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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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1. Its silly to close the forum when 2pm is just about to make their comeback in like .. 3 days?? Closing the forum is like.. boycotting!

2. Everyone should be free to say what they want. This is a 2pm fan forum. Just as there are people who are pro-boycott, there are people who are anti-boycott. So GIVE EVERYONE THEIR SPACE. But people be mature in the freedom given to you. No bashing of others. If you're not happy with a pro-boycott post, take it like its not a post for anti-boycott fans to read. Just skip it. Vice-versa.

I don't want this forum to be closed down. So please observe proper posting etiquette and respect others' opinions even if they're not in line with yours. Thanks.

I agree on what you say..I mean..as 2PM fans of course everyone loves Jay and hope he will be back..but then again..everyone has different ways of seeing things...some will think that 2PM should be 7 and not 6..resulting boycotts..some will think that the other 6 members shouldn't be neglected and dragged to the situation..and then there will always be neutral people who just loves the music..loves 2PM and just hopes that 2PM will have Jay back again without boycotting on or not..

not bashing any group in particular..but what I'm trying to say comes back in support of the quote above..in what way we feel we should be doing..let's together work this out and give each other ample space to voice out..in a few days time the group will be having a come back stage..if the thread fails by that time then even if Jay pops out in the middle of the show there won't be no thread for fangirls like myself to rejoice at..

not only 2PM should be one again..WE here...should work it out and be together..for pro-cotts..kudos to you guys coz seemingly JYP is taking a bite of stuff...anti pro-cotts good job for not letting the others work in vain..Nickhun and his hair deserve much love..LOL...for neutrals~ keep on updating..lastly to the MODs..we'll be good..so lets play nice..^^v peace..

2PM/1.59PM...? lets keep our hearts beating for them~~


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Guest lec8504

I agree on what you say..I mean..as 2PM fans of course everyone loves Jay and hope he will be back..but then again..everyone has different ways of seeing things...some will think that 2PM should be 7 and not 6..resulting boycotts..some will think that the other 6 members shouldn't be neglected and dragged to the situation..and then there will always be neutral people who just loves the music..loves 2PM and just hopes that 2PM will have Jay back again without boycotting on or not..

not bashing any group in particular..but what I'm trying to say comes back in support of the quote above..in what way we feel we should be doing..let's together work this out and give each other ample space to voice out..in a few days time the group will be having a come back stage..if the thread fails by that time then even if Jay pops out in the middle of the show there won't be no thread for fangirls like myself to rejoice at..

not only 2PM should be one again..WE here...should work it out and be together..for pro-cotts..kudos to you guys coz seemingly JYP is taking a bite of stuff...anti pro-cotts good job for not letting the others work in vain..Nickhun and his hair deserve much love..LOL...for neutrals~ keep on updating..lastly to the MODs..we'll be good..so lets play nice..^^v peace..

2PM/1.59PM...? lets keep our hearts beating for them~~


lol I agree. Especially the part about Nichkhun and hair deserving much love lmao.

Anyways, this thread needed to settle down, and with the new rules...there's hardly any arguments and bickering among fans. If the thread was to have an open "discussion" (which imo shouldn't be called a discussion or debate...but I won't get into that otherwise I'll ruffle some other people's feathers again) again then it'll just be like how it was the last few weeks. No one is willing to take a step back and understand and respect what other people think. So imo the decision for the new rule for this thread was for the best.

And OMG I'm so proud of the boys for getting #1-3 spots....haha I knew that when they come back they'll completely take over the whole KPop scene. And the new ad with the boys...wow..holy gosh...Khun, Taec and Chan looks <3

I really like Tired of Waiting, actually the whole album is good to me, can't wait to get my copy! And hopefully the episode of JYP talking about Jay will be uploaded and subbed soon. Can't wait!

edit- and btw, the idea to start another 1:59 thread is ridiculous, they're not 1:59, they're 2PM. Their album titled is called 1:59 because it's a marketing strategy by JYP and to give us fans hope that Jay will come back..but their name isn't 1:59PM! Ugh and calling them 6PM is equally :X

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I agree with the posters who find the new album a bit hard to get into. I am having trouble with not only the emotionally wrung-out songs, but the endless hype of 1:59. I could understand not having a cheerful, upbeat album - that would probably be asking just too much from the 6-members-currently-in-Korea. But the title of the album, the over-the-top lyrics, and soap-opera packaging... it's too emo, its like a makjang drama that uses constant tragedy and tears to pull in viewers.

It's a brilliant marketing stategy, to be sure, and will probably make JYPE piles of cash, but I find it worrisome on many levels:

- Piles of cash made by this group make it less likely that Jay will return - why mess with success? But the scars left on this group will remain, and there is no guarantee that they will continue to hold these fans once the initial drama has worn off.

- Jay's wild success, on his own, as a marketing tool may make it more desirable to keep him as a separate entity, either as a solo artist or fronting some Cube Entertainment group that needs a boost in notoriety. But this means the 7 are forever split up, and Jay's value is seen not in his artistic ability but in his "name"

- It was always said that Jay needed to 'lie low' and let the netizen interest and anger die down in order to return; but the exact opposite is happening! JYPE is turning the Hottests' slogans and strategies against them, creating a huge wave of anticipation, interest, and drama...but who is really going to benefit, in the end? Not the Hottests, surely, who seem to feel upset and used. 2pm? Based on the theme of this album, they are going to be wallowing in remembered pain for at least another year or so, touring these songs that are not exactly a happy dance. Jay? This whole issue has become even bigger than before; it certainly going to dog him for as long as he stays in Korean entertainment. The happy folks will be JYPE, laughing all the way to the bank.

- the way this album is being marketed, appropriating fan terms, using lots of dramatic, over-the-top songs and lyrics, plus a re-mixed retrospective of their"greatest hits," plays EXACTLY like most 'farewell' albums; this whole album could be read as a farewell to Jay.

No matter what falls out, 2pm is never going to be the same.

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OMG badtzmarujung lol, i want the same banner in my room kekekeke.

I'm a bit disappointed with the new album, i thought it will have more new songs lol. But anyway, i really love the album ~ I'm in love with "Back 2 U" and "Gimme The Light".

About "Jay's possibly come back" I really hope he'll come back !! Let's pray together hottest !

What is your heart beating for ? 2PM OF COURSE ! ~

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Guest la vifzetta*

i really enjoy the album. "heartbeat" is actually my fave because of the smart way JYP has composed the song using their heartbeats and all that. the song also has less autotunes than some other songs. i like how some of the boys are getting more lines as well <3 though i wonder why junsu didn't seem to have more than he should (since he's the main vocal and all). i have happily pre-ordered their first album and am looking forward to it...

i also liked their image concept. considering the growth you see in them from "10 out of 10" till now, i see it as a maturing stage. they cannot stick with the "beastly" image all the time, there has to be some growth in it to make the image more appealing. so i do look forward to the boys going on stage in white <3

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So the album is doing really well on the charts? Thats fantastic news. Plus I hear Jay may come back soon. I dont know if that means he will be back for a repackaged album or what but they have been hinting at it. Anyway Ive heard most of the songs on this album its really good. I cant wait till I get my copy. Im glad these guys are back. Cant wait to see them perform soon.

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hi, we need some soompiers to upload and/or tag any images and videos related to 2PM to the soompi mainsite. this is because we will be unveiling our fan club feature soon, so it is nice to have some content already in the fan clubs when they come out. we need as many people as possible to help, so please PM me if you're interested!

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Just wanted to say that I'm VERY happy to hear that there is a possibility Leadja is coming back to us.

All of our blood, sweat and tears are finally paid off. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up until I see that Jay is happy to be back and that he wasn't forced. That's not what we want, is it?

It's about time that JYPE says something about this whole issue, I'm tired of being left in the dark.

Hopefully it will be the news we want to hear.

Hottests and 2PM fighting!

P.S. Does anyone else find Taec's scream in I Was Crazy Over You heartbreaking? ._.

All Night Long, I Was Crazy Over You and Tired Of Waiting are my favorites.

Am I the only one who can see Jay body waving to All Night Long? >w<

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Guest haze1nut

anyways, i really hope Jay is able to come back at least for Xmas promos

and with all these CFs that the 1:59pm boys are doing, they're getting a lot of money...or maybe not, it might like a dbsk issue where they don't get certain profits for certain things.......but anyways

JYP better bring back Jay bc fans are getting very confused and mad

listening to their HEARTBEAT is HEARTBREAKING without JAY

bc if you think about what JYP says about Jay coming back on golden fishery.....that could be any time! it can be sooner or later, it could be years! 3 years! or 4! his contract doesn't end for 5 years I think

his voice isn't even on the tracks, how can he promote?

but then again, they did redo the tracks to cut him out......does that mean they have the original tracks with his voice?

also, isn't he in Seattle still? can anyone confirm if he is?

If he is, how is he getting all his practice time/training in for the promos with the choreographers, voice coaches, and etc? he would have to leave Seattle discreetly, practice in secret for like 3-4 weeks before coming back on stage

CHECK OUT the 133 videos supporting Jay from all over the world <-------wow :D

Market O Banner


wow, Taec/Khun/Chansung are stepping up in the abs department since Jay has been gone

gosh...............imagine if chocolate abs Jay was in that ad!

crazy fangirls everywhere would be screaming their heads off

aw I miss Jay :(


ugh......i didn't read

8. No posting about boycotting. <--new rule :(

oh well......hey, remember what those people did after Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat? it lasted almost a year and it was one of the turning points in US history?!? remember what they did to convince the Supreme Court that segregation was wrong? WELL that's somehow related to 2pm. haha

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There are fans that boycott and those that don't...

We don't bash the fans and call them antis because they're not boycotting.

Then why are we called antis? Why can't people respect our stand on the matter. True, we are talking about boycott here, but the way we see it...even if we are able to convince one more person to join us, it worth writing about and trust me, we are always apprehensive about writing in this thread because we know that people will bash us, time and again. I am still not immune to that and it hurts every single time. We have our reasons to boycott and those reasons, for us are important in bringing back Jay. We love 2PM a lot, and we want to see all 7 stand together.

Why am I called an Anti? (I was singled out by a user here) When I have done everything within my grasps to support the 7. I contributed to Sky Banner Project, the Bank Book project, flash mobs, sending in supportive msgs, post-its, and donated to the Charities in Korea under 2PM's name.

I didn't want to give out a list of things yesterday, but those 'anti' comments didn't sit well with me and here I am, back again in Soompi. I don't want to fight, I hate arguments and confrontations, I also want 2PM Fans to unite but it is just not possible so far when people don't want to tolerate that there are different stands on a matter.

If you do not want to read, then just go to the next post. I didn't see anyone complaining when people were talking about which member they want as boyfriend, friend etc etc...and there were tons of those posts.

And since the Mod has taken a side to this matter, it was interesting how suddenly more people were attacking us left and right.

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There are fans that boycott and those that don't...

We don't bash the fans and call them antis because they're not boycotting.

Then why are we called antis? Why can't people respect our stand on the matter. True, we are talking about boycott here, but the way we see it...even if we are able to convince one more person to join us, it worth writing about and trust me, we are always apprehensive about writing in this thread because we know that people will bash us, time and again. I am still not immune to that and it hurts every single time. We have our reasons to boycott and those reasons, for us are important in bringing back Jay. We love 2PM a lot, and we want to see all 7 stand together.

Why am I called an Anti? (I was singled out by a user here) When I have done everything within my grasps to support the 7. I contributed to Sky Banner Project, the Bank Book project, flash mobs, sending in supportive msgs, post-its, and donated to the Charities in Korea under 2PM's name.

I didn't want to give out a list of things yesterday, but those 'anti' comments didn't sit well with me and here I am, back again in Soompi. I don't want to fight, I hate arguments and confrontations, I also want 2PM Fans to unite but it is just not possible so far when people don't want to tolerate that there are different stands on a matter.

If you do not want to read, then just go to the next post. I didn't see anyone complaining when people were talking about which member they want as boyfriend, friend etc etc...and there were tons of those posts.

And since the Mod has taken a side to this matter, it was interesting how suddenly more people were attacking us left and right.

Warned for spamming. I already added rule No. 8 yesterday about no more discussions on boycotting. You are not listening.

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Anyways I've been a fan of korean music for a while, but 2pm is actually the first group that makes me want to buy their CD ..which I will wait for. JYP's mention of possibly bringing Jay back is a good sign..it would be too ridiculous if they were just empty statements.

I thought Chansung looked a little weird with that face pose, it almost looked like a faint smile until I saw the tears


my 'inappropriate' comments...were merely stating what was obviously happening -_-

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Guest entermuriel


CREDITS: Woo's cyworld (SOURCE) & G-race @ 2ONEDAY (TRANS)

he's so cute lol >.<

here's the high resolution for the album cover:


credit: telepathy_ @twitter

and an artwork (i really like it!)


credit: as tagged

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^^Oh Woo, you are amazing. I would love to have him as a dongseng. He's just so happy-go-lucky.

^^You can definitely see that Chansung is tearing in that pic. I wonder if it just so happened to be like that or they purposely put drops in his eyes.

Has anyone seen the desktop that allkpop made for 2pm? You can go on their site and download it.

I cropped my favorite part of it:


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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

Thanks for the HQ version of the album cover.

I don't like how 'The First Album' blends in so much with the background.

I'm afraid that if I stare at it too much, something scary will pop out at me T.T

Or....maybe Jay will pop out ^^

But, I'm excited that the boys are going to be performing on KBS


I hope they don't have to rely on autotune to sing the songs :[

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Guest flying-solo

I can honestly say this is the best K-Pop album I've heard since DBSK's "Mirotic".

Nothing gets skipped

Well I wouldn't say the best but I do agree that I managed to listen to all the songs without skipping :)

Besides the two songs that they released prior the actual date, I'm really liking Gimme The Light.

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for me, this album is the best among all the idol groups' albums this year. And I don't know why people are so annoyed at the autotune, I personally like the way it was skillfully added to support the melodies of the songs. It's been a long time since I enjoyed an album from an idol group that doesn't exude a kind of fake glamor that attracts fans. For this album, I can sit down, turn on the volume, listen to it and relax. It's a nice break from all the overload of catchiness out there. I don't expect this to hit it big on the charts because obviously this is not the kind of music Korean public like in general. BUT that doesn't matter to me. Actually it's even better because fewer people will compete with me to buy the album. And when other people ask "hey what are you listening to these days" I can proudly tell them "2PMMMMMM"


I can also see that 2PM is going on the path similar to GOD. GOD used to be a major boyband back then but their songs are mostly ballads as opposed to pop dance like HOT or Sechskies. I think 2PM is going to the direction of deviating themselves from the normal catchy pop dance type to a more toned down trendy R&B melody, which I really really like because there's not a lot of it in Kpop nowadays.

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Guest MR. LEE'S

here's the high resolution for the album cover:


credit: telepathy_ @twitter

and an artwork (i really like it!)


credit: as tagged

omg, you're just like- you're like my angel today. the high resolution for the album cover was amazing. really, and i could clearly see chansung cried. weee- the album cover is really pretty. ah and anyway- the artwork is really pretty. i wish i could have done one, but sadly- i didn't know how to do it. i've downloaded all of their songs- haha even though i've preordered their album. my heart- duh taec's voice is really handsome and beast on this song.

anyway, haih- why is it so hard for those who are the pro boycotters to follow the new rule that has been added by the mod? i knew that it's hard to follow it but couldn't you guys co-operate with the mod and stop bashing the mod? i bet you'll do the same thing if you're in the mod's shoes.

anyway, i really can't wait for their comeback this saturday. weee- i can't wait to watch music bank. the acoustic version of only you is really sweeeeett. ahh. jay's voice.

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