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Yoon Eun Hye 윤은혜 ♡ ♡ ✨

Nakiami Kyoko

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Guest ferlydee

Good AM, so excited for Episode 7, YEH looks marvelous and happy, thank God.  Can't wait for someone to upload the video of this, please, pretty, pretty please, lol.  And she was on top for this episode, oh I'm so happy for her that she continues to shine in the midst of very minor issue.  Bless your heart YEH and keep being happy because you make your fans happy too.  

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Hello fellow warriors, YEH is very pretty and gorgeous in Muse Dress episode 7. I wonder what the bidders saying on Yeh. Is there anyone who can translate what they're saying about YEH's creation? Thank you in advance. :)

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Yay! So happy! Congratulations to our beautiful YEH for being Number 1 in Muse Dress 2 episode7.

Next Theme for Muse Dress 2 epi 8 is: "That Year When We Were 18!"

For Yoon Eun Hye, that year will be 2002 (Western) or 2001(Korean)

Can't wait for the next episode. 

YEH HWAITING!!! Love you always :wub:

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I still don't get this show. When someone gets taken off the show another person comes in their place... This is a weird completion if you ask me and its getting a little boring. They should decrease the contestants so you get to know the finalists better and see them doing other things, like Project Runway. On the bright side, I did like YEH's white shirt outfit and her jackets though. 

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Hello everyone,
I'm feeling so proud of YEH this episode and that's why I decide to share with everyone the good feeling. Here is the rough translation I did for YEH's part. I'm putting out a disclaimer that I'm in no way an expert or understands the Korean language and I'm basing everything on the Chinese subtitles provided by the show. I hope you understand that I'm only translating the Chinese subtitle of what YEH said, so there may be some inaccuracies to what she ACTUALLY said. Thank you for your understanding. Please enjoy and if I've made any mistakes, please correct me. Kamsahamida! *bow*
MUSE DRESS 2 EPISODE 7 (26.09.2015)
Challenge Day
Everyone meet up with their BFF. I'll focus more on Jadu and YEH here. They both meet up in Korea. When Jadu shows up, she was so excited and happy and loudly said in Chinese "大家好!", which means "HELLO EVERYBODY!!!!" *smiley face* =D. Now they have a series of questions that they have to answer to see how well they know each other (no discussion allowed) Objective is to test whether they are really BFF!
YEH: Whoever answers incorrectly will have to eat the spicy green chilli pepper as punishment! 
Big Yellow Caption: "玩好大!" means "Stakes are high!!!" LOL
QUESTION 1: What do you think is the name that will show up on each other's phone Caller I.D?
When they both reveal their answers, Caption: "Incorrect"
YEH: Wanna see each other's answer?
YEH: *confidently* Emoticons!
YEH: *paused* *incredulous* Be honest, you did use emoticons right?
Red Caption: 我不信 means "I don't believe it!!!"
YEH: How about "Heart" emoticon?
JADU: No. I didn't use emoticons.
YEH: *in disbelief* Yaaaaaaaaaaa....!!!!!
Red Caption: "How can it be like this?!?"
JADU: I.... *giggle*
YEH: *shakes head* Yaaaaaaaaaa.... *continues to protest*
JADU: I'm really sorry. I use a different language to write your name
JADU: MEGUMI *shows her phone to YEH*. It's in Japanese
JADU: I'm scare people can see your number. There's no one else by the name of Eun Hye/Grace that I know except you. Like I said I'm scare people can see your number so that's why you became MEGUMI.
JADU: *continues to laugh* I already apologise earlier.
YEH: What does that name mean?
JADU: It means Eun Hye/Grace. 
JADU: God's Eun Hye/Grace.
JADU: Simply Eun Hye/Grace *smiles*
YEH: Alright. I'll eat it *refering to chilli* *slightly unwilling* (Hahahaha!)
Yellow Caption: "I don't care about you anymore"
JADU: (YEH prepares to eat the chilli) *loud protest* I'M SORRY!!!! *continues to laugh*
Camera pans to YEH taking her punishment. 
*off screen* JADU: In the past you are the leader, so I'll accompany you and take a bite too 
Crew: Did JADU answers correctly?
JADU: I'm correct, right?
YEH: It should be like this.... Pen.... Past me a pen. You made a small error
YEH took JADU's whiteboard and add an exclamation mark. MEGUMI! (Hahahaha)
YEH: It should be like this.
Red Caption: "Goddess, are you a Virgo???" (In Asian context, Virgos are known to be cranky and perfectionist. Hahahaha! But we know YEH is a Libran)
QUESTION 2: When did you first meet each other? (Camera only shows them having incorrect answers)
QUESTION 3: Write down the most embarassing moment/incident. (not shown)
QUESTION 4: What is the most touching moment you both shared together?
YEH: Wait a second! If JADU guess correctly, do I still have to eat chilli?
Red Caption: "Only cares about eating chilli pepper"
YEH: Can I lie? *background laughter*
Crew: No, you can't *jokingly in stern voice*
Red Caption: "Seriously writing down answers"
Camera pans to all Goddesses and their BFF pondering over Question 4 and answering in earnest.
Red Caption: "The longest love and blessings comes from the time spent together with BFF"
YEH: Although Unnie (sister) has a beautiful marriage, but is not so well off financially. I was thinking to give them both something that is meaningful that they can carry with them everyday.
Caption: "I will give my all, as long as you are happy"
YEH: So I actually bought them their wedding rings. I'm so happy and grateful they both love the gift.
All these while when YEH talks, JADU looks happy and proudly shows off her wedding ring, even kissing it (awwwww so sweet). 
JADU: I always wear it on me. THIS ONE! This one! *proudly exclaimed*
Red Caption at end of challenge: "Thank you for always being there in the best years of my life"
Final Caption: "BFF, I LOVE YOU"
Brainstorming Day
YEH's Designer: Did yesterday's filming go smoothly?
YEH: Yesterday we only focus on eating. Didn't really focus much on design inspirations or ideas
Pink Caption: "Goddess is an eating machine!" LOL HAHAHAHA
Behind the scene shows YEH sewing sequins onto her beret for previous episode 6 (proof it's handmade by her, yay!)
Competition Day
- At backstage, new Goddess Si Yan is being very playful and tried to block YEH's path. Even Bea joined in the fun.
- YEH rallies her models "加油!加油" means "Do your best! or All out effort!"
ATHENA CHU (Theme: Bride Wars)
YEH: He really likes her 
(she's commenting about the Special Guest, James Lee being so enamoured by Athena. Note: He decided to appear on the show because he wants to meet Athena. He turned into a nervous Fanboy and continuously shake Athena's hand without letting go. For those who don't know, Athena is a veteran Hong Kong Actress who has appeared in a lot of films and dramas. She is 43 now)
YEH: Just give her a raise.
YEH: Give me money (speaking in Mandarin)
(she said this after Athena was working very hard trying to persuade Jumei bidder to bid very high)
YEH: I think it's going to increase by ¥3million. 88888 (Jumei current bid was at ¥6mil, he has one last bid)
YEH: OMG!!!! I was right!!!
(She got all excited and shocked when her prediction came true with Jumei's final bid at ¥8,888,888. She looks so cute here! Hahahaha!)
SI YAN (Theme: Charlie's Angels)
To help people understand better, there was a mishap with Si Yan's team design as there was an unfortunate misunderstanding with her designer. Her dress was supposed to be altered to fit perfectly but the alteration was not carried out properly. Not only that, it will also leave her a bit exposed at the back. Prior to the start of the catwalk, her Designer actually has another set of clothing and they decided to go with that.
YEH & Designer: Charlie's Angels!!! (They both exclaimed at the start of the catwalk)
(As the catwalk progresses)
YEH: They still have these set of clothes?
Designer: That's right.
YEH: Just now it was all red (refering to backstage)
YEH: Will you abandon me if I wear that clothes?
Designer: Why do you ask me that question?
YEH: I'm sorry
(She asked this question because Xiao Xiao, Star Wardrobe bidder said he hated the coat in pink with black trimmings the most and if he ever goes out for tea with his BFF and she shows up wearing it, he will abandon her)
BEA HAYDEN (Theme: Sex & The City The Movie)
YEH: Feeling is still the same 
Designer: The coat's cutting are all the same. Just a little bit different around this area (proceeds to touch YEH's arm)
YEH: The prints on the clothes are actually quite cute (she's referring to the giant candy prints)
(Before the reveal of the 1st bid)
YEH: I predict the bid is around ¥8million
YEH: Waaaa!!! I was right again. *excited excited* I predicted D2C's starting bid is around ¥8million 
YING ER (Theme: Sunny (Korean movie))
- No scenes from YEH.
- Just wanna add a well deserve win for Ying Er & Si Cong designer. Congratulations!!!
Last but not least ***drum rolls***
YOON EUN HYE (Theme: Begin Again)
Design testimonies
Designer: We use denim and tweed fabrics and added pearls as decorative embellishment so this is not your ordinary denim look but a denim look with a lot of highlights. Koreans generally prefers the comfortable style. This feels very carefree and easy.
YEH: This figure (referring to the number 12) represents the 12 children that I sponsor/adopt. It also represents designer teacher's child who just turn 12. We also hope to be able to participate in all 12 episodes (of Muse Dress 2) and will not be eliminated. This is what I just thought about. 
Catwalk show
Host: Thank you, thank you Yoon Eun Hye. Now we welcome YEH's designer Lu Guang Yuan ( sorry don't know her Korean name)
Host: Just now when I was walking back from backstage, I walked past this model standing closest to me and saw this number 12 has made a reappearance. Eun Hye you seem to like this number 12 a lot.
YEH: (same explanation as about. Pls read YEH design testimony)
Host: Now let's take a look at our 6 bidders to see which 4 will be able to participate in the bidding round. Let's begin.
Host: We can finally see Inman (Fang Zhong) enters the bidding round for the first time today. Now to confirm the 4s are JUMEI, FIVE PLUS, SHANGPIN, & INMAN. Please reveal the bid.
Round 1: JUMEI in lead (¥11,111,111); FIVE PLUS (¥5,000,000); SHANGPIN (¥3,888,888); INMAN (¥5,991,111)
Host: Now I can reveal to all that JUMEI is in the lead.
JUMEI: We (JUMEI) are one of China's biggest selling cosmetics website. A few years ago, there is one particular red (pink) lipstick, called the "Missing You" colour. (Crowd cheers, YEH shyly smile knowingly)
JUMEI: That year, as soon as we stock this lipstick, it sold exponentially and sold out completely. That is why today this round I have to fight till the end. Of all the Goddesses that appeared today, some are even my ideal Goddesses, and some are the younger generation's Goddesses, but the ONLY real beauty that can create a trendsetting product there is no doubt that person is Yoon Eun Hye (I'm so happy when he said this. Our girl is really the real fashionista & trendsetter. Love her! Love her! Love her!)
JUMEI: That's is why with this round I want to tell Miss Yoon that I will fight for her until the end. I promise.
Crowd cheers and applaud.
Host: The other 3 bidders will now enter Round 2 of bidding. Please begin.
Round 2: JUMEI (¥11,111,111); FIVE PLUS (¥10,000,000); SHANGPIN (¥5,888,888); INMAN in lead (¥19,991,111)
Crowd cheers!!!!!
Host: This round the highest bidder is..... the one who hasn't participated in any bidding today, INMAN.
FIVE PLUS: I'm thinking he's definitely going to bid mercilessly.
Host: It's not such a big gap but before we continue I want to hear from our guest James Lee.
JAMES: I think this team's integration score is very high. All their designs, their considerations such as humanity and warmth values, I think overall they score higher.
YEH: Thank you for understanding our efforts.*bows* Every time we want to have an innovative design. We actually use the same fabric and handmade matching phone case.
Host: Yeah
YEH: Is it beautiful (speaking in Mandarin)
Host: Beautiful. Very beautiful!
Crowd applause 
YEH: This phone and this clothes comes in a set.
Si Cong (backstage): I want one too.
Host: Environmentally friendly and carefully thought out accessory, this is also one reason all bidders can consider beforehand. Alright, let's continue with the show.
Round 3: JUMEI (¥20,000,000); FIVE PLUS in lead (¥22,000,000); SHANGPIN (¥7,999,999); INMAN (¥19,991,111)
Ying Er (backstage): What happened to all the bidders today? Today's bid is crazy, all above ¥20million
Host: Wei Jie (FIVE PLUS), you are currently in the lead. Thus, you are forcing JUMEI & INMAN to use their final bid.
JUMEI: This feeling feels so bad. Feels like on my side suddenly there is a killer instinct directed at me *crowd laughs*. Too merciless *shakes head*
Host: And there is a Voldermort (refering to Fang Zhong from INMAN) *everyone laughs*
Host: Who is it gonna be? Come, both gentlemen, please....
(Note: Fang Zhong from Inman is a habitual seat jumper when he bids big)
Bea (backstage): Fang Zhong has finally gone bonkers
Ying Er (backstage): As long as he jumps in his seat, the bid has gone up exorbitantly high
New Designer: Really?
Ying Er: Always
Host: I just asked Eun Hye did you see Fang Zhong's action? She just looks at me and smile.
FIVE PLUS: He just jumped again.
Host: Come, INMAN, JUMEI, last chance bidding price is....
Final Round: JUMEI (¥21,212,121); FIVE PLUS (¥22,000,000); SHANGPIN (¥7,999,999), INMAN winning bid (¥35,111,111)
Crowd went wild!!!
Everyone backstage shocked.
Si Cong: This is over the top. What is going on with this episode? What's going on?
Host: Fang Zhong, you are really really merciless. INMAN successful with the winning bid of ¥35,111,111!
INMAN: I want to say something. YEH's designs from the 1st episode until today's 7th episode I have successfully bid for most of them. I feel this particular collection is simply Inman and it will represent our Winter Fashion Showcase. INMAN's direction is in the image of this GODDESS Miss Yoon Eun Hye. I feel this collection absolutely represent all 5 Goddesses highest standard. That's is why I have given such an encouraging price!
Host: Thank you Inman. Now our guest has add on his remaining price and this shall place YEH in 2nd place with ¥35,211,111. Please give round of applause to YEH, her designer and all their models. Thank you everyone. Thank you.
YEH: *continuously bow* Thank you! Thank you! You've work hard!x2 (in Mandarin) *retreats*
Final testimony
YEH: I'm so happy! Muse Dress 2 has allow us to feel moments of happiness and moments of defeat. But I did not expect to get so much praise.
Host announce there's a newly crown winner this time and the Winner is.... YOON EUN HYE!!!!
How it works,
Bid (60% score) + Audience vote (40%) = placement
Thus for YEH:- 2nd (Bid) + 1st (votes) = Number 1!!!
Congratulations to our GODDESS!!!
YEH: This is the first time we received such a high bidding price and we feel there is the possibility of getting a high score but at the same time also feel very sorry towards Ying Er. For her to get the highest bidding price in MD2 history but still be in 2nd place, I'm pretty sure she is not feeling too happy. That is why I feel apologetic towards her and I understand MD2 better now.
YEH: (in Mandarin) I love you! Please show lots of attention!
Final standing:-
1st YEH
2nd Ying Er
3rd Bea Hayden
4th Athena Chu
5th Si Yan
Host announced next episode 8's Theme: "That Year When We Were 18!"
Ps: now tell me did anyone see anything suspicious about Bea's design????
Pps: Please give a thumbs up if you like this translation. Thank you.
Edited by Kuppies82
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New York vibes and friends


Horoscope, planetarium and friends was a good idea also.

Credit Yeh Vietnam

I quote from xxcutipiexx

I still don't get this show. When someone gets taken off the show another person comes in their place... This is a weird completion if you ask me and its getting a little boring. They should decrease the contestants so you get to know the finalists better and see them doing other things, like Project Runway. On the bright side, I did like YEH's white shirt outfit and her jackets though. 


If they lost twice they have to go. I love this show as this is not like Project Runway with professionals only, here we got a more artistic feeling with the stage and actresses who show their fashion senses with their designers according to real life themes. It is like a movie recording and fashion collection together.

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Guest ferlydee

Thank you, thank you kuppies82, you're such a generous person, I am grateful, from the bottom of my heart.   I am so proud of Yoon Eun Hye, she is brilliant at that episode and very humble.  No words are enough to express how happy I am to see her, she is so happy.  And you cannot see any stress marks on her face, she looked stunning.  My smile was like two blocks away from my house, lol, when I saw her face looking shocked, lol.  Her helping unfortunate kids and helping her friend on her wedding day, I can never replace anyone like her as my most favorite actress, well, only one actress.   Thank you God, we are now back to our normal lives.  

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@Gracedberry Thanks for the clarification because I am completely lost during the show. And when I said they should make it seem more like project runway, I meant they should show more interactions between the participants or competitions for charity or something. I understand that its a fashion variety program but television shows need entertainment and this show is missing it. I feel like I know close to nothing about the other contestants and I have been watching for 7 weeks. I want to see which contestant is closer to the other how everyone interacts with each other and the models or even the host. The first few episodes did that and they were entertaining but now there's really none of that. I love seeing YEHs facial expressions don't get me wrong and I love that she's enjoying herself but if I wasn't a fan I would have stopped watching a long time ago. Thats just my opinion, I don't mean to insult anybody who likes the show. 

Edited by xxcuitepiexx
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