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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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I can understand the frustration everyone is feeling to the latest episode. I was hoping for some movement but no, JK is still breathing down JP's neck every second. As for the playing on the comp together scene/shopping scene - what the heck are the producers doing?! :wacko: Then we have JP getting caught by his mom and once again he's marched off and JD gets a mouthful from his mother as if it's her fault. I don't mind fillers either, to be honest but I am not enjoying watching the JK/JP & JD/JH relationship develop in them. (Well I'm a little biased towards JD/JH, but that's not the point)

As for YJ/GE, couldn't understand a word of what was going on but you don't need 'em to see he definitely didn't treat her well on that date, and judging by what the episode 20 text preview said the whole YJ/GE/EC triangle gets even messier. If the producers want to finish it with a YJ/GE ending, they better get a move on. :unsure:

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Guest bieroe

im also frustated with the long engagement thing and too much of JH/JD scenes bcos to be honest, there's nothing interesting abt JH and JD. i mean they are so much alike that it's boring. im sorry for JH/JD shippers, but this is really how i see it. yeah they make sweet couple and JH is so touching and sweet to JD, but seriously, im bored with it already after so many episodes. i need the turmoil in JP/JD relationship. afterall that's what make hanadan so damn interesting.

but then i think, ok this is kdrama afterall. what we got from epi 1 to 12 are not kdrama. the story was told very fast, one problem solves and come another. this second season is THE kdrama we're getting. it's actually not dragging, it's just bcos we were given such fast storyline before, this season seems to be dragging. i mean look, there is the rectangle love, which involves 4 "main" leads. 2 so-called pairs (JH/JD and JP/JK). the actual main leads are constipated that they cant say how they really feel abt each other. there are plenty of sides stories. so we're just getting a normal kdrama actually.

i kind of lost the enthusiasme in this second season, maybe bcos the story is still not getting anywhere. i think the story is focusing more on how JD and JP will get back together instead of how they try to fight the battle with devil kang. the msg of hanadan kind of lost though.

dont u guys think so?

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Guest carleli

contrary to some of you, i'm enjoying the show... though like most of you i do not understand why there's still a date bet JP & JK... JP already told her that he's in love with someone else, so he should not be encouraging JK anymore... cut the cord bet them and continue with wooing JD again... but despite those scenes, i'm loving this drama... esp the truth or kiss part, when JH kissed YJ i was laughing my heart out and although i didn't understand at first what woobin is saying, just seeing him talking and reacting like that made my night... and those close up of JP/MH, whenever i see those full lips, cannot help myself imagine kissing those luscious lips (excuse the rambling of an ajuma) yyyuuummm.... :phew::P:D;)

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Guest Wei Lin



^hear hear danick...=)

i've been lurking for some time now... it's fun reading all the comments as we watch the subbed eps 'live' every mon and tues... but danick's viewpoint... i really do see it too...=) I've watched both the taiwan and japan versions... and in both... i kinda felt that the other characters were not given a chance to develop at all... so the korean version is really fulfilling that wish of mine... altho i guess for the past couple of eps.... everyone's getting antsy for more 'main couple' action... lol.

in the previous versions... the character of jihoo (lei/rui) was kinda a wash out... and i felt jihoo in this version.. where the writers actively show how he fights for jandi makes for a more fleshed-out character and for more tension between the male leads... for those who have watched the previous versions or read the manga and know the ending... (hope i'm not spoiling anything here for those who haven't watched) perhaps could look at it this way... jd/jp's love for each other overcomes the fact that both of them have another choice/soulmate? And for jaekyung.... i thought it was quite good that the story shows how she becomes a softer character as she falls for jp... and hopefully the writers do a good job in the transition from her trying to win jp to trying to help jp/jd...

for yj/ge plot... i like it!! wahah. cos i was always thinking what a wasted opportunity in the other versions cos there was also some kinda chemistry between these two characters... however in the woobin surprise angst in ep 18... i was like 'woah' now woobin appears with more than single lines... kinda sudden... and the transitioning of scenes was really awkward... seems as though the production became piecemeal all of a sudden...

i read from previous posts that the amnesia angle will come in... and i was really kinda shocked... cos seeing that there are supposed to be 25 eps... unless they extend it again... :sweatingbullets: haha... the eps from now on would really have to move at lightning speed? kinda worried about that... it'll take brilliance on the production team's part to weave all those subplots and mainplot back together come the 25th ep..

hmmz. okay i just realised that i've almost embarked on a exposition on bbf... lol. anyway... to all the fustrated people out there.... cheer up... cos surely there'll be moments you'll enjoy in the upcoming eps right? or else the drama can't end... lol=) we've only about 6 eps left till bbf ends... and what will we do after that? haha... i guess when it ends we'll look back fondly on all the eps even those that made us mad.... =)

cheers all... i'm gg back to watch the rest of ep 19=) if i inadvertently wrote abt any spoilers for anyone... i apologise in advance!

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Guest flower pot

And once again, it is a Tuesday... another day to satisfy BOF addicts like ourselves and a time to give us a dosage of our weekly fix which is only good for another seven days...

Just like before, i am sharing my reactions to this epic melodrama and if yesterday's episode was brought to us by the words You're starting to richard simmons me off Jaekyung... Today's episode is brought to us by NASA's rocketship... coz that's where i want to tie Mama Kang outside of so that she can finally disappear from the face of the earth (and hopefully Jaekyung packs her bags and goes with her)...

So we start off today's episode where we left off... No, not with me wanting to drag Jaekyung out of Junpyo's bed by the roots of her hair kicking and screaming but with Monkey girl asking Junpyo if he wanted to make a bet with her which Junpyo MUST HAVE been wishing for all his life judging from how quickly he ran away from her...

However, just when i was about to applaud Junpyo's tenacity in keeping away from Jaekyung, the next scene showed them playing video games as if they have been exchanging beauty tips and fashion secrets all their lives...

WTH, GOO JUN PYO, HOW COULD YOU? Since when did you start getting chummy chummy with baboons?


When you know that someone is hung up on you and you are TOTALLY not into her... YOU DISS HER... D-I-S-S! You don't go around supermarket shopping with them good-naturedly and smiling like you are having the grandest, good, ole time of your life... You definitely don't go power tripping over who gets the most noodles in the cart and feeding each other sample ham from the food counter just like (Oh no... dare i say the word?) you are *gasp* Flirting! Dammit... didn't they teach you that in rich heir school?

And why, oh why must the PD taint that ramen scene which was the only ray of sunshine to my otherwise bleak Jundi life yesterday by having the same thing happen with Monkey girl? WHYYYYYYYYYYY??? *shouts out to the heavens*

I wish the ham that Jaekyung and Junpyo have both eaten had been left in that counter for weeks on end and that they'd get kickass diarrhea as their comeuppance! HA! That would teach them!


On the other hand, JIHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why don't you just take a knife and drive it straight through my heart? You poor boy, you... Why don't you just kiss and make up with gramps? It's obvious that you miss each other so...

Heck, your walking around lost in the rain makes me just want to give you MY grandfather so that you can call him your own... However, if you don't want that, i could also give you a family just like Jandi could... and i mean that in a way that i'm sure that monk does not mean it... :naughty: (I am available anytime... just give me a text from your uber cute Haptic phone...)hehehe!

But what's that? Is that a big fat splash and a honk that i'm hearing? I think that is the sound of my Jundi ship sinking even more and my HooDi ship temptingly inviting me to come over... How sweet was it when Jandi was just standing there in the rain waiting for Jihoo wordlessly at his time of need, just like what he has done so many times for her?... These guys make me want to get wet myself with my better half while it’s pouring, threat of acid rain and leptospirosis be damned…

OMO! and Jihoo in Jandi’s embrace and his bed, drawing Jandi and her hand close to him as if he doesn't want to let go? *swoons, melts and dies* And just when I was almost convinced that they really are meant to be together, it doesn’t just end there… is that... is that Jandi's face softening just like she is starting to grow tender feelings for Jihoo again? *tears in my eyes, tightening in my chest then waves goodbye to jump to the HooDi ship... BAH-BYE GUYS!*

But oh no! Why is Junpyo, pacing around restlessly, waiting for Jandi to come home with that worried expression on his face? GAHHHH!!!! I am lassoed back in... ABANDON TRANSFER...ABANDON TRANSFER… back to the JunDi ship... (I swear this series is turning me inside out that there would come a time that all this shipshifting between JunDi and HooDi would just make me shortcircuit and die...)

DARN IT PD! You sure do know how to pull our strings...However, there is still a sadistic part of me that wishes that Junpyo knows that Jandi is taking care of and cooking like a WIFE for Jihoo at his home that would make him throw a rage and just kiss Jandi to kingdom come to make her realize that he,Junpyo, still rules... (OH YEAH! *said ala Woobin*)…


And so morning came and is my wish coming true? Alas, but no… it is only Junpyo raging at Jandi like a naggy wife about her not coming home the night before… Tell him off Jandi! Tell him Off! Darn it Junpyo… you made a fool out of her in Macau and now you expect her to come home just because you tell her to… Read my lips… SERVES YOU RIGHT and BUGGER OFF! (actually, I have words far more stronger than this but I might offend others in this forum… hehehe!)

However, just like in the past… Junpyo always has a redeeming factor and for this scene it is his brotherly love and pizza buying spree for Gang San that got to me… (yeah right… when all else fails and you can’t woo the sister… use her family… Boy… this Junpyo sure knows what he’s doing…)

And how cute was he when he was eating those noodles raw and trying to cook from his turned off stove? AHHHHH… no wonder Jandi can’t get over him…

Moving along, Mama Kang comes home from a trip from hell where she checked in on her boss named Lucifer… What? Ahhhh… it’s just Vancouver… (sorry about that guys I thought that’s where she’s from… ) And just for us to get to know her a little bit better, it seems like Mama Kang’s really into espionage and photography as her past time… I swear the FBI needs someone like her on their team… If she can get pictures like these of Jandi wherever she goes, I swear we’d never have any more problems with Wanted fugitives…

Using her extraordinary hound like tracking abilities, Darth Mama sends her mininons to where Junpyo is slumming it and interrupts him in the middle of his “I would eat this ramen like chips snack spree”… I would have already cursed the TV at that point due to frustration but that scene where Junpyo was being dragged and was shooting lasers from his eyes at Jihoo made me totally squeal like a fangirl (I swear Jandi’s hair is sooo long for having these two hot guys always fight over her that we could have made a freeway out of it going straight from LA to San Francisco…)

Jihoo seeing the commotion and being his normal, noble Prince Charming self somehow sensed trouble and invited the F2 to Jandi’s place for some bonding activities, which is really a cover up for what he really wanted to tell her which is “The Siths are coming so we’re here to go all Jedi on you”…

Anyways, Mama Kang once again took time out of her busy schedule as CEO extraordinaire to hoof it where Jandi lives just to be able to call her a H-O-O-C-H-I-E… (Yeah, yeah… we’ve heard that before… takes one to know one…widen your vocabulary Darth Mama there are other words to call her by…you should have saved on gas and just texted her…) So Jandi took it like a woman and with the support of F3 was able to make it without breaking down in front of the enemy…

The next day, Jandi went home to find GaEul and the F3 once again at her rooftop home … After an inquisitive stare and some explaining they have relayed that they will help her make over her home to cheer her up… (Because there is nothing in this world that would cheer you up like the smell and fumes of Drying Paint… GOOD TIMES…) It’s also a good thing that YiJung was sober otherwise, he might have rained on their parade and botched up the color scheme judging from how he’s been acting lately… heaven forbid!

Okay… and so we see… WTF? WHY THE HELL IS LYPTIKA’S ACCOUNT SUSPENDED? DID MAMA KANG’S MINIONS TRACKED THAT DOWN TOO? And just when I was in the middle of watching… Darn you mama kang! Darn you!

(after much angsting and searching we’re once again back to regular viewing … thanks to viiki… TAKE THAT KBS! WE ADDICTS FIND WAYS!)

So going on with this recap, Monkey girl is once again at Junpyo’s home (doesn’t she ever go home? What the… where in the world does this girl live?) while Secretary Jung looks on as his mind probably calculates his pension (right hand man’s days are numbered since Mama Kang found out that he is standing president of the JunDi fans club)…

And so Jaekyung opens her mouth to once again reveal that her IQ has gotten another few points lower as she suggests to Junpyo to have a date at Jandi’s home… (HELLO? Ever heard of a mall? Or a park?) …

Any which way, Jaekyung along with Junpyo, who grabs at the opportunity in his desire to see Jandi (I hope… and not just because he wants to spend time with monkey girl any way he could)… make their way to Jandi’s home, just in time to see GaEul suggest a game of truth or dare which Jaekyung excitedly said that they would join… (GaEul, you fox! I bet you just want to lie through your teeth to YiJung so that he can kiss you… hehehe!)

Judging from the F3, Gaeul and Jandi’s reaction upon Jaekyung and Junpyo’s arrival … this is exactly what they were looking forward to just like how they look forward to going to the dentist when they are scheduled for root canals… However, the game must go on and it begins… AND I LOVE every single angsty moment of it! (Subs, where are you?)

To name a few, Woobin suggesting that a French kiss should be the punishment (he should have been the PD of this show…), Jihoo’s answer of “I’m thinking about it” while looking at Jandi tenderly when asked by Yijung if he’d love anyone else like Suh-Hyeon… (superglues self to JunDi ship and chants… MUST NOT BE SWAYED… MUST NOT BE SWAYED…) Jihoo asking Junpyo if he would let go of the one he loves if he’s hurting her? (Struggles from JunDi shackles and tries to cut it loose) Junpyo’s answer of no and that HE WILL HOLD ON… (scrambles to tie herself tight to the ship once again…) but what killed me was when Junpyo asked Jandi if she kept her promise by the highway and she answered “No…coz that person no longer exists…” *heartstab… angst… woe… * Take that from the stain you want to erase Junpyo…seems like she had you whipped at the erasing part…LOVE IT!

Another thing that came out well from that game is how Jaekyung is seemingly coming back to her senses… asking Junpyo to choose between love and friendship, Junpyo should have given her two choices too which are “BEAT IT or EAT IT?” and by those choices he means the ground… wahahaha!

So with Mama Kang’s tip number 107 from her evilness handbook which is to drive your enemies out of house and home by wrecking it down and Kang San finally joining his parents and telling Jandi that Junpyo still likes her which according to KDrama cliché number 481, Jandi of course, does not hear ...another episode ends and we get another seven days of waiting…

Other Comments:

1. Whenever Yijung comes on, i have to rewind and check if i am still watching Boys Over Flowers... the drama is so much East of Eden that i am starting to think that he is not a part of the Flower Four but rather the Emo Four... and way to go about embarassing GaEul during their date... That is the WAY to go if he really wants to be different from his wuss of a dad... NOT!

2. I AM SCARED... VERY, VERY SCARED at the route this version is taking... I used to be confident about Junpyo and Jandi ending up together for this Kversion but with the way Junpyo is starting to get comfortable with Jaekyung and the way Jandi is starting to soften against Jihoo... i don't even know where this drama is heading... One thing's for sure... I would advise KBS to prepare armed guards and a moat should there be no Junpyo-Jandi ending...

3. Sorry for the long wait... we all know what happened with YT...

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Guest raven26

This series is becoming bored, always it is the same thing and the fiancé is the heavier thing that exists ¬¬

With it nice that were the first 12 episodes

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Guest yongwonhi

I'm currently watching episode 18, but I seriously have to pause like every 5 minutes because I get so frustrated (I started episode 18 on Monday and I'm still on part 3 two days later...). I'm here to vent my frustration, haha... sorry guys!

If I watch any more JH-JD, I'm going to end up being a JH-JD shipper instead even though their relationship is so BORING. I know, he's really nice to JD and he takes great care of her, but all he does is stare. Not only that, all JD does is stare back and give her sheepish smile. In fact, that's all that JD really has done in the past couple of episodes. I feel like the scenes in BOF that involve them progress incredibly amazingly unbelievably slowly (drag...drag...draaaaaag) and I am really, really tempted to fast forward. I'm actually amazed I haven't fast forwarded through anything in this drama.

So I currently paused it during the breakfast scene where JP is continually staring at JK while she rambles on and on about breakfast. It's episode 18 already, and it seems like JP is starting to like JK? The JP-JK relationship has lasted for too long, in my opinion. Goodness, I can't even tell what this drama is about anymore.

I want more Gaeul-Yijung... their relationship is more interesting to me now. And Woobin! He's so adorable~

...Okay, done ranting. Back to watching the rest of the episode.


Oh ef, I topped a page... what a bad post to top a page with. SORRY!!!

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Guest yogurutu

after reading the script of 20 (which I'm not sure is actually the real script), I am still hopeful, and I hope they do take it that direction. I am a Jundi shipper, but I was somewhat refreshed by the Jihoo-Jandi scenes in episode 19. I don't know, I am easily pleased.

I think the directors are thinking that these past 12 episodes are kind of like a separate drama in itself (it does feel quite different from the first 12), and if so, we are only on episode 6 or 7 on of the second season. I think the PD wants to establish Jihoo-Jandi relationship and Jaekyung-Junpyo relationship so that he can put back Jandi and Junpyo at episode 21-22 (which would be the 10-11th episode of season 2), which makes sense in a scope of a normal drama. But I do admit, it's getting kind of hard to suppress the fact that Jihoo would be a good match for Jandi and that Jaekyung would be a good match for Junpyo.

The thing is, if Junpyo had never met Jandi, he probably would have liked Jaekyung, but Tsukasa's character is one where once he's met someone he loves he'll never give up any feelings for that particular person, so hence he doesn't have room for Shigeru (Jaekyung). I think what he feels for Jaekyung SHOULD BE platonic or sympathetic, but Junpyo's and Jaekyung's chemistry in the ending scene of 18 and beginning of 19 just refuted all of that, and I feel like it's making Junpyo's character more crappier because he is not pushing her away hard enough.

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Guest xsilentangel

To be honest, i don't mind all the fillers. If you ask me, i would want them to focus on ALL F3 as side stories - family background, love stories, life struggles whatever - as support to the main couple. The real problem now lies in the directing and editing, and maybe also screenplay(?). The whole thing is becoming a mess. Random scenes that have no immediate follow-up, making you think they are just.. well, meaningless fillers. or some scenes that could have been finished in a minute or two and audience already got the message were being dragged for a couple more just plain waste of screentime, while scenes of main couple that should carry more weight are being delivered carelessly. I have no problem with acting. these young actors and actresses are quite capable to carry their roles. but even good actors can only do so much to make a scene great. Sometimes it seems they are over-acting when their scenes (especially one that requires emotional display rather than dialogue) are dragged unnecessarily by the director; the scene got draggy to a point when you said "enough with this expression" - i often have this issue with kim bum's scenes. sometimes viewers are left high and dry because some potential great scenes are cut short - like the junpyo saving jandi scene at the pool. though some part of the execution was actually good - like the merging of past and present, the scene setting was ridiculous with loopholes and the importance of that scene was not stressed enough - like i said, no follow up. when they can do a lot of flashbacks to fill in an episode (seriously, i think they have problem with time allocation and identifying priority), why can't they have jandi ponder on this incident and junpyo's words to show viewers how much it meant to her that junpyo actually did something 'unthinkable'. instead they continue to show jh-jd scenes with unnecessary extended airtime at that (!) to emphasize on i-dont-know-what. Of course, the scenes are valid IF the production final intention is to pair up jandi with jihoo - which i don't know how they are going to do it without suffering from audience's wrath, and really, such ending is just not good for this adaptation coz people certainy have expectations how the story is going to end when it's based on a well-known manga that HAS ALREADY ENDED, as oppose to ongoing (like when meteor garden was produced). In short, if only the execution were a little smoother, the direction were a little clearer, than i think people won't get mad as much.

Besides, i think that the direction the story is going with this kind of rate for the original main couple is like watching a story of learning to let go of first love, instead of fighting for love, as i thought that's what HYD the manga was all about. it's like telling us that you can always settle for second best or that first love was just an obsession that sooner or later you'll outgrow them, that any other people is ok with you too if he/she tries hard enough and you don't really care. First love is not the only one. Over time, you'll learn to accept another person and your first love is just well, puppy love maybe? --- now ain't that sucks.

P/S: can someone remind me what's so great about jandi and junpyo's love coz i seriously DON'T REMEMBER what is it about them that's making this story in the first place. It seems like a century ago. They should have moved on, no? Married with children and a career to boot. pshh! Dragginess is sooooo kdrama. How typical. i was hoping this series will open a new chapter in kdrama industry, but i guess people are just more comfortable to stick to old schools. This is why i'm loving jdramas sometimes. Most of them (if not all) are fast-paced and still got the message delivered emotionally or not..

The feeling is mutual. I feel like I haven't seen the snow hut scene in 10 years and the auction in 50 years. I miss the happy feeling I get from watching the drama. Right now I'm literally depressed with the Jun Pyo/Jan Di complication, the annoying JaeKyung, the Ga Eul/Ji Yung situation and the poor family if Jan Di. It's just too much at once. Taking away the ability of swimming for Jan Di was heartbreaking enough, and now Yi Jung's hand?! :(...

As for the dragging of the drama, I was expecting it. I just hope they don't go overboard. Ji Hoo and Jan Di spent way more time in this drama than in Hana Yori Dango. I didn't want to compare but emphasizing the Ji Hoo/Jan Di pair just makes the audience tired of the couple or love the couple, thus making those individuals want them together in the end. They have long and sluggish scenes where Jan Di does something to make him smile after he drags her somewhere to cheer her up. I don't like how Jun Pyo looked at JaeKyung either.. Jun Pyo appreciated her cooking and ate, I hope nothing more than that happens.

Honestly, I don't like the soundtrack either... :tears: . I loved every song of the first season and was eager to hear the second season OST but it was disappointing. Maybe I am too used to the songs in season one but it fit the mood perfectly. I loved Because I'm Stupid as the ending theme too. The drama and the first season OST synchronized perfectly. Forced myself to listen to the season season songs but I still dislike them! I didn't want to complain but I am very disappointed...

OK Enough with my negative thoughts haha. I am just going crazy because of this drama. I hope Episode 19 will cheer me up.

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Guest Shmindy

Being for a JH-JD pair I don't see the two scenes between them as boring. She does have the love hate with JP but its never quite right. Things just always flow when she is with JH. I loved the scene in this episode where he collapses into her arms and she touches his face while he is sleeping. I really don't remember the love between JP and JD...I think if that if they really are going to keep to the Manga they need to bring them back together. Obviously JP is willing to circumvent his Mom in some ways yet it others he keeps letting JD and his friends be attacked by his witch of a Mom.

So if I could write the end of this story, at least the way it has been presented in the Korean version, I would have JH and JD be together. JP would not end up with Monkey but he would go off to school and later have his own true love story.

What really needs to happen is that JH has to choose love. Just like JK asked JP would you choose love or friendship, he needs to make a stand. I feel that if he keeps backing down then he will never have his chance. Even if he does tell her how he feels and fights for her at least he can walk away knowing that she really knew how he felt. I think it is time for a confession scene! Besides if he did then their interactions wouldn't be so one sided, I think that they would be fun and filled with dates.

Okay just my two cents....now I have to wait for next week. hmmmm :phew:

Oh and I might be the only one but I am not feeling the new OST songs as much as the 1st one. I miss paradise!

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Guest F4fan

After watching the show with English subs....I am wondering if the redemption of JK is starting. I am trying to figure out if she is trying to bring JP and JD together. The grocery buying and bringing JP to JD's house to give her the phone. She doesn't need JP to go with her.

OR she wants to see JP and JD interact to gauge if she has a chance. She knows from JP's end that he still loves JD and isn't willing to let go. She is unsure of JD. The grocery buying and bringing the phone is her attempt to do that and maybe emphasize to JD that JP-JK is going strong so don't think about trying to break them up. If JD gives up, JP might eventually give up too. Yet, I don't see evil intent from her except the breakfast at the hotel.

It was a mortal blow to JP to hear JD say No to his question. And to say that the person she loved no longer existed. Is she saying it partly to protect herself and partly because of JP's mother? She is just tired of it all. (I see a repeat of Episode 11 in the photoshoot). Best 5 minutes of the whole show.

JP was also warning JH and JK that he isn't going to let JD go without a fight so backoff. Lastly, when JK asked JP what would he choose: love or friendship. He said both and that giving up isn't part of his dictionary. Yet, he gave up JD in Macau. He gave her up at every turn. Now, he said he won't give up anymore. What's change?

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Guest mauhlaslover

And once again, it is a Tuesday... another day to satisfy BOF addicts like ourselves and a time to give us a dosage of our weekly fix which is only good for another seven days...

Just like before, i am sharing my reactions to this epic melodrama and if yesterday's episode was brought to us by the words You're starting to richard simmons me off Jaekyung... Today's episode is brought to us by NASA's rocketship... coz that's where i want to tie Mama Kang outside of so that she can finally disappear from the face of the earth (and hopefully Jaekyung packs her bags and goes with her)...

So we start off today's episode where we left off... No, not with me wanting to drag Jaekyung out of Junpyo's bed by the roots of her hair kicking and screaming but with Monkey girl asking Junpyo if he wanted to make a bet with her which Junpyo MUST HAVE been wishing for all his life judging from how quickly he ran away from her...

However, just when i was about to applaud Junpyo's tenacity in keeping away from Jaekyung, the next scene showed them playing video games as if they have been exchanging beauty tips and fashion secrets all their lives...

WTH, GOO JUN PYO, HOW COULD YOU? Since when did you start getting chummy chummy with baboons?


When you know that someone is hung up on you and you are TOTALLY not into her... YOU DISS HER... D-I-S-S! You don't go around supermarket shopping with them good-naturedly and smiling like you are having the grandest, good, ole time of your life... You definitely don't go power tripping over who gets the most noodles in the cart and feeding each other sample ham from the food counter just like (Oh no... dare i say the word?) you are *gasp* Flirting! Dammit... didn't they teach you that in rich heir school?

And why, oh why must the PD taint that ramen scene which was the only ray of sunshine to my otherwise bleak Jundi life yesterday by having the same thing happen with Monkey girl? WHYYYYYYYYYYY??? *shouts out to the heavens*

I wish the ham that Jaekyung and Junpyo have both eaten had been left in that counter for weeks on end and that they'd get kickass diarrhea as their comeuppance! HA! That would teach them!


On the other hand, JIHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Why don't you just take a knife and drive it straight through my heart? You poor boy, you... Why don't you just kiss and make up with gramps? It's obvious that you miss each other so...

Heck, your walking around lost in the rain makes me just want to give you MY grandfather so that you can call him your own... However, if you don't want that, i could also give you a family just like Jandi could... and i mean that in a way that i'm sure that monk does not mean it... :naughty: (I am available anytime... just give me a text from your uber cute Haptic phone...)hehehe!

But what's that? Is that a big fat splash and a honk that i'm hearing? I think that is the sound of my Jundi ship sinking even more and my HooDi ship temptingly inviting me to come over... How sweet was it when Jandi was just standing there in the rain waiting for Jihoo wordlessly at his time of need, just like what he has done so many times for her?... These guys make me want to get wet myself with my better half while it’s pouring, threat of acid rain and leptospirosis be damned…

OMO! and Jihoo in Jandi’s embrace and his bed, drawing Jandi and her hand close to him as if he doesn't want to let go? *swoons, melts and dies* And just when I was almost convinced that they really are meant to be together, it doesn’t just end there… is that... is that Jandi's face softening just like she is starting to grow tender feelings for Jihoo again? *tears in my eyes, tightening in my chest then waves goodbye to jump to the HooDi ship... BAH-BYE GUYS!*

But oh no! Why is Junpyo, pacing around restlessly, waiting for Jandi to come home with that worried expression on his face? GAHHHH!!!! I am lassoed back in... ABANDON TRANSFER...ABANDON TRANSFER… back to the JunDi ship... (I swear this series is turning me inside out that there would come a time that all this shipshifting between JunDi and HooDi would just make me shortcircuit and die...)

DARN IT PD! You sure do know how to pull our strings...However, there is still a sadistic part of me that wishes that Junpyo knows that Jandi is taking care of and cooking like a WIFE for Jihoo at his home that would make him throw a rage and just kiss Jandi to kingdom come to make her realize that he,Junpyo, still rules... (OH YEAH! *said ala Woobin*)…


And so morning came and is my wish coming true? Alas, but no… it is only Junpyo raging at Jandi like a naggy wife about her not coming home the night before… Tell him off Jandi! Tell him Off! Darn it Junpyo… you made a fool out of her in Macau and now you expect her to come home just because you tell her to… Read my lips… SERVES YOU RIGHT and BUGGER OFF! (actually, I have words far more stronger than this but I might offend others in this forum… hehehe!)

However, just like in the past… Junpyo always has a redeeming factor and for this scene it is his brotherly love and pizza buying spree for Gang San that got to me… (yeah right… when all else fails and you can’t woo the sister… use her family… Boy… this Junpyo sure knows what he’s doing…)

And how cute was he when he was eating those noodles raw and trying to cook from his turned off stove? AHHHHH… no wonder Jandi can’t get over him…

Moving along, Mama Kang comes home from a trip from hell where she checked in on her boss named Lucifer… What? Ahhhh… it’s just Vancouver… (sorry about that guys I thought that’s where she’s from… ) And just for us to get to know her a little bit better, it seems like Mama Kang’s really into espionage and photography as her past time… I swear the FBI needs someone like her on their team… If she can get pictures like these of Jandi wherever she goes, I swear we’d never have any more problems with Wanted fugitives…

Using her extraordinary hound like tracking abilities, Darth Mama sends her mininons to where Junpyo is slumming it and interrupts him in the middle of his “I would eat this ramen like chips snack spree”… I would have already cursed the TV at that point due to frustration but that scene where Junpyo was being dragged and was shooting lasers from his eyes at Jihoo made me totally squeal like a fangirl (I swear Jandi’s hair is sooo long for having these two hot guys always fight over her that we could have made a freeway out of it going straight from LA to San Francisco…)

Jihoo seeing the commotion and being his normal, noble Prince Charming self somehow sensed trouble and invited the F2 to Jandi’s place for some bonding activities, which is really a cover up for what he really wanted to tell her which is “The Siths are coming so we’re here to go all Jedi on you”…

Anyways, Mama Kang once again took time out of her busy schedule as CEO extraordinaire to hoof it where Jandi lives just to be able to call her a H-O-O-C-H-I-E… (Yeah, yeah… we’ve heard that before… takes one to know one…widen your vocabulary Darth Mama there are other words to call her by…you should have saved on gas and just texted her…) So Jandi took it like a woman and with the support of F3 was able to make it without breaking down in front of the enemy…

The next day, Jandi went home to find GaEul and the F3 once again at her rooftop home … After an inquisitive stare and some explaining they have relayed that they will help her make over her home to cheer her up… (Because there is nothing in this world that would cheer you up like the smell and fumes of Drying Paint… GOOD TIMES…) It’s also a good thing that YiJung was sober otherwise, he might have rained on their parade and botched up the color scheme judging from how he’s been acting lately… heaven forbid!

Okay… and so we see… WTF? WHY THE HELL IS LYPTIKA’S ACCOUNT SUSPENDED? DID MAMA KANG’S MINIONS TRACKED THAT DOWN TOO? And just when I was in the middle of watching… Darn you mama kang! Darn you!

(after much angsting and searching we’re once again back to regular viewing … thanks to viiki… TAKE THAT KBS! WE ADDICTS FIND WAYS!)

So going on with this recap, Monkey girl is once again at Junpyo’s home (doesn’t she ever go home? What the… where in the world does this girl live?) while Secretary Jung looks on as his mind probably calculates his pension (right hand man’s days are numbered since Mama Kang found out that he is standing president of the JunDi fans club)…

And so Jaekyung opens her mouth to once again reveal that her IQ has gotten another few points lower as she suggests to Junpyo to have a date at Jandi’s home… (HELLO? Ever heard of a mall? Or a park?) …

Any which way, Jaekyung along with Junpyo, who grabs at the opportunity in his desire to see Jandi (I hope… and not just because he wants to spend time with monkey girl any way he could)… make their way to Jandi’s home, just in time to see GaEul suggest a game of truth or dare which Jaekyung excitedly said that they would join… (GaEul, you fox! I bet you just want to lie through your teeth to YiJung so that he can kiss you… hehehe!)

Judging from the F3, Gaeul and Jandi’s reaction upon Jaekyung and Junpyo’s arrival … this is exactly what they were looking forward to just like how they look forward to going to the dentist when they are scheduled for root canals… However, the game must go on and it begins… AND I LOVE every single angsty moment of it! (Subs, where are you?)

To name a few, Woobin suggesting that a French kiss should be the punishment (he should have been the PD of this show…), Jihoo’s answer of “I’m thinking about it” while looking at Jandi tenderly when asked by Yijung if he’d love anyone else like Suh-Hyeon… (superglues self to JunDi ship and chants… MUST NOT BE SWAYED… MUST NOT BE SWAYED…) Jihoo asking Junpyo if he would let go of the one he loves if he’s hurting her? (Struggles from JunDi shackles and tries to cut it loose) Junpyo’s answer of no and that HE WILL HOLD ON… (scrambles to tie herself tight to the ship once again…) but what killed me was when Junpyo asked Jandi if she kept her promise by the highway and she answered “No…coz that person no longer exists…” *heartstab… angst… woe… * Take that from the stain you want to erase Junpyo…seems like she had you whipped at the erasing part…LOVE IT!

Another thing that came out well from that game is how Jaekyung is seemingly coming back to her senses… asking Junpyo to choose between love and friendship, Junpyo should have given her two choices too which are “BEAT IT or EAT IT?” and by those choices he means the ground… wahahaha!

So with Mama Kang’s tip number 107 from her evilness handbook which is to drive your enemies out of house and home by wrecking it down and Kang San finally joining his parents and telling Jandi that Junpyo still likes her which according to KDrama cliché number 481, Jandi of course, does not hear ...another episode ends and we get another seven days of waiting…

Other Comments:

1. Whenever Yijung comes on, i have to rewind and check if i am still watching Boys Over Flowers... the drama is so much East of Eden that i am starting to think that he is not a part of the Flower Four but rather the Emo Four... and way to go about embarassing GaEul during their date... That is the WAY to go if he really wants to be different from his wuss of a dad... NOT!

2. I AM SCARED... VERY, VERY SCARED at the route this version is taking... I used to be confident about Junpyo and Jandi ending up together for this Kversion but with the way Junpyo is starting to get comfortable with Jaekyung and the way Jandi is starting to soften against Jihoo... i don't even know where this drama is heading... One thing's for sure... I would advise KBS to prepare armed guards and a moat should there be no Junpyo-Jandi ending...

3. Sorry for the long wait... we all know what happened with YT...

LOL you are o funny! Haha, I loved your review btw. =) I'm still at school working on a research but we know I'm procrastinating.. So I decided to look at some spoilers because well, I obviously haven't seen the episode.

So reading your review and some of your remarks were just hilarious I couldn't help but smile a little, laughing hard inside. I think I look like a dork but who cares. Haha, but I'm with you on the Jihoo and Jandi ship. Gosh, the PDs really do know how to pull our strings. =/ Its like one second your on HooDi's ship then Junpyo appears and your like AW! Jundi!! And you transfer. Haha, you put it in words even I couldn't even think of! =D Anyways super excited I seriously can't wait 'till I get home!! =D

OKAY, going back to work! =D

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Guest XiahxTiffany

ummmm where can i watch BOF episode 19 rite now?

the place i watch it doesnt have it yet well a lot of people use it i think

youtube doesnt have it yet

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Guest mysticalz

ok.there are few things i want to clear up about this drama.coz lots of wenches out there keep ranting that things are not suppose to be like that or like this and that they should follow the story coz "its suppose to be" that way. how retarded and juvinille is that. it doesnt mean we have to follow the norm if it doesnt fit the whole situation. we should look at the whole scenario from different prospective. first of all, if no one knew about the how manga and the other versions plot things will be entirely different. it means that no predetermined partner is set for that person and nobody knows wholl end up with whom. it is an open kind of situation where one person can be with that person or the other.

case point #!:

if all all us doesnt know the story specifically the ending and we all started to watch season 2. we definitely think that JP and JK are a good pair for each other. i mean Jk is like Jp in many ways. she is stubborn, bossy, has a good heart, some violent tendencies and do whatever she likes to get what she wants just like JP. in addition, she is as lonely as junpyo. you'll see that when they are showing the flashbacks. also, Jp is softening to JK and they definitely have chemistry together even though JP is suppressing maybe for the sake of clinging on to his feelings for JD or beacse the PD said so (whicch is a bunch of BS). iF JP just stop closing his heart and open it up. he will see how good and perfect JK for him.

case point #2:

JD and JH relationship. for the couple of last episodes we can see that they are much closer to each other than before. we can see that Jh is inlove with even though he hasnt confess it yet. action speaks louder than words and his actions definitely say i want to take care and protect this woman.if we dont know the real story behind this drama will definitely think of this couple will end up together. they are so perfect and they are always there for each other. also, when they went to the buddist temple. they made a wish not for themselves but for one another. JD wish for JH to have constant happiness while JH wish for JD to pass the university exam. how sweet and unselfish is that. we dont need someone to smack us in the end that they belong together. also, the fortune told her that JH is her soulmate.

case point #3

JD might be in love with both of them ....just lyke the situation of bella, edward and jacob.........bella=JD, edward=JP and Jacob=JH.....plus in the book bella also told us Jacob is her soulmate.... :tongue2: but this case point is kind near and dear to my heart more coz im a twilight series fan forevahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.now im being silly and pyschotic......bwahahahahahhahaaa

ok im done making point. people might hate me or love me but im just stating the fact. plus if JH is more assertive than he is now. ill say so long JP and hello JH.more importantly, we should all blame the PD for all this mess..yuckkkkkkkkkkkk...dooky all over the place what a messy situation is this

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Actually, and someone please correct me if I'm mistaken (b/c I haven't read the manga in a while) but the ending isn't really 'open-ended'

In the one-shots at the end of the manga, Tsukasa/JP & Tsukushi/JD get engaged with Rui/JH keeping the vineyard in Italy and saying that his 'real' job is to keep an eye on those two

I also don't think the manga ending is open-ended. In the last volume it is clear who Tsukushi/JD loves.

About Group8 buying the rights to Kamio Yoko's Hana Yori Dango: Just because they've bought the cinematization rights does not mean that they've bought the creative rights of the story. I don't know any author who would sell the creative rights to their own composition, it'd be like selling your own child.

Thus if Group8 has the cinematization rights, of course they have the right to tweak certain things that are not so clear-cut in the manga: i.e. certain time sequences, certain sceneries, etc. But to change the story would be something that is out of their jurisdiction. Moreover, if they change the ending, this drama doesn't have to be called Hana Yori Dango/Boys Before Flowers then.

ok.there are few things i want to clear up about this drama.coz lots of wences out there keep ranting that things are not suppose to be like that or like this and that they should follow the story coz "its suppose to be" that way. how retarded i and juvinille is that. it doesnt mean we have to follow the norm if it doesnt fit the whole situation. we shoul look at the whole scenario from different prospective. first of all, if no one knew about the how manga and the other versions plot things will be entirely different. it means that no predetermined partner is set for that person and nobody knows wholl end up with whom. it is an open kind of situation where one person can be with that person or the other.

case point #!:

if all all us doesnt know the story specifically the ending and we all started to watch season 2. we definitely think that JP and JK are a good pair for each other. i mean Jk is like Jp in many ways. she is stubborn, bossy, has a good heart, some violent tendencies and do whatever she likes to get what she wants just like JP. in addition, she is as lonely as junpyo. you'll see that when they are showing the flashbacks. also, Jp is softening to JK and they definitely have chemistry together even though JP is suppressing maybe for the sake of clinging on to his feelings for JD or beacse the PD said so (whicch is a bunch of BS). iF JP just stop closing his heart and open it up. he will see how good and perfect JK for him.

case point #2:

JD and JH relationship. for the couple of last episodes we can see that they are much closer to each other than before. we can see that Jh is inlove with even though he hasnt confess it yet. action speaks louder than words and his actions definitely say i want to take care and protect this woman.if we dont know the real story behind this drama will definitely think of this couple will end up together. they are so perfect and they are always there for each other. also, when they went to the buddist temple. they made a wish not for themselves but for one another. JD wish for JH to have constant happiness while JH wish for JD to pass the university exam. how sweet and unselfish is that. we dont need someone to smack us in the end that they belong together. also, the fortune told her that JH is her soulmate.

case point #3

JD might be in love with both of them ....just lyke the situation of bella, edward and jacob.........bella=JD, edward=JP and Jacob=JH.....plus in the book bella also told us Jacob is her soulmate.... but this case point is kind near and dear to my heart more coz im a twilight series fan forevahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.now im being silly and pyschotic......bwahahahahahhahaaa

ok im done making point. people might hate me or love me but im just stating the fact. plus if JH is more assertive than he is now. ill say so long JP and hello JH.more importantly, we should all blame the PD for all this mess..yuckkkkkkkkkkkk...dooky all over the place what a messy situation is this

I have to disagree with you, and I guess I am one of the "wences" that you are speaking of since I do believe that there are certain elements of the canon that should be retained in ANY cinematization of this story. If they advertise that it's the Kamio Yoko story, then they must tell certain parts of this story the Kamio Yoko way. Otherwise, like i've said before, this drama DOESN'T have to be "Hana Yori Dango/Boys Before Flowers"

Regarding what you said, " it doesnt mean we have to follow the norm if it doesnt fit the whole situation. we shoul look at the whole scenario from different prospective." However, all the case points that you brought up weren't ORIGINAL PLOT DEVICE written by Korean PDs, all of those elements, ie. what a good match JK would actually BE for JP if JD wasn't around; how incredibly selfless and giving JH is towards JD, etc... ALL of those plot elements were incorporated as part of Kamio Yoko's HYD from the BEGINNING. So if all of these things that are put in by the Korean PDs are really Kamio Yoko's ideas, why SHOULD we look at this drama as a separate work? why WOULD we expect a different ending? We shouldn't and we wouldn't. (Although some CAN and may PREFER to because they are so taken to the JH in this story, and I am not denying that perogative.) I am just saying that you don't have the right to tell people who know the original story to NOT expect something, because many people began to watch this BECAUSE it was advertised to them as the korean language version of KAMIO YOKO'S HANA YORI DANGO.

The whole point of this story is supposed to be that sometimes, there is just ONE person who your heart aches for. No matter how great of a MATCH another person may be for you, your heart will only and can only yearn for HIM/HER. This is the case for JD/JP. Where they are culminating to here towards the ending is that they BOTH KNOW that it is difficult for them to be together, they BOTH KNOW that they can make things easier for themselves. But they BOTH KNOW that if they chose the easy way, they will never be truly satisfied, truly IN LOVE.

I know that there are MANY MANY JH/JD fans. And it's easy to understand why. JH is portrayed as an INCREDIBLE guy. NOt just in this K-drama but in every version of HYD, JH is indeed meant to be that DREAM BOY who gives girls what we all want, PRINCE CHARMING who is utterly selfless and in love with us. But I think just because JH/JD has been given extra screen time in this version which leads to people thinking that PDs should change the final ending to be different from the original would be a little odd. I understand that in this version especially it is easier for people to really take to JH because he's given so much many more scenes with JD... but to me, this is still JD/JP's story. It's about Cinderella falling in love with her unruly Prince JP, who have to demolish incredible obstacles to be together. JH is very important as he is very much part of that story, but unfortunately, he just isn't the lead.

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Guest buddhjie14

I haven't finished reading flower_pot's review,

but I really want to say something. lol.

In the beginning of the drama, almost all of us are rooting for Junpyo and Jandi,

I am really sorry to say, because I am taking the other boat from now on.

I will be on Jihoo's boat from now on.

I really hate Junpyo... everything flower_pot typed is right! lol.

Stop flirting with that baboon!

I'll finish flower_pot's review first. Then I'll add more reaction about today's episode.

Your review really made my day.

My mood was sort of shadowy just minutes ago,

but after reading, I think the first 6 paragraphs or your review,

my mood seems to be good now.

and... sorry about my not so good english. I really don't know how to say the right words in my mind if my mood isn't good.

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