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Korean Scary Stories


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Guest Sympathetic

Harbl, the most scariest story you've told - imo, was the "WITNESS" one.. I swear, I actually believed, I believed that you were going to die and I was going to die also.

And at the time I was thinking (why does he want to kill more people by posting it online :()

LOL I swear Im retarded, but nevertheless, it was a good story!


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Guest Panda Kisses

Dunno if this was posted yet.


A few months ago a friend of mine, who is an up-and-coming nature photographer, decided to spend a day and night alone in the woods outside of our town. She wanted to get photos of the woods and wildlife as naturally as she could for her portfolio. She wasn’t afraid of being alone, as she had camped by herself many times before. She set up a tent in the middle of a small clearing and spent the day taking pictures. She filled up four rolls of film on that trip, but something was strange about them. What she saw in those pictures has stayed with her ever since, and she is still trying to recover from the trauma the have caused her.

Almost every picture was accounted for, save for one picture in each roll of film.

These pictures were of her, asleep in her tent in the middle of the night.

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harbl, i love you so much right now...but love you at the same time -.-


The love, I'm feeling it.

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Guest strawberry.llamas

Harbl's stories are really scary...>< But they're still interesting to read. :P

yeah they are very interesting to read. very different from

the other ones in this thread.

where do you find these stories?

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It's kind of short.

A man passing by a small street saw a girl crying at a side, facing to the wall. Her black hair is braided in to beautiful pigtails.

He felt strange that a small child would cry alone on the streets with no adults to comfort her, but then again, she was probably lost from her parents. So he went up and tapped the girl on the shoulder.

"Why are you crying? Where are you parents? Did you get lost?"

"I'm not lost, my parents are out of town and we just moved here. I was trying to make some friends in the neighborhood but no one would play with me."

The man was curious. The girl isn't handicapped, is very nicely dressed, and spoke with a cute voice. There doesn't seem to be a reason for other kids to harass her.

"But wouldn't they want to play with you?"

"They said I'm ugly."

"That's not true! These kids are just being rude to you!"

The girl didn't answer but continued to sob facing the wall. The guy was upset by the reaction of her neighbor's friends and said, "Let's go find those kids. They should apologize for the mean things they did to you."

He grabbed her hand and turned her around. To his surprise, all he sees is still two long braids facing him.

"Do you think I'm ugly too?"

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Guest xshoeee

If you go to Montpelier, North Dakota, you will find a small school. If you go into the school, and then proceed to the basement, you'll find yourself in a boiler room. Go into the boiler room, and you'll see blood spattered on the walls. On closer inspection, the blood forms a pattern... Words. Before you can read the blood, the lights turn off. You try to leave, but the door has slammed shut and is locked. It is said that fifty years ago, some punk kids locked the janitor in the boiler room while it was malfunctioning, exploded, and killed the janitor and the children. The spirit of the janitor now haunts the school, and lures children into the boiler room where he murders them in an act of revenge


In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed.

She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale.

And what was in the envelope? "This is the last one I am sending you today."


Black Eyed Kids (sometimes called Black Eyed Children or BEK) are said to be children with eyes that are solid black, with no differentiation between sclera, pupil or iris. Those who report encounters with them often feel that the children were somehow supernatural and very dangerous. The first known sighting was recounted in a 1997 usenet posting by journalist Brian Bethel. In his initial post, Brian Bethel reported of a meeting with two unusually confident and eloquent children who attempted to talk him into giving them a ride in his car. Bethel said in his post that he nearly opened the door to admit the children, even though he found them vaguely unsettling, until he realized that their eyes were completely black, with no iris or sclera. He reports that, as soon as he realized this, the children became angry and insistent, and he drove away quickly. His posting implies that the children may have been using some form of low-level mind control to induce him to open the car door.

Since Bethel's original post, there have been other reports of similar experiences in other parts of the country. These accounts are similar to Bethel's in that they generally involve the children's request that the person let them inside their car or house, frequently using an excuse such as "I need to get home to my mother" or something that implies the child is in need of assistance. Experiences involving the Black Eyed Children generally do not explain the cause of the children's eye color (not to be confused with Aniridia which is the lack of iris; Black Eyed Children have no sclera or white either) or the origins of the children themselves. Some imply they could be ghosts or demons, specifically vampires: the encounters frequently emphasize that the children must be voluntarily admitted or invited into the house or car in question, and in this way are reminiscent of some vampire legends.


While brushing your teeth in the evening, you catch a glimpse of your wall mirror, covered in fingerprints. Annoyed, you grab a towel and rub at them. They remain. Upon closer inspection, you realize that they seem to be on the other side of the glass...


You're at work alone, when you suddenly hear the copy machine start up. You walk out to take a look at what's going on and see several copies filling the tray.

Picking up one of the pieces of paper you discover that it is a copy of a picture depicting you sitting in your office chair, dead, with your eyes torn out and your throat cut. The others are the same picture, but taken from increasingly bizarre angles.

There is no original picture in the copy machine. In fact, the machine has been out of toner for a week.

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Guest xshoeee

another one

On the farthest point of Long Island, the last scrap of land that still counts as New York, there sits a tremendous, abandoned building. Protected by its own isolated location, there is also at any given time two to three Security Guards there. However, if one approaches the cast iron gates on the night of December 4th, even those few security guards refuse to work. The gates are left unlocked, and the wind will be utterly still, a nearly opaque fog filling the peninsula. Go directly to the main doors and step within, there will be a single long hallway, the end occluded by that fog. If you look to either side upon entering, you will see a modern operating room through a glass door. The farther you walk, the older the equipment will get, the older fashioned the doctors will be dressed. As you can finally see the end of the hallway, the screams of the patients will be nearly deafening. The hall will terminate in an open door leading to a single wooden table, a man in woollen medical clothing, stained brown from blood, will be bent over a corpse. The body's face will be covered, and the man will turn silently, screwing the top onto a cloudy jar of liquid, filled to the brim. He will hand this abnormally heavy object to you, before turning back to his work. Instantly, you will be outside of those cast iron gates. Disease and injury will never affect you, but when you open that cloudy jar and pull out the contents... you will find a heart, pulsing and beating loudly in your palm. A sudden feeling of horror and revulsion will pass through you as realization strikes, that you have just pulled your own living heart from your chest.

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Guest Eun_Jung

Ahh, i just read this thread...and yea it's SCARY~!!!

i espicially like the window/ portrait story and the Hotel story!

Well, i;m not sure if this is really scary...but...yea...

a 5 year old girl was riding the car with her dad, carrying her favourite teddy bear. She kept on shakig the car by moving her body side to side. Then her dad said, "Honey, stop doing that... it's making your father dizzy,"

"okay..." the girl said... but later, she did it again...

"Honey, I'm going to be mad," the dad said.

"Okay, sorry, i won't do that again, I promise," the little girl said.

A second later, the car started to shake...

"Honey! I said to stop it!!" the dad got mad.

and the little girl replied, "but i didn't do it, the lady with the white dress did it..."

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this thread is awesome! i wish there books on these

btw where do you guys here these stories?

also i know some but they're not korean so is that ok?

Hmong story about "looking under your armpit" trick apparently it is supposed to be best way to spot a ghost because you catch them unexpectedly

There was this rather rich Hmong guy back in Laos - he was rich enough to own his own horse. I don't remember why exactly, but he went down the mountains and into the city to celebrate and have a good time. After the sun had set and it started getting dark, he thought it would be wise to get back home to his village.

So he mounted his horse and began trotting back home. But about halfway there, it was really dark - almost midnight - and he realized he should stop and rest soon. However, the bad thing is, there weren't that many houses out in the middle of nowhere between the city and village, so he was pretty much screwed.

He kept traveling forwards for a little more ways, until he saw this tiny little house he hadn't seen before. He tied up his horse and walked inside (those old Hmong houses don't have doors) and he was like, "Hey, is anybody in here?" Then this extremely beautiful Hmong girl came out to greet him, and he was like -eek -love He asked her if he could stay the night, and seeing as how hospital (spelling?) Hmong people are, she said yes.

Now, being the total pimp that this guy was (and we all know how horny Hmong guys are), he seduced the girl and got her to sleep with him. I don't really know the details, but the two of them had some hot wild fobbish sex -thumbup

And then afterwards, as he was laying in bed with the sleeping beautiful girl, he began to get this funny feeling inside of his stomach. Remembering that old OG trick of "looking under your armpit", the guy raised up his arm and looked behind him through his armpit at the sleeping girl, and what he saw made his skin pop up with goosebumps - the woman wasn't a woman anymore.. instead she was a rotting corpse, with worms and maggots crawling through her eye sockets.

This startled the guy and he jolted up in bed, which woke up the woman, and she was like, "What's wrong?" The guy knew he had to escape, and he had to think of a plan fast, so he said to her, "Uh.. I have to go... take a pee" The woman was smart though and immediately sensed something was wrong, so she said to him, "Alright, you can go pee.. but give me the end of your belt tied to your pants, so I know you're not going far"

The guy was really scared by now, but he quickly got an idea. The woman didn't have any eyes, so he was guessing she couldn't see. He slipped off his belt, tied one end of it around his water cantine that he had with him, and leaned it on the ground so water was slowly trickling out the tip. He gave the other end of the belt to the woman, who grabbed onto it tightly. Then, very very quietly, he slowly sneaked out of the house as the water trickled out of the cantine, making it sound like he was peeing.

When the guy got outside, he hurriedly untied his horse and jumped on - just in time to hear the woman give a blood curling shriek as she found out he wasn't there. She bursted through the house entrance, her true form revealed - a greenish red rotting corpse demon - right as the guy yelled "YAH!" and his horse galloped away.

He never looked behind him once as he galloped away as fast as he could, back into the city. He found the nearest shaman temple that he could, ran inside, got down onto his knees, and prayed and prayed and prayed.

credits: DangerBoy @ AsianFinest Forum

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Guest han.yung


....so....he slept with a corpse? O_O that's disgusting :X

these are AWESOME. thanks for posting :D

even tho they are scaring me to death.

and Harbl is AWESOME too. lol i've seen you around soompi and besides the great scary stories, you post some pretty funny replies XD HIGH FIVE

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Guest doll face

ohmygod, I read through all of this like, a week ago, and stopped,

because I literally couldn't go to sleep or even look into a mirror for days TT^TT~~!

the ones from Harbl were the best! most of these are so scary, too, though

I wish I had some stories to share, but I don't have any.

most of the ones I heard before aren't all that scary or were told already

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Guest lemoncake0910

Absolutely freaky.

It's much different than watching a horror movie, because you can have a vivid imagination which illustrate the things happening in these stores. @@""

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Guest silver_byul

This is a korean one, I didn't go through the whole thread so I don't know if this was posted or not XD.

It took place in an elementary school and all the students were in class. Because of the heavy rain, the power in the school got cut off. The PA system was on and the principal told everyone because of the power outage everyone was to go home. A teacher in the class that heard this told her students to pack up and they did except for one girl. The teacher went up to her and asked why she wasn't packing and the girl replied, "Teacher, if the power is out in the school, how is the PA system working?"

lol I remember getting chills hearing this haha.


I just remembered an experience that my friend faced.

She was all alone and in her house with her dog, and she has a running machine in her house so she was using it. In front of running machine there's this glass thing and you can see your reflection and stuff. So anyways it's been known that dogs, cats, animals in general can sense spirits or something (heard about this somewhere..) but either way her dog used to go outside every time someone opened the door and stuff but her dog wouldn't greet her when she came in. He sat very still - stiff almost in front of the door and didn't make a sound. My friend called her dog but he wouldn't respond so she started to run on her running machine again. Then she saw a girl or a person with really long hair behind her from the reflection of the glass in front of the running machine, and she started to freak out. So she turned on the tv and called her sister. Her sister answered her and my friend asked her to come home because she was scared but her sister said in a very low voice that she couldn't. So my friend ended up staying home alone until her sister came back from work. When her sister came, my friend was crying and was upset because her sister didn't come home early and when my friend asked her sister why she sounded strange on her phone, her sister said that she never got a call from her. My friend gets scared easily so she started freaking out telling her sister to stop lying, so her sister showed her her phone and it showed no calls left by my friend. But when my friend checked her phone, it was under her sister's name and there was proof that she called someone because the call time(?) thing said that the phone call lasted for 42 seconds.

Sorry for including so many 'my friend' and 'sister' lol. I didn't put their names in out of privacy :P

When my friend told me this I started freaking out cause it was really scary >_<

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Guest Allison

This one is more disturbing than scary. It's not Korean...sorry xD My brother told me this. I tell it funny though.

It was a stormy night when a man had to leave his wife alone in their house. They had a dog that couldn't bark, but instead it licked to get the owner's attention. The wife and dog were alone in the house when suddenly there was a power outage. The wife started to call out for the dog and she felt her hand being licked. She knew she was okay and then fell asleep waiting for her husband to come home to turn the power back on. Her husband came home a few hours later and saw the dog lying dead on the floor. He woke up his wife and both of them looked on the wall which had these words written in the dog's blood. "Humans can lick too".

I fail at re-telling stories.

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