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[Drama 2000] Autumn Tale 가을동화


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Guest chickyl3aby

best drama ever. love the cast. love the story. love the music. first korean drama i ever watched. i just love everything about it!

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The 0only thing i like in this drama is that, it is so sad.

This is not my favorite SHG drama, but the one with the best, most beautiful cast in the person of SHG, SSH and WB. ALL BEAUTIFUL.

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Guest juma48

U can review back on page 42 to dl that drama since mmmlove have upload this drama in megaupload.

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Guest hochiminh
Guest tinasarangg

thank you mmmlove for the uploads!

hehe i'm three episodes away from finishing -- i'll be back to edit when i'm done with the series.

its so good <3

i usually hate these incest storylines but ahh; this one is so sad, i shed a lot of tears heh.

i think SHG looks better with wonbin (;

hwaiting taeshukiee!

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Guest esprit

^ what there is a movie version for AT?! i didn't know about it, what's the difference between that one and the series version? pls clarify for me ^^'''

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Guest tinasarangg


i'm so disappointed in the ending. i really hoped that joonsuh would at least TRIED to live. god, the ending was so frigging expected; i was expecting him to do something like that =T

nonetheless, i cried lots. hehh i feel so sad for taeshuk and joonsuh's umma. they loved eunsuh the most.

despite it all, it was worth watching :)


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Guest xosweetie

I can't believe there aren't as much comments on this as other movies like Goong or w.e. This was by far the best movie ever. The cast and plot was great. I totally fell in love with the oppa. I just wished they could of lived happily in teh end or something but he had to die.

And haha this is what i assumed about the other characters that didn't die:

the two mothers die of heartbrokeness

Taesuk lives in darkness replaying the happy memories of her

her friend goes into depression

And the father and the other daughter go to the states full of regrets

GREAT MOVIE. i cried so much. Everyone should watch it.

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hmmm im pretty sure there is a movie version.. or wus i just hallucinating? cause i remember watching one........ but nobody else seems to knwo about it =\

anyways, yeah i expected more comments and everything but i guess its because goong, my girl and stuff.. its new and as ppl watched it they made comments on every episode. whereas ppl that have alreayd watched autumn tale, they just make A comment on the whole series

so yeah.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest kittylovespaolo

this is the first korean drama that i ever saw.

it was shown here like 2 or 3 years ago (dubbed in our language) and i was absolutely clueless about it. i didn't know anything about korean drama. my officemates were so crazy about it! so i got curious and decided to watch at least one scene. i got interested! why? because of song seung hun! i had a crush in college who looked alot like him. hehe. so i was rooting for him! then i saw won bin and just flipped! <for me he is still the man to beat among korean actors. come back! huhu.> tae suk - what a man. and yes, i agree (to someone saying in this thread) that most likely no man like him exists in this world. i only cried and felt (really foolishly!) bad because of him. poor tae suk.

although many korean dramas surfaced - better plots and sets and casts BUT this drama will forever have a space in our hearts (in my heart at least) here in the Philippines because this drama introduced us to korean drama (& anything korean).

i bought my own dvd set just last year. it wasn't cheap (OUCH!) but it was worth it.

i think someone using the id "il mare" had a good review of this drama.

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Hi Everyone!!

I'm a SHK fan. I love this drama a lot cos it's the first K drama I've ever watch. I love all the cast esp. SHK, SSH and WB. These 3 are just too gorgeous. :w00t:

I have watched it again this time even though I have bought my own VCD already. It's the 4th time already that it was shown here in our country. hahaha...that proves how good is the story is. :D

The episode today is about when SSH and SHK is cleaning by the window. This is my second best scene. Their position is just so sweet and the music makes me..... :blush:

Hi kittylovespaolo where did you bought the DVD set?? Is it in Korean version? Does it have the NG's and Behind the Scenes? Pls tell me.

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My first kdrama.. i think,

fallen in love w/ it cause of wonbin,

i'm so disapointed, that she didn't pick wonbin at last...

it's really expected,

but overall i really love this drama.. sad T.T

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