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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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My thoughts on Episode 16.

I was quite disappointed with the start of episode 16. Simply because I wanted more arguments and angst between the BBFs, Jun Pyo and Ji Hoo. But no, right off the bat...we see them done with the kiss and make up and back to how they were before going to Macau.

Jun Pyo - must never lie. He's too obvious.

Ji Hoo - when God showered the world with kindness and sensitivity, you made sure that you got all of it!

Please. I know they are tight friends and all that, but seriously? After all the harsh words and the punch that Ji Hoo took at the airport? It was that easy for them to have things back to normal?

Why it annoys me that JP and JH are back as friends again is justified by the next scene. We see Ji Hoo thinking back of how Jan Di cut him off inside the car. Then of course, that scene at the his grandfather's grave. Is it too much to ask for his happiness. He deserves it more than anyone.

Then it gets worse. The stalker-stupid-fake-fiancee enters the screen and I almost gave up watching this episode. Being rich doesn't guarantee common sense,noh? And what an imposing girl at that.

Stupid: How can she be shocked that Jan Di knows Jun Pyo. She sees Jan Di with the F4 and Madam Kang after the party. Surely, that would not take a scientist to figure out they are at least acquaintance,RIGHT?

Oh..and to just show how insensitive/clueless if not downright stupid, she asked Jan Di about Jun Pyo, to which Jan Di replied in a way that showed how close if not how a special person she is to Jun Pyo...she simply answered: " You must have known Jun Pyo that much,huh?".

Imposing: It's bad enough that she considers Jan Di as her BFF minutes after she enters the scene, but to include Ga Eul. I don't pity her that she doesn't have any friends...

And to top it all off...asking Jan Di to be your dating coach?!?

Stalker: To actually go to Jan Di's house after supposedly saying goodbye to her and Ga Eul. STALKER alert!!!

Oh...and can I just say that if I were in Jan Di's place, that first scene at the porridge house, when Chae Kyung after seeing that Jan Di ain't that happy to see her and actually had the audacity to say that "I am your savior, how can you look like that...", I would have told Chae Kyung right there and then: " I just learned that my bf is engaged to someone and of course I am not all right right now; so yes, I am not in the mood to meet and make friends right now."

Good thing there were few winning scenes in this episode.

First is the confrontation between Jun Pyo and Jan Di in school. Jan Di held her own against Jun Pyo. When she said: "JP, you're suddenly friendy, explaining things to a stain you want to erase" and " The engagement has nothing to do with me also"....WINNER!!!

And Yi Jeong and Ga Eul. Ahhh...these two. While their situation spells HEARTBREAK for Ga Eul, I can't help but ship them. And that smirk of Yi Jeong plus the eyes! ....sigh

Woo Bin with his impersonation of Yi Jeong's 5 second kill!

Who do you think did it better, Woo Bin?


Or the resident Casanova?


Lastly, the scene that took place after the hotel scene with Jun Pyo. God...how I hated and felt sorry for Jun Pyo at the sametime as he was sending the message to Ji Hoo. Obviously, for Jan Di's sake. Jun Pyo knows that Ji Hoo has feelings towards Jan Di yet he still expects him to help Jan Di to clean up the mess for him?!?

Is it just me because the part where Ji Hoo tried to hold Jan Di's hand that was holding the mop , Jan Di pulled her hand away. I thought it was symbollic of how Jan DI felt towards Ji Hoo's feelings for her.

The part where Ji Hoo was looking secretly as Jan Di mops the floor...it made me think made me think of Ji Hoo's place in Jan Di's world. He's on the outside looking at her.

And when he finally hugged her. The silence and the embrace, it's just what Jan Di needs. How he can be so good to her while hurting deep inside is beyond me.

Honestly, I have long prepared myself for his heartbreak in this series. Seeing how good he is to Jan Di, it's going to hurt me so much. :(

I have not seen the preview for Episode 17 but these are making my fangirl heart squee like anything!



credit: photos: as labeled

gif: pobnox at Livejournal Community of BOF

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I don't like the fact that they made JK character very similar to JD. Does anyone else think it's a little... weird?

I like for the heroine to stand out. She should be unique. But JK and JD are very similar: strong willed, temperamental, physically aggressive but still soft-hearted. Plus, the interaction with JK and GP and JD and GP is almost the same with lots of yelling and name calling. kwim? I thought it was so cute with JD/GP since it showed their love/hate relationship but it's now the same with JK/GP. It just takes some of the unique-ness out of JD/GP relationship.

Anyone else feel this way?

I think the other versions were like that, too? Probably in the manga too? It was mentioned that they're pretty similar in personality and if Jun Pyo hadn't already been in love with Jan Di and met Jae Kyung first, he might've just fell in love with her.

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Guest polaris

I think JK already knew that JP and JD are close. I think she knew there's something going on between JP and JD but then she pretend not to know.

yea how can she NOT know. She's an intelligent woman of the world... Plus things really didnt match up with what she witnessed and what she's pretending to not know..

first of all after the engagement was publicly announced and there was that scene where everyone gathered outside in the hall..JP came out and was asking why JD took up the invitation and came to the birthday event in the first place. JK then came and JP proceeded to talk to JD..

JD told JP that she didnt have anything to say to him..and he retorted that he had alot to say to her. (JK witnessed this conversation) and when she was being dragged by JunPyo.. she must have known that he mistook her for JD since what JP was saying was a continuation of what he was saying before to JD.

....Yet at the Shinhwa campus when she was talking to JD ...she asked her "Oh! do you know Gu JunPyo?" pretending that she had no idea. Also, everytime JK talked about JP in front of JD .. anyone with even an IQ of an orangutan must see that JD's facial expression is that of discomfort at the subject. and if you watch carefully....when JD was describing JP's character to JK ....you could see JK's facial expression for a quick moment was that of a recognition of JD and JP's relationship.

Also when she insinuated herself into JD's house and slept over... that one thing she said was kind of suspicious how her topic of conversation always revolves around JD and JP. LIke when she said that she thought it was fate that she met JD and JP in Macau... then she asked if JD had a special someone or first love. Then she asked "Hey do you think JP has someone that he likes??it doesnt matter.. I'm going to make him like me.." umm... :unsure:

JK's pretense might be that she wants to be in denial because for the first time she's really attracted to JP... but dont you think it is a bit cruel of her to constantly smear onto JD the subject of JP when clearly it is a sensitive and painful topic??? I'm sure that the story is that JK doesnt know JP and JD's relationship... but the way things are going.. makes it hard for me to believe that..and because of that I cant seem to genuinely like JK.

I think her over the top interest in JD is because she knows deep down that JD and JP have a history together... and on the other hand.. I think she also genuinely wants a friend like JD since she is lonely. I just think her actions are a bit selfish and unthoughtful to JD... <_<

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I loved all the Jun Pyo & Jandi moments ... seriously, the two of them together just ignites cutest and passion to the highest level. One can tell no matter how hurtful Jun Pyo can be to Jandi, his heart and soul doesn't waver. Hana Yori Dango the manga and drama series gives us an opportunity to experience the kind of love that is unconditional and at times unrealistic. This is exactly what makes the drama become a fun ride. Thus, who in their right mind can stand an individual like Domyouji, and Rui is even more unrealistic and somewhat boring. Only on television with gorgeous actors, beautiful clothes, that we dream of such individuals as romantic interest. Entertainment leads one to fantasize outside the realm of reality and that's what great about it. Episode 16 has been a fun watch and even more enjoyable because of LMH's awesome acting and topless bathroom scene. :lol:

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Guest IloveFall

I think the other versions were like that, too? Probably in the manga too? It was mentioned that they're pretty similar in personality and if Jun Pyo hadn't already been in love with Jan Di and met Jae Kyung first, he might've just fell in love with her.

Yeah, I figured it was in the manga but I don't like that scenario at all! I wonder why they made it that way. Seeing JK and GP argue is the same as watching JD and GP so it kind of takes the magic out of it!

I guess if JD can be a little torn about JH then maybe GP can be somewhat torn about JK. But I still don't like it... :tongue2:

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Thanks xx|outsider|xx for showing me that the manga does have a part like that...it just wasn't emphasized. I think I would rather it was not emphasized, that way I don't feel to bad. I already feel grateful for what he is doing, I just feel bad that he can't get what he wants and just tends to give a lot.

I just watched Ep. 16 and wow!! That episode had so much things happening that it made it fun to watch. For one thing, I'm so glad to see F4 together again. I miss their togetherness when they were separated for three episodes. I'm glad Won Bin had more than a few lines in this show, especially the part where he explained Yi Jung's 5 seconds court. It was so funny to see that part especially when Jun Pyo got jealous when Won Bin was showing Jandi the 5 seconds court.

I really didn't like the fiancee and the mom here. I think the fiancee knows that JD and JP have feelings for each other, but she still seems to just ignore it which bugs me a lot. Sorry, but I had to fastforward the scenes with her before I though my computer out the window. The mom, well, there isn't much to say about her except that I really wanted to hire an assassin just to kill her for putting poor JD and JP like that. I so can't wait for the sister to do her thing to put these two lovebirds back together before they destroy each other. Sorry for being so mean, but I really hate that witch.

I laugh so much at that stalker scene. I wish that scene was longer though. JD and JP were so cute just like the Soeul couple. Although, I think that if I didn't watch the subbed version, I wouldn't have had that feeling of ackwardness between them. Either way, that YJ smile at the end seemed to give me the idea that even though it was supposed to be fake, he enjoyed it.

I can't believe that the misunderstanding between JH and his grandfather was that big. They blame themselves for the parents death. I can't wait to see the part where they see each other and explain their situation to each other and reconcile. They are way too sad like that.

I think the hospital scene was way touching and the way that JH does everything he can to get JD to just release all her sadness with crying made me want to cry too. I can't blame JP or anything because he at least tried to prevent his mother from hitting JD. I'm pretty sure that JP didn't ignore her because he wanted to, it is because he had to. To protect JD from anymore harm, he had to do that.

I wonder when JD will know that JH was the one that got her parents the job at the music center. Maybe later, considering now she has to work there in place of her mom.

Anyways, I just really needed to vent after watching that episode. I can't wait for the next episodes because they will be talking about YJ's backstory. Yay!!! :P

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Guest ernijoey

hmm...everytime i look at this drama, i just want to see more romantic between JP & JD. Now the sad scene are come. it make me dissapointed. coz to me, they are stil not romantic since they always keep shouting to each other. :blink:

Everyone in this drama seem do not know about their true feeling. why they don't want to express it.

But poor to JH coz seem that JD does not know his feeling towards her ar true.....

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Excellent post above but i have to disagree with you about her picking her battles. She does pick her battles, she could have easily been ranting and raving at JP's mom but chose not to. She could have said something to the 3 brats when JP and her went to the sushi restaurant but chose not to.

JD I know could've easily done that but she has some reservations as well

and man whats with the, uh the episode is too draggy???? and I remember way back its too fast????


find this really amusing

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Guest polaris

hmm...everytime i look at this drama, i just want to see more romantic between JP & JD. Now the sad scene are come. it make me dissapointed. coz to me, they are stil not romantic since they always keep shouting to each other. :blink:

Everyone in this drama seem do not know about their true feeling. why they don't want to express it.

But poor to JH coz seem that JD does not know his feeling towards her ar true.....

Yea~ that's the basic premise of all korean dramas. misunderstandings..not much skinship but alot of tension, not clearly stating or revealing feelings but always hiding something out of self sacrifice etc...

It makes you so frustrated...but that frustration is what hooks you in and makes you want to see the next episode.. then the next etc... see!~ now that you are dissapointed at not seeing much romantic scenes of JP and JD.. doesnt it make you want to see another episode just hoping that in the next one, the PD will give us something romantic?? hehe~~ :blush:


kind of random.. but one scene that made me especially smile was the one when JK took YJ and Woobin to eat spicy chicken feet and when JK held up one to Woobin.. he raised his own hand and looked at his fingers~ hahaa~ if anyone has a screen cap of Woobin holding one chicken feet and looking at it funny, please show it! (I think it was around the 30:49 mark) ~~~ :w00t:

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I was actually basing my previous comment on eps 15 only and now that I've seen eps 16,

I actually think that the pace is quite good and things don't seem as inconsistent as I was expecting them to be...

JH seems to be getting too deep for me! Wish he would solve his relationship with his grandad and focus on that!

Overall great acting, eps 16 made me see that there is some hope for JP & JD and I'm actually glad they went of the fake date together.

BTW, did anyone notice that one scene was missing? or did I miss sthg? The one from the preview where JP's mom was yelling at him and JH came to the rescue?

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Guest josienee

What did JP text message JH about JD in ep. 16?

because he was carried by his mother and left JD herself in the hotel

he has no way to protect her

and he thought that only JH can protect JD when she was in terrible

so he sent message to JH to take good care of JD

in the fact JP was disapointted with himself

he throw the handphone

so sad

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Guest tortyserox

available in CB



[HQ] Boys Over Flower Ep. 16.rar [657.5MB]

File renamed in clubbox to Daisy Girls

Visit Cashewmania blog for direct CB links

Everyone in this drama seem do not know about their true feeling. why they don't want to express it.

But poor to JH coz seem that JD does not know his feeling towards her ar true.....

sometimes i wish this is some sort of banjun drama, where jh will end up with jd. for jh's feelings are too real and sincere that you just can't ignore! :wub:

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Guest Schneewitchen

because he was carried by his mother and left JD herself in the hotel

he has no way to protect her

and he thought that only JH can protect JD when she was in terrible

so he sent message to JH to take good care of JD

in the fact JP was disapointted with himself

he throw the handphone

so sad

now I understand why

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Guest Kimdirect

OMG! At least JD and JP are talking again!!! I've hated these last couple of episodes where they have been so cold to each other! Now at least we get the cute scenes where they discover that they still love each other to carry us over until they are actually back together again! I need my JD and JP love!!!! :P

Can't wait for Monday!!!!!! :D

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Guest Schneewitchen

OMG! At least JD and JP are talking again!!! I've hated these last couple of episodes where they have been so cold to each other! Now at least we get the cute scenes where they discover that they still love each other to carry us over until they are actually back together again! I need my JD and JP love!!!! :P

Can't wait for Monday!!!!!! :D

It seems JP and JD are out of steam for each other. I would take JH instantly here. This guy is too nice

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Guest hagumi_hanamoto

i luve the part when they talked to each other as well as the part where GJP and GJD spying on Yi jung n Ga eul...so cute...i cant wait for the nest episode...hating it when President Kang slaps our GJP :tears:

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