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☆ 2 P M ★ Official Thread ☆

Guest touchtheskies.

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Guest shinhdeplol


C: 빙글빙 글 @ bbvipz

if im not mistaken, 2PM is currently having the biggest number of ppl visiting their daum cafe. correct me if im wrong.

seriously the worst thing Jay could do to make his members so angry that they turned their backs on him was his stealing their money :huh: but from what i know about Jay, he seems to be a really nice and sometimes, dumb in a cute way. cannot imagine him doing that or killing/raping/...someone

LOL @ people saying he may date/sleep with JYP's girlfriends. =]] im 100% sure he didnt

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Guest XxSwt Lilo LuverxX

to all the people who want JYPE to reveal what Jay did wrong during again & again promotions,

whats it to you?

if its something that bad that made JYPE terminate the contract then obviously if it was revealed Jay would get twice the backlash from the korean community.

i just dont see how some of you people can't accept this statement as the truth & stop coming up with obscure rumours to condole yourselves.


you all do realise this is NOT just JYP's decision, he isnt even the CEO of the company anymore his just a mere producer & managerish.

there are other figures who are bigger than him & other stakeholders who hold the company, so pushing the blame onto JYP is going to get you nowhere.

edit edit


& yes, like missyera said, he should write a book or something, i'd buy it .. lol

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Guest CornPOPSat2PM

The only reason i can think of is that jyp has too much pride... he doesn't want to give in to fan's pressure. it seems like he wants to be the first in everything... even the first to rebel against the mass of pissed off fans... and the purpose? Self Satisfaction. There are many evidences showing that JYP wants to make HISTORY.

Reminds me of presidential candidates who uses MILLIONS of dollars to campaign ... for what? POWER. because presidents only make (200k-250k per year... so it's obviously not because of money) ...........

his ego ruined many people -_-

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JYPE is ruining 2PM. First of all, they claimed that Jay made some big mistake that was worse than his Myspace comments. They are ruining Jay's image. They also claimed that the 6 members all agreed to move on without Jay. This is making some fans angry and they are lashing out at them for abandoning their leader. This is not true! The members would never let go of their leader :( JYPE is making the situation much worse.

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Guest DongBangShiDae

the rumors about Jae sleeping with people is so dam ridiculous....

i am really dam shocked from the news i come home look at wat happened on naver and etc

see that Jaebom is not coming back to 2pm

totally awestruck...

JYP u made a huge mistake out of all ur decisions this is far by the stupidest one in the world

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Guys, let's try to be rational here.

For those who really believed the entire letter released by JYPE is true, aka (Jay did sth horrible, he told the prez he did something wrong, etc etc, during the month of November to Feb.) Let's review some facts shall we?

During the months of November all the way till February, what have we seen him do in all those youtube videos and fancams?


He's been appearing in public, competing in battles, practicing daily, doing odd jobs here and there to bring in the dough. Do you actually believe that throughout all those months, THAT is the dude who has just confessed to his management company in NOVEMBER that he did something terrible during the A&A promotional period, and then just continue his daily ways of bboying and having fun?? Seriously you'd believe that?

I seriously don't.

C'mon, give that guy some credit at least. He's the dude who profusely bowed and apologized througout the entire way as he's leaving Korea at the airport, and he looks utterly remorseful, and that was just about the leaking of some trivial myspace comments for goodness sake.

And now you'll believe what JYPE is saying? That he confessed something terrible in November and suddenly decided that he should not return to 2PM anymore to prevent any further drama? And then he'll just pretend everything is hunky-dory and continue to participate in bboy battles?

What a load of pink bullberry.

And i'm ashamed to read that people still placed the blame on Jay at this point of time.

Seriously, this would make an epic movie. About the injustice that a talented hard working dude has to suffer and endure in Korea in order to achieve his dreams and provide a better living for his family.

This is all a HUGE conspiracy. I wonder if Jay is actually a psychic or that he knew it all along.

His whole life now has become a huge conspiracy. He should write a tell all memoir. Seriously.

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Guest IwishIwasKOREAN

Why JYP? Why? this is sad news, I totally wanted to see Jay Park return and complete 2PM...after all they are only 1:59 PM until he returns. I am hoping and praying that this is all just a publicity stunt and a new and improved Jay Park is returning. Perhaps Jay Park really loves breakdancing now and would rather stay, if that's the case then we can only wish happiness and prosperity for him. Maybe being back in the U.S. and with AOM made him really feel like he belonged. I guess there's other things he can now pursue. I hope to see his crew audition for America's Best Dance Crew and have major success in general.

Long live Jay Park! Long live Jay Park!

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Guest lisa_hh

i'm so sad...

i dont know what to do, and how to react...

some part of me wants to believe that they did this to gain more controversy so that when they decided to bring jay back it will be the talk of the town and the event of the year..

but on second thought, what if its tue that jay really doesnt want to comeback..

but come to think of it, JYPE should effin realise that they'll lose so much by doing this while they can choose to gain MUCH MUCH MUCH MORE if they just decide to bring Jay Park back..

it's just as simple as that..

but if its SOLIDLY UNCHANGEABLE FACT then i wish all the best to jay park..

i'll continue to support 2PM, they need our support...

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Guest SkipBeat!

I haven't been on here in a while, but I just want to say that I'm sorry for all the disappointed fans. I'm not shocked people are leaving the fancafe. Those are likely Jay fans and people who are disgusted at how things have ended. I expect a few thousand more to go before the day is over.

In any case, anyone expecting a definite answer can forget it. It's why I never looked to an explanation as closure. Knowing whether or not Jay would come back would be closure for me, because the other stuff is speculative at best, and it doesn't help when you have anonymous people and their stories, various fan theories that cannot be verified, etc. You'll never know the answers to which you seek.

There are only a few things we know now for certain:

1.) Jay is not coming back

2.) The JYPE PR team is the most incompetent group of people to ever hold their positions

3.) Fandom will never be the same

And so I will not waste my time with conspiracies, because you'll never ever know, and why put yourself through that kind of mental anguish?

I sincerely hope that Jay is happy in Seattle, and that fans will not harass him. I hope that the other boys are happy as well, and though some people may be angry at them, I hope those people will at least realize that they have no power in this, and can ultimately only do as they are told. Also, that it's not entirely unfair for someone to consider their own happiness and future, because I imagine their own paths for the most part, to get where they are has not been easy, and that it's not wrong for them to want to be successful and happy.

In any case, I'll probably continue to follow 2PM, but from a distance. Ironically, not because of being disillusioned with the situation and how things turned out (I'm too much of a realist for that), but because of the fandom itself. I half suspect that the behavior of fans helped to inhibit us knowing anything, as each piece of news was twisted by suspicious fans to the point that communication was impossible, and we were flooded with useless rumors by people who honestly thought lying to everyone else would help. And so I think that fandom and the PR team together have helped to make this situation the mess that it is. One can blame the actions of the other, but I see that both sides are at fault.

I hope time heals wounds that will likely run deep, and that those who need peace are granted it. Later everyone.

I agree with Labacookie completely.

Also I think we could all use a chill pill. It isn't worth it to sit there and speculate what may or may have not happened because the only person who knows the whole story is Jay. But the one good thing is that we finally have closure and we are done waiting in suspense. It's sad that Jay is leaving but I want to wish him and the rest of the boys luck.

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Guest youngeunn123

Still in shock :(

2pm will never be the same until he is back.

I refuse to believe that Jay wont be coming back.

Until he returns it will always be 1:59p.m.

TT.TT i miss you Jay

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Guest UnknownIdiot

I'm curious myself about about what he did as well. What did he do during their Again & Again promotion that would cause the contract to be terminated? More serious than the MySpace controversy. Because in all honesty, if JYPE was looking out for the benefit of the group, Jay, and themselves, they shouldn't have mentioned anything else other than what the public already knows. Mentioning these extra and sudden discoveries will just make the public, especially the fans, more curious. And they'll dig until they find out the truth, the real truth. JYPE just created another situation for themselves, and this time it might be even far worse than what has already been done.

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Okay, I said my last post was my last but I had to post because

I can't believe some of the things that's going on by oblivious posters in here.


No offense, Kpop and K-ent is a world that they accept drug dealers, and even KILLERS back to be stars if you have enough fans. Pregnancy? Sex Tape? Those things faze no one in entertainment.

Let me just say this for sure,


If there was, why would 2PM be going on making themselves look like such posers with their "Jay" comments for the past 2 months? If they knew since Dec/Jan that Jay was gone for good, then for the last 2 months, they've been lying to us, the people who are supporting that pedestal that they are so proudly standing on with our blood-earned money and heart-felt spirit.

so OF COURSE fans are going to be pissed with JYPE.

If you want to cut him off for WHATEVER REASON, fine, cut him off. "who cares," right?

Some here say that we're too much for speculating. WHO THE HECK STARTED THE SPECULATION?

JYPE. They're the ones who even put this idea in peoples' heads.

It's obvious that JYPE is doing this on purpose to try to screw Jay as hard as they can, to deter him from having an entertainment career in Korea.

If there was a true scandal, they would never put that out there. It's because there IS no scandal, so there'd never be any evidence of it, what's left is always just going to be speculations. You can never prove or disprove speculations. That's what JYPE is doing, they want fans to make up their own theories about what Jay did, when the truth is, JAY DID NOTHING. and because he did nothing, there'll never be any evidence that he DIDN'T do anything either. JYPE is using that.

Just think about it. If this 'big bad" is so mysterious that it has to be kept hush hush, then


Any respectable company would have just said that they can no longer support him as an artist, and end it at that. What they are doing right now is trying maim any chance Jay has at a Kpop career. It just shows how petty and how irreputable those people have gotten.

So sorry if I can't support a group who is standing by and watching their company kick someone they claim to be their "brother," while that "brother," is already down and wounded. Yeah sure, their careers are on the line. But if your boss tells you to screw your family over for your job, are YOU going to be okay with just standing by and watching? If you are someone who knows right from wrong, you will at least be conflicted. You will show that conflict to the people who are begging you to open up to them. Does 2PM do this? No. They don't. Don't give me the BS about being bound by a contract. That all boils down to do they value the money or do they value Jay. If they are adhering to their contract, dream or no dream, whether they've also worked hard or not, it means that they're accepting the fact that JYPE is going to screw Jay. So how can I support them if they've done nothing to help themselves? God will only help those who helps themselves.

People are worried that there'll be no 2PM if we show our anger about how shady JYPE is?

No offense, I'd rather there be no 2PM than a 2PM who lies to the fans thru their teeth.

If you actually BELIEVE JYPE that Jay did some "big bad,' and that this was really all on him, and that JYPE is somehow a righteous entity here, then you and JYPE deserve each other.

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Guest Shiget^

Its normal for hottests to feel this way they all feel cheated, for the past 6 months they were manipulated said Jay will comeback, JYP practically dragged JAY's name for the whole promotions of 1:59PM, do you think this is fun for you JYP? do you think its fun fooling us, JYP you didnt just killed JAY's career but you also killed 2PM's and fans relationship, Jay sleeping with girls IS ALL A LIE, for the past few weeks you've been playing with the clubs putting up storage room but NOTHING HAPPENED, then you said you make a pres conference with fans but this was announced first, how can fans and the future coming fans of your company ever trust you again?

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Guest Eltoshen

The thing I just can't tolerate is JYPE making the other members out as accomplices. wtf, do they truly not want to work with Jay anymore?

This is all making me question rather than legitimacy, the thought process of the company. Are they aiming to ruin the group?

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All we can just hope for, is clear clarifications about this tomorrow.. Afterall, they said that the conference would still be tomorrow..

I'm no longer hoping to know what was the 'bigger mistake'.. I'm just hoping that the other members will tell us what they really feel about this matter.. and somehow, i'm wishing that this decision wont affect their relationship w/ jay as close brothers.. They've gone through so many things for so many years, afterall..

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Guest Sherelle

Wow, too much long comments.

Too much disappointment, too much hatred, too much sadness.

Idc what others say, Idc what JYPE say, I've long given up on that company.

We all have a choice. I have a choice.

I choose to believe Jay Park, regardless of what "even worse" things he's done.

I support Jay.

Till he speaks up, the rest are bullsh!t


Oh he have a choice too, so if he chose to leave...


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Guest happyberry2007

I am still in shock over this news.

I think jype is one of the most incompetent companies not only did they push the blame all onto jay but they made the rest of the guys look bad. I am afraid that many fans are going to take their anger on them. I think that the rest of the guys didnt know any of this also and that they are innocent. Its feels like everything is going out of control. I am not trying to be negative but i think things are going to get worst. I am so angry with this company. They are ruining 2pm.

Jay, Chansung, Wooyoung, Taec, Junsu, Junho, and Nickhun stay strong please.

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Guest papiroflexia


Jay is a human being, he has a life to live. He needs a career and a good reputation. We all know that he obviously has the talent, but as a performer, talent, and a good reputation is important.

That statement has tarnished that. I hope they realized they ruined someone's life. You should never be messing with a person's life; that's their income, their career, their dreams, their hope...just down the drain.

I don't how people are able to sleep at night after doing that.

It doesn't seem to benefit you, why do it? In fact, it seems like this has even caused more damage for you.

I'm so pissed at the fact that they messed with a man's life like this. Sure, they didn't kill him but this is so much worst.

How is he going to be able to look up in the future, and even if he does there's always going to be this scar, this past, that he will remember, forever. Those 4 years wasted on training? Useless. Could have used it in college, working for something else would have probably been better anyways. That 1 year of fame that came with little income, trash now. Great, and he has a huge debt to pay off. But I think he's already paid enough for what they did to his reputation.

I try not to point fingers. But honestly, look at how this is situation is being handled. It's just too much for fans.

I agree labacookie, the fandom will never be the same.

There are only a few things we know now for certain:

1.) Jay is not coming back

2.) The JYPE PR team is the most incompetent group of people to ever hold their positions

3.) Fandom will never be the same

*sign* Anyways, Jay always seemed perfect (IMO) for YG. He looked like an artist there. Plus, YoungBae and him together could burn up the stage. I really hope somehow, maybe this is just too hopeful, YG can pick him up. But the chances of that doesn't seem so high. I guess I can just dream though.

You know, it'd be kind of nice if tomorrow they popped out and say "HAH! JK! Got you all tricked!" I'm sorry guys, I'm just feeling weird right now and random things are just popping up in my head.

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If JYPE thinks that this letter will bring some form of closure for the fans, sorry to say, they have failed miserably and should be sent back to school on how to deal with things correctly.

I was already prepared to hear the news that Jay would not be coming back, mainly cos looking at the way things are going right now, the 6 members are wayy too comfortable being six already (which i'm hurt to see that), and I had an inkling that JYPE does not actually want to bring Jay back. If not, they would have done so back in November.

If they had merely said that Jay's no longer a JYPE artiste due to current circumstances, It could have been a closure for us.

However, what piffed me off is the ADDITIONAL MALICIOUS CONTENT that they added in their letter which seriously screuwed things a million times worse.

One - They have basically smeared Jay's name in the mud by emphasizing that it was HIS fault due to his confession of his wrongdoing in early 2009. So clearly, now all the blame is entire on Jay's shoulder and that they are innocent.

Two - They have TARNISHED the image of 2PM and also placed the blame on the rest of the six boys, potentially ruining their careers now, because they added in the letter that the six boys AGREED to it and decided that Jay is not fit to be a celebrity associated with JYPE.

Three - All that the letter wants to show is that:

A ) JYPE doesn't want Jay anymore (now that 2PM is successful with six members and are at the top of the crop)

B ) BUT, no other management company should take Jay because he has this "bad history" and it would be the downfall if anyone else takes Jay back in Korea.

Two words to sum it all up.

Greed & Selfishness.

I'm way past dissappointed and now utterly repulsed.

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