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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Guest bogoshipda

Wow... I have just started watching this show and I could see the amount of fans here in this thread.. I must say all the four members of F4 look great.. .very handsome indeed...

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Guest xvampireknight

im watching episode four right now

and wow, i didnt even notice that was SS501 on stage

until the song came on ^___^v

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ONEONEONEONE question that i am DEFINITELY confused about~!:

does jan di like GJP yet? it seems like she does care about what he thinks about her but then again all she cares about is if JH is 'happy' so is she subconsciously into him or not quite yet? neeed to knowww!

^I think she definitely has significant feelings for him, but that doesn't mean she likes him.. yet! And she's sure not aware that she has feelings for cutie Joon Pyo >___<... that's mostly because she's too busy wanting to care for JH. But you can definitely tell that some feelings are making their way to her in ep4~~ especially when she found herself trying to explain herself (during the scene where JP saw her photos w/ that other guy)~~ and even her sad face told it all when she saw him in his uniform finally. :tears: AND, she still went to go see him at the Namsan Tower even though she didn't want to... it showed that she even had the slightest care for him. :P

..But, it's just my opinion and what i want to believe, at least! :rolleyes: ..xD

Anyhow, even though Yi Jeong and Ga Eul are soooo cute, I still don't think Jun Pyo and Jan Di's relationship will be overshadowed. Something about that Lee Min Ho... he's too good!! And Jan Di.. my my, i just love her serious moments. She truly shines in those. And i personally think she's a beautiful gal.^^ But nonetheless, i'm very happy that YJ+GE's relationship has somewhat differed from the past portrayals. I actually think GE is a very different character from the original.. she may seem to be naive w/ her cliched thoughts on love and soulmates (which i think is so :blush: ), but she seems to be a very strong-willed person.. xD I guess i'm just very surprised that her character would come off as this strong-seemingly. :lol:

Adorable couple, still. :wub:

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Guest SweetSerein

i like this version alott...omg the main guy is soooo freaken good looking..he reminds me of cutie Shiwon from Suju. btw, in ep 4 the guitar dude, Lee Hae Woo is soooo freaken cute..he kinda looks like Hero--jaejoong. but yeah, another great adaptation. i love all the versions. anyways the only thing that is kinda killing the drama is the lead girl...she's cute and everything but i kinda find of annoying with all her facial expression. but her acting is really good...i guess it doesnt make sense but anyways great drama. i love it!!!

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I just finished episode 4. WooT. WooT xD

I was sort of bored since this is the 3rd version, but the ending to episode 4 makes me excited for the next on. So it has it's own original storyline which is good too. I'm not really into the Domyojis at first sight because of their hair, but I fell fast for Lee Min Ho. Ahah. He's the best looking out of all the F4 leaders, but the Korean F4 are the best looking anyways. Ahah. I love Kim Bum's smile. He's super cute. And Hyun Joong looks sick with his light brown hair, yes? Idk, but I like him. His acting needs improvement though. Goo Hye Sun is okay too. I know for sure that she can act, but I'm just so sick of the cutesiness*. But I love her when she's all serious. I can see it in her eyes that she's either upset, mad, etc. But yeah. Can't wait until episode 5 now. Ahah xD

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Guest flower pot

I've been lurking in this thread ever since it was started... But now, i can't remain a lurker anymore coz i have fallen irrevocably, unquestioningly, no doubt about it... IN LOVE WITH THIS VERSION!

I've always been a big Hyun Joong fan and though there are a lot of criticisms going on about how he can't act and such... i still believe in his capability and i am still a staunch believer that he will pull through in the end... He has poured his heart and soul in trying his best for this project and no matter what... that labor of love for his fans will always be the one that i'd remember and appreciate the most...


On the other hand, Where had Lee Minho been hiding all our lives? Gosh! This guy is such a revelation and he swept me off my feet... Good looks, great talent... WHAT MORE CAN A GIRL ASK FOR? HE IS SIMPLY DIVINE!

Anyways, as most of HYD fans are doing right now... i also made an MV for Suh Hyeon - Ji Hoo and Jandi... This is taken from Ji Hoo's perspective and i hope you guys can check it out and comment...

I'm doing one for Jun Pyo and Jandi too... will post link once i'm through... :)


Topped a page so sharing Jun Pyo's hotness in a beanie...



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Guest onefrozenmoment

But I love her when she's all serious. I can see it in her eyes that she's either upset, mad, etc. But yeah. Can't wait until episode 5 now. Ahah xD

I agree with you :D. I also love how in episode 2, when she first walked in with the formal wear and dress, she had the cute awkward expression on her face. it was like....really realistic because in the drama, she's not really upper class or rich, so for her to be in an environment as polished as the party, it would make sense if she felt happy but also awkward at the same time. I don't know if someone else caught this too, lol.

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Guest xvampireknight

^^ finally finished episode four. The video said 5/6 (i think it was 6)

and then it ended there (because 6/6 is the preview for next ep)

and I was like "WHAT?!?! ALREADY?!?!? NOO!"

here are my caps:


^ I have bigger size but I resized it to post on the forum

And the fourth line of the picture, the point of that one

was their conversation: "What you stupid girl?" "You stupid boy"

"You're dumb!" "You're dumber!" XD it was so cute

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Guest MiyuKanata09

Sang Sang Plus 090113 softsubs.


it's meant to be watched as 4:3 aspect ratio on Windows media player...optimally..^^

(View->Video frame->Override aspect ratio->4:3)

Just the first 40 minutes or so (the interview parts). Didn't sub the game parts 'cause it's too hard...^^

Will try to upload onto youtube as well once I finish encoding...



muish thank you thank you so much for the subs..

I'm Yi Jung and Ga Eul shipper since the day kim so eun was official announce as Yuki...

at first they look different with each other..

but actually they're very similar.. if they're going to follow the manga Yi jung really treasure his first love.. same as Ga Eul who treasure her soulmate...(as shown in the preview)..also they both protect their best friend... Ga Eul is protecting her best friend JanDi while Yi Jung is protecting Joon Pyo... and they're both cute..

i don't think YJ/GE will overshadow JD/JP.. since JD and JP are so adorable together..they're chemistry was very strong..i love both of JunDi and JungEul couple..

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Guest aznhoneychik

Sang Sang Plus 090113 softsubs.


it's meant to be watched as 4:3 aspect ratio on Windows media player...optimally..^^

(View->Video frame->Override aspect ratio->4:3)

Just the first 40 minutes or so (the interview parts). Didn't sub the game parts 'cause it's too hard...^^

Will try to upload onto youtube as well once I finish encoding...



what video did you sub it with.. like the video i used it with is out of sync... and thank you for the subs

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Guest strawberrynkiwi

I have been extremely skeptical about watching Boys Over Flower. Only because Hana York Dango already fulfilled all my dreams as a live action for the manga.

But I have to admit after the first episode, it is not too bad. Episode one was very disconnected, it seems like Ja Di was mad the entire episode for no apparent reasons.

The rest of it really fall into place, since the story line is just so amazing and I don't think I will ever get bored of it.

JunPyul is surprisingly better (all aspects) than when I saw the poster. The girl is annoying when she is mad, but when she is about to cry, its not too bad. lol

I am hook again, in these crazy Hana Yori Dango manga-ness.

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Guest chimeraspunk

I'm making another comment about GooHyeSun as Jandi again! I'm thinking the earlier anger and annoyance will subside with time. Currently I think she's still very guarded against JP. Although he' is amazing in how he personally tends to her and takes care of her, I think she's a lil overwhelmed by the whole bizarre situation. At first he was the mean bully, and now he's getting sweeter. Its only natural that she is a disturbed and on her defenses right? She doesn't understand whats happening. How could this guy possibly fall for her. And I think she will be further confused as she she slowly starts feeling unexpected emotions for him ..

She's still caught up with her admiration for JiHoo. It still seems unresolved and suddenly Junpyo is in the picture. I think she will come to realise her feelings for JiHoo isn't love. She puts him on a pedestal. She's grateful for his 'kindness' and is intoxicated by his mysterious, elusive self. As time passes, her true feelings for Junpyo will surface. She will think of him alot, and feel his absence when he's not around. She will start to miss that annoying bugger who so ardently feels for her. Later on, she will suddenly start fighting for the rights of their relationship, bewildering herself!! I think she will come into terms that what she feels for him is... true love. That chemistry she has with him, that friction, banter and sweet aftertaste, is irreplaceable.

AND I CANT WAIT FOR THAT MOMENT!!! But the next few episodes are the building blocks to their relationship and I shall anticipate patiently. (: Spotlight on JiHoo for awhile. And looking at the previews, it looks like HJ has improved! I think he's gna get better guys..

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I honestly can't wait for Monday and Tuesday to come, but at the same time I absolutely dread it because Monday equals the beginning of the work week. All I'll be doing is daydreaming about BBF....

I can't wait to see the New Caledonia scenes! My heart's definitely going to go out to Jun Pyo though. He's going to be heartbroken once he sees Ji Hoo and JD kiss! And recalling how JD told JP that she hasn't even had her first kiss yet, and then he sees she willingly shared a tender kiss with his best friend...sadness :(

I don't think Yi Jeong and Ga Eul's relationship will overshadow Jun Pyo and Jan Di's either. As long as the writers and PD execute everything well (such as they've been doing so far), I think viewers and fans will be satisfied. I can't wait for more Ga Eul and Yi Jeong interaction! And as mentioned before, I love how Ga Eul's not completely smitten with Yi Jeong. I mean, she definitely acknowledges he's gorgeous and suave, but she's also very sensible, strong-willed, and loyal. It's nice to finally see that difference. And really, I highly doubt anyone would complain if the writers weren't faithful to the manga for this coupling :) And again as sometime mentioned, it's sweet seeing Yi Jeong doing the chasing this time around. I mean, granted the motive and pretenses are not what we want it to be at the moment, but I'm optimistic it'll evolve into affection and eventually love. I mean, wouldn't it be nice to see Yi Jeong/Soujiro "struggle" a bit in love for once? The pedal-boat conversation we'll see in episode 6 maybe will foreshadow their future? Hehe...

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Guest sennorita

hmm i dont know if anyone has answered my question yet since this thread moves so fast >.< But yeahh, does anyone know the song on ep 4 where ji hoo kisses jan di on the forehead? That's where the songs starts and then it continues where jan di and jun pyo was looking at the plane take off. It goes like "One more time... apadoh.." If anyone knows, that would be great!!


Ohhh, and i just saw the longer previews for the next too episodes, ahhhhhhh I can't waitt!!! >.<

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Guest guccigal

Hi everyone, just wanted to give my opinion on this drama and how i came to watch it:

I only started watching this show because I found Lee Min Ho so funny when he played MoSe in the drama I am Saem (with Big Bangs TOP)

I have never read the manga, or watched the japanese or taiwanese drama.

I dont know anyone else in the cast apart from Lee Min Ho.

Watching episode 1, I hated Jun Pyo's curly hair. I was cringing everytime JanDi was screaming and wish she would lower a tone. the cute smiley boy with a baby angel face is not convincing as a player. and the other one acting all gangsta or whateva is makin me cringe as well. JiHoo on the other hand gave me a lot of emotion. especially when he'd smile or laugh everytime Jun Pyo would "lose" to JanDi like its sometihing that never ever happened to him.

But by episode 2, i was under Jun Pyo's charm as well. and I cried a lot for JanDi, kids are horrible to her at school.

What I think after episode 4: Lee Min Ho is a talented actor, guy portraying JiHoo is far from perfect acting-wise, but I really like JiHoo's character. I really really wish Jandi would stop screaming. Screaming is not how you show that you're a strong girl. and also the face thing/pouting she makes is horrible to watch. same when she's "eating". but she can really make me cry and laugh. so i guess she's a good actress except she should learn another way to express strong will/confidence/sense of justice/rebellion that is not screaming/pouting but hey I really love her kicking and punching.

anyway, ill keep on watching the drama because im hooked despite all my comments.

Im glad i dont know the manga.

Exactly my sentiments on Jandi. but in fairness, I think she is acting that way because its the director's orders. She was pretty good in Pure 19 ( a 100+ episode drama) with no screaming and shouting scenes.

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anyone remember what episode it was when womanizer was playing in the background? lmao it's annoying me because i forgot but i dont want to have to go through the episodes to check xD

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