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What Is Love?

Guest Loveology

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Guest Torento <3

Where you feel so strongly for someone that you would die for them. This caters for not just your partner but also your family. This is why, when I see so many people here, and in general society tell their partners they 'love' them and then treat the relationship in a childlike manner, I become somewhat disturbed.

So in other words, I'll only say those words to someone whom I feel as if I will be marrying pretty much, or my family.

Your thoughts?

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Guest Torento <3

love involves more than feeling you'll die for them. But anyway, that's partially right. It's the ability and willingness to understand and compromise, to be unjudgemental, to be willing to give it your all without expecting anything in return.

For me, death is the ultimate sacrifice. When you die, it's game over. There's no reincarnation, heaven or hell, or afterlife in general.

So, if you're willing to die for someone, the things you mentioned should be automatically assumed. However, I disagree with the nonjudgmental comment.

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Guest Torento <3

^ what I mean by that is you'll take what they say and can empathise, instead of jumping to conclusions and judging straight away.

Some ppl are willing to die for their S/O, but that doesn't mean what they are feeling is love, could be obsession lol

We're assuming the person is mentally fit.

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^for some of the weirdos I've encountered, that'd be assuming too much :lol:

But yeah I can see what you mean, some people misuse it when their feelings just don't even come close to love.

Esp really young people ^^;; But yeah, I'd never say it to someone lightly. I've only ever said it to one person, and we're engaged now (:

And the crazy obsessive people might argue that they do still 'love' you, just in a kinda.. negative way? XD;

Loving someone and being in love are different. :]

The crazy obsessed person could very well love you :lol:

But to be in love, I think requires something more. But ionno how to explain it.

What's the definition you'd give for "In Love" as opposed to just "love"? *curious* ^.^

And yeah that other post was just a little badly worded I think, you shouldn't just be completely unjudgmental, or expect nothing in return.

If your partner does something that makes you unhappy, or that you think is really morally wrong, should you sit and say nothing?

I think an important part of love and just relationships in general, is being able to be open and tell the other person when they're out of line. Or even if there's just a small thing they could change, to make the relationship better.

And to be able to take that kind of criticism, to then reach a compromise which you can both live with.

But again, compromise is good, to an extent, but many times I see one person doing all of the compromising to make the other happy...

but the other person never budges, so it's not really equal.

Also, you shouldn't be forced to compromise your values and beliefs, I wouldn't be swayed on those- they're really important to me.

Ideally, you'll be with someone who has similar morals to yourself. That makes things much easier :)

And if I love someone, I DO expect something back- I expect them to love me too, to treat me with the same affection and respect I show them. XD

How bummed would you be if you loved someone and they were just a complete jerk to you?

That article the other day on 'loving too much, not being love'. You shouldn't love unconditionally, be endlessly forgiving.

That would mean you'd still love them if they never showed you any affection, if they stole from you, if they cheated on you. Anything. o.o

I guess that would be obsessive love again, it's irrational.

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Guest Inconnu

Well buddy, when you are actually in a life and death situation, we'll see if

you actually would die for the person you love.

Its easier said then done.

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Where you feel so strongly for someone that you would die for them. This caters for not just your partner but also your family. This is why, when I see so many people here, and in general society tell their partners they 'love' them and then treat the relationship in a childlike manner, I become somewhat disturbed.

So in other words, I'll only say those words to someone whom I feel as if I will be marrying pretty much, or my family.

Your thoughts?

when you're in a commited relationship it's all in an effort to find that one person you'll end up marrying no? so shouldn't you love a person in order to be with them? why set your relationship up for failure before it even really begins. each day should be clarification as to why you would want to spend your life with this person. i feel that as long as you stay with that person it shows love because love is unconditional and it does not fade. there is no such thing as i used to love you but not anymore or my feelings have changed. that's not love. as long as you are commited to a person you should have faith and love them 100% or else don't say you love them at all.

i think i explained it a little better. a similar question was asked in the 20+ forums and this was my answer.

my thoughts on love are a little different. i like to think that love is a little bit like faith or atleast that they go hand in hand. love is unconditional and it doesn't fade. there is no such thing as "i don't love you anymore" in my books. that's not love. love is always there and will always be there. i think that going into a relationship you should have faith that the person you are with will be the one you will be able to love unconditionally and as corny as it sounds .. until your life has come to an end. i'm not saying that when you go into a relationship to start making wedding plans or anything but have faith that this is the one. if you end your relationship and feel that you don't love that person anymore then it's safe to say that it wasn't love.

even with your family you will never absolutely know that they love you. you just have faith and believe they do. why? because they are family and it's what familys do. they stay with eachother through thick and thin and despite the arguments and hard times you still love them. i feel that this should apply to relationships as well.

For me, death is the ultimate sacrifice. When you die, it's game over. There's no reincarnation, heaven or hell, or afterlife in general.

So, if you're willing to die for someone, the things you mentioned should be automatically assumed. However, I disagree with the nonjudgmental comment.

LOL. i'm sorry but pictures of emo kids killing themselves over their unrequited love just popped into my head.

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Guest joongielove

I'd have to agree, yet disagree with you here.

I do believe that death is the ultimate sacrifice, yes, game over, end of the road, etc. But I also believe that you don't quite need to go to drastic measures to show you love someone. Sometimes it's evident in the day to day things in life, ya know? But another issue. People are throwing the words 'I Love You' around so carelessly these days. It's like the words have lost all significant meaning. I see people who're dating for like, a month and are already saying it to each other, and to me, that's insanity.

Anyone else agree?

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  • 1 month later...
Guest babiiqrlxT

I think it's amazing how some people perceive 'love'. Several people that I know of have different boyfriends all the time and they claim that they're in love.

It's not that we're not allowed to love more than one person, but to say that you have fallen in love with someone within the period of 2 weeks is unimaginable. How is this love? Is this what they call true love? Even so, I doubt true love happens so quickly. I mean it can, I suppose, since nothing is impossible. But rarely...

And the fact that they can go on to love someone else after being 'in love' remains even more of a mystery to me. If it was so easy to let go, if it was so easy to find 'someone new', where then, was the real love? I've had plenty of girlfriends come up to me and tell me that they love this person and they couldn't be happier right now. Yet I can't help but think, 'Sure, that's what you'll be saying 2 months from now with another guy.'

Personally, I want love that will last a lifetime. Meaning to say that I'm willing to wait for the right person, instead of anyone who confesses they like me. Because what would the point of that be? High school relationships are generally so short lived. I never find the point in 'dating' because, call me a romantic, but the person that I get involved with now would be the person I want to marry.

I know it sounds far-fetched and somewhat crazy, but that's all I want. I know how people say you have to find the right person and by that they mean you have to get out there and meet more people. I don't mind meeting new people, but I don't want to date them to 'get to know them.' I don't want to 'confess my love' to someone who won't appreciate it forever.

The kind of love I want is eternal. It's something that should be real and should be true, not just a spur of the moment thing. I don't mind saying "I love you" to someone, but I do mind if I'm not sure if you'll love me as much as I do. It sounds selfish, I guess, to want someone to love me just as much as I love them. But I'm sick of seeing people throw their love out to others and just have it given back a month later.

A soul mate isn't what I'm looking for - I don't think there's just 'the one' for all of us. Love isn't a brief thing - it can't just come and go. Because that's not love. If you can move on so quickly and jump into another relationship then there wasn't any love at all.

I don't know, I've always been sort of a hopeless romantic. Watching people run around giving their love so freely and taking it without cherishing it...it seems so sad. As if love isn't what it's supposed to be anymore. As if love isn't really love.

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Guest babiiqrlxT

Love is just a word to describe a feeling.

But being in love is indescribable.

I agree it's indescribable but everyone will have their own definition for love.

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Guest kRaZiExLaDiE

i don`t think the word "love" should be taken lightly.

the words "i love you" should only be said when he/she really really means it... not just some phrase a person uses just cuz 2 people are in a relationship.

some may take week.. some may take months.. some may even take years before saying the words "i love you"

everyone`s perspective of love is different ...

what about love at first sight? does anyone believe that??

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Guest 한스 ㅋㅋ

I don't mind meeting new people, but I don't want to date them to 'get to know them.' I don't want to 'confess my love' to someone who won't appreciate it forever.

How will you know if he's the one if you don't want to date them? if you don't want to have a relationship with them? You cant just say Oh he's the one, i can sense it.

Because guys treat friends and gf differently.

How would you know that he will appreciate it forever if you don't try to have a relationship with them?

The reason why you should be in a couple of relationships in your life is because of experience.

The more you date, obviously the more you will know how guys are like. This then can determine in the future what kind of guys is suited to be your partner, a dad.

If you never dated before, not like it's anything wrong, but it's just less experience.

so there is a point in dating.

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Guest selinaym

i don`t think the word "love" should be taken lightly.

the words "i love you" should only be said when he/she really really means it... not just some phrase a person uses just cuz 2 people are in a relationship.

some may take week.. some may take months.. some may even take years before saying the words "i love you"

everyone`s perspective of love is different ...

what about love at first sight? does anyone believe that??

i don't, how can you love someone you don't even know? lol

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"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable." - Bruce Lee

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Guest 7thprincess

Well I love chocolate! And I love hot shirtless guys! Heck I even love my purple pen! I have only said "I Love you" to my laptop, my cellphone, my blanket, and of course my family and best friends.

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Guest jiwoneex3

at times, it is taken too lightly.

this dongseng i know, had a girlfriend, and the first day, he wrote on his profile that he loved her.

it only makes that person look foolish, really.

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Well I love chocolate! And I love hot shirtless guys! Heck I even love my purple pen! I have only said "I Love you" to my laptop, my cellphone, my blanket, and of course my family and best friends.

Oh girl, you's a freak! What about hot shirtless guys covered in chocolate??

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Guest cooki3s

i agree that people do say "i love you" too soon becuase I guess everyone around them just does it that way?

it annoys me too how after dating someone for two weeks, he/she has already said i love you, it sounds so meaningless.

but then theres people that have also been togther for years who say i love you so much

that it doesnt even seem like something special anymore.

is it just me? i mean i know that when you really love a person, you want to say i love you

but by saying it so much that "i love you" becomes your hi, and goodbye and just a routine, doesnt make the words special anymore.

does that amke sense?

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Guest Windoffire

Love is like a ninja gamble :ph34r:

It'll come out of nowhere

It might not be at first sight... it's hard to see ninjas =P

But it'll get you

And once you do, you have to hope that the gamble works in your favor

It's possible that you get infatuated with a total idiot (a 'bad' outcome of the gamble)

Or you fall in love with the right person (a 'good' outcome of the gamble)

Even though the probability for those two events happening simultaneously is slim, you have lots of time

Hope you win your next one =]

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