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Duet with Lisa (fantasiimaker)

Guest Hsiang84

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Guest Hsiang84
Jay Chou's version of Rooftop (屋頂 WuDing)
Waha all, here's another Chinese duet and this time I'm singing with Lisa (fantasiimaker)! Thank you Lisa for mixing :) Lisa was the one who brought my attention to this popular but not yet Soompi-touched Taiwanese duet. This was indeed a fun song to record. Everything turned out decent. A few things I wanted to point out though. Lisa, you have a niiice voice. I knew that before, but it just struck me again and I had to say it. Oh I especially wanna give notice to the few falsetto notes you had in there, such as on 2:04. Even though its really short and only one note, but you sang it smooth and pretty and clean. Nice. I think this clip would sound better if my parts were a bit louder though, 'cause the whole song sounded kinda unbalanced during the transition of our parts due to quiet>loud>quiet>loud effects. Oh and a small note on your harmony. A few notes of your harmony was off and I'm guessing you recorded with either my part or the original playing at the same time, because keys can easily be pulled off when singing something different than what you're hearing. You probably had to worry about matching the timing of both parts too huh. But next time try singing with just the instrumental and mute the other parts and see if it helps. Anyhow, nice job overall! Hope we can duet again in the future. :D Here's the song: Lisa+Kevin_-_Rooftop Feel free to leave any comments.
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Guest juki_love

nicely done~

but i agree that some parts in Lisa's harmony were a bit off..

but i like your voice in this lisa^^ ur voice seems to be stronger and thicker in this clip wen i listen to this in comparison to some songs i've heard you sing~ great job on this song++

and kevin --> you have a nice voice + you hav ur own style~ which is nice++ sounds a bit like Jay Chou too -o_O-

keke great job to the both of you^^

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Guest colourfulhearts

屋頂 is my favourite song!!!

Kevin, i absolutely love your voice, you have to be one of the best singers ever! ^^" ... when you sang 望春風.... gaaaah @.@

Lisa you sound awesome, at first it wasnt what i expected cuz in the original the girl had a much higher voice but after listening a bit into the song i really started liking your voice

awwwww i love this song and you both sang it perfectly :D

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Guest conversebunny

this sounds very good!! I love both of your voices, and you both sang this song well. I also agree that lisa was flat in some of the harmonization, but I'm sure it must be hard to harmonize in an internet collab because you can't hear the other person *never done one before*

I'm seriously loving these chinese collabs you all are doing...sounds amazing! makes me want to try one haha :D

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lisa, you were off in the harmonies at some parts. but steady voice, strong. :D i like a lot of the small transitions. wish you did more vibratto on some notes though. still really really beautiful ~

kevin, you blow me away every time you sing. i dont know what to say, you're just too good. im just out of words and expressions. haha i sound stupid.. hahaha anywayssssssssssss INCREDIBLE JOB.

although im not a big fan of this song, but i think you guys did a wonderful job. :D :D :D


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Guest fantasiimaker

XD; *dies*

I'm horrible at harmonies lol~ *embarrassed* I swear I'll learn how to sing them properly one day XD

I don't think I've quite mastered this song yet, but I've always wanted to sing it because it's so beautiful ^^ Sorry about the mixing >___<;; I tried my best with that.

Kevin has an admirable voice ^-^b Fits this song perfectly. I'm glad to have had the chance to collab with you!!

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Guest animagelet

Hsiang84 - wow you've got a lovely voice <333 But you sound so much like Jay?? you sing like him. Is that your real voice?

Fantasiimaker - Beautiful *_* When you become famous and I hear your song playing at some music shop (even if i've never heard it before), I'm so so sure that I'll immediatelyyyy recognize it's you simply because your voice is so special <33333

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Guest Hsiang84

haha, do I really sound like Jay?

I'm not sure if I like that...I remember making fun of Jay's voice before. :P

It's my real voice though, although it's really easy to unconsciously mimic the original singer's method of singing sometimes. I don't think I usually sound like Jay.

Thank you everyone for listening and commenting!

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aww.. this is such a good song. you both did great and i don't think i should repeat what the others say so i won't. good job you two! it's b-e-a-uuuutifulll!!

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A pretty song to duet on. Good choice :)

I've never heard this song before, but indeed you two are the best suited to sing this song.

Kevan, you did a really nice job. I think some of the end notes were just a little off in the beginning... But you recovered very nicely as the song went on. Your vibratto is very fit for this song and provides warmth for the song. Also, in the chorus, I think there was an 'A' note that you had to hit. You certainly hit it, but it sounded slightly nasal/muffled.

Lisa, you did a really nice job as well. I think you worked better pitch-wise (except those harmonies), and your voice is refreshing to hear. Perhaps for a song like this, more vibratto would have been nice.

For the harmonies... yeah, they weren't great. :( Most were off-pitch and your voices really clashed in there. ><

Because I do have high expectations for you guys, I think I've heard better from both of you. But that certainly doesn't limit the well-done job that you guys did here. :)

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Haha yeah I can't stand JZ's voice either...maybe it's just being from mainland?

You two did well individually, but like others have pointed out the harmonies don't work that well ^_^; . Still the clip is nice and I hope to hear more from both of you :).

On a side note, chinese music always makes me realize just how bad my chinese is. I can speak if fluently enough with family and friends, yet when a song is played I can't follow it at all :-\.

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