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Lee Byung Hun 이병헌 Byunghun Lee


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^ UHHHH.. hold your snowballs, hunnies.. tongueout.gif

but a thought just flashed by.. lightup.gif.. with all the plush white snow surrounding and cool coldness all over.. makes very good and tight HUGGING scenes, no? 3drool.gif

Great sharing, ylin! Well done!

I'm not sure if the person in the middle is BH.. yet why they had this particular photo, right? :huh: Maybe it's BH in his "fugitive mode"?

Aigoo.. so many questions.. but no answer. bricks.gif

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Guest cynthia05

^ UHHHH.. hold your snowballs, hunnies.. tongueout.gif

but a thought just flashed by.. lightup.gif.. with all the plush white snow surrounding and cool coldness all over.. makes very good and tight HUGGING scenes, no? 3drool.gif

Great sharing, ylin! Well done!

I'm not sure if the person in the middle is BH.. yet why they had this particular photo, right? :huh: Maybe it's BH in his "fugitive mode"?

Aigoo.. so many questions.. but no answer. bricks.gif

Yup itz really our Hunnie (with moustache again!). If I am not wrong, the whole hotel is closed for renovation to be changed to another management and will only reopen end Apr (just in time after completion of shooting). But sources over there refused to comment on that when we were there!

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^ So.. it's really BH, huh.. :P .. guess the long-er hairstyle is still with him, too.. :huh: Got a feeling that he's going to look "un-recognizable" as part of his camouflage. :sweatingbullets: Let it be for just one episode.. pleasepleaseplease..

Yup itz really our Hunnie (with moustache again!). If I am not wrong, the whole hotel is closed for renovation to be changed to another management and will only reopen end Apr (just in time after completion of shooting). But sources over there refused to comment on that when we were there!

LOL! That's mighty fishy indeed! :lol: Already very hush-hush.. obviously afraid the fans will fill up the place instead.. leaving no rooms for BH & IRIS.. which what happened to most if not all of the other hotels around. :P

That's a cool sharing, Cynthia. A new week in Akita as well.. hope we'll get a bit more news & pics later. :rolleyes:

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Posted on 03.13.09 to IRIS, Korean Dramas by hanfever

Japanese Actress Yoo Min Joins 'IRIS'

The cast of the upcoming drama 'IRIS' just got stronger. Japanese actress Yoo Min (Fueki Yuko) is the latest to join the drama which already has a star-studded cast, that includes Lee Byung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Jung Joon Ho, Kim Seung Woo, Kim So Yeon and TOP.

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According to press release from the production company on the 13th, Yoo Min will play an important member of the Japanese Defence Intelligence Headquarters, Sato Eriko. During the interrogation of the captured suspect Kim Hyun Joon (Lee Byung Hun), Sato Eriko discovers his extraordinary ability and thus releases him from the prison. In return, Hyun Joon has to accomplish a secret mission given to him.

This project will be the collaboration between Lee Byung Hun and Yoo Min once again after a period of 6 years. They last acted together in the 2003 drama “All In”.

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Scene from All In, capture courtesy leebyunghun.com

'IRIS' has began its filming in Akita Prefecture, Japan on the 10th with Lee Byung Hun, Kim Tae Hee and Kim So Yeon. Yoo Min, Jung Joon Ho, Kim Seung Woo and TOP will be joining the team some time this month.

Hi rubie, thanks for sharing this updates about the drama. Strong cast for this series...... :lol::D

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March 16, 2009 10:32

GI Joe: Rise of Cobra videogame developed alongside movie release

이병헌 출현! '지아이조' 게임 스크린샷 공개

게임동아 | 김동현 | 입력 2009.03.16 10:32

Screencaptures from upcoming movie 'GI Joe: Rise of Cobra' new videogame have been released with the images of actor Lee Byung Hun as Storm Shadow appearing with Snake Eyes, played by Ray Park.

The 'Rise of Cobra' game is developed for PS3, Xbox360, PS2, Wii, PSP, NDS, and confirmed most of the game's launch platform.


인기 배우 이병헌의 헐리우드 첫 작품인 영화 '지아이조'(G.I Joe)를 소재로 개발 중인 동명의 액션 게임 '지아이조 - 더 라이즈 오브 코브라'(G.I. JOE: The Rise of Cobra)의 스크린샷이 공개됐다.

PS3, Xbox360, PS2, Wii, PSP, NDS 등 대부분의 플랫폼으로 출시가 확정된 이 게임은 세계 정복을 꿈꾸는 거대 테러 단체 '코브라'를 막기 위한 특수부대 '지아이조'의 활약을 그리고 있다. 게임은 '지아이조'와 '코브라' 양쪽의 캐릭터를 모두 선택해서 즐길 수 있게 될 예정.

한편, '지아이조 - 더 라이즈 오브 코브라'는 북미 기준으로 7월 발매 된다.

김동현 기자 game@gamedonga.co.kr

게임에 관한 모든 것,게임동아(www.gamedonga.co.kr)

ⓒ게임동아 & GameDonga.co.kr, 무단 전재 및 재배포 금지

Source: media.daum.net

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Thanks to the highlight at LBH Magicbox, article & pics from sakigake.jp

Hope there'll be a more accurate gist on this. Merci!^^ Please let me know any correction of mis-info.

March 16, 2009

Thrilled with the enthusiastic reception

On March 15, Lee Byung Hun and the cast & staff of IRIS held an interview & press conference before a reception held at the Castle Hotel Akita in Akita City


Speaking of his visit to Akita, Lee Byung Hun "I wanted to go where the hot springs are in beautiful snow scenery, this is indeed a dream coming true. Although it is not the time to enjoy the hot springs in the closely packed shooting schedule, filming was fun especially when the day is over " he continued with a smile.

Despite filming schedule made nonpublic and closed, fans still flooded the filming site. LBH is very much inspired by the enthusiastic reception of the fans from day one. "Some of the fans are those who'd always see me many times that you really feel a warm feeling," the actor conveys his thanks with such tenderness.


L to R: ??, PD Kim GyuTae, Kim TaeHee, Lee ByungHun, Kim SoYeon, ??, Mr. Song WanMo

Co-star Kim Tae Hee plays a role as LBH's lover. Her impressions of Akita are "the lovely lakes and mountain scenery, giving the wonderful feeling of working in the snow surrounding. Also, thanks to very clean air and water, eliminate the problems with the skin which the actress hopes that someday, would like to visit Akita especially for leisure.

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Guest kimchibabe

Thanks to the highlight at LBH Magicbox, article & pics from sakigake.jp


With the week over, BH looks fresh and well-rested although he seems to have lost a bit of weight judging from his face (as compared to the way he looked upon his arrival at Akita.) Its always nice to hear him say that work is fun at the end of the day. It shows that he's happy and satisfied with what was achieved that day. And from the way he spoke, everything's going along well.

I notice that he's wearing the bead bracelet he wore during GBW/ICWTR days. Must be some kind of good luck charm for him. It worked for GBW, why not on IRIS? :)

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^ I hope the gist about what BH said were somehow.. uhh.. quite on-the-spot.. :blush: .. had to guess the Japanese online translation through and through. :sweatingbullets:

But good eyes.. kimchibabe-ssi..rbhcool.gif .. you definitely did not miss the famous bead bracelet on his left wrist. Missing-Hunnie-so-much-rubes here was obviously starstruck looking at such a cool babe.. our sexy Byunghun in casuals & jeans. :wub:

No offence or harm meant but can't help noticing that KSY seems to be a bit self-conscious sitting/standing next to Byunghun-ssi. :huh: Somewhat similar to Soo Ae during Once in a Summer filming/interview.. *yes.. no.. maybe* mf_hide.gif

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Guest cynthia05

^ I hope the gist about what BH said were quite correct :blush: .. had to guess the Japanese online translation through and through. :sweatingbullets:

But good eyes.. kimchibabe-ssi..rbhcool.gif .. you definitely did not miss the famous bead bracelet on his left wrist. Missing-Hunnie-so-much-rubes here was obviously starstruck looking at such a cool babe.. our sexy Byunghun in casuals & jeans. :wub:

No offence or harm meant but can't help noticing that KSY seems to be a bit self-conscious sitting/standing next to Byunghun-ssi. :huh: Somewhat similar to Soo Ae during Once in a Summer filming/interview.. *yes.. no.. maybe*

Totally agree about KSY being self-conscious. Always had the feeling that she is very self-confident but her body language here tells us a totally different story. Would have thought KTH would be the one feeling self-conscious instead. Guess both actresses must be in awe of our Hunnie who holds everybody's attention when he speaks. But why did KSY cut her long hair that makes her sexy to this short hair.....does not suit her in my opinion. But Hunnie looks radiant but WHEN is he gonna cut his hair.....can't wait!!!

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^ Yupyup! that might be one of the reasons as Byunghun-ssi has always been so at ease & confident in interviews, indeed.. and especially in Japan, too. No matter what the actresses may feel/thought about BH at first.. once they really knew how he works and always sharing acting tips, they'll definitely will warm up to him.. and acting would be easier and more natural to all of them, hopefully. ;)

I almost didn't recognize KSY.. if it's not for the text in the article.. what a surprise, all of the sudden. Even with shorther hair.. it may give her a better and new approach to act in IRIS.

About BH-ssi.. at this point.. though still hoping for a haircut :unsure: .. the style might just stay with him (to sport a completely different look from previous drama/movies).. :sweatingbullets: .. as he seems so comfortable and especially beaming. :P *bracing the hair*

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Guest cynthia05

^ Yupyup! that might be one of the reasons as Byunghun-ssi has always been so at ease & confident in interviews, indeed.. and especially in Japan, too. No matter what the actresses may feel/thought about BH at first.. once they really knew how he works and always sharing acting tips, they'll definitely will warm up to him.. and acting would be easier and more natural to all of them, hopefully. ;)

I almost didn't recognize KSY.. if it's not for the text in the article.. what a surprise, all of the sudden. Even with shorther hair.. it may give her a better and new approach to act in IRIS.

About BH-ssi.. at this point.. though still hoping for a haircut :unsure: .. the style might just stay with him (to sport a completely different look from previous drama/movies).. :sweatingbullets: .. as he seems so comfortable and especially beaming. :P *bracing the hair*

Well said "Bracing the hair".....he always has the knack of talkng his way thru to get his "many ideas" across and keeping his hair may be one of them.......tatz our Hunnie!

Any news of whether ICWTR will be going to Cannes.......or another hiccup??

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Well said "Bracing the hair".....he always has the knack of talkng his way thru to get his "many ideas" across and keeping his hair may be one of them.......tatz our Hunnie!

High Five with Cynthia! :lol: That's our Hunnie, indeed! :P The current hairstyle might be one of his own ideas.. but let's not lose hair.. oops, I mean hope.. over this. laughing.gif As the filming is only starting for the earlier episodes/scenes (presumably).. who knows.. cast appearances may change along the way. There might be some timeline for the plot that they have to follow. *hopehopehope!*

Maybe KSY's short hair is what the script calls for.. to distinctively differentiate the female co-stars.. perhaps. :D

Any news of whether ICWTR will be going to Cannes.......or another hiccup??

One very good question.. but no answer in sight.. :sweatingbullets: .. sure hope there won't be anything blocking the movie's much-delayed premiere this time. :vicx: But so far.. if I didn't miss anything.. the Cannes 2009 line-up hasn't been unveiled. Maybe in April or later this month.. selected movies will be confimed for screening at the international filmfest.

Hoping for the best indeed!

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Guest mailene28

thanks for the presscon photos & the articles ^^ rubie dear! yep, thats definitely Byung hun ssi's hairstyle! :D

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March 17, 2009

Lee Byung Hun - Kim Tae Hee; snowy IRIS filming launched

이병헌-김태희, 日설원에서 '아이리스' 촬영돌입



Source: asiae.co.kr

Uhhh.. I really don't want to be snowballed for this.. but why oh why.. does the lovers' hugging look.. awkward :wacko: .. even for Byunghun-ssi? First-time blues?

Obviously.. rubie is hoping for something much closer.. and much TIGHTER. huglove.gif

oops.. blurpanda better run from snowballs of Akita.. zoomz

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Guest kimchibabe

Thanks for the pictures Rubie! Glad you managed to get hold of these to share.

IRIS is indeed a grand production..the location is postcard-perfect. But for me, BH is the sight to behold...no matter what, where or when. :wub::wub:

p.s. I want to call it a picture of a warm embrace.. still its lacking.

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Thanks rubie for sharing the pic of KTH and BH, I think they could look good together , but I also agree that hugging wasn't close enough :lol: . But I'm sure next pic we see on them, could be pretty HOT.

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More Iris news! Yay...and agree the hug seems different. Because we all know our Hunnie panda! Maybe they are just starting out hence not so comfy working yet. (just my own theory) But I am so happy to see LBH in a drama again. Can't wait for this one!

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IRIS is indeed a grand production..the location is postcard-perfect. But for me, BH is the sight to behold...no matter what, where or when. :wub::wub:

p.s. I want to call it a picture of a warm embrace.. still its lacking.

Indeed.. the scenery for the drama is indeed breathtaking, to say the least. It's obviously a picture-perfect choice filming the snows of Akita. :wub:

kimchibabe-ssi.. I totally agree with you on the lack of "warm embrace" effect.. as much as I'm excited to see the new caps.. can't help thinking about the hugging.. really don't want to be too critical about it.. but I just had to say it out loud. :sweatingbullets:

Thanks rubie for sharing the pic of KTH and BH, I think they could look good together , but I also agree that hugging wasn't close enough :lol: . But I'm sure next pic we see on them, could be pretty HOT.

Yupyup! Hopefully the next pics of the lovers would be much bettercloser and believable.

As zashi had mentioned.. perhaps, they weren't too comfy with each other yet.. the scene could be the very first they had together. On a still image.. for that first look (could be the angle it was shot?).. the effect wouldn't be that intense as the acting performance itself.. right.. :huh:

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KTH-LBH Embrace, IRIS Filming Starts in Japan

김태희-이병헌<아이리스>, 일본서 크랭크인...촬영장 열기 ´후끈´

2009-03-17 16:35:12


◇ <아이리스> 첫 촬영에 돌입한 주연 배우 김태희-이병헌. ⓒ 태원ent /Taewon Ent.

한국 드라마 최초로 시도되는 첩보액션드라마 <아이리스> (IRIS)>(제작 ㈜태원엔터테인먼트)가 이병헌, 김태희, 정준호, 김승우, 김소연, T.O.P, 유민을 캐스팅하고 드디어 본격적인 촬영을 시작했다.

일본 아키타현의 아름다운 설경을 담기 위해 일본으로 출발한 <아이리스> 팀은 지난 10일 크랭크 인, 국가안전국(NSS)에서 함께 일하는 동료이자 연인인 현준(이병헌)과 승희(김태희)가 모처럼만의 휴가를 얻어 함께 스키를 타며 즐거운 추억을 만드는 장면으로 촬영을 시작했다.

아시아 최고의 스타들로 구성된 <아이리스> 출연진으로 인해 조용했던 아키타현은 현재 촬영장을 보려는 팬들과 관광객들로 북적이고 있다.

9일 <아이리스> 촬영팀과 이병헌, 김태희, 김소연을 보기 위해 아키타 공항을 터질 듯이 메운 팬들로 시작해 현재까지 아키타현의 모든 숙박시설들은 관광 비수기임에도 불구하고 모두 예약이 완료된 상태. <아이리스> 촬영 장소도 주요 스태프들만 알고 있을 정도로 비밀리에 정해지고 있지만, 정보를 입수하고 몰려드는 팬들로 인해 촬영에 차질이 생길 정도인 상황.

아키타현은 팬들로 인해 벌어질 만약의 사태를 대비해 현지 경찰과 경호원을 배치 <아이리스> 촬영이 무사히 진행될 수 있도록 적극적인 협조를 아끼지 않고 있다.

지난 16일 정준호에 이어 19일에는 빅뱅의 T.O.P 그리고 23일에는 김승우가 아키타로 출발, 촬영에 합류하며, 3월 말까지 일본 촬영을 마무리하고 국내로 복귀한다.

화려한 캐스팅뿐 아닌 200억여 원에 달하는 제작비와 아시아와 유럽을 넘나드는 해외 로케이션을 비롯한 대규모 세트 등의 다양한 볼거리를 자랑하는 <아이리스>는 강렬한 액션 장면, 그리고 특히 눈부신 설경을 배경으로 영상미 더한 아름다운 로맨스로 시청자들을 사로잡을 예정. 올 하반기 총 20부작으로 브라운관 전파를 탄다.

Source: dailian.co.kr


Image from innolife.net

Korea's first attempt in producing a spy-action thriller 'IRIS' by Taewon Production and Entertainment casting top actors and Hallyu-stars of Lee Byung Hun, Kim Tae Hee, Jung Jun Ho, Kim Seung Woo, Kim So Yeon, T.O.P of Big Bang and the latest addition of Japanese actress, Yoo Min has began shooting in Akita Prefecture, Japan since the 10th of March.

The breathtakingly beautiful snow-covered surroundings of Akita became the first location for scenes consisting a ski vacation for NSS Agents Kim Hyun Jun (played by Lee Byung Hun) and Seung Hee (played by Kim Tae Hee) acting as lovers.

The usually quiet and serene vacation spots in Akita have been actively filled with fans coming to see the filming of IRIS and the stars especially. So far, there have been smooth cooperation between the drama production and the administration of Akita to ensure that the fans & tourists visiting are well treated.

As the filming progresses, actors Jung Jun Ho, Kim Seung Woo and T.O.P will arrive within the week to start their scenes in the much-anticipated drama of 2009. The shooting in Japan is expected to continue till end of March. With a 200 billion won budget and filming locations spanning from Japan across Asia to Europe (Turkey) and Russia, the production of IRIS is boosting its unique attraction of intense action scenes with a beautiful romantic plot set to grab the audiences' attention.

This 20-episode spy series will be aired in September.

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