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Korean Scary Stories


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Guest vienna

ooohh nice stories guys. Some of them are kinda similiar and I've heard so many

that it isnt really really scary anymore.

However I liked the red eye one and the man recording his sleeping noises.

Anyhowss I seem to recall one that my friend told me.

I'm up the bits which i cant seem to remember but here it is...

Late one night, you are driving home after working late hours. However to get home you have to drive through a big old

tunnel that connected one part of town to another. The tunnel is old and so no one had been bothered to install too many lights along it.

So anyway, you're really looking forward to getting home and soon reach the tunnel. You instinctively reach out to turn on the CD player because

although you drive through the old tunnel everyday, it still bothers you.

Of course it's unsubstantiated but there's something eerie about it that you can't seem to put your finger on.

The window is rolled down but a cold gust of wind makes you think twice.

You roll it back up quite urgently.

Halfway through and the lights flicker off but you continue to drive towards the light at the end of the tunnel.

Heck, the lights were dodgey anyway, you think desperately to yourself,

and if someone was driving from the other direction you would see their headlights and vice versa.

'Its fine, its fine,' you're chanting to yourself.

When suddenly your engine splutters out, leaving you stranded in the middle of a dark tunnel. You try to revv up but nothing happens.

All of a sudden you hear a noise like a gently patting sound.

It gets louder and now it sounds like someone is tapping your car.

Louder and louder the sound is all around your car


but you're too scared to move.

Then without warning the lights flicker back on and to your horror you see that on your window and windscreen are covered with handprints.

You're quite freaked out by this poiint but still manage to quickly drive out of the tunnel.

You're back in the city and the lights make it hard to see the handmarks

but you just cant help noticing them.

You decide to stop of at a carwash to get it soaped off.

You're sitting in the car nervously and a carwash boy comes with his bucket and sponge.

You see his scrubbing at your car and will him to clean a little bit faster.

Then the boy boy walks up and knocks on your window and you roll it down to see what he has to say.

"what?" you ask him sharply.

"I can't clean the handprints on the window." he replies.


"Because they're from the inside."

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Guest sapphirebluebabii

i think i`ll stop reading for now..

only read a couple of pages.. hahaha

i dont wanna get too scared at night/midnight cos usually im the only one awake !! lol

they're all interesting reads tho :]]

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Guest J i j i - n e k o

There was a legend about a girl who was murdered in a school.

There were two girls who competed to be the top of the class, One girl was popular and pretty, while the other was

poor and ugly. The poor and ugly girl studied harder one year and she became the head of the class. This angered the

other girl deeply, so she and her friends chased the head girl into a dark ally where they killed her. They dug out her eyes,

and gashed her mouth and nose, so she could not see, smell, or speak. The story told that the ghost of this girl

haunted the school & anyone found studying alone at night would be killed. But the ghost could only hear.

Many years later, students of this school told this story to all the head of classes, but it was only a legend.

Until one night. A student was studying late into the night, she's just become top student, and wanted to keep

her status, .. it was 11PM and no one was left in the school. While she was studying she heard the door of

the classroom creak closed. The girl thinking of the legend closed her eyes, and held her breath.

That's when she saw her, she was horrific, covered in blood. She came into the classroom, wandering silently

with her head bent down. == The girl creep ed silently to the door and left the classroom. She forgot and

let out one small sigh of relief, .... the ghost heard this and was hanging above the door ... Ready to kill her.

I heard an alternate version of the story from my friends back in 2nd grade (this story used to disturb me so much >.<), and this is how it goes:

There was a girl who was jealous of the other girl who was in the top of the class. She, as a perfectionist, hated being the second best in her school. One day, the two were the only ones left in the school building to do some classroom cleaning duty. The girl took the opportunity to take revenge on the valedictorian and so asked her kindly to clean the chalkboard erasers. So the valedictorian opened up the window and was clapping the two chalkboard erasers to remove the chalk dust. The girl then walked up to her from behind and pushed her off the school building. She then fell from the second-story building head first, breaking her neck.

The salutatorian now became the valedictorian in her class, and she studied much more than before to maintain her status. One night, she was home alone studying in her room when she suddenly heard a small thud from the first floor. She thought that it was her parents coming into the house, so she ignored it. After a few seconds, she heard another thud, and another, as if there was something that was jumping and wandering in the house. This strange sound started to make her nervous. Her house was traditional-styled, so the house had sliding doors instead of the modern ones. She could hear the sliding of the door and then closing. In between every slide, she could faintly hear a girl's voice that murmured, "there is no one here." The sound of thuds, sliding of the door, and murmur of voice continued until it seemed that all the doors from downstairs had opened and closed. The last remaining door was where the girl was, the only room on the second floor. From what she could hear, the thing was now approaching upstairs. Instead of hearing footsteps, she still heard the sound of thud increasing as it got closer to her door. Out of fear, the girl quickly hid underneath her desk and tightly closed her eyes. The door slided open and after a moment of silence, the figure spoke in a soft low tone, as if speaking to herself, "I guess there is no one here as well," and slided the door shut. Just as the girl opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief, the figure bursted through the door and in a flash appeared in front of her. The ghost looked up at the girl wide-eyed and grinning; her face was upside-down, just as how she fell off the school building.

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Guest super cool snail

The Message

Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…

Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.

Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.

You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.

credits: http://www.creepypasta.com/the-message/


We’ve all felt it.

You’re up late. Working, studying, watching a movie, reading on the computer. Doesn’t matter what you’re doing, it’s the feeling you get. You’re tired, your eyes burn and have the gritty feeling you get after not sleeping for a while.

Ok you can’t go crawl into bed right now, but close your eyes for a couple minutes? Try to get a little moisture back into your eyes. That couldn’t hurt anything right?

Then you’re falling. Like stepping off a cliff, you’re in free fall, though your body isn’t even moving.

Then like a bungee cord snapping back, you’re jerking awake, heart thumping a little faster, blinking quickly wondering what just happened.

Doctors call it a hypnagogic jerk, a natural reaction they say, to your brain thinking you’re dying, when your breathing and heartrate slow as you fall asleep.

What the doctors don’t know is, your brain is right. Every time you let your self nod off, every time you feel that ‘falling’ sensation… you’re not falling. You’re being pulled down.

And one day…your brain won’t be able to pull you back up.

They will have you.

credits: http://www.creepypasta.com/falling/

Wake Up?

It has been reported that some victims of rape, during the act, would retreat into a fantasy world from which they could not WAKE UP. In this catatonic state, the victim lived in a world just like their normal one, except they weren’t being raped. The only way that they realized they needed to WAKE UP was a note they found in their fantasy world. It would tell them about their condition, and tell them to WAKE UP. Even then, it would often take months until they were ready to discard their fantasy world and PLEASE WAKE UP

credits: http://www.creepypasta.com/wake-up/

In The Mirror

Normally you sleep soundly, but the thunderstorm raging outside is stirring you from your sleep. You begin to doze, then another crash jolts you awake. The cycle lasts most of the night. So you lay there, eyes open and outward, looking at your room stretching out before you in oblong shadows. Your eyes move from nameless object, to object, until you reach your mirror, sitting adjacent to you across the room.

Suddenly a flash of lighting, and the mirror flickers in illumination. For a scant second the mirror revels to you dozens of faces, silhouettes within its frame, mouths open and eyes blackened. They stare out at you, their black pupils fixed upon your face.

Then it is done. Are you sure of what you have seen? Unsettled, you don’t sleep for the rest of the evening. The next morning you remove the mirror from your wall and toss it in the trash. It didn’t matter if the vision you had seen was of truth or falsehood, you wanted to be rid of that mirror. In fact, you scrap every mirror in your house.

Weeks pass and the event of that night falls into passive memory. You are spending the day at a friend’s house and it’s time to use the bathroom. While you are in there the faucet starts to run without you prompting it. Taken aback by this, you do not yet act, trying to reason with your paranoia in your mind. The water starts to steam and a skin of moisture covers the mirror up above. You’re watching intently as words form: “Please return the mirrors. We miss watching you sleep at night.”


La Nuit

In France, a young ambient musician by the name of Charles undertook an interesting new project. He was going to record the sound of himself sleeping, and release it under the name “La Nuit” (The Night). Charles lived alone in a rural area, which would remove things like car alarms, traffic, and such from being recorded. He planned his project for many months, acquiring the sensitive equipment to capture all outside noises as well as his own during sleep.

Finally, on the 27th of September, he decided to execute his plan. He set up all his equipment, and fell at sleep at midnight.

The next day Charles reviewed the recording. For the first hour, the recording played his own tossings and turnings as well as some distant dog barks and a few car alarms (So much for his plan to distance himself from cars). These continued throughout the 2nd hour as well, until Charles heard something that horrified him.

For at exactly 3 hours and 24 minutes in, the recording played the sound of his bedroom door opening.


The Blind Man’s Favor

In Berlin, after World War II, money was short, supplies were tight, and it seemed like everyone was hungry. At that time, people were telling the tale of a young woman who saw a blind man picking his way through a crowd. The two started to talk. The man asked her for a favor: could she deliver the letter to the address on the envelope? Well, it was on her way home, so she agreed.

She started out to deliver the message, when she turned around to see if there was anything else the blind man needed. But she spotted him hurrying through the crowd without his smoked glasses or white cane. She went to the police, who raided the address on the envelope, where they found heaps of human flesh for sale.

And what was in the envelope? “This is the last one I am sending you today.”


A Child’s Eyes

Every child fears under their bed. If they don’t, they fear the closet, or maybe that little crack in the almost closed door.

Scientists know that children are more perceptive, they see things adults don’t. They aren’t yet tethered into only accepting what society wants them to accept. They see what is truly there.

They see the monsters.

If you were to borrow a child’s eyes and see through them for a night, you would go insane. To be able to see what you only dimly remember, burrowing into your covers while wearing those train pajamas, hoping to a God you can barely comprehend that “it” doesn’t see you back…would drive an adult crazy. Because Adults forget the rules.

1) Cover yourself. If you can’t see it, it can’t see you. Even if it makes it harder to breathe.

2) Don’t make a noise. Every whimper can lead to destruction.

3) Don’t move. It attracts their attention.

4) Only light can make them go away. Bright light. Flashlights make it worse.

Teens are caught in the middle. They still feel what’s there, but they cannot see… and they forget the rules….

Why do you think there are so many insomniacs typing at their computers, subconsciously praying the light from their monitor will be enough to keep them away?

It’s not. Now look behind you with a child’s eyes and try not to scream.


The Code Of Mirrors

The images we see in the mirror are the pure incarnates of evil. They are only allowed to exist in the area reflected in the glass. To them, life is like a never-ending hell, rotting away in the same room day after day. The only refuse from this purgatory is death, and the only way for them to die, sad to say, is if YOU die. Fortunately, they are bound by a code. You are their master, and they must mirror your every movement and expression. To do otherwise would break an unbreakable law, unraveling the space-time continuum. However, there is a loophole, and it can only be triggered by you, the master. To force them into error is to free them from their contract; after you let them out of your view, you’re on your own. Know this: when you watch them, they’re watching you back. They’re watching.

And they’re thinking.


The Baby Doll

In rural southern Illinois a toy company began selling “realistic” baby dolls to expectant mothers. But apparently after the mother had her child the toy baby would start crying. Eventually the “rocking motion” advertised to calm it down wouldn’t work, and you couldn’t get it to stop without shaking it. Eventually when it started crying the parent would have to beat it, and the beatings and thrashings would have to get harder and harder to get it to be quiet. The only thing that seemed to shut the baby doll up permanently was the bash its head against the wall to destroy whatever mechanism triggered the crying. On more than one occasion though, neighbors called the authorities to report child abuse, and when the police arrived they found the bloody remains of infants smeared across the walls and the floor. In most cases the mother couldn’t understand why the police were there, she just “got rid of the stupid doll” as she rocked a baby-shaped bundle in her arms.


La Muerta Blanca

I am currently sitting in front of my computer, scared witless. Any moment now I am going to be killed.

Today a friend of mine told me a story.

His aunt had taken care of him since he was a small boy, and she told him last night about how his parents died. He did a very fair imitation of her (I knew them both pretty well):

“They were doing mission work in some nasty little South American country when a man burst into the mission hospital one night, terrified out of his mind. He told them that his sister had been killed by a Muerta blanca, and that he was certain that it was coming for him next. What is a Muerta blanca? Apparently it was some sort of bogey-man, something like that dumb chupacabra or whatever. They called it the White Death or the White Girl, because it was the soul of someone who hated life so much that they came back in their shrouds to kill those who told of them.

The man had been told about the vengeful spirit by his sister hours before her death. It was a girl with dead, black eyes that wept bile. The thing moved without ever actually moving its legs, and it stalked its victims back to their homes. Now, if you weren’t already aware that this thing was following you, once it got back to your house, it would start knocking on your door…

Once for your skin, which she’ll use to patch her own decaying flesh.

Twice for your muscle, which she’ll gnash her teeth on between victims.

Thrice for your bones, which she’ll make knives to pick her teeth and kill her victims.

Four times for your heart, which she’ll wear around her neck.

Five times for your teeth, which she’ll polish and keep in a box.

Six times for your eyes, which she’ll see the faces of your loved ones through.

Seven times for your soul, which she’ll eat whole - you can never pass while you’re in her stomach.

She has to repeat this on any mirror or door between you and her.

You can try to outrun her, but she’s faster than the fastest man. And if you leave your home while she’s knocking on your door, she won’t be so courteous when she catches up to you.

Now the man was certain that this thing had killed his sister, that he had tried to tell the police, but they would not listen. Next he had tried to tell his priest, but the priest turned him away when he saw that the thing was following him now - oh, that’s right, I forgot about that - it can only get you if you tell someone else about it, or you saw it kill someone else. The man, after finishing his tale, stole a car from the mission, and was never seen again.”

Apparently his mother and father had immediately called his aunt about this when it happened. They were found in the morning, skinned and dismembered. Their bodies were covered in tiny, child-like handprints.”

His aunt was really drunk the night before, and had told him about that. He told me this story early in the morning today at school, before the cops arrived. His aunt had been murdered that night. I called him later that night, and he told me that he was being chased by someone, and now they were knocking on his door. I told him to stop mini cooperting me.

He held the phone away from his face for a minute, and I could hear slow, deliberate knocking. A moment later, I heard the door rip from its hinges and the dying screams of my friend.

Then a little girl’s voice spoke over the line: “WITNESS.” I hung up.

Three minutes ago someone started knocking on my door. She has to knock 28 times on my front door, 28 times on the mirror in the hall, and another 28 times on the door to my bedroom. She’s doing it slowly… I think she wants to scare me some more, let me know that my death is just moments away. I will not run - I couldn’t get to my car in time anyway. She started knocking on my bedroom door a minute ago, she should be done any moment.

Nice knowing you guys, it’s been fuy5




It’s 3AM and you’ve been up all night on a horror binge. You’ve watched your favorite horrors movies, read your favorite scary stories, and even attempted the old “Bloody Mary” trick in your mirror. You stretch and yawn, deciding now is about the time to hit the hay, so you move into your bedroom and lay down to sleep.

After awhile, however, you realize that you can’t get the images of some of the fictional creatures you saw on your TV out of your head. “Meh… I’m going to hate myself for this tomorrow,” You say aloud as you flick on your bedroom lamp, knowing that having a nightlight used to help get rid of your nightmares as a little kid. Within minutes you’re close to sleep, snuggled up comfortably under the blankets with your eyes closed and more pleasant thoughts on your mind.

…That is, until you detect something moving in front of the light, casting a shadow over you. You blink, beginning to turn towards the lamp before a rotting hand grabs hold of your shoulder. “Thanks for turning on the light; I wouldn’t have been able to find you in that darkness.”


mmm I have more that are my favorites but I can't find them :(

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Guest Eun_neptune_Him

The Message

Don’t dismiss this outright as the work of some raving lunatic. There’s some sense to this story, if you’ll just hear me out…

Look, we all wonder if time travel is possible, right? Well, let me tell you something… it is. I’m from the future, actually. I know you probably don’t believe that, but seriously, I’m from the future. It’s a really great thing; getting to see the past, watching events unfold… stuff like that. We know more now than we ever would.

Behind all the fun, though, there’s a more serious aspect. We aren’t supposed to go in our own lifetime, and we are NEVER allowed to contact our past selves. Let me tell you, I’m breaking that rule right now. Yes, kid, you’re talking to yourself. Your future self. I’m going to be executed for this, but you know what? I accept that. I’m preventing something by talking to you that is WORSE than death. I can’t tell you outright what to do, because the filters would catch it. This is the closest I can get, trust me. I can, however, send a little message.

You should probably read the first word of every paragraph, now.

credits: http://www.creepypasta.com/the-message/[/ur[

OMG that scared the crap out of me! O.O

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Guest selvaspeedy

I LOVE THIS THREAD O_O I love reading scary stuff so yeah :P

I don't have a scary story to tell, but there's that rumor going on recently in my college. It says that there's a message that have been sent to some cellphones. This message comes from a weird source (you can't identify the number of the sender) and it has weird letters. If you received this message and read it, you will die in 10 days!!

yeah something like the Ring, but the creepy thing is that I received a message a couple of days ago! the sender's number was weird (it wasn't even a number! I don't remember what was it cause I deleted the message right away!!) and the message itself was composed of weird letters that I couldn't read, and at the end of the message there was a question mark O_O

lol I'm scared O_O

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Guest Khikarugal


That just gave me the chills.

I have one that I believe is based on a true story.

There was a man in an elevator going home, the elevator stopped at one stop and a suspicious looking man in a trench coat

came in. You couldn't see his face because he covered it with his coat. The next night he got a doorbell ring, It was a police

officer, the officer asked if he'd seen anyone suspicious in the apartment building as there was a murder case. He didn't want

to get involved so he said he had not. Later that night. He turned on the news and a picture of a murder suspect was on,

it was the police officer.

The guy had put on a fake police uniform and asked him to see if he needed to kill the guy :vicx:

I don't get it. I know the fake police guy is the killer but...

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I don't get it. I know the fake police guy is the killer but...

He was asking that other man about "any suspicious person" (who is actually himself) just to see if that man would give him away.

If that man gave him away, then he would've killed him right there.

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

It’s been 2 weeks since this whole thing started.

It all started with a tanker accident. It was all over the news. Everyone thought it was just another oil spill. There were plenty of volunteers. Plenty of people wanting to help the poor defenseless animals. Plenty of victims. Within hours of the tanker accident, it started happening. The animals had gone crazy, they were scratching and biting the clean up volunteers. They said that it was an adverse effect to whatever was in that tanker.

Rescue workers were still trying to get the crew out of the ship. They could hear screaming inside. Screams to open the doors. But that’s when it all went to hell. As soon as they cut the door out.

There was 6 minutes of broadcast before it went silent. 6 minutes of screaming and agony. The ship crew attacked the rescue workers like rabid baboons. Breaking bones and tearing flesh. The people on the shore weren’t fairing any better. Those that had been attacked by animals were attacking everyone else. It was worse than any war zone report, it was sheer brutality, and yet the broadcast still went on for 6 minutes. 6 minutes and then blank faces. Nobody could explain what was happening. They tried to continue with regular news, the economy, the weather, a cute human interest story, but they couldn’t make us unsee what we saw.

I tried to continue with my regular existence but every time I switched on the news or walked by a news stand it was there. This big mystery. They had some explanations, some kind of infection, brain parasites, but it didn’t matter. It wasn’t an infection we were afraid of, it was them.

4 days after the initial report, a state of emergency was raised. And yet we’d all seen this before. Every zombie movie ever. People didn’t know who to trust. People were stockpiling food and weapons. Some tried to flee but it seems every zombie movie was right. They didn’t make it. 3 days later they arrived in my town.

I expected moans, shuffling corpses, dismemberment, but that’s where the movies lied. They ran through the streets, screaming. I remember running to my front door as fast as I could, locking, barricading, doing anything to make sure it would stay shut, and then I headed for the window. I was on the second story and I could see the carnage. They were unstoppable. They were aware.

A group of them made there way through a building across the street. They jumped straight through plate glass windows. Even the shards slicing through them made no difference, they just kept coming. My barricade wasn’t going to hold. I rushed around my flat, grabbing supplies and jamming them into the most secure room of the flat. I went back for one last look across the street, and I wish I hadn’t. In a second story window, my face met one of theirs. They knew where I was. I quickly dashed into the room and locked the door.

I don’t have any kind of panic room, or a secure basement, so the safest place I could think of was my bathroom. No windows, one door with a lock. I had filled my sink and bathtub full of water, So I could stay for a while. So I sat there in the dark room, with the distant screams in my ears.

I began to feel like I may have over-reacted, it had been 2 hours and no sign of them. It actually got quieter and I thought they had moved on. Maybe I could leave the room, get to the kitchen. Grab more food to wait it out. A crash came from the front door. The sound of someone running full force into the door and knocking down the barrier behind it. There was a couple more crashes before I knew they were inside. Rapid footsteps moving around the flat, a couple screams and then a bang on the wall beside me. My eyes were open to their widest, even in the pitch black darkness of the room. Another bang, and another. They knew I was there and they knew I was scared.

This was the zombie nightmare I had been expecting from the start. I had nowhere to run. There was only so much time before they would break in. I sat with my back to the door, hoping my extra weight would make it harder for them to get in. And then it got worse.

“why don’t you open the door?”

A voice on the opposite side of the door. No screams or moans, just a quiet, whispery voice. And then more of them.

“we’ve come for you.”

“you’ll be happier if you open the door”

“it’s not so bad…”

The whispery voices, became a cacophony of noise trying to persuade me, to break me, to fool me. I had heard that the moaning of zombies would drive people insane but this was worse, a siren call. I sat in the darkness and hoped and prayed that they’d get bored. But they don’t get bored and they don’t leave. I managed to use the mirror to peak under the door, only to be greeted by horrible unblinking eyes, blood smeared faces, screams and more horrible whispers. That was two days ago…

I don’t know what to do anymore… maybe it won’t be so bad…

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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x


You volunteer at the mental health clinic. Given the dangerous nature of the residents, they assigned you the rooms of the less violent patients. The suicidal. Those who hear voices. Those that don’t say anything at all.

You become close to a mute man named Arthur. He is a rapt listener, willing to nod his head for hours as you tell him the story of your life. You mention your past, your present. The people involved in both. Your hopes for the future.

And Arthur just nods.

After several months of listening, you figure that you owe it to Arthur to get him out of the clinic. He can’t be happy sitting in a room by himself nodding at interns everyday. You talk to the supervisor of the clinic. You argue that he isn’t harming anyone. That he grooms and feeds himself with no problems. That perhaps his condition is a physical aliment.

The day comes when your arguing pays off. The supervisor has agreed to let Arthur go. You rush to his room to tell him the news. “You’re free!” You shout. “Isn’t that great?”

And Arthur just nods.

You write your name and address on a piece of paper. Hand it to him. “I’m going to miss having someone to talk to.” You say. “But now you can write me. I can learn all about you. Like why they were so insistent in having you in here, pal. I had to fight Dr. Thanner everyday to get you out.”

He looks at you and takes the paper. Just nods.

You go home, feeling good about yourself. You brag to everyone you can tell, friends, family, classmates, co-workers, about how you came through for Arthur. You even fall asleep with a smile.

That night, your eyes snap open. Screams, unearthly screams wake you up.

Then you see them. Your mother. Your father. Your friends. Your classmates. Your co-workers. Lying on your floor, their blood soaking into your carpet. Your walls stained with carnage. Their heads bashed in, their eyes missing from their sockets. Everyone you know dead or dying.

You whimper and see a man standing in the doorway.

It’s Arthur, holding the piece of paper you gave him.

Your entire body shaking, you choke out. “Are you here to kill me?”

And Arthur just nods.

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Guest hyunnibun

holy shizz these are scary!!!! O_O

i only read the ones up to the kids have fears of whats under their bed though cause i know i'm never gonna sleep in my bed if i read it hahaha.

i didn't get some of them at first because i was afraid if i read to carefully i would get all freaked... haha.


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Guest x SaRaNg HaE x

My favorite story of all time:


Somewhere in West Philadelphia, you will find an old basketball court with a single ball lying in the middle. Pick it up and start shooting hoops. After a while, a small group of hooligans will approach you and challenge you to a fight, which you must accept.

After the fight, you must go home and relay the events to your mother. She will then inform you that you have an aunt and uncle living in one of the districts of Los Angeles, and out of fear, she will send you to live there for an indefinite period of time.

With your bags packed, go to the street corner, and whistle for a cab. The cab that will pull up will bear the word FRESH on the license plate, and upon closer inspection, novelty fuzzy dice will hang in the mirror. Although you will suddenly realize that cabs like these are extremely hard to find, do not bear any thought to it. At this point you MUST point out in front of the car and say ‘Yo homes to Bel Air’. You will stop in front of a mansion, and it will be sometime between 7 and 8 o’clock, even though it will feel like you’ve been traveling mere seconds. Get your luggage out and say ‘Yo homes, smell ya later!’, but do NOT turn back to face the cabby. Walk up to the door, look over your shoulder once, and then knock on the door three times.

If you follow these instructions, your life will get flip-turned upside-down.

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