people who's waiting for this time to come. :lol::D

I agree willenette dear.... esp. since there are more women than men in this world at this time.

Hahaha!!! I'm sure you are well-acquainted with the actor/singer, willenette. Are u also rooting for their coupling?

:lol: At least you are just waiting on the sidelines and not in the line.... less one competitor.. :P:lol:

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Guest silver_beam

Hi Ella, Whoaaa.... - men usually moves on faster compared to women, this is just my opinion - Hmmm.....but I'm sure LBH could get to find another woman who could love & take care of him again. "she was rumoured to have been involved with another actor.singer already" - hahaha - this is interesting & cool - do I know him? - lol - For LBH - GO - all the way, if you'll be in-love again soon. I'm sure the next girl will be IT! It's about time he falls in love again. I sure can't wait to see that lucky woman. I'm definitely one of the many people who's waiting for this time to come. :lol::D

Willenette, it's history and dont come & bluff here if you dont know who. I know you dont like that link but I know which gal you set your eyes for him and I feel they do look very comfortable with each other, maybe as friends though they want to be lovers.

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I agree willenette dear.... esp. since there are more women than men in this world at this time.

Hahaha!!! I'm sure you are well-acquainted with the actor/singer, willenette. Are u also rooting for their coupling?

:lol: At least you are just waiting on the sidelines and not in the line.... less one competitor.. :P:lol:

ella, thanks for agreeing with me, my dear. (Whoever my man wants, I'd love that woman, too...that's how much I love him - hahaha) Just like what I feel for LBH, whoever will be his next girl, I'd be excited to see her with him! :lol::D

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