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[Drama 2012] Fashion King 패션왕


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I really dont like the rich guy,he thinks hes superior then everyone else . No matter how hard he may have had it with his parent ,he has no respect for anyone . I dont blame YG for hating him , hes nothing but a cheat . He treats YG like hes beneath him ,im not going to fall for his niceness towards GY when he treats Anna like s*** . How long are his feelings for GY going to last ?

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I think Ga Young needs to leave for both of them to be successful. They might have good intentions but together they are holding each other back. Young Gyul needs to take business risks if he is going to make it, but if he has to worry about failing and making things worse for Ga Young, he won’t make those decisions, and they will continue to be a counterfeit label. Similarly, Ga Young needs to find her voice, her independence; right now she keeps putting YG’s needs above hers. A separation is important for the two.

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I really dont like the rich guy,he thinks hes superior then everyone else . No matter how hard he may have had it with his parent ,he has no respect for anyone . I dont blame YG for hating him , hes nothing but a cheat . He treats YG like hes beneath him ,im not going to fall for his niceness towards GY when he treats Anna like s*** . How long are his feelings for GY going to last ?

I think Ga Young needs to leave for both of them to be successful. They might have good intentions but together they are holding each other back. Young Gyul needs to take business risks if he is going to make it, but if he has to worry about failing and making things worse for Ga Young, he won’t make those decisions, and they will continue to be a counterfeit label. Similarly, Ga Young needs to find her voice, her independence; right now she keeps putting YG’s needs above hers. A separation is important for the two.

Ditto! JH thinks he has it hard, but his problems are nothing compared to YG (and GY). Yet, he still thinks it's okay to treat YG like richard simmons. He'll never learn. And it seems like GY is Anna2 for him; after a couple years, who says he won't fall out of love with GY just like with Anna. The guy's a richard simmons.

I like YG a lot better and I think he is a good guy at heart. But life's made him a cheat and he can't trust anyone; he definitely has attachment/commitment issues and who can blame him? Also, I don't think he really likes Anna, at most they are comrades and he still has her on a pedestal. But he won't ever feel towards her what he feels toward GY.

I think YG and GY need time away from each other before they actually get together. There are too many issues on both sides.

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Dang it I just dont understand YG....one moment he is sooo kind to her and the other moment he is the B#st#rd guy...

JH and GY have so much chemistry..I just want GY to go with JH and let YG suffer all he needs in order to wake up :P

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the relationships in here are soooo screwed!

i can see why a lot of viewers are complaining...

in here, everyone just appears at the 'right 'moment, like when jae hyuk is always with gayoung.

i admit, none of those guys are good for her!

they better make the relationships more clear in the coming episodes or viewers are gonna drop this show.

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if i were GY i'd probably leave. first of all, YG didn't even think about her pride when he signed the contract with that wicked woman. i understand that it may be because YG is in dire need, but he could've at least tried to convince GY first. then that scene when AnNa appeared in front of them. the way YG treated GY that moment was really heartbreaking for GY thus making her decide to finally leave. i really feel for GY, she's so innocent and yet she's the most sane character in the drama. I really hope YG will treat GY better, because she deserves to be treated nicely. :(

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Guest PBaddict

Fashion King ep 11 preview


no see Anna ?_?

You made my morning! Thank you! Thank god at least in the preview there is no Anna... but eat least YG gets punched... well deserved.

Not sure what they are saying but seeing as GY is in the factory dressed in other than the clothes she wore the night of the goodbye letter... I have a feeling that she will stay that night. Judging from the documents in JH's hand he might threaten her or make an offer she cannot resist (like destroying the withch's business or get it back for her).... and she appears at J Fashion in that nice outfit that was on the mannequin in the factory next to YG.... so yeah no idea what's going on... Merely spitballing here.

Anyone here to the rescue with a translation? :rolleyes:

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Guest couch_tomato

This whole pull and push between JH and YG with GY in the middle is getting exhausting. I hope we'll finally see some setting stone. I have a feeling this will be a turning point when GY joins with JH (as i'm purely guessing from the preview)

I sometimes do think GY is a 'new Anna' to JH. Didn't Anna also come from a rather difficult and unwealthy family background? JH might have his best intentions in helping GY, but i share the same thoughts with others here, she could be taken in for a ride if they end up together

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Guest huongbb

i just uploaded the preivew to my youtube account guys :) Enjoy

Thanks so much for the link. I was searching but couldnt find it. And yes, im enioyin it;)

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GY is so in loved with YG something which i really don't comprehend, all YG needs to do is just say something nice and she will be head over heels for him again and forget all the humiliation and hurt she received from him.  Sigh* Love is Blind!

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Guest gummi_1

Cant wait for ep 11! The preview looks good! Finally seeing YG a lil desperate when JH led GY out. I think YG's last line was "are u really planning to cut me off totally? go? where are u going!!" I'll be sad to see the youngyoung couple apart bcos they are my bias. But I agree that they need some time apart. YG needs to realise how much GY means to him so that he can stop being a jerk to her. GY needs to learn to leave her own life without always thinking about her "sahjangnim" all the time.

I used to support JH so much! He was my super duper eyecandy! But he kinda irks me with the way he treats anna. of course anna is no angel but JH was the one who dragged her all the way back from US promising her the heavens and earth. Now that he's infatuated with GY (whom I also suspect is Anna no. 2 to him), he still wants to keep Anna with him?? Like what's the logic behind that?

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Guest PBaddict

Okay guys I'm officially lost on what's going on... And tomorrow's preview looks even crazier.


YG gets hit by JH. And vice versa. Gy is on the verge of crying when JH asks her again if she wanna go with him or stay there. YG is shocked to hear her response. And tells her to go ahead then and throws out her suitcases... What a jerk again... just cause he got his pride hurt.


JH grabs GY's wrist and starts to drag her out. YG in his office tells to himself "GY don't leave." but of course they are already outside. YG follows them out, grabs GY and tells JH to leave. GY goes inside YG tells JH off somehow and sends him on his way.


YG and GY sit down to talk. GY is not really in the mood to talk now. YG now seems a bit more understanding but I still don't like him now.


At the office Anna holds a presentation. Jh is fed up with her face and leaves in the middle... LOL. :D In his office he thinks back to what happened with GY and YG at their factory last night. Secretary Kim arrives and reports some news about Madam Jo and YG and Michael, plus the YGM brand. I guess it's no good news for JH. He looks stressed. :)


Madam Jo and YG is visiting the factory where the designs are made and talk, when the evil spawn appears... Madam and YG have some tea when Miss Go is rushing in panicked. Guessing JH did sg cause Madam goes to his office to meet him. He congratulates her.. yeah, cause that sounds honest. :D Fake kindness all over the place from both, so I'm guessing they throw some accusations and threats onto each other. Yaaaahhh, Madam Jo has the perfect evil laugh. Why is everyone talking about GY??? Suspicious music so these two are up to no good. And again... JH is stressed out looking at an envelope.


YG is reporting to Michael and asks designer ahjumma and GY to come into his office. He gets a phone call from Japan and China... LOL he IS popular.


JH sends a text to GY to meet up. At a bar... smooth. He is rather cold to her and pours her a drink. He says he wanted to see her. GY doesn't drink through. Is he talking about love? Heartache? He is pissed about YG. GY says she doesn't understand what his problem is. He says some things then ups and leaves angrily. GY is on the bus thinking about what he said.


YG is drawing a design, I'm guessing for GY. Whoaaaa.. I want to have such a talented mand like him. It's late when GY arrives, haha so sweet how YG covers up his design, :D and the face he makes when he ask her where she's been is priceless. GY lies on the bed immediately. He asks if she's ill and tells her to sleep well. GY is thinking about JH. Oh noooooo... don't tell me she's wavering.


JH momma is going to some kind of wellness salon (?) I think where she meets Madam Jo and Anna... Oh no I think mommy won't like Anna after this not even a bit. She does not seem to like her cooperating with Madam. After her massage she makes a phone call I guess to find out what's going on.


Young Young apparel is hard at work when some DAEBAK news come. Everyone is excited. Was that more than  4 million dollars on that paper??? WOOOOW. Ahjummas are fainting. YG is extatic and can't keep his hands off GY, picking her up and hugging... LOL. But GY is still not happy when left alone... and she calls JH, but no answer. OMO. Meanwhile JH is training, fighting daddy, that's why. Daddy is ruthlesswhen it comes to his son. The usual questioning from daddy comes again, poor JH cannot catch a break. Daddy's evil laugh is just silly... JH sees GY called and she calls again but he's not answering.


YG finds GY sleeping on the sofa in his office. So sweet how he takes off her shoes and covering her with a blanket. Why can't he always be like that. He continues to work on GY's dress. It's a pure and simple design, it will suit GY very well. YG leaves a note to GY when he's ready with the dress. LOL how he doesn't know how to address her. Just say 'my love' silly boy... Omo he lies on GY's bed and sees the Lee Ga Young labelled jacket she got from JH. Oh my, is he gonna go crazy with jealousy again? If it hurts him that much, why doesn't he just confess to her?


When GY wakes up the next morning, she finds YG cooking breakfast. Aaaah it's GY's birthday... I see. Poor girl is so touched that she can't hold her tears of joy while eating. YG shows her the design as her b-day present. He should always be like that. GY is so overwhelmed poor girls rarely gets so much kindness. YG tells her to read the note. What in the world did he write? Did I just hear mascot, did he go with GY being his mascot? I might have heard it wrong.


GY puts on the dress, YG is happy but GY says she needs to go somewhere. She rushes away, YG is suprised about that. At J fashion GY meets JH. They talk about JH leaving YG alone. Blond Lead designer appears. I think JH still pushes the  "be my designer" card on her. GY meeting the design team when suddenly Anna arrives... oh wow she's not happy. GY is not feeling the place either. I think Anna's gonna spill the beans about GY to YG.


Anna GY meeting in the bathroom. JH meets secretary Kim and tells him to take that yellow envelope.


YG in his office, cannot concentrate on work and calls GY but she left her phone at home. Yah YG, stalk much, why do these people check others' phone logs and messages. Geez. He knows no that she met JH the other night.


Ahjummas gossipping again about the love triangle. :D Love 'em. YG is going out. GY shows her designs to lead designer. YG can hear them talking and he's not happy. He rushes into JH's office who is having tea with friends. JH is arrogant as usual. YG is shameless as usual. YG is embarrassing JH in front of his friends. LOL. Sparks are flying from these two men's eyes. After a relatively calm convo YG leaves. JH meets Anna for a drink. Seriously? At the same bar where he met GY? They talk about how mommy met Madam and Anna in the wellness salon. Aigoo things are getting tense.  Anna has been found out to help YG.


YG is trying out the KIA he was staring at some episodes ago. So I guess he changed his mind about getting GY a house from his first million. He gets a disturbing phone call while driving.

OMO, the preview is making me crazy again, so many scenes in 30 secs. No idea what's gonna happen. Why did GY go there to work?

JH's mommy going against GY? GY sleeping at JH's sofa?  YG eating with Anna? WHAT THE... WHAT?

Edit: Just found that someone who can actually speak the language is recapping here live: http://www.vingle.net/Fashion-King

*rushing off to read what the heck was going on today*

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