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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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Thank you sheherizade3 for your insight and summary of episode 6. You were able to capture the essence of the story and the emotions and made me look at some of the things that happened differently, especially JH and his intention towards Jandi. Reading your analysis and looking at the caps made me want to re-watch episode 6.

Random thoughts: I think because a majority of us have read the manga and or watched the previous dramas we already know the ending what if the PD surprise us with a different ending? In the manga, Jandi and Jun pyo's relationship after everything they went through was strong but it was also pretty open ended, allowing the readers to use their imagination. What if this time around just like the little changes the script writers, PD made re-GaJeong relationship...they're going to change Jandi and Jun pyo's relationship too? What if Jandi and Jun pyo's love was not strong enough to overcome the obstacles in their way? What if JH ended up being the husband and Jun pyo the soulmate, and Jun pyo is married to his fiancé who fits him perfectly in every way? BTW she has similar personality to Jandi which is an added plus to Jun pyo, and a lot prettier than Jandi. What if the expected ending we the audience have...totally change? I for one would be interested in how they’re going to pull it off…not to mention extremely pissed if they did change the ending but it’ll be something different.

You know i was thinking the same thing too but the thing with JP marrying his fiance would be the simple fact that just because someone is exactly like that other person and perhaps even better, that certain chemistry that you feel with someone can not be duplicated in any sense of the word.

Also- at the risk of pissing off the fans with JP marrying someone else and JD hooking up with JH (which is very practical and more likely because they have similar characters but then where is the angst/drama of total opposites coming together?) would be sacriledge against the whole ideal of the manga which is basically this whole fairytalesque story and perpetuating classism of JP and his fiance if they were to marry (which is really more realistic but this is fantasy afterall).

Also- i did skip to the end of the manga and read the one shot but i thought it was a foregone conclusion that they were together. I guess i can see how it is open-ended because you dont know if they were going to fully commit in the legal sense of the word through marriage.

sheherizade3- wonderful summary ill definitely PM you later with my thoughts!

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Random thoughts: I think because a majority of us have read the manga and or watched the previous dramas we already know the ending what if the PD surprise us with a different ending? In the manga, Jandi and Jun pyo's relationship after everything they went through was strong but it was also pretty open ended, allowing the readers to use their imagination. What if this time around just like the little changes the script writers, PD made re-GaJeong relationship...they're going to change Jandi and Jun pyo's relationship too? What if Jandi and Jun pyo's love was not strong enough to overcome the obstacles in their way? What if JH ended up being the husband and Jun pyo the soulmate, and Jun pyo is married to his fiancé who fits him perfectly in every way? BTW she has similar personality to Jandi which is an added plus to Jun pyo, and a lot prettier than Jandi. What if the expected ending we the audience have...totally change? I for one would be interested in how they’re going to pull it off…not to mention extremely pissed if they did change the ending but it’ll be something different.

Ok it might be for writers to create a new storyline for the manga but if they change the ending atleast I have will have to then excuse myself from watching the

drama . It is fine that they are showing plot from JP view and not JD view but if ending is changed then for me the drama will lose its essence

as for one the drama strongpoint has been JP and JD 's close relationship and how they overcome all evil plots of JP's mother and if his mother wins

finally , then atleast I cannot rewatch this drama as whatever happens JP and JD have to end together otherwise no story for me.

JD and JH ending together might be a bit practical but this story is a fantasy one and not a real one and there are many real ones in which this happens

So for me changing ending is a taboo and it should not be done.

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This is my third time around for this series via the Taiwanese, Japanese, and now the Korean version. In each of the series it has always taken me quite some time to warm up to the male lead's character (Not the actor, the person that he portrays.) Why on earth would any rationally thinking female (which "Shan Cai", "Makino", and "Jandi" all are) immediately rush into the demanding arms of this spoiled, violent, seriously immature, and senselessly cruel guy just because he's rich, handsome, and willing to buy her love? The "weed" that we're dealing with here in our heroine has nothing in her character that would lead any of us to believe that she would immediately become immune to the terrible events orchastrated and caused previously and currently by our hero merely because he took a bath and pronounced himself to be "born again." He still thinks that it's all about fancy clothes, exotic locations, and and unending supply of brute force and ready cash. The same kinds of things that may sway the bulk of the world's population are not the answer to winning over this girl, who is made of purer stuff. To think that she could be bought is to not buy into the character who's principles have been clearly outlined and repeatedly defined. To see her cheapen herself and not allow her man/child grow to learn what is really important would do a disservice to not only both characters, but to the viewers, as well. The life's lessons being played out before us are, after all, for us and not the characters. If we, as viewers, allow the fruit to drop from the vine before it ripens, it will eventually wind up leaving us with a bitter aftertaste.

We've got 18 epoisodes to air before every piece is eventully put into it's place. Let's all just relax and let it happen at it's own pace. I, for one, am in no hurry to see it end. :D

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This is my third time around for this series via the Taiwanese, Japanese, and now the Korean version. In each of the series it has always taken me quite some time to warm up to the male lead's character (Not the actor, the person that he portrays.) Why on earth would any rationally thinking female (which "Shan Cai", "Makino", and "Jandi" all are) immediately rush into the demanding arms of this spoiled, violent, seriously immature, and senselessly cruel guy just because he's rich, handsome, and willing to buy her love? The "weed" that we're dealing with here in our heroine has nothing in her character that would lead any of us to believe that she would immediately become immune to the terrible events orchastrated and caused previously and currently by our hero merely because he took a bath and pronounced himself to be "born again." He still thinks that it's all about fancy clothes, exotic locations, and and unending supply of brute force and ready cash. The same kinds of things that may sway the bulk of the world's population are not the answer to winning over this girl, who is made of purer stuff. To think that she could be bought is to not buy into the character who's principles have been clearly outlined and repeatedly defined. To see her cheapen herself and not allow her man/child grow to learn what is really important would do a disservice to not only both characters, but to the viewers, as well. The life's lessons being played out before us are, after all, for us and not the characters. If we, as viewers, allow the fruit to drop from the vine before it ripens, it will eventually wind up leaving us with a bitter aftertaste.

We've got 18 epoisodes to air before every piece is eventully put into it's place. Let's all just relax and let it happen at it's own pace. I, for one, am in no hurry to see it end. :D

Very eloquently put, i totally agree.

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hey guys, I don't think this has been posted yet. It's a preview for ep.7 but it has some different scenes than the preview after ep 6.


Thank you! ^_^

I can't stop smiling at how cute JP's relationship w/ his sister is. Haha, i can't wait to see that scene of her pulling his ear. :lol:

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Guest daysgoby

random aside, i also thought that it was quite stupid of JunPyo to sit there and judge Minji, telling her she was and ugly person and still is an ugly person for what she did to Jan Di. he's the last person on this show to talk about being altruistic, especially when he's the one at the head of the F4 that hurt people for absolutely NO reason. Minji, though i'm not defending what she did, at least had some sort of incentive or motive. BOTH of these people grew up with sorry childhoods which manifested themselves in the ways they've acted.

i dunno, i know it's just a show, but i hate how he acts all "holier than thou" just because he can pull and tug his love interest around. his personality still sucks. because apparently he's still up to the same shenanigans as soon as he finds out his girl don't love him long time.

I really agree with this point b/c I think a lot of people tend to forget that Junpyo hasn't really changed yet. At the moment, his attention is just diverted because he's showing extreme interest in Jandi but the second she refuses him in the slightest -- and I don't mean the regular screaming, screechy yelling -- he goes back to his old ways. I understand his intentions when he said that he wanted to believe her and not misunderstand her for a second time, but his actions of getting Jandi and Ji Hoo expelled are gonna garner some consequences. Even if not as severe as when he didn't believe Jandi in the photo incident, I'm positive someone like him would know that the student population has got his back and will do something about it, which means he's not as much a changed person as a lot of people make him out to be.

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hey guys, I don't think this has been posted yet. It's a preview for ep.7 but it has some different scenes than the preview after ep 6.


i see gajeong! there better be a lot of gajeong or else i'm seriously going to run into depression... O.o

they keep me in this drama! xD


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Guest sweetieblue

hey! omg i love this boys over flowers version

imo i think that so far it has been better than the japanese version

also... everyone missed the part where JD said that she felt all different when JH came came to her friend

Chu Ga Eul said that "your prince is back" and JD answered that she feels weird that he came back and felt different...

then JD bro calls and said that something epic happen (since JP gave her family all the extra things)

....sooo there were possible signs that she started to lik him but wasnt really sure yet :unsure:

anywho i love the gif. and pictures in this forum

its like addition coming here now puhahahahahahaha ^^

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In my opinion, JH & JD are soulmates. Maybe because they understand each other so well and they actually have slight feelings for each other.

However, being soulmates does not mean that they have to be with each other. Soulmates just basically means that they have some sort of a connection.

& JP being JD 'husband', means that she actually loves him more than her soulmate which is why she would want him to be the 'husband' in the first place..lol

Well, she might not have any feelings for him for now but she will soon and it will definitely surpass how she feels about JH.

So basically, I think that JH & JD are soulmates but JP & JD are meant to be together as they both love each other so much.

So yeah, that's just how I feel about this whole thing.

Since we all know that JD & JP are eventually gonna end up together.

I hope that this drama would show the strong friendship between JD & JH because initially, they are soulmates.

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Guest lidge_fan

I saw the news about BOF

There will be X-file (a show that shows NG) for BOF next monday which will air on 7:15 - 8:35 korean time at night.

BOF airing time next monday will start earlier at 21:45 unlike the usual 21:55 korean time.


thanks for the info or I'd miss 10 minutes on Monday!

can't wait to see my favorite part in the manga in ep. 7, which is when JP/Tsukasa hugs JD/ Makino and tells her he'd forget about the competition if she just tells him she loves him!

I enjoy the fast pace of the series but hope they will slow down on that particular scene as it's my favorite in the manga!

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Do you have the article of how long she will be in the drama because it might turn out that this would be a total rectangle relationship, ugh!

She looks like one of my friends, she's gorgeous. Although GHS is really really gorgeous in real life, but she has that very innocent child look about her.

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Guest polaris

lol nate is full of hilarious parodies for boys before flowers right now.

i saw this one and had a good laugh about it for like 10 minutes.

so i opened my photoshop and translated it. xP

it might be funnier for people who've watched High Kick before

hahahhahaa omg.. that comment about Jihoo's aerobics outfit plus headband on the canoe!! :w00t: puahahha ..his outfit there is really like a flashback to the 80's...

and also the comment about Jihoo wearing a see through shirt and telling Jandi that he was cold ..

SO Hilarious. :lol:

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Guest Cabbage

lol nate is full of hilarious parodies for boys before flowers right now.

i saw this one and had a good laugh about it for like 10 minutes.

so i opened my photoshop and translated it. xP

it might be funnier for people who've watched High Kick before





I never watched High Kick, but I do know how to play Street Fighters XD

I totally agreed with Kim Bum, what's Kim Hyun Joong wearing on his head? Hairband? ROFL

Still, it seems cannot help him from sweating... (I noticed that JH seems was the only one who sweat after the volley ball match)

P.S. Confirmed that there will be 2 episodes next week?

Too bad, Mon and Tues is new year and perhaps I can't catch up the 2 episodes on time :(

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Guest lidge_fan

i just found an interesting comment in DramaBeans.

just want to share it with u.

172 Cinamoroll - Jan 22, 2009 at 3:40 pm

" I just have been to Official website and seems like so many fans are enraged at the writer and the producers for portraying this drama in strictly JunPyo’s point of view instead of Jandi’s Point of view.

They point out that because the story is too strictly oriented around JunPyo, YiJung and WooBin have become followers of JP instead of best friends and JiHoo have become a vilian who is trying to take his best friend’s girlfriend because of his mood swing.

Most important of all, our beloved Jandi have become a girl who screams all the time for nothing and sorta acting like a gold digger.

Especially, HyunJung’s fans are accusing the production for using HyunJung’s fame.

and I didn’t notice it, but seems like there was one scene where it was originally Rui’s scene in the manga, but the writer thought the scene was too cool that she just wrote it as Junpyo’s scene.

I haven’t thought about that but as more I think about it, the story really is all about JunPyo instead of everyone on the cast.

That’s why the relationships are weak among F4s and especially between JiHoo and Jandi. Right now, from what we have seen in the drama so far, It’s really hard to understand why JiHoo and Jandi are acting like that in the drama and why they are actually soulmates.

I Love this drama so much, but if they are going for love triangle, then the writer better write stories in Jandi’s Point of View.”

she pointed out something i've been wondering. i was thinking why only JunPyo is in the spot light. it's not just becos of his acting and hotness.

i think i hv to agree with Cinamoroll. Since i've read the manga, i know very well that it's all bout Jandi's point of view. it shows how Jandi thinks, how she feels, what she cares etc.

it's Gu Hye-sun acting is not good enough?? becos i dn't feel what Jandi's thinking :( or may b it's becos the writer portrays this version as JunPyo's point of view.

They said they will create their own korean version, right?? may b this is their style of creating ( although they fallow the manga A-Z :P )

Wow! That's an interesting observation by Cinamonroll. I do agree that JP's view does overshadow Jandi's, which is why there's a huge backlash against her & JH.

can someone tell me what nate is? I've never heard of it....lol

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