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[Drama 2009] Boys Over Flowers / Hana Yori Dango 꽃보다 남자


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the ONE BIG REASON i don't want a season 2 is that im 100% sure JoonDi are going to break up...we can't have a season 2 of them just being happy..but like i said before they should do a 2 hour special or a movie...i think that would be enough,as long as they don't bring that scriptwriter back!

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Guest 이야기

Dropped by to say goodbye to BoF. BoF has finally, officially ended. The reality has just set in and my Mondays and Tuesdays are feeling a bit empty. It's been a long three months and the cast has worked so hard. There were a ton of ups and downs (darn PD and writers T_T) but it really was memorable for me. I never followed a drama so closely before. Best of luck to our amazing cast! Take a nice vacation and return better than ever.

I'm not asking for Season 2, because the BoF storyline has already concluded. It would ruin the BoF phenomena with a season of pointlessness. However, I really hope to see another collab with the same cast. They were great together. And for BoF/Minho fans! I've had a great time spazzing and discussing in this thread.

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Guest bLuEsEA

sigh... BOF really end already...

Now i'm so empty... still hope to watch somemore for BOF...

I'm really addicted...

If season 2 use original cast it will be great... sure i will support them

Min ho no mater where you are we will always be with you... fighting...

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Main Translators: ahsieee, Beeni

Spot Translators: rameninmybowl, javabeans, meju

Timer: knitoe

Editor/QC: jtranla

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link



Main Translators: Javafiend, Beeni

Spot Translator: saturn

Timer: julier

Editor/QC: sayroo

Lyrics Translation: crazykyootie@soompi

Coordinators: mily2, ay_link

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Guest xxxxxxx

aww, I'm going to miss them <3 I love get to together. they look like they're having so much fun but it's truly sad. Its probably their last time seeing each other :(

I don't know if anyone felt this but did anyone feel sad when you watched the graduation party in episode 25 at the last dance? When i saw the girls in dresses wanting to dance with F4, I immediately thought of the three musketeers :(

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i just watched the final episode.. woah it's time to say goodbye to Junpyo. I think it is going to be awhile for me to get rid of this feeling of emptiness. I think this coming monday and tuesday will be the hardest since every week I always jumping with excitement every time sunday comes. Now No more happy monday and tuesday for me.

this drama has been a rollercoaster ride for all fans. I am glad that they are able to end it well, in my opinion. Though the drama has a lot of flaws and negative criticisims, I still enjoyed watching Boys Before Flowers.

I had a very good start of the year because of Boys Before Flowers, what a great way to kick off 2009!! I'll surely miss BBF and all that goes with it (the insanely crazy 3 months!).

Boys Before Flowers, till I see you again on DVD!!! I'll surely buy the boxset once it is released!

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Guest polaris

I don't think it is released yet so there's prob no where to download it unless you rip it from the episode. I like that song as well and think it is used so well in that particular scene of yijung and gaeul. Best scene in epi 23 imo.

I think the pool scene in ep 25 was very well scripted to get junpyo's memory back, much much better than him being hit by a baseball or any ball and then kaboom his memory comes back (think that's the manga version). Although I personally also have my disappointments in not seeing certain scenes that i'd like played out on screen, i still think the scripwriter did nail a number of scenes in the drama, esp ones where she changed the unrealistic manga portions. Ones i can remember off my head:

1) she changed the first kiss scene of JD and JP and i'm so glad for that one. I think the lights out and kiss anyone you want in the manga was a bit weird.

2) no teen of japan/korea. after seeing it once in HYD japan, i think they don't need to redo it for the korean version.

3) JD helping JP's mom out with the foreign man -investor who sits in the park in NY. That is prob the one part that i felt was most unrealistic although it's in the context of a manga. So i'm really glad that was edited out.

The scenes that she nailed:

1) gaeul yijung rooftop scene (love love love that one eventhough i'm not technically a GE YJ shipper). YJ shouting out that he's stupid and how could eunchae give him such a hard question to solve... (that part gave me shivers, it was so well scripted).

2) all parts in ep 25 where the dialogues bring back the good old lines from earlier episodes. very well done.

3) jandi jp swimming pool scene in EP 25. The lines were just great. Jandi hit junpyo in the right soft spot to get him thinking. How did she ever think of asking him if he knew how to swim... she's brilliant. And how they flashed back to the multiple drowning scenes, so there was a purpose for jandi to keep drowning after all, and its full impact was finally discovered and is persuasively something significant enough to bring back junpyo's memories.

4) Separation dialogue in ep 23 when JD broke up with JP--- "Have you ever once thought of me as just a man?" "No, i have not forgotten for one second that you are Shinhwa group's goo junpyo." I can imagine the heartache.

5) EP 25 JD said the goo junpyo she loved is no longer here. (the manga did have something similar). but this line where she said she thought that if they were to start out from the beginning, she had thought that he would still warm up to her but he did not. I think that was an impactful line which i don't think was in the manga.

There are so many more, some that were prob brought to life due to the sheer brilliance of the casts superb acting and others that we have to give recognition to the scriptwriter.

I watched ep 24 and 25 again because I seem to have some trouble saying my goodbyes to this drama... :tears:

I know alot of people were not too satisfied with the ending.. some people wanted more JP/JD scenes and more hot smooching but I think if they did that .. it would be too cliche and would somehow cheapen the JP/JD relationship that transcends all the physical lovey dovey stuff.

Also, I agree with webby that the scriptwriter did a fantastic job for ep 25. I hate to say this, but I thought Yumi's character was a good thing because it made us truly see that JP and JD are meant to be. Nothing can come between them. Throughout the whole drama it was mostly JP chasing after Jandi... but through the memory loss and Yumi arc.. Jandi realized how much JP means to her..

The pool scene...really took my breath away.. Jandi backward fall into the pool reminded me of those TRUST workshops where they tell you to fall fearlessly backwards and trust your loved ones to catch you. She fell trusting in the love of JunPyo..trusting that he would remember her..trusting in the memories that they shared enough to put her life at risk. (I love that she reached for the necklace at the bottom of the pool in a silent call for JP to come back to her)

The moment JP's memory of Jandi came flooding back.. omg.. that moment really hit home. Ever since he woke up from his accident.. he seemed like JunPyo but not really.. Sort of like an empty shell of the true JP.. but the moment JP remembered JD, was when I felt JP was whole and back again.

(Just to note though...this pool scene was soo tearfully moving BUT i have to say.. I almost burst out laughing when I saw the way JiHoo was sprinting :w00t: toward them when he found out Jandi had fallen in the pool.. hahaHAHA~ he runs like such a goof~) :lol:

Also, I really like how they continued to keep Jandi's sense of self and independence strong to the end. They didnt make Jandi out to be some Cinderella story.. you know.. the typical "poor girl" gets rescued by "rich CEO's son" and they get married and live happily ever after. Instead they stayed true to Jandi's story to show us that Jandi also has her own dreams...and that she too can stand on her own two feet in this world. She proves wrong about her mother's idea of poor girls.. (that it is the end of the world if poor girls cant catch themselves a rich husband) .. Instead she holds onto her wish (which she mentioned to JP at the zoo) that she wants to be able to stand equal with JP in this world.

What a great drama... I think I will remember Jandi/JunPyo couple for a long time.


(one teeny thing I wish they would have changed)

When JP came back after 4 years on a helicopter and was waiting for JD at the beach.... this was the perfect chance for JD to show her excitement to see JP again by allowing us to see her run into his arms to greet him...BUT strangely they made her walk very slowly and uncertainly to him and the whole time she had her hands in her pocket... :(

I know it's out of character for JD to show alot of affection outwardly for JP... but just this once I wish she went out of character and run into his arms instead of JP always initiating and dragging her to him dramatically for a hug.

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Guest minwoo06

Wow...BOF has ended...so fast. I'm only beginning to watch the drama and am now only at Ep 11. Will keep watching till the end.


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Guest ml_87

just read in KP culture that there's no special next week! it's fake rumor!!

KBS hasnt confirmed that there'll be special, right?

oh, so we have to accept the truth that BOF officially ended! mon and tue are boring now! but i still look forward to F4 and GHS BOF in promotions :D

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Guest EYN514

I watched ep 24 and 25 again because I seem to have some trouble saying my goodbyes to this drama... :tears:


(one teeny thing I wish they would have changed)

When JP came back after 4 years on a helicopter and was waiting for JD at the beach.... this was the perfect chance for JD to show her excitement to see JP again by allowing us to see her run into his arms to greet him...BUT strangely they made her walk very slowly and uncertainly to him and the whole time she had her hands in her pocket... :(

I know it's out of character for JD to show alot of affection outwardly for JP... but just this once I wish she went out of character and run into his arms instead of JP always initiating and dragging her to him dramatically for a hug.

Sorry for cutting your post. The pool scene was BEAUTIFULLY done. Although JD is not a verbal person, she did say she loves JP in her own ways. In my perv mind, I kinda wish JP would strip and then JUMP into the pool to save JD =>

Even though I want closure (i.e a wedding or a little curly hair Joondi's boy running around terrorizing other kids), I was pretty satisfied with the ending.

And YES, like you I do want JD to run into his arms to greet him. IF I haven't seen my SMOKING HOT, GORGEOUS, FINE boyfriend for 4 years, I would totally jump into his arms, hold on to his legs, and refuse to let him go. HELL, I wouldn't let him go to the U.S by himself in the first place!!!

I'm already having BOF withdrawals...I really hope they will do the movie like the japanese version - crossing my fingers.

Btw, I didn't really like the Yumi girl. I know she's pretty, but I hate her from the beginning to the end. What is up with her speaking in third person anyway? No offense to the actress, she did a very good job in trying to slit JP and JD apart. Unsuccessful b/c JD and JP are destined to be together!!!

I kinda wish JD would just slap her or do something. The Yumi girl gets off too easily, and she didn't even apologize to JD. At least in the Japanese version, the Umi did apologize for hurting JD.

AHHH!! I love this drama too much.

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Guest hoistdacolors

The writer didn't pull the soulmate vs. husband thing out of thin air.

If you read the manga, Rui and Makino does have that spiritual connection. When I read it, I never thought of them as soulmates, just fire escape special buddies. However, when I saw this version, that special relationship between Rui and Makino in the manga actually sort of made sense to me now. Rui just happens to find her in the Manhattan harbor, a city of 10 million people; he just happens to be watching TV and locate Makino in that fishing town. (I always thought he was just psychic. -_-)

In addition to helping me understand Rui and Makino's relationship, it also helped me understand another Kamio sensei's work, Cat Street. In it, Keiko can guess/know what Kouichi is thinking and visa versa. It was actually the reason Rei, the first boyfriend, broke up with Keiko. He thought of himself as standing in between them. The difference between Cat Street and Hana Yori Dango is that Keiko ended up with her "soulmate" while Makino didn't.

I think spiritual connection between two people is an implicit theme in Kamio sensei's work. Just that in K-BoF, the writer took the idea to the next level and called Jihoo Jandi's soulmates. It's more explicit than the manga, but still consistent with Kamio sensei's work.

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hi guys,

here's an article from The Korea Herald


'Boys Over Flowers' ends amid controversy


Luxurious cars, high-end brand-name outfits, prestigious family names and four handsome boys. These are probably the words to come up when people think about "Boys Over Flowers."

The KBS-TV drama exploded in popularity, creating a fever of fashion and hair-do styles of the main actors among the young generation. The popular drama aired its last episode on March 31.

Since the beginning, "Boys Over Flowers" spurned controversy over its unrealistic theme. Off camera, the drama also took unexpected turns. There were separate car accidents involving three of the four main actors. And an actress starring in the drama committed suicide.

Although "Boys Over Flowers" tasted bitterness, sweetness followed; the drama recorded an average 30-percent viewer rating, helping two actors in the show receive awards in the famous "Baeksang Art Awards."

In addition to that, the main actors' fashion style became so popular that thousands of young Koreans imitate the style of their outfits and hair-dos shown in the TV program.

Despite the criticism that the drama was not well-organized, some fans say that it had a special charm that made one turn on the TV at 10:00 p.m. every Monday and Tuesday.

"It reminded me of my high school years once again," wrote an internet user with the ID "Suyahana." "It is fantastic and makes me feel like reading a good manga."

Fans also applauded actors and actresses' hard work, "Although it has an extremely weak and silly plot, I give credit to the main characters' enthusiasm and superb performance," netizen "kkotnam" wrote on the review website.

The drama also attracted various generations, serving as a major conversation topic among family members. A reviewer, Hong Sung-soon wrote, "My four-year-old kid waits for the show every Monday and Tuesday. We have a lot of fun watching it together. Keep up the good work."

But some viewers expressed annoyance with the drama. "I cannot stand the way they talk," Hwang Hae-na, a college student, said. "Who talks like that in real life?" There were also complaints about the different set-up from the original work, the comic book. "I love the comic book but the drama completely ruined the original work." said netizen "Allen_P" on the review board. "I cannot understand how the story goes. The drama is weird and different from the original version."

The drama was about romance among high school students. It had been centered on a group of boys named "Flower Four (F4)," who are from wealthy families and a girl from an ordinary family.

The drama was based on Japanese "manga" series and had been already introduced in Japan and Taiwan through television.


Credits : Hwang Aesol

Source : The Korea Herald

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