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Robert Pattinson & Kristen Stewart Thread


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Guest whf_violet

yeah i want to believe that article, but i want to see a video!

btw, when is kristen gonna be at sundance?

I thought she's gonna attend on the 19th but someone said that she might me attending today.

She'll be there on the 20th ^_^










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edit //

VF is such a tease where's the kiss on the cheek pic! <_<

juhee, Taylor looks like he was enjoying to whatever Rob was doing on his nipple.. hahahaha



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Guest whf_violet


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Wonder why they have to put a big X on the pic <_<

I hope I can find another version of this pic without the watermarks... LOL

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Guest whf_violet

Miss Bouakham, thanks for removing the green x in the pic. :D

credit: FF

You and Kristen are an enchanting film-couple. Were sparks flying in real life as well?

"No, and as far as I know she also has a boyfriend. But I like Kristen a lot.She’s a great actress, breathtakingly beautiful and on top of that she has an incredible aura. In front of the camera we harmonise well, the chemistry is just right. "


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Lol he's said 'I always get what I want' in an magazine interview before (not reliable source but still--) when the subject of him and Kristen were brought up so what about her having a BF will change things? :lol: They're super cute together. Hm I want to know if they're both single too.

Thank you Miss. B for removing the mark! I love their height difference.

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Guest whf_violet

Instyle interview in Germany

InStyle: You’re single at the moment. Which type of woman would be able to change that?

ROB: Self- confident women like the actresses Patricia Arquette or Tina Fey. It’s promising when they don’t like me. My three ex-girlfriends all hated me before I won them. I just wanted to become an actor because of the pretty girls.

RK manip


credit: lion_lamb

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Robert Pattinson Found!


R-Patz thought he could escape the Twilight fervor by lopping off his luxurious locks and laying low in London.

But, one of our Perezcious readers (Isabella) found him (at a random pub)!

And thank goodness too!

We'd been hurting for our Rob fix!


finally we can see his latest pic!

still hot :w00t:

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Guest whf_violet

so I saw pics of Kstew at sundance with papa stewart, and no sign of oregano ...yet

LOL! Yeah, I only saw her dad and the blond woman ( maybe thats her publicist). Someone from LJ who works as an intern in Sundance said that she saw oregano's name in her guest list ( but she just saw the name Michael :lol: but most probably that's oregano oredi). The confirmation of the guest are more likely done few months before the event.

JuliaOgata, thanks for sharing the pic but that should be posted in Rob's thread, not here :sweatingbullets:


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